GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #67

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I personally don't believe it matters one way or another but I think it would be easy for her to know SW was pregnant. There was a public video on facebook of her telling Chris and many other posts about it. My guess is that if you are seeing a married man (whether or not he says he is in the middle of a divorce) you would definitely look up the wife.
I personally don't believe it matters one way or another but I think it would be easy for her to know SW was pregnant. There was a public video on facebook of her telling Chris and many other posts about it. My guess is that if you are seeing a married man (whether or not he says he is in the middle of a divorce) you would definitely look up the wife.
It's 2018, nearly 2019. This was a tech-savvy gal, her job showed that. No one jumps so enthusiastically into constant texting, phoning, and facetiming a new married boyfriend without also being tech-oriented into FB, IG, all the rest. Anyway, whatever happened to the statements made here and all over the place that she did have her own FB but deleted it? Did that turn out to be false?
I personally don't believe it matters one way or another but I think it would be easy for her to know SW was pregnant. There was a public video on facebook of her telling Chris and many other posts about it. My guess is that if you are seeing a married man (whether or not he says he is in the middle of a divorce) you would definitely look up the wife.
Yes, it all leaves room for speculation, I agree. Maybe she knew, maybe she didn’t. Maybe she did google her and ended up reading a Thrive article about her or she found her address. Maybe she found out SW was pregnant before the murder took place, maybe she just looked at some of her pictures randomly. We just don’t know.

If I‘ve learned one thing in life, it is to never make assumptions about how someone else is supposed to act based on how I would act. If everyone one acts the way I would do, I guess (hope? :p) we wouldn’t be discussing murder cases here on WS.
Yes, it all leaves room for speculation, I agree. Maybe she knew, maybe she didn’t. Maybe she did google her and ended up reading a Thrive article about her or she found her address. Maybe she found out SW was pregnant before the murder took place, maybe she just looked at some of her pictures randomly. We just don’t know.

If I‘ve learned one thing in life, it is to never make assumptions about how someone else is supposed to act based on how I would act. If everyone one acts the way I would do, I guess (hope? :p) we wouldn’t be discussing murder cases here on WS.
The assumption that she googled the wife of her lover is based on her own behavior, not mine. ie prolific texting, facetiming, phoning, googling wedding gowns, googling how much Amber made, and how to perform various sex acts......there is nothing to lead me to believe she didn't bother to google the wife of her boyfriend. She sure took time to criticize SW, how did she know "the girl was always on her phone"? Why would CW tell her something like that? She claimed that CW never criticized SW.
The assumption that she googled the wife of her lover is based on her own behavior, not mine. ie prolific texting, facetiming, phoning, googling wedding gowns, googling how much Amber made, and how to perform various sex acts......there is nothing to lead me to believe she didn't bother to google the wife of her boyfriend. She sure took time to criticize SW, how did she know "the girl was always on her phone"? Why would CW tell her something like that? She claimed that CW never criticized SW.
Yes, it’s possible, for sure. But it works both ways: if your assumption is true, you could also expect she had to have googled ”mistress of a married man, wife is pregnant” or ”man lied to me about pregnancy of his wife” or any other related Google search. There was nothing like that.

Making a couple of Facebook posts a day doesn’t mean someone is always on the phone. How would she know the stuff was posted from the phone and not a desktop PC or notebook? CW probably told her about the Thrive business and how it required her constantly being on the phone, not in a derogatory way, and not just because of social media, but to have conversations with ”her people“ from Le-vel.

All I’m saying is we don’t know if she knew it all. Is it possible? Yes. Do we know for a fact? No.
If I had any questions or hesitations or suspicions that this guy I'm dating is still legally married, but separated, I would get on FB -- if I used it, but I don't -- or somewhere, anywhere to make sure this guy was on the level. I might try to check around the workplace as well.

Many of us, I'm guessing, have known someone who is dating someone who is still married with no plans to separate but tells a different story. I would want to know. I would say that IMO, she would be foolish not to check around. IMO, too, he doesn't lie too well, and she might have been suspicious. That they still were in the same house would certainly raise my hackles...
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If I had any questions or hesitations or suspicions that this guy I'm dating is still legally married, but separated, I would get on FB -- if I used it, but I don't -- or somewhere, anywhere to make sure this guy was on the level. I might try to check around the workplace as well.

Many of us, I'm guessing, have known someone who is dating someone who is still married with no plans to separate but tells a different story. I would want to know. I would say that IMO, she would be foolish not to check around. IMO, too, he doesn't lie too well, and she might have been suspicious. That they still were in the same house wold certainly raise my hackles...
I think that anyone who listened to her interviews, including her additions via telephone would know that she googled/facebooked Shan'ann. The girl was picking out wedding dresses for Pete's sake. She had it all planned, even asking Shan'ann's husband if he wanted a 3 bedroom apartment. And how she would teach Shan'ann's little girls how to paint flower pots. 3 bedrooms? Nah, she hardly knew him.
I think that anyone who listened to her interviews, including her additions via telephone would know that she googled/facebooked Shan'ann. The girl was picking out wedding dresses for Pete's sake. She had it all planned, even asking Shan'ann's husband if he wanted a 3 bedroom apartment. And how she would teach Shan'ann's little girls how to paint flower pots. 3 bedrooms? Nah, she hardly knew him.

You make a good point, NuttMegg - we do believe what we want to believe sometimes.
LOL! I had no idea. I did have a friend who once told me he could fool a polygraph with a tack in his hand, to cause pain. Never figured that one out. Also, you don't hear much about Voice Stress Analyzers anymore. They were supposed to be very accurate.

I’ve been thinking about this polygraph business a lot, and I actually tried to test myself as I was falling asleep last night. I asked myself “okay, did you steal a car” but deceivingly said “yes” to see if I could feel any biological changes lol. Then I asked another question and gave a truthful answer to see if it felt different...then I pretended I was guilty but trying to beat the polygraph and was seeing if I could regulate my responses through meditation and self convincing. In other words, telling myself that I really did something but pretending like I didn’t.

My opinion on the polygraph is that the administrator learns a lot about the suspect even from the procedure itself and not just the results, if that makes sense. Sort of like it’s not just the destination it’s also the journey.
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Another sign of her character, to me, is going INTO the family home . . . twice. Unless the dude is moving out, she had no business in there . . . whether separated or almost divorced.

Gosh can you imagine if Shanann ever knew this? That CW was bringing another woman into their hoooome while she was gone? Gosh all the things she likely never knew...sand dunes, camping, cards, etc, etc.

Bless her heart.
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(ETA: sorryfor triple post, just realized nobody posted since my last post)

I do wonder what his feelings are now about what he has done since being convicted.

(Greg, you are such a sweet, sensitive male, the cooompleeeete opposite of this man. It’s funny because you reminded me of when I learned/realized my ex was a narcissist and I said “Omg I’m in love with a narcissist What does that make me? :eek: Does this make me one too?!”
And @katydid23 told me “don’t worry, if you were really a narcissist you wouldn’t be asking that question!” Hahaha! In other words Greg, one like you would wonder about his feelings because you DO have feelings and empathy for others, as many of us here do. This man does NOT and it’s MIND BLOWING. Moo.)
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Why are some posts showing up in brackets?

(I assume you’re referring to my post above? I use brackets to indicate a conversational tone, as such.)

(ETA: Haha I just remembered something, @Niner teases me about this and says I don’t have to put everything in brackets LOL and how she immediately knows it’s me posting by the brackets.)
Whoa...when was this? Do you have a link?

I'm a huge believer in the paranormal so this piqued my interest.

If you’re interested in something weird, check out 12minutes31seconds in this video, where there’s a distinct child’s laugh in the closet that freaks out the investigator and dog handler. Now I’m not saying it is paranormal, but I am saying it’s creepy! The investigator searched for a toy that could be the culprit, but couldn’t find anything. Status: unresolved..

@human and @Thepoet , I feel the need to follow up on how I interpret the terrain where the Watt's lived that I posted earlier. I spent 20 years going back and forth between Boulder and Brighton frequently. Then the next 20 years making similar trips a couple times a week.

I was listening to the morning news show "Today" and an anchor was talking about "getting separated from her 9 year old son on the train on the way home". That is totally foreign to me. I've been on a train a DIA while flying and that is the extent of my train travel.

I realized that this morning, what I knew for so long as miles of fields now having neighborhoods every few miles that I now percieve is heavily populated, but that anchor on the Today show that doesn't know different than New York would think the opposite. I don't know where either of you are from but wanted to post this because our perspectives may be so differnt while looking at the same map/terrain.
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If you’re interested in something weird, check out 12minutes31seconds in this video, where there’s a distinct child’s laugh in the closet that freaks out the investigator and dog handler. Now I’m not saying it is paranormal, but I am saying it’s creepy! The investigator searched for a toy that could be the culprit, but couldn’t find anything. Status: unresolved..

Wow. I am telling you, I wouldn't live in that house if it was free. I believe that places have positive and negative energy. I have felt it.
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