GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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Yes, apparently he did not kill them until after they had watched him bury Shanann. Then Bella witnessed him smothering Ce- Ce, and after he had disposed of her body in the tank he did the same to poor Bella!
No, he buried Shanann last. From pg's 13 and 14:

After he put BELLA into the oil tank, he returned to where SHANANN was located
and started to clear away some weeds with his rake.
  • The rake broke when he used it remove weeds and he left part of it out at the site.
  • He does not believe he ever thought about going back for the broken part of his rake.
  • He dug a hole with his shovel and put SHANANN inside.


  • Watts Interview 02.18.19_Redacted (1).pdf
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I wonder if CW had some degree of autism. I mention that no as an excuse because he knew right from wrong, but as a possible explanation for his social awkwardness and the weird way that he acted regarding emotions.
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I'm catching up on this thread so I may have missed this mentioned, but I'm 90 minutes into the interview and one of the things that sticks out to me is CW saying (paraphrased here and in reference to his 45 minute drive to the tanks), "I kept wondering if I could have saved them [the girls]."

Saved them? They were still alive at that point....
or were they?
That stuck out for me too. I think he still had that "she did it" mindset when he said that. He is a terrible and inconsistent pathological liar.
No he wouldn't have. He had no life at all. He was a Sock Puppet.

Plus "happy" is subjective. Not everyone wants to live a reality tv style life. I couldn't deal with that myself. I would be so not happy. ( I'd still still peace loving and cute, but yeah, I like my privacy).

We never can know. How much time we get is a crap shoot. Some people get a hundred years+ others don't even get one day. No one gets any guarantees. A lot of people died this morning who had plans for tonight. All we really have for sure is right now.
It's really easy to think this way because these two happened close together and got media attention. Look through the files and you will see tons of similiar cases. For example Rev. Baker that killed his wife and made it look like suicide in Texas. He used the death of losing a daughter years ago as the reason for his wife's depression. He was also a sexual predator. There was also a college football player who became a coach in Katy, TX and killed his pregnant wife because he was having an affair. His case is coming up in June. CO isn't alone. These things happen more often than you think, just they do not always get tons of media attention.
I believe she was lying half on her side and front. He straddled her, and there was no way she could defend herself or even scratch him. I don't believe he straddled her while she was face up for 20 minutes. I would have belted him. I don't remember reading that she had bruising on her arms (if he did pin her arms down with this knees). I believe he straddled her from behind. She had NO chance for defense. The wimpy coward.
Somebody, long ago on this forum, suggested that she went to bed and he came in and cuddled a little. She was under the sheets and he straddled her and he had his knees on each side of her arms pushing them against her body. With her arms under the sheets, she was basically in a cocoon. I thought it was a very likely scenario then, and now I especially believe this is true. She had no chance to defend herself. She would have fought for her unborn child and her girls if she had been able to fight.
Somebody, long ago on this forum, suggested that she went to bed and he came in and cuddled a little. She was under the sheets and he straddled her and he had his knees on each side of her arms pushing them against her body. With her arms under the sheets, she was basically in a cocoon. I thought it was a very likely scenario then, and now I especially believe this is true. She had no chance to defend herself. She would have fought for her unborn child and her girls if she had been able to fight.

This is exactly what I pictured. I also picture him straddling Bella's legs to keep her from kicking as he asphyxiated her with the blanket over her.
It's really easy to think this way because these two happened close together and got media attention. Look through the files and you will see tons of similiar cases. For example Rev. Baker that killed his wife and made it look like suicide in Texas. He used the death of losing a daughter years ago as the reason for his wife's depression. He was also a sexual predator. There was also a college football player who became a coach in Katy, TX and killed his pregnant wife because he was having an affair. His case is coming up in June. CO isn't alone. These things happen more often than you think, just they do not always get tons of media attention.
I don't know what you mean. Think what way?( I didn't see any connection between my post you quoted and this reply).
It's really easy to think this way because these two happened close together and got media attention. Look through the files and you will see tons of similiar cases. For example Rev. Baker that killed his wife and made it look like suicide in Texas. He used the death of losing a daughter years ago as the reason for his wife's depression. He was also a sexual predator. There was also a college football player who became a coach in Katy, TX and killed his pregnant wife because he was having an affair. His case is coming up in June. CO isn't alone. These things happen more often than you think, just they do not always get tons of media attention.
Sorry. I think I was replying more to the post you replied to which did not carry over where the reference was made to CO having these cases.
No, he buried Shanann last. From pg's 13 and 14:

After he put BELLA into the oil tank, he returned to where SHANANN was located
and started to clear away some weeds with his rake.
  • The rake broke when he used it remove weeds and he left part of it out at the site.
  • He does not believe he ever thought about going back for the broken part of his rake.
  • He dug a hole with his shovel and put SHANANN inside.
Oops, sorry, I thought I read that he buried her while the kids were still in the car! Too many details to keep straight.
Sadly, no. It was shut down and they are not saying why - they just said they need time to "fix it" and "change some things" - in the meantime, they popped up another and somehow transferred people to it (no idea how) as well as keeping up other groups they "own." I wish you were right.

Another unrelated group, the Watts support group only (a different group run by friends) is breaking off now into another group you are supposed to move to if you now believe he is guilty of murdering his daughters. The original group is only for members who even now continue to believe he is not guilty of that. Yikes. We just have to accept that there will always be conspiracy theorists even in the face of crushing evidence. They are a teeny, tiny percentage of the world.

I still wonder how many would allow CW to babysit their kids for a week...

Wow. How did you find out all that?
Sadly, no. It was shut down and they are not saying why - they just said they need time to "fix it" and "change some things" - in the meantime, they popped up another and somehow transferred people to it (no idea how) as well as keeping up other groups they "own." I wish you were right.

Another unrelated group, the Watts support group only (a different group run by friends) is breaking off now into another group you are supposed to move to if you now believe he is guilty of murdering his daughters. The original group is only for members who even now continue to believe he is not guilty of that. Yikes. We just have to accept that there will always be conspiracy theorists even in the face of crushing evidence. They are a teeny, tiny percentage of the world.

I still wonder how many would allow CW to babysit their kids for a week...

Replied to add: teeny tiny percentage with teeny tiny brains.......moo
A few of you might find this verrrrrry interesting -- I've been in the "Pod People" social media group since August, and it dawned on me tonight that I hadn't seen any posts from the group on my newsfeed today.

The group is gone. It doesn't show up in a search and all post notifications were gone, except for one. When I clicked on it, it took me to a blank page that read, "No items to show," (when it should have taken me to a posted comment). I refreshed my notifications and that last remaining one, too, disappeared.

The owner and her cronies have been bashing SW and her family for 6 months. I wonder... did they develop a conscious and delete it, or did Facebook?

The word is it is "under review" by FB which means it may be deleted. To save face, they they took their KB group and slapped SW/CW on it and made up some BS excuse for why the other one isn't there any more.
It is complex. Even the investigators sounded confounded.

He is not typical. There seem to be factions of family annihilators - the types that have long histories of violence and doemstic abuse and the ones who seem totally normal but kill their families out of shame or a loss of control. Both usually also kill themselves.

He is not like either. And unlike most psychopaths who have a history of anti-social behavior, domestic violence criminal histories, drug and alcohol abuse, he has nothing. No hint of anger issues a la Patrick Frazee. No accounts of manipulative behavior.

He doesn't even register as giving people a hinky feeling like many psychopaths do. Nothing. Even AFTER watching his videos knowing he killed his family.

I think it's easy for us to say he's simply just evil. Or diagnose him with being a psychopath or narcissist or something. I keep veering back and forth. But IMO the reason this case is so astounding and the reason so many of us can't shake it and want to know more and talk more, is because he doesn't fit with a lot of patterns. There are shades of gray here.

Oh he definitely doesn't feel emotion exactly like most of us do. He isn't human in the same way the rest of us are. There is a defect. Something lacking: “It’s just weird how emotions process differently for me than everybody else.”

But there's also a lot of normalcy and typical human behavior there (or there was), that doesn't align with evil or any kind of mental health diagnosis we know of.

Just watch this. He is unaware Shanann is watching him. Watch how he interacts with and talks to his baby and how he reacts to news of a new one. I think this is all probably pretty real, which is indeed what makes him so scary:

To myself, I use some terms when I explain his personality, but suffice to say, he is very odd and as you have mentioned, atypical.

I suspect he suffers from alexythymia, it is the condition when emotions are flattened, not vivid. The desires are there, but he is not connected to own feelings. Yet highly capable people are able to simulate emotional responses, perhaps they learn by lengthy observation and mimicking of others. This could explain Chris choosing Shanann, a very emotionally intuitive woman, for a partner.

Yes his blunted emotions might have explained what happened after he murdered Shanann. There is no horror. What switches on is the logical program, “How do I cover it up?” I do not believe that “once he started, he could not stop”. Rather, he was emotionless enough to walk and drive own kids to the execution place.

I wonder how one can walk a child to the car and not feel, “there is life walking next to me. Trusting me. I can not kill this life”. I am starting to wonder if Chris has full ability to feel the physical presence of another person, or is it also muted? Is he living in some emotional permafrost?

Another thing, his incredible ability to compartmentalize. He found God, they say. Many people do, as God is connected to hope. Chris probably hopes to meet his children in the afterlife. This is all what his religiosity is worth. Yet when he is thinking about the next life, how can he even shed the memories of squeezing these, present, lives out of the kids? And I bet he thinks only about the girls, logically, the thought of future meeting with Nico could drive a true believer mad, yet I bet he crosses Nico out of this equation and out of any life, be it earthly or celestial.

I don’t think he’s telling the full details of what happened but I believe this is the closest to the truth we’ll ever get. I still think in some way he planned (consciously or subconsciously) to kill sw but I also think he snapped into it bc of their argument and Bella witnessing it sealed her fate. I do believe his version of his and nk’s relationship more than her version. She had much more motivation to tell a distorted version of their relationship than he does. It’s just all heartbreakingly sad.

Edit for typo

I think he planned to kill them all as him scheduling servicing of the Cervi the previous day makes no sense. Or maybe, he was “passively planning”, “if the time is right. I’ll do it, or else, next time”. Kind of testing waters. That he felt kids were interchangeable and thought he could have equally good kids with NK I am almost sure of.
What really is bothering me is how he seems to be enjoying prison and has it somewhat better than I imagined. He deserves no freedom and all the perks it seems he does and soon will get. I want him to suffer but it just doesn’t seem like he is.

I do not wish him to be tortured in prison. I really wish he could develop feelings, like other humans, like parents, and feel the scope of his loss. I think he misses the kids, intellectually, but I want the grief to get to his core.
The word is it is "under review" by FB which means it may be deleted. To save face, they they took their KB group and slapped SW/CW on it and made up some BS excuse for why the other one isn't there any more.
Oooooh that’s fascinating! Thanks!

Wow. How did you find out all that?
Undercover operations
It's really easy to think this way because these two happened close together and got media attention. Look through the files and you will see tons of similiar cases. For example Rev. Baker that killed his wife and made it look like suicide in Texas. He used the death of losing a daughter years ago as the reason for his wife's depression. He was also a sexual predator. There was also a college football player who became a coach in Katy, TX and killed his pregnant wife because he was having an affair. His case is coming up in June. CO isn't alone. These things happen more often than you think, just they do not always get tons of media attention.

I remember both of these cases - they were profiled on 48 Hours, both in Texas: David Temple and Matt Baker. It was so obvious they killed their loving wives. Temple’s wife was pregnant when he shot her with a shot gun.
This is exactly what I pictured. I also picture him straddling Bella's legs to keep her from kicking as he asphyxiated her with the blanket over her.
Fits at least with his first confession obsession with everyone always getting on top of everyone. It was strange to me. I guess he “saw” that and then “copied it” because he is the one who did it that way to begin with, possibly for everyone. I will never understand this man.
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