Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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Psychopaths are just the worst.

They have no empathy. You can loop videos, you can show them dead bodies of their victims, you can show pictures of the victims smiling and happy...won't make a dent.

This man laughed while giving interviews. The only way they even learn to get along with people is by literally mimicking their emotions. You heard the saying, Fake it until you make it?

Well, they fake empathy and being decent human beings until they "make it".

I understand the deep desire to punish him and seek proper justice but if there is any type of illness that it won't have much, if any, affect on, it's a psychopath. He will just be inconvenienced by having to live in a box. I doubt he will ever think of his family again other than how unfair it is that he is in prison because of them.

That's the maddening, horrifying truth.

So right on point!
In the context of a "cheating spouse" am I the only one to interpret "no game" as inadequate, lacking, physical intimacy. That is not an uncommon trait of narc/sociopath who disregard other people. MOO

I think of “ having no game” as being more of an introvert, more reserved and maybe a little awkward or shy about striking up conversation with new people, but not necessarily a narcissist or sociopath. I know people who don’t have game until you get to know them, but once you do they can be very charismatic.
I’m thinking he killed the girls before his wife came home. Hiding the bodies in the oil tanks was much more planned and well-thought-out.

The wife, then, was tossed in a shallow grave. Hers was either not as planned out, or somebody showed up and he ran out of time.

But the wife probably came home to no girls. :-(
Still thinking about this one! I just can’t help but feel something must have had to happen to trigger all this. I know appearances can be deceiving but from all interviews and random family videos I have seen, CW really seemed to be a doting father who loved those little girls.

In regards to SW possibly leaving’s definitely possible, but after arriving home at 1am from a trip just doesn’t seem like the time you’d announce you’re leaving someone.

A new article reported they were planning on having a gender reveal party tomorrow. I just don’t see SW announcing she was leaving less than a week before the party.

So what happened? Did he just flip? Mental illness? Mental breakdown?

I really don’t see this as something he had planned for awhile. Surely he would have a better plan if that were the case?!

I’m wondering if he didn’t kill Shanann first? Could have one of the girls caught him in the act and then he felt he had to kill them because they were witness to what happened?

There is just something that is missing for me to piece it all together. I know sometimes there is no logical explanation, but why that exact day? Why all 3? Why just hours before he had to be at work?

Does anyone know what time her flight was originally supposed to get in?
Exactly what haunts me! If strabgleation was cause the girls may have been asleep I pray. I worried about escalation and obviously mother would have to be murdered first otherwise she would have stopped him. It makes me so sick
I agree with what you are saying. In the cases I’m personally familiar with, there were subtle things the parents did that contributed, IMO.

None held their sons accountable for their bad behavior, but instead blamed everyone else. They lavished them with praise when it was not earned or deserved.

These disordered children grow up to become disordered adults and they prey on others. If early family intervention is possible, then I’m all for it if it spares one future victim. I also think it would be very wise to educate young people on the signs and symptoms of personality disorders before they become victims. The signs can be quite subtle until after victimization occurs. MOO.
You mean something like Ethan Couch of the "Affluenza" case in Texas? Similar to that? SMH. Scary.
Apparently Couch had never had to own up to much of anything before the horrible accident (4 killed, 2 seriously injured) occurred. He had not learned or been taught responsibility. I do not think it is an excuse for behavior, but I do think I understand it. If not rehabilitated (that's really not the right word, but it's the best I've got), they would make horrible citizens, spouses or parents. A scary scenario.
Exactly what haunts me! If strabgleation was cause the girls may have been asleep I pray. I worried about escalation and obviously mother would have to be murdered first otherwise she would have stopped him. It makes me so sick

Not necessarily...she went away for the weekend. The girls were probably killed during that time, first. Thus the better hiding spot for the bodies.
Taxes $5778 ???? OUCH. Those would be coming due soon, too

And if they cant even pay the overdue HOA bill of $1554, how are they going to come up with $5800 as the baby's due date gets even closer?
As long as they had a mortgage the taxes are collected as part of the monthly payment, and then the lender pays them when they're due.
And that's a pretty low taxes for a house worth close to $500k.
Will prosecutors seek death penalty?

Could Colorado prosecutors seek the death penalty against Chris Watts?

--law enforcement source told 9Wants to Know that Chris Watts confessed to killing his wife and two young daughters; however, previous cases have shown that this does not necessarily mean that he will be found guilty should he stand trial.
(confessions have been suppressed if the suspect was coerced or not read their rights.)

For Colorado prosecutors to seek the death penalty, what’s known as “statutory factors” are required, according to Robinson.
--killing a pregnant woman when you know she’s pregnant: that’s death penalty eligible,”
--killing a child under the age of 12 also qualifies for the death penalty,
--as well as “any first-degree murder that’s committed under particularly heinous or grave or cruel circumstances.”
Investigators have not revealed a possible motive or other details in the case. A judge sealed the arrest affidavit, which might have provided that information.
I’m thinking he killed the girls before his wife came home. Hiding the bodies in the oil tanks was much more planned and well-thought-out.

The wife, then, was tossed in a shallow grave. Hers was either not as planned out, or somebody showed up and he ran out of time.

But the wife probably came home to no girls. :-(

Hence the "emotional conversation."

"Where are the girls?"

"Sit down. I need to talk to you."

"Where are my kids!!"

"They're not here. We need to talk."

"What do you mean they're not here? Where the F are my babies?"
That would be Mon-Thurs. I think they were all dumped at the same time.

I don’t. The oil was a great hiding place. Nobody would have ever found them if he had not confessed.

I think the kids were hidden first. I’m not sure why he didn’t put his wife in the oil too, other than maybe the oil thingies weren’t watched closely on the weekends and were easier to access, but then on Monday he had less access to them and had to figure out a Plan B real quick.
I am afraid that's what it looks like, or defense wouldn't be asking for DNA evidence and other physical evidence. I am guessing he confessed to hiding the bodies but not the murders.

OK, so he is perhaps trying to pin it on SW then. Well, how did SW die. Did he stage it to look like a possible suicide with the assumption no one would ever have found the bodies of the girls.

That picture of the doll has always bothered me. Yes, it is easy to explain away saying the kids did it. But someone else here posted what I thought when I first saw it. I thought the plastic was "too perfect" on the doll for it to be a kid doing it. Also, I would imagine at 3 and 4 if it was one of them that did it they would not have covered up the dolls head. They would be playing dolls and putting baby to bed. They emulate what they see and know which is you don't cover your face.

What if they did and hubby encouraged the girls to do it. She was an avid poster on SM so we can assume she texted photos to friends and family of the girls as well all the time. Perhaps he HOPED she would take a picture of it and share it on SM. Hell he could have been right there laughing with her when she saw it and he suggested she share it to their friends on SM. I'm not sure he is that clever but hey, he could be. I do think he is a manipulator and that is manupulative.

The fact it was her last FB post also is curious. Some in LG don't believe in coincidence. I do think it can happen but this is one of those 1 and a million that it would happen on that particular day and it being her last post. This could have been premeditated on his part and the initial plan was to set her up. Her plan was late that threw his plan off then Nicole messed it up for him later by cutting into his "staging" time within the home itself. No doubt he intended to be the one to call her in missing later that evening when she didn't "come home" with the girls
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