GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #67

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What is the hateful podcast?

Margarita25, if you click on the video it starts just a little before Lauren starts mentioning Nick and Amanda.

Thank you again and Merry Christmas.

AFAIK it no longer exists. Itunes pulled it from their podcast catalogue, likely because it was so hateful and they got a bunch of complaints. In any event, we can discuss it here, but we are not allowed to link it.
I know that area, it was well populated when I moved away in 2014, and since marijuana was legalized that same year the population has exploded. Highly unlikely he could have dumped it in one of those ponds or lakes without being seen/witnessed/discovered quickly. Not the smartest tool in the shed so he might have risked it, Idk.

What do you think he was going to do with the car? He could not leave it in the garage.

He probably was capable of running 20 miles.

I would think there are a lot of caneras around, Somehow he would have to make it look like she was the driver.

Or was he simply going to have her leave the house with an unknown person? If so, I would think he would ditch all of her stuff.
Also any news about that women figure that was seen walking towards the house on sept 21st? That was creepy! What are your thoughts?

Whoa...when was this? Do you have a link?

I'm a huge believer in the paranormal so this piqued my interest.
What do you think he was going to do with the car? He could not leave it in the garage.

He probably was capable of running 20 miles.

I would think there are a lot of caneras around, Somehow he would have to make it look like she was the driver.

Or was he simply going to have her leave the house with an unknown person? If so, I would think he would ditch all of her stuff.

I wonder if he was going to have NK drive it to the dealer it was leased from so he could turn it in and get an Audi? I mean, he was dumb enough to call and cancel his kids' school and talk with a realtor about selling the house. It's as if he thought LE would not check up on those things. He might have thought the same about the car-- that it didn't matter where it went as long as it was no longer at the house where people could see it and LE would not look too hard for it. He might have thought he had plenty of time to move it later since it was in the garage. NK has the same color hair as SW and in neighbors' security cams it might look like SW drove away in the car. NK called him Monday afternoon as the police were standing there with body cams rolling. All he said to her was that he would have to call her back. I'm not sure when NK found out about the police being at his house but for some reason I'm thinking it was later that night after everyone left when he did call her back. What if he had told NK to call when she got off work Monday and he was going to ask her to follow him some place in SW's car? NK talked about the Lexus being "his car" in her interviews. So she might just think he was trading it in for a less expensive car as part of the money-saving plan she had drawn up for him. But NA blew all his plans by calling the police (And thank God she did!) so whatever he was going to do never happened. MOO
I think that the friend Lauren thinks that she has a greater claim to speak about SW because she was friends with her for longer and resents the publicity that the Thayers have had. Mind you, I am sure that they could have lived without that publicity.
Whoa...when was this? Do you have a link?

I'm a huge believer in the paranormal so this piqued my interest.
There doesn't seem to be anything paranormal about this case at all.

CW smothered his babies to death. Little Bella fought back so hard... well, read the autopsies and you will see how that little girl fought her daddy for her life.

He strangled his pregnant wife... to death. And killed his unborn son.

And dumped his baby girls one by one, step by step, into separate vats of oil. Squeezed their little bodies through impossibly small openings.

And threw dirt and gravel over his wife and unborn son.

Took some photos of wildflowers for his gf, had some pizza, preened and grinned for the cameras.

Nothing paranormal here. Just pure evil.
What do you think he was going to do with the car? He could not leave it in the garage.

He probably was capable of running 20 miles.

I would think there are a lot of caneras around, Somehow he would have to make it look like she was the driver.

Or was he simply going to have her leave the house with an unknown person? If so, I would think he would ditch all of her stuff.
Hi human:)

Sorry, I have no idea what he might have done with the car but any of your situations are possible, not able to think like him without considering the consequences. 20 miles in any direction from their house with the exception of east is full of roads and neighborhoods. And the weather in Colo draws both natives and newcomers to be out and about all the time. ALL days of the hours and night.

Sadly, a woman's body found by a bill board along the high way not too far from them a couple decades ago, but back then that stretch of I-25 was still a lot of fields, (agricultural, idle agricultural, and some cattle), the Watt's neighborhood did not exist til recently, just one building on that intersection (SW), a gas station that had a restaurant there on an off over the years-a mile or two or 10 in every direction, all fields.

Something from a link someone posted here a couple months ago has stuck with me in my mind. It said that the killers like these need the immediate "release or gratification" more than considering the required cover-up need afterwards. Then I recall that awful heavy metal band song he looked up the lyrics to afterwards (this is so disturbing to me).

I'd love to tell you more, I do not have any answers, and appreciate your question and opportunity to put some thoughts down in print instead of in my mind. I'm still saddened and disturbed about this though CW got what he deserves.
Hi human:)

Sorry, I have no idea what he might have done with the car but any of your situations are possible, not able to think like him without considering the consequences. 20 miles in any direction from their house with the exception of east is full of roads and neighborhoods. And the weather in Colo draws both natives and newcomers to be out and about all the time. ALL days of the hours and night.

Sadly, a woman's body found by a bill board along the high way not too far from them a couple decades ago, but back then that stretch of I-25 was still a lot of fields, (agricultural, idle agricultural, and some cattle), the Watt's neighborhood did not exist til recently, just one building on that intersection (SW), a gas station that had a restaurant there on an off over the years-a mile or two or 10 in every direction, all fields.

Something from a link someone posted here a couple months ago has stuck with me in my mind. It said that the killers like these need the immediate "release or gratification" more than considering the required cover-up need afterwards. Then I recall that awful heavy metal band song he looked up the lyrics to afterwards (this is so disturbing to me).

I'd love to tell you more, I do not have any answers, and appreciate your question and opportunity to put some thoughts down in print instead of in my mind. I'm still saddened and disturbed about this though CW got what he deserves.

It sounds like there was nowhere then to leave the car.

As stupid as it sounds, maybe he did not think about the car as his cancelling school is beyond ludicrous.

Selling tbe house is something SW as involved with so that is not as beyond stupid of him to suggest, I guess.

It is so ridiculous it is impossible to understand him not thinking it through.
If he had thought things through a bit more, he could have been more successful at getting away with this.

He went from, "Gee, it would be great if they were can kill them and get away with it....". And didn't finish the rest of the plan. Impulsive, stupid, psychopathic monster.

I hope he is thinking about last Christmas, and this Christmas, in prison. CW's new reality.
If he had thought things through a bit more, he could have been more successful at getting away with this.

He went from, "Gee, it would be great if they were can kill them and get away with it....". And didn't finish the rest of the plan. Impulsive, stupid, psychopathic monster.

I hope he is thinking about last Christmas, and this Christmas, in prison. CW's new reality.

He will never again enjoy Christmas's, birthdays, holidays, dinners, movies, shows, football games and other sporting events, etc.
How wonderful that his life revolves around a small cell.
It is very sad indeed that McKenna Presnar, aged 7, died yesterday from her injuries after her father John shot and killed her Mother, her brother and himself on December 16th in Miami Beach. I don’t understand what drives men like him and CW to kill their wives and children.
I know that area, it was well populated when I moved away in 2014, and since marijuana was legalized that same year the population has exploded. Highly unlikely he could have dumped it in one of those ponds or lakes without being seen/witnessed/discovered quickly. Not the smartest tool in the shed so he might have risked it, Idk.
Thank you. That's why I would like to see some photos. I'm going by maps and Google. I do believe he had SOMETHING planned, using the Lexus, to create an illusion of SW and the girls leaving.
Thank you for the links I am still very new to this case, just discovered it a few days ago, YT seems to really be pushing it in recommended videos now it's all I see in my feed.

My thoughts so far from everything I have read and watched, and I might be completely out of the loop here but I think he used his company car to go to work and dispose of the bodies, for an alibi. His company car is tracked and he cannot use it for anything besides work, I think it was premeditated because he called his co worker the day before. Nicole really put a wrench in his plans, she really saved the investigation.

As far as NK could she have typed in Amber Frey book deal because she was planning on purchasing it not really planning on making a book herself?
Also, could she have done a search for SA in sept 2017 because she started having a crush on Chris not necessarily started to date him? If that's the case I wonder how she found out what her first name was since apparently Chris wasn't speaking to her back then.

I thought it was strange how she seemed annoyed with Nick and Amanda, I have listened to a few interviews and I don't remember anyone seeming annoyed with others like she did with N and A.

Also any news about that women figure that was seen walking towards the house on sept 21st? That was creepy! What are your thoughts?

What is the hateful podcast?

Margarita25, if you click on the video it starts just a little before Lauren starts mentioning Nick and Amanda.

Thank you again and Merry Christmas.


The Sept. 2017 entry was admitted to be a typo, but NK did start checking things out before June 2018!

If NK was only interested in the book, she would have just typed in the name or title. not included "deal".
What do you think he was going to do with the car? He could not leave it in the garage.

He probably was capable of running 20 miles.

I would think there are a lot of caneras around, Somehow he would have to make it look like she was the driver.

Or was he simply going to have her leave the house with an unknown person? If so, I would think he would ditch all of her stuff.

I believe he planned to put the bodies into the Lexus, along with everything that would make it look like SW left with girls, and then ditch the Lexus where (he believed) it wouldn't be found. A last text from SW telling him she wouldn't be back would be icing, and he could do that himself before ditching the phone. He believed he was smarter than everyone. The Lexus was already in the garage and with the door down no one, or camera, would see/record what he was doing. Driving out late at night it would be dark. Would the video show who was driving? What if he had on a hoodie? Same thing jogging back, late at night, with head down or in a hoodie, would identification be possible by a witness or cctv? We had a lot of discussion here about whether it was or wasn't CW at the convenience store. And that was inside, during the day!

I have no doubt he could run 20 miles. I was a runner for a lot of years. Time and speed varies with terrain and conditions. Running at night, in rough, unfamiliar terrain while watching for LE, witnesses, cameras, etc. would take longer than during normal hours in a familiar area. Would he know that?

Fortunately, everything began to unravel beginning with the delayed flight!
He will never again enjoy Christmas's, birthdays, holidays, dinners, movies, shows, football games and other sporting events, etc.
How wonderful that his life revolves around a small cell.
So true. He will never own a home or car, rent an apartment, have a bank account (other than the commissary account), go to a movie, party, the dunes, a park, or a restaurant. He will never decide what he wants for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. No more; "Hey, I feel like Mexican and a Margarita tonight," No more grilling and no more backyards. No more clothing shopping or choices. No more "calling in sick" to take a day off. No more vacations. No more credit cards. Or gift cards (does the commissary sell/take gift cards?)! No more concerts. No more relaxing hot baths or long showers. No more trips, business or pleasure. No more running down to the convenience store for a snack or drink. No more having a voice in how his life is run. All of the things that most of us do and take for granted, he'll never do again, for the rest of his life. He now lives in the belly of the beast; always in danger, always being told what to do, and always being just a convict with a number. The celebrity will wear off, interest will wane, and he'll be a very small part of a very large population of losers, monsters, and hopeless men.

3 workers injured in oil tank battery fire in Weld County
OCTOBER 27, 2018


“An oil tank battery was engulfed in flames when first responders arrived. Three crew members who were working on the oil tank battery were injured during the incident.”


“Initial information suggests that the fire started during maintenance operations,” a statement from the sheriff’s office said.“

This again shows how potentially combustible these locations are. Remember all the precautions taken by the recovery personnel as included in the discovery?

It’s impossible not to think about the girls when I see a story like this.


(I can’t help but wonder if any of the injured parties are names we would recognize, Melissa, Troy, etc.)
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I was gone for awhile, especially during the time it was announced that NK was getting Witness Protection. Can we discuss that? It made and makes NO SENSE to me! She isn't in any real danger. From what I've read about witness protection; it's offered short-term to those who are going to testify and are in danger before they do so, and long-term to those who will be in danger because they did cooperate and testify. Neither of these scenarios describes NK! Will she receive housing, credit cards, a bank account? Or are they just moving her and changing her name. It takes more than a name change to get a job, bank account, etc. You need ID and a resume, etc.. Why would they do that? I have a lot of questions and suspicions. Anyone else?

This has really been a very unusual case.

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