GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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Another vicious rumor (CW was not Nico's father) spread by the CW fan club will be dispelled on Monday's Dr. Phil show. In this article, there's a video entitled, "Shanann Watts' family reacts to Chris' murder confession" and it is made clear that a medical report exists that CW was the father of Nico.
Shanann Watts' parents react to Chris Watts finally admitting what happened | Daily Mail Online

I find it appalling that the people who spent months spewing hatred and ignorant, vicious lies about Shanann all over the internet are suddenly silent. Where are the apologies for all of the disgusting accusations that MRS and other CW apologists made in furtherance of the Rzucek's already unimaginable pain? Now is the time for you to stand up and act like decent human beings, a$$holes!

I know in the interview the woman brought that up. That surely NK saw the announcement on SW's FB. But I don't think they announced the sex of the baby yet? As CW asked her to wait. But then I find it hard to believe she knew SW was pregnant and didn't throw a fit? That doesn't go with her personality.

I think in his twisted mind he wanted to give NK a chance to do something "first" for him and that would be to give him a son. Especially since NK complained that she would never get to do anything "first" with him (first house,first wife, first child etc)

I just think it was part of his motive for getting rid of SW and Nico. And then of course the girls would have to go too.
Crazy making! You don’t choose a married man with 2-1/2 kids if you want any firsts with him. You are right ~ the first son could be her only first. She was so damn unbelievably selfish and manipulative and he was just putty in her hands.
It's weird - he is a narcissist but in a different way than like a Scott Peterson who was used to being a "charmer" and I think who enjoyed the media attention. CW seems to me like he prefers laying low and being invisible. Is there such a thing as an extroverted narcissist and an introverted narcissist? Ha. Ina ny case, he's just the worst.

I was thinking about this very issue early this morning. We have now seen professionals label him as a narcissistic psychopath, so I trust their expertise. The psychopathic part is easy for me to accept. He is a different kind of narcissist though. Nobody in his past said he was arrogant or belittling of others. The murders are definitely self-centered. An affair is always narcissistic. The blaming others for what he did is narcissistic. So I do understand those parts of his narcissism. But he is kind of a hidden narcissist, like you said, until he struck, which of course was very dangerous. I was unfortunately attached to a narcissist (and I feel psychopath) closely for almost 10 years, still have to have contact with this person at times, but that person was the more classic openly arrogant, belittling others type.
I have listened to the recording now and I applaud the LE people for going back. I noticed no difference in their demeanor between this interview and the original interviews when arrested. I can only think they are experts in their field and know exactly the approach they need to take with each individual case.

I cannot imagine the effect this case must have had on those agents. I know how it has affected me, an uninvolved person at the other side of the world. Answers to certain things must be so important for those who worked the case day in day out, in order for them to try and close it down. They started out with missing children and a missing mother, it must be horrific for them to see what unfolded, no matter how hard they worked.

I believe CW will be happy in prison, he has been looked after all his life. His mother, Shanann and though he does not know it NK all took care of him and directed him in life. Now prison will suit him, everyone else will do the planning and he will go along for the ride, do as he is told.

What i found most interesting was his talk of NK. He said she let him be himself (paraphrasing), but i dont believe she did. She allowed him to think that by cleverly choosing interests he had to go on dates to. She was pulling his strings very cleverly.

I have always believed she was far from truthful and now I am certain. She made their relationship out to be casual and in the early stages. He says he stayed over in her place every night Shanann was away. She said she would like to give him a son, the one thing she thought Shanann could not do/had not done. No wonder he did not want the gender reveal to go ahead. I have never had a discussion like that with a boyfriend of mere weeks in all my life.

I think she is far more significant in this than we will ever know, she was clever and coniving and once she set her sights on him he had no chance. What she wants she gets and tough luck on anybody who gets in her way.

I am not suggesting she played any part in the killings but you dont always need to have blood on your hands, accountability works in lots of different ways. His mother and sister should take a long hard look at themselves also and consider what role they had to play in what eventually happened.

I hope Shananns family and friends and those LE officials and staff who had to witness this terrible tragedy can find peace and know they have done all they can to help four beautiful souls find peace.
Your post was absolutely amazing and spot on.
Thank you, kizzykat, great article. More:

"Familicide is the act of murdering multiple close family members in quick succession. Often these men are deeply depressed and feel ashamed of themselves. They try to spare their family from imminent financial ruin or status loss and embarrassment. Other disappointed familicide killers want to punish the family for not living up to their grandiose ideas of family life. Half of these family annihilators attempt suicide after the crime. This is where Chris Watts is a bit of an anomaly.


Like most sociopaths/psychopaths, Chris' romantic relationships and the feelings of being “in love” was not experienced the way a healthy, well-adapted person falls in love.

Sociopaths enter romantic relationships based on an agenda. They always consider what they can get from others first. Men like Chris are not able to be intimate or express empathy or deep emotions. Given these emotional limitations, Watts was drawn to his wife Shanann, because he believed she could make him loved, healthy, normal and whole. He was not able to get these feelings on his own. He very likely thought Shanann could help him feel this way because she had this amazing ability to create an image of satisfaction and success. She also was madly in love with him.

We can assume that Shanann Watts had the capacity to make Chris' world look and feel magical; this worked for him for a period of time, until it no longer did. After some financial difficulties and other frustrations associated with family life, Chris' must have believed he had made a drastic mistake in marrying and having a family with Shanann. It became clear to him that she could not make him feel healthy, happy or whole.

As Chris found himself feeling increasingly more depressed, angry and trapped, he knew he needed to escape this life he had created for himself. This was what partially prompted his work affair/romance.


Chris is a pathological narcissist and psychopath. All that matters to him are his own needs, his own sense of happiness and his own well-being. He has no sense of connection or feelings toward others, even his own blood. Anyone in the way of his goal was an obstacle that should not continue to exist.

Chris is also a blamer. He blames others for his failures and frustrations. He suppressed these emotions until the violence erupted. This time the target was his pregnant wife and two young daughters. In his tangled thinking, his family, all of them, was guilty, and since Chris blamed his wife and children for his own failings, they had to go."

Great article indeed. I completely agree with everything written. It’s almost like I could use this article as the “end of the story” as far as CW is concerned. As academically interested I am about the psychopathy of this individual, I am burned out honestly. I’m just done with documents and files and everything CW for now, can’t take it anymore at the moment. I feel like this article explains pretty much all I want to know. Maybe at some point I will resume my study of CW and this case, but right now I’m just done. No more room in my head for this. It’s like there’s soo much input here and I can’t even process it bc my head is so full of stuff. I’ll be lurking from a distance from here on out I think. :)

This has been an unbelievable journey.


ETA: it appears the quotes by above are from an author, see link to book, some may find it of interest:

“After writing, "Till Death Do Us Part, Love, Marriage and The Mind of the Killer Spouse," I described the various aspects of this type of disturbed and dysfunctional psyche.”

I like this lady, I think I may order that book above. Not a bad resume here and her words in the above article are well stated. :)

“Robi Ludwig, Psy.D.
Robi Ludwig Psy.D. is a nationally known psychotherapist, award-winning reporter, and author. She is a regular commentator on CNN, HLN, Fox Business. She was a relationship contributor for Investigation Discover Network's "Scorned" and is currently the creator and host of Facebook Watch's Talking Live with Dr. Robi Ludwig in Times Square. She is on the Medical Advisory Board and a Contributor for Bella Magazine...”
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I was thinking about this very issue early this morning. We have now seen professionals label him as a narcissistic psychopath, so I trust their expertise. The psychopathic part is easy for me to accept. He is a different kind of narcissist though. Nobody in his past said he was arrogant or belittling of others. The murders are definitely self-centered. An affair is always narcissistic. The blaming others for what he did is narcissistic. So I do understand those parts of his narcissism. But he is kind of a hidden narcissist, like you said, until he struck, which of course was very dangerous. I was unfortunately attached to a narcissist (and I feel psychopath) closely for almost 10 years, still have to have contact with this person at times, but that person was the more classic openly arrogant, belittling others type.
Exactly correct about the hidden narcissim which makes him so much more dangerous. He is like a Copperhead snake blending in with the leaves. Blending, hidden, no warning rattles, and then he strikes. Terrifying creature.
Great article indeed. I completely agree with everything written. It’s almost like I could use this article as the “end of the story” as far as CW is concerned. As academically interested I am about the psychopaghy of this individual, I am burned out honestly. I’m just done with documents and files and everything for now, can’t take it anymore at the moment. I feel like this article explains pretty much all I want to know. Maybe at some point I will resume my study of CW and this case, but right now I’m just done. No more room in my head for this. It’s like there’s soo much input here and I can’t even process it bc my head is so full of stuff. I’ll be lurking from a distance. :)
Yep. Too much for the head and then heart.
Yep. Too much for the head and then heart.


It takes quite a bit to knock me out and I’ll admit, TKO. Done. I couldn’t make it past part 2. I’m giving up for now and it’s okay because I’ve put in a thousand percent already.

Here are some thoughts and I’d love anyone’s input. So Spring and Summer are approaching PTL and I’d like to grow some special flowers in my garden for S,B,C and N. If you guys have any ideas as to what flowers would be good for each 4 people let me know.
Exactly correct about the hidden narcissim which makes him so much more dangerous. He is like a Copperhead snake blending in with the leaves. Blending, hidden, no warning rattles, and then he strikes. Terrifying creature.

Yep, and that is what I think makes this case so horrific yet fascinating to us. My teen daughter knew about the case, as we were talking about family annihilators on the way home from a college visit last weekend after we literally drove past the spot of another well-known family annihilation, and she saw Chris’s photo on TV for the first time this week, and commented about how he did not look anything like she expected.

They hide among us. Narcissists and psychopaths are master manipulators and can fool people by being so charming and unassuming. I learned that the hard way, after the fact. I am literally glad I survived. They are very dangerous people. I had read a lot on both these subjects over the years and have learned a lot.
I was thinking about this very issue early this morning. We have now seen professionals label him as a narcissistic psychopath, so I trust their expertise. The psychopathic part is easy for me to accept. He is a different kind of narcissist though. Nobody in his past said he was arrogant or belittling of others. The murders are definitely self-centered. An affair is always narcissistic. The blaming others for what he did is narcissistic. So I do understand those parts of his narcissism. But he is kind of a hidden narcissist, like you said, until he struck, which of course was very dangerous. I was unfortunately attached to a narcissist (and I feel psychopath) closely for almost 10 years, still have to have contact with this person at times, but that person was the more classic openly arrogant, belittling others type.
It's funny how so many of these professionals are just now coming out and diagnosing him (informally) as a narcissistic psychopath and getting paid for it, when so many here have been discussing that very diagnosis for months! Or at least some version of it. There are probably hundreds of posts from as far back as October!
I think we should get some credit too.
Good job everyone! Imo
i haven't listened to the tapes I should but I dread it. I'm really surprised he talked at all and so soon. From what I get so far in a round about weird way he is sorry but it's mixed with self preservation. After all if he wouldn't have been caught he would have gone on with his life with no regrets.
He has nothing but time now to think I'm glad he didn't get away with it. I hope his life is as good as it can be incarcerated and no one attacks him and he has some friends. He's really an anomaly. There is no way any of this could have been prevented
There were many ways he could have prevented it- saying no to Nichol Kessinger, saying no occasionally to Shannan, getting therapy, accept responsibility and realize he's not a victim, file for divorce.....
I hope he is tormented until the day he dies. The new details sicken me.
How do you come to the conclusion he couldn't prevent killing Bella, as she begged for her life?
It's funny how so many of these professionals are just now coming out and diagnosing him (informally) as a narcissistic psychopath and getting paid for it, when so many here have been discussing that very diagnosis for months! Or at least some version of it. There are probably hundreds of posts from as far back as October!
I think we should get some credit too.
Good job everyone! Imo

No kidding! These professionals also have not directly worked with him, which I feel makes things a little tougher to diagnose, so I always take their opinions with a grain of salt, though I do know they are the experts, and hey, if we knew it way back then, it must be right!
Yep, and that is what I think makes this case so horrific yet fascinating to us. My teen daughter knew about the case, as we were talking about family annihilators on the way home from a college visit last weekend after we literally drove past the spot of another well-known family annihilation, and she saw Chris’s photo on TV for the first time this week, and commented about how he did not look anything like she expected.

They hide among us. Narcissists and psychopaths are master manipulators and can fool people by being so charming and unassuming. I learned that the hard way, after the fact. I am literally glad I survived. They are very dangerous people. I had read a lot on both these subjects over the years and have learned a lot.
And that is what is so horrific about CW. He lies hidden posing as a nice guy. That is the most important thing to him that people say him as a nice helpful person who can be relied on. Shannan seemed to sense that as she often praised him. She teased him some and that always seemed to offend him although most would see that it was in jest. But even with her praise and adoration, it wasn't enough and I don't think she ever saw behind his mask.

With Scott Pwterson, Drew Peterson and other narcs you can see patterns and RUN from those kind of men. With CW, how do you detect this kind of viper?

It takes quite a bit to knock me out and I’ll admit, TKO. Done. I couldn’t make it past part 2. I’m giving up for now and it’s okay because I’ve put in a thousand percent already.

Here are some thoughts and I’d love anyone’s input. So Spring and Summer are approaching PTL and I’d like to grow some special flowers in my garden for S,B,C and N. If you guys have any ideas as to what flowers would be good for each 4 people let me know.
Beautiful red rose for Shanann for her passionate, fiery love of those around her. White daisies for the purity and innocence of the girls. Perhaps a callaghan lily for Niko. The flowers are cupped shaped sort of like the safety of his mother's womb.

And that is what is so horrific about CW. He lies hidden posing as a nice guy. That is the most important thing to him that people say him as a nice helpful person who can be relied on. Shannan seemed to sense that as she often praised him. She teased him some and that always seemed to offend him although most would see that it was in jest. But even with her praise and adoration, it wasn't enough and I don't think she ever saw behind his mask.

With Scott Pwterson, Drew Peterson and other narcs you can see patterns and RUN from those kind of men. With CW, how do you detect this kind of viper?

It is just a fascinating case. I just think love often blinds us to things others who are observing from the outside might pick up on more easily, though CW is just different. Is there anyone from his past who had anything bad to say about him? He was quiet, I know, but that does make for a bad person.

And that is what is so horrific about CW. He lies hidden posing as a nice guy. That is the most important thing to him that people say him as a nice helpful person who can be relied on. Shannan seemed to sense that as she often praised him. She teased him some and that always seemed to offend him although most would see that it was in jest. But even with her praise and adoration, it wasn't enough and I don't think she ever saw behind his mask.

With Scott Pwterson, Drew Peterson and other narcs you can see patterns and RUN from those kind of men. With CW, how do you detect this kind of viper?

It's sad, but in every relationship, one has to learn to be a bit wary. Eyes wide open. Pay attention. Evaluate. Learn to listen with all your senses.

Try to find the balance between paranoia and active awareness.

Beautiful red rose for Shanann for her passionate, fiery love of those around her. White daisies for the purity and innocence of the girls. Perhaps a callaghan lily for Niko. The flowers are cupped shaped sort of like the safety of his mother's womb.
Yes daisies are what I immediately thought of for the girls.
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