GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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I think he did mean "save them". Save them for himself. Ya know, to snack on later...He got a lot of Narcissistic supply off those girls, they fed his ego. He probably would have loved playing grieving widower with two tiny girls to parlay the sympathy sky high...

But they SAW their mother last, with him wrapping her up in a freaken shroud and hauling her downstairs.

He can't just stop there. claim he doesn't know where S went, or some such lie. They will talk to someone about Mommy.

I agree AND I think people who do things like this are possessed. It's possible (I don't know) that with psychopaths that dissociation occurs when they kill. It may really have seemed to him like there was a force driving him. I'm sure not saying he isn't fully responsible for his actions. We choose what path we follow are 100% responsible for thoughts, words and deeds.

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Somebody, long ago on this forum, suggested that she went to bed and he came in and cuddled a little. She was under the sheets and he straddled her and he had his knees on each side of her arms pushing them against her body. With her arms under the sheets, she was basically in a cocoon. I thought it was a very likely scenario then, and now I especially believe this is true. She had no chance to defend herself. She would have fought for her unborn child and her girls if she had been able to fight.

I agree and believe she would fought hard if she could. Her arms had to have been pinned or constrained.
I will never understand this man.
Me either. Not if I had all eternity. But there is just something in my nature that cannot stop trying.
You know, kinda like when there's a huge accident, a bridge failure, lets say, and engineers go over every inch of the structural build to see where the weaknesses were. I too want to know, where do these creatures that often look so human, differ from sound, healthy well adjusted people. What went wrong, and when?

I never get it exactly right. Not sure anyone ever does. ( barring the obvious precursors; insanity, TBI, drugs ect...), I just usually conclude they lack a human soul, and move on to resolving to be kinder to people, to inject some good ripple effect into the world, to counter the the evil, if just a teeny bit.
It was absolutely horrible, And if you notice they had to really drag it out of him. I think that is one thing that really stuck with him! And good I hope he has nightmares about it every time he closes his eyes!

And that's why I think the chatty/casual tone helped. If this had been someone very clinical and non-nonsense and threatening in any way, IMO he would've shut down. I know people have had trouble with the manner in which they interviewed him, but I thought it was brilliant. They knew how to push his buttons, how to keep him talking. Good for them.
I agree AND I think people who do things like this are possessed. It's possible (I don't know) that with psychopaths that dissociation occurs when they kill. It may really have seemed to him like there was a force driving him. I'm sure not saying he isn't fully responsible for his actions. We choose what path we follow are 100% responsible for thoughts, words and deeds.

Self harm is regularly accompanied by depression or other forms of mental illness. These illnesses can be treated and/or managed. Mental illness already carries a stigma-just look at the way we USED to treat it. We're just now gaining more education and acceptance of these diseases. <modsnipped response to removed portion>
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I do not wish him to be tortured in prison. I really wish he could develop feelings, like other humans, like parents, and feel the scope of his loss. I think he misses the kids, intellectually, but I want the grief to get to his core.

I agree. Getting tortured or beaten might cause some of us to have a superficial form of satisfaction, but I'd also rather see him gain some empathy and feelings. I think the best "justice" Shanann and her children could get right now would be for the full scope of what he did, and what he lost, to hit him in a way that HE starts feeling the way her family and friends did. And he never feels another moment's peace because of it.
I do not wish him to be tortured in prison. I really wish he could develop feelings, like other humans, like parents, and feel the scope of his loss. I think he misses the kids, intellectually, but I want the grief to get to his core.
Having the ability to fully internalize the magnitude of his actions, feeling that on a daily basis would be a torturous life, sadly he will never get beyond grieving the losses he is now experiencing from his actions. He probably is at a loss as to why the other inmates want to harm him, like you know it wasn’t his fault , like he no control, like did he know it was going to happen, he already doesn’t get to have her pizza anymore
Nah I think he will be pissed when hears that it was all released. They told him they had no plans to release any of it. They had hidden mics and he didn't even know they were coming to talk to him ahead of time. He thought he was just speaking candidly, to fill them in and to make things right for lying to them. I am fairly confident that he won't be speaking to them directly ever again....MOO

Yep. I bet he feels betrayed. Poor guy. Double crossed.
And that's why I think the chatty/casual tone helped. If this had been someone very clinical and non-nonsense and threatening in any way, IMO he would've shut down. I know people have had trouble with the manner in which they interviewed him, but I thought it was brilliant. They knew how to push his buttons, how to keep him talking. Good for them.
Listening to this dialogue, you really got the sense they LIKED him. He fell for it.
I would bet money she knew about the pregnancy, too and that she was all over Shanann's SM. NK has predator characteristics, IMO, and she intended to take her competition down without her competition (Shanann) even knowing she existed. It doesn't get any lower than that, unless, of course, your name is CW.

NK made a statement in her interview that she and CW had a lot in common, as if that was something to brag about. I believe they are kindred spirits in terms of sharing the traits of extreme narcissism, lack of conscience and lack of empathy. And then they fed off one another for six weeks, and look at what happened.

JMO, I think NK feels no sense of any kind of responsibility for what happened, but I bet she is very bitter about the impact this has had on her own pathetic life.

I know in the interview the woman brought that up. That surely NK saw the announcement on SW's FB. But I don't think they announced the sex of the baby yet? As CW asked her to wait. But then I find it hard to believe she knew SW was pregnant and didn't throw a fit? That doesn't go with her personality.

I think in his twisted mind he wanted to give NK a chance to do something "first" for him and that would be to give him a son. Especially since NK complained that she would never get to do anything "first" with him (first house,first wife, first child etc)

I just think it was part of his motive for getting rid of SW and Nico. And then of course the girls would have to go too.
I've listened to the first 3 tapes, may have been the first part of no. 4, from Scott Reisch channel. I won't be listening to the rest, I decided I am not going to give him the space in my being. Well I didn't decide actually, my being took over and removed the headphones and I walked away - my inquisitiveness left me. His lies are so venomous and repulsive that he can keep his poison all for himself.

I am angry at Tammy and Graham for giving him this platform to continue to spew his lies, really angry. I think they went there for selfish reasons because they didn't get a trial. None of this helps anyone, least of all the Rzuceks. I'm actually livid about it, that they have to be tormented now by thinking of those beautiful little girls' last moments. Yes it vindicates Shanann but she was vindicated already by his guilty pleas in the hearts of anyone who matters, never even suspected as a matter of fact so no need for vindication.

Disgusted and boiling over! This is nothing more than a media circus and ratings now, and a couple of LE (IMO) who enjoyed the spotlight rather too much, I believe. They gave him the original get out about Shanann doing it and now they're responsible for more of the same, IMO.

He planned all their murders before she came home. MOO. How dare they enjoy one minute of levity with him and bring him pop and tell him he's loved, after these devastating murders. I don't care if they had unanswered questions, they're still unanswered IMO. :mad:
I haven't listed to the interviews, yet (just read the recap). Did they ask him about the photo of the doll? No way that wasn't an ominous message about what was coming.

I so wish they had asked about the doll picture! I kept waiting for it. I am so curious as to what he would say.
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