GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.
Beautifully said.
I pray your journey is filled with wonder.
It completely baffles me how there are still those (mainly on SM) that defend this man. Sympathizing with his sniffles and whimpers during his jail interview and trying to justify how he could have committed such an evil crime, as if there is any justification at all. All one needs to do is take a look at this picture of CW right after he murdered his entire family in cold blood. I actually see joy and relief in his eyes here. It is extremely disturbing seeing his demeanor pictured here considering the horrific details we now know about how these murders were actually carried out.


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Another part of the interview that sticks with me was CW saying that NK wanted to give him a son. Because as far as she knew; he didn’t have one. IMO that also goes to motive.
That would have been such a stupid comment, since it's the man who affects the gender of the embryo :rolleyes::D

What I also noticed: after releasing more details of this horrific crime (if true or not) he now receives much more attention. There are still people on Youtube who have some kind of compassion for him, because he seemed so "likeable"... it shocks me how easily people can get fooled, even with this knowledge inside their heads, what he did do to his family. And that he already told big lies previously.

Once again I'm asking myself, if he was for example a fat guy, maybe a few years older and way less groomed, than he appeared to the public, would people still care about him and his feelings? Believing his excuses? Wanting to "understand" what he did? Is this really all about him or more about us? Because it can not be possible, that somebody like him can just erase his entire family , when in reality, he just sounds sooooo friendly and nice . There must have been reasons which made him do this! Yes, there where reasons: he was selfish, he wanted a new life and saw his family as a burden. But this seems to be forgotten, somehow. After he appeared to be such a good and friendly guy.

I believe, if there is one thing we can learn about this, than do not judge somebody only by what he/she is saying - take a closer look on what this person is/was actually doing. He killed his entire and vulnerable family with no mercy out of selfish reasons. That says all about him, you need to know. No matter what he is telling or wanting to believe us. Yet there are still people who have sympathy for him. It's frightening.
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It completely baffles me how there are still those (mainly on SM) that defend this man. Sympathizing with his sniffles and whimpers during his jail interview and trying to justify how he could have committed such an evil crime, as if there is any justification at all. All one needs to do is take a look at this picture of CW right after he murdered his entire family in cold blood. I actually see joy and relief in his eyes here. It is extremely disturbing seeing his demeanor pictured here considering the horrific details we now know about how these murders were actually carried out.
That really is a disturbing picture. Wow.
It completely baffles me how there are still those (mainly on SM) that defend this man. Sympathizing with his sniffles and whimpers during his jail interview and trying to justify how he could have committed such an evil crime, as if there is any justification at all. All one needs to do is take a look at this picture of CW right after he murdered his entire family in cold blood. I actually see joy and relief in his eyes here. It is extremely disturbing seeing his demeanor pictured here considering the horrific details we now know about how these murders were actually carried out.

I feel the same way.
I found it interesting, how many times CW throws out things that he didn't do/say/think...
because, God No, that would make me some kind of terrible person. As if any one single thing solidifies that fact. Like there's a spectrum, in his head, of monstrous killers and he's not in the really "bad" range!

(Reminds me so much of drinkers who go, "Hey at least I'm not as bad as that guy!" Other drinkers are far, far worse than me!").

Also interesting, ( if repugnant!) to see the detectives use that, to draw out what they need to get from him. " We hope you'll feel better too" (after it's all out in the open), "We're not here to judge you", "I agree with you about (whatever)" "we know you're a caring person" ect, ect....

Gotta hand it those two. They are amazing at their work. Although a couple times I did hear tonal changes here and there, that indicated,to me, signs of a particularly rough patch for them. They even seem to cover for each other when that happens, like they can feel it in each other too.

Trying so hard, not to lose that trust they worked to build up. Don't want to drop the ball. Must be so draining, yet satisfying and worthwhile work, to be able to speak for the dead. Tell the world what happened to them.
That would have been such a stupid comment, since it's the man who affects the gender of the embryo :rolleyes::D

What I also noticed: after releasing more details of this horrific crime (if true or not) he now receives much more attention. There are still people on Youtube who have some kind of compassion for him, because he seemed so "likeable"... it shocks me how easily people can get fooled, even with this knowledge inside their heads, what he did do to his family. And that he already told big lies previously.

Once again I'm asking myself, if he was for example a fat guy, maybe a few years older and way less groomed, than he appeared to the public, would people still care about him and his feelings? Believing his excuses? Wanting to "understand" what he did? Is this really all about him or more about us? Because it can not be possible, that somebody like him can just erase his entire family , when in reality, he just sounds sooooo friendly and nice . There must have been reasons which made him do this! Yes, there where reasons: he was selfish, he wanted a new life and saw his family as a burden. But this seems to be forgotten, somehow. After he appeared to be such a good and friendly guy.

I believe, if there is one thing we can learn about this, than do not judge somebody only by what he/she is saying - take a closer look on what this person is/was actually doing. He killed his entire and vulnerable family with no mercy out of selfish reasons. That says all about him, you need to know. No matter what he is telling or wanting to believe us. Yet there are still people who have sympathy for him. It's frightening.

No , if he had bad hair and clothes, and was fat, he wouldn't have these stupid and immature women defending him. It is shallowness of the worst degree.
It completely baffles me how there are still those (mainly on SM) that defend this man. Sympathizing with his sniffles and whimpers during his jail interview and trying to justify how he could have committed such an evil crime, as if there is any justification at all. All one needs to do is take a look at this picture of CW right after he murdered his entire family in cold blood. I actually see joy and relief in his eyes here. It is extremely disturbing seeing his demeanor pictured here considering the horrific details we now know about how these murders were actually carried out.

I agree. He looks very relaxed and pleased.
I think two things are possible here:

She never said that, and he’s lying.

He wanted an excuse to justify what he had planned to do.

I think it’s the latter, and he needed some motivation to carry out his evil plan.

That’s why I think he used the credit card at the restaurant; he wanted a fight, and an excuse to murder.
He is too much of a coward to just tell her, I agree that is why he used the CC.
Yes, the letter dated 8/06/18 "If anyone gets this letter, I would never do anything to hurt myself, my children or my wife. If anything happens to me, please investigate my wife."
Sorry I'm only an hour in. Does anyone know if they asked him about that letter?
I wished they would have asked what was going through his mind while watching the neighbors video.
I wished they would have asked what was going through his mind while watching the neighbors video.
Ha! I think we already know the answer to that one anyways.

The sweating, swaying, mumbling, and hands on head, pretty much said it all.

Complete panic.

Probably a little relief when he realized that it didn’t show anything conclusive.
I wished they would have asked what was going through his mind while watching the neighbors video.

Ok now I have to go watch this again, I seem to remember him having his hands on his head. But now I need to go see if I can find the oh crap moment. Kind of like the moment inside his home when the officer radios dispatch to cancel paramedics and CW turns around bc he thinks the deputy is calling in an arrest....MOO
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