GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #65

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I just finished listening to Addy Moloney's phone interview with detective.
She said that Shanann wanted to stay home to work things out with CW and didn't not want to go to AZ, but he encouraged her to go. Why did he want her away?

(On Thursday, Aug 9, he changed his tune to nice, nice. Shanann's AZ trip, Aug 10-12)

He wanted to secure a burial site? or maybe he just didn't want her around to work on their marriage. Coward.
IMHO, there are some people who are just plain EVIL. They don't need a reason because they ARE the reason. In a truly evil person whenever what they want is different from what they have, their OWN evil is the only reason they do what they do. MOO

He is ice cold and always was. I was wondering if oil was a metaphor for him? I'ts possible he might have enjoyed the children at times, but I question a deep bond, the children (to me anyway) were showing signs of not being so attached to him. I can imagine his intolerance judging by the neighbours comments regarding the shouting.

The oil thing, Watts is kind of attached to the oil industry and cars and things of that nature rather like he was attached to the children. Maybe in his own warped brain they were as special, so dumping them in oil may not to him be that odd.
He loved his job and was respected by people.

Lol and maybe I am fanciful...
I think so too. Her Dad said had she been aware what was happening, she would have fought like crazy. IMO she was asleep, he disabled her in seconds, then all he had to do was apply pressure and wait..
Yet she still would have struggled. The desperation to get a breath causes an automatic reaction. The person will kick and thrash to struggle to get free. He must have had to restrain her somewhat. Unfortunately even if she lost consciousness at first I think she wouldn't remain that way for 2-4 minutes. It was probably agonizing but only Chris Watts knows the answer to that. Imo
I think he may have been "hollow" all his life. He was aware of it, tried to hide it, and learned how to act normal by observing others and maybe doing research.
He is indeed a truly pathetic, completely broken individual.
It's hard to feel sorry for him after all that he has done. If only he had gotten help a long time ago. I would really like to know the r

I think the fact that he was only getting about four hours of sleep a night, according to Nickol, probably didn't help. But I also don't think there was any mention of his drinking energy drinks, like Monsters or something like that, which have huge amounts of caffeine. I think he just used the Thrive Products. Imo

CW is what my homicide detective relative (from many years ago) used to call a con artist. Some people think con artists are only good for lying and tricking someone out of their money or possessions, but con artists are capable of much more evil than that, given the right set of circumstances. They only think about their own potential gain and never about the person they are damaging because that target is just an object to them. This makes no sense to normal people because it's not normal.

There have been instances in my past when someone has lied to me and I gave them a second chance - a benefit of the doubt type thing because I believed that most people are genuinely good and the lie was a mistake. That second chance I gave has always proven to have been a big mistake.

I'm older and smarter now and I know that some people are genuinely good people, but liars are never good people. I think it is very important to not trick ourselves into believing that a lie is a mistake or a misunderstanding. A lie is intentional and there is a reason for it. Take heed.
I learned some new information but watching this made it clear that Nicole, Shannan's best and dearest friend is a hero of this case. She was the catalyst in getting the investigation started. She called the police really quickly when she found out that Shannan did not keep her doctor appt.

Nicole is the hero of this case: she was the catalyst that began the investigation into Shannan and her babies disappearance. Without her remarkably quick call to the police to relate the disappearance of her dear friend, this case could have a totally different ending. As you stated, you can see how heartbroken she remains and I imagine she will be that way for a long long time.
I'm sure that CW was counting on being able to go home and finish the clean up. Sheet in the kitchen garbage? Nicole prevented this. She is def the hero.
I just finished listening to Addy Moloney's phone interview with detective.
She said that Shanann wanted to stay home to work things out with CW and didn't not want to go to AZ, but he encouraged her to go. Why did he want her away?

(On Thursday, Aug 9, he changed his tune to nice, nice. Shanann's AZ trip, Aug 10-12)

He wanted to secure a burial site? or maybe he just didn't want her around to work on their marriage. Coward.

Hard to be with his lover if SW is home
I find it interesting that the woman police interrogator was wearing a black and white striped sweater that kind of looked like prison garb. I wonder if that was intentional.
One of the crime journalists talking about the case on tv was wearing black and white stripes too. Maybe it's in style. I wouldn't know these days.
Another interesting tidbit from Frank Ruzcek's audio was after they found out SW and the girls were missing, he texted sister Watts who never responded.

Frankie Ruzcek (audio) stated they found out SW and the girls were missing on the news.
Well I've not heard one friend saying she told them she was 70/30 against the pregnancy. At that part of the interview he was still maintaining his pretence that she left him. So I think he was lying about her having a change of heart about the baby, because in CW-Land she had agreed to a separation. MOO

She had texted a friend saying she asked chris if she she shouldd terminate the pregnancy and that she was no longer excited about it

Very reasonable response to gestating a pregnancy where the other half responsible seems to not even care for you anymore and raising the kids on her own was a huge task
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Another interesting tidbit from Frank Ruzcek's audio was after they found out SW and the girls were missing, he texted sister Watts who never responded.

Frankie Ruzcek (audio) stated they found out SW and the girls were missing on the news.
Of course she didn't. They were all too busy with damage control for CW.
The trouble is, do we really know it was a 6 week affair and not something that was going on much longer. From the discovery documents it showed NK googled SW in Sep 2017. I do agree though, the rift with his family is was probably the tip of the iceberg.

Hi Mellowmelly,
That date was later confirmed to be a typo.
I am behind, so perhaps others here, will answer you quicker than my response.
I just watched the 20/20 episode and I am a HUGE fan of the show but was a bit unimpressed. There were a few places where they showed pics of Bella and "Cece" that clearly weren't of Cece. Also, they really went with the gas station video, huh? That is so obviously NOT CW that I think it's borderline reckless to have shown that. I hope that person comes forward to say it was them on that footage. Lastly, I feel they portrayed NK to be a lot more sympathetic than we know her to actually be. Anyone who hasn't read the discovery but has only seen this show and the Denver Post piece would find her to be such an innocent victim in all this, which she is most definitely not.

100% Agree. HLN's piece was much better. Was hoping there would be more from SW parents, friends, neighbors.

Listening to the audio of Frank and Frankie, they really viewed CW as your normal good guy, part of the family. This is what's (watts...sorry) hooking me to this story.

How did this "normal good guy" keep a lid on his darkness without anyone noticing, and then just let the volcano blow.
How bout setting the record straight if the Watts were paid for THEIR interviews? They can interview Shanann's family a dozen times and pay for it and it will never come close to compensating for the loss of their family. Why does THIS record need to be gotten straight? For whose knowledge? For those who wish to cast aspersion?

I agree with you.
I hope Sahn'ann's family continually receive donations everywhere for whatever reason, from anyone interested.
They could then set up a 'memorial/a scholarship/an award/shrine', relating to their tragedy.
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