Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I can't imagine... I know nothing at all about oil tanks, except that they look very large. In a way like a corn silo. If the girls <shiver> were put into a big tank like that, how did he get them in there? How are they opened and closed.Wouldn't he have had to have a ladder? Damm, it's so difficult to realize I am even talking about something like this.

Another question -- I guess I missed it -- how did LE know the location of Shanann and the girls -- did CW confess? Did the company discover it?


We all better find out that both children were deceased when being placed inside the tank
WELD COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)–The autopsies were scheduled to begin Friday. In the court documents filed on Friday afternoon, Watts’ attorneys filed a motion that “an expert be present at the autopsies to take swabs consistent with what” the DNA expert recommends.

That expert, Richard Eikelenboom, stated, “I have a lot of experience taking samples from dead bodies getting good results after strangulation.”

Eikelenboom is a forensic scientist who has testified as a DNA expert in trials across Colorado.

Watts is scheduled to appear in court at 10 a.m. Tuesday.
Watts Court Documents Suggests Victims Were Strangled

Sweet Lord.


As to the DNA collection it is simply a standard request. The defense is treating this as every other case. Not a case in which the perp is known.

It's called due diligence. I mean after all, many people falsely confess. Like Riley Fox's dad. DNA clears dad in girl's slaying

This is their job. It doesn't have a hidden meaning.
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I wouldn’t say there’s no way, but I think it’s unlikely that’s the sole reason here. Especially when the time of crisis (the bankruptcy) was 3 years ago. Most people who declare BK slowly get their finances back on track and do fine. And it’s not always due to overspending—a surprisingly large amount of BKs are caused by medical bills.

BUT the fact that he’s only 3 years past and is so far behind on his HOA dues that they’re taking him to court raises the possibility of a new, possibly worse financial crisis. And it would be worse this time because there’s no way out—you can’t declare BK again for 7 years. So he would have to sell the house, or let it go to foreclosure, to get out of trouble.

Or, of course, get a big life insurance payout. But he could have done that without harming the kids, who probably weren’t even insured. That’s why I don’t think $ is the sole reason here.

Coming from an oil and gas background, this last drop in oil was especially bad. I read in another post he's worked at Anadarko since 2015. That's during the down turn. There's a high possibility he was laid off from another company and took a huge pay cut taking this job. It's happened to a lot of people I know. I believe he wasn't making enough to get out of the rut they created. There's a lot of people in O&G that live above their means.

Also as far as life insurance on the children, my previous employer ( large O&G service company) offered $5,000 life insurance on each child plus $10,000 on your spouse for free. To increase the amount was a minimal monthly fee. There's a high possibility Anadarko offers the same.
After the bodies were in crude oil for days, I would be shocked if they find any usable DNA on their necks or hands.

While this has not been brought up, I wondered if the hiding the girls in tankers with oil/gas was a way to hide any signs of sexual abuse. The autopsies are going to be a mess with the chemicals.

Reasonable doubt? Really? The guy confessed. Which surprised me, he is obviously not as intelligent as JM or SP.

The theories now are that he killed his wife and children due to financial difficulties? I can't wrap my head around that. But if you read about MLM scams, the companies actually encourage the sales people to live beyond their means, living a fantasy life, while getting further and further into debt. Jon Taylor did quite a bit of research on MLM and the psychology behind them, and how they do destroy relationships.

Sad. Those little girls are absolutely precious.
Yes he may have that option but I think the prosecution might have to agree. I'm not sure.

The defense hasn't made any excuses.

The only viable defenses I think they could try would be:

1. It wasn't premeditated and thus should be second degree or voluntary manslaughter. But that likely wouldn't matter because having a dependent minor child as a victim should bump it up to first degree.
2. Insanity. But he was cool as a cucumber. I don't think there's a shrink around who could find he was completely insane but then immediately after was sane enough to cover it up and smoothly lie.

It's gotten under my skin too. I was dreading the outcome. The babies just destroy me. And her poor family desperately hoping for a miracle.

He wouldn't want the death penalty because it takes forever (or never in Colorado) and death row is typically horrible compared to a regular prison. Not always though.

Except he already confessed.

I agree with you. Even he knows he couldn’t handle the conditions on death row. Although, he doesn’t seem to be a guy that will do well in a regular prison setting either.

Has LE stated he confessed?
Think back...remember the opening of the trial for Casey Anthony? First words...she was dead and Casey didn’t know what happened? Her father did it?

Well....they could try the...Shannan killed the kids, she was abusive and no one knew....and then they fought and he killed Shannan out of anger about what she did. Then hid the bodies to protect her family from knowing the truth about her.... yadds yadda.

Far fetched? Yes. But so was the “Caylee drowned in the pool”....yet the jury fell for it.

I don't think the jury fell for it. I think they just wanted to go home.
Reporter from video posted above (by Jacquie1.... thank you)

Reading from Court docs,

Mother found in shallow grave. Suggest kids were killed before being put in the oil tanks.

Defense wants access to DNA right away.

DNA would remain on the necks of children despite being in oil for four days.

DNA expert says the nails should be cut and preserved from victims....

Does not specifically say the children were strangled, but the document seems to point to that.
And that's if they even go.

Oh I do believe that there are often deep roots to how someone like this develops. Childhood traumas. Yes. Annihilating, emotionally abusive parents? Yes. Neglect? Hate? Loss?

But having dealt with several personality disordered people both in my personal life and professionally, the ability to actually get disordered people and families help is slim in many cases, if the parents have character disorders.

They never take responsibility and are suspicious and paranoid. They don't have good mental health treatment outcomes.

And much of the disorder in such families would never come close to what is necessary for social services to force services. In fact, much of it isn't close to being on anyone's radar. It's subtle stuff. Like Cindy Anthony alternately stating her daughter was perfect and arrogantly denying that she ever did anything she was accused of as a child, and then being miserably demanding with her daughter and hyper critical. That juxtaposition creates personality disorders.

Or Scott Peterson. How could the subsconsious attitudes and emotions that indicated to him as an infant that any imperfection would cause rejection, how the heck would anyone even realize that was going on, in that seemingly Brady Bunch middle class family?

It's a dream, IMO, that we can fix these families or these people before evil occurs.

But of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
I agree with what you are saying. In the cases I’m personally familiar with, there were things the parents did that contributed, IMO, and maybe the parents were all disordered, too. But there was no trauma and no abuse.

None held their sons accountable for their bad behavior, but instead blamed everyone else. They lavished them with praise when it was not earned or deserved. In two of the cases, I witnessed this myself, when I was a child. I knew even then that their parents’ reactions to their sons’ misdeeds was not right. In both of these cases, the men are now in prison for life with no parole and they both have a long list of victims.

These disordered children grow up to become disordered adults and they prey on others. If early family intervention is possible, then I’m all for it if it spares one future victim. I also think it would be very wise to educate young people on the signs and symptoms of personality disorders before they become victims. The signs can be quite subtle until after victimization occurs. MOO.
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Still thinking about this one! I just can’t help but feel something must have had to happen to trigger all this. I know appearances can be deceiving but from all interviews and random family videos I have seen, CW really seemed to be a doting father who loved those little girls.

In regards to SW possibly leaving’s definitely possible, but after arriving home at 1am from a trip just doesn’t seem like the time you’d announce you’re leaving someone.

A new article reported they were planning on having a gender reveal party tomorrow. I just don’t see SW announcing she was leaving less than a week before the party.

So what happened? Did he just flip? Mental illness? Mental breakdown?

I really don’t see this as something he had planned for awhile. Surely he would have a better plan if that were the case?!

I’m wondering if he didn’t kill Shanann first? Could have one of the girls caught him in the act and then he felt he had to kill them because they were witness to what happened?

There is just something that is missing for me to piece it all together. I know sometimes there is no logical explanation, but why that exact day? Why all 3? Why just hours before he had to be at work?

Does anyone know what time her flight was originally supposed to get in?
I agree with what you are saying. In the cases I’m personally familiar with, there were subtle things the parents did that contributed, IMO.

None held their sons accountable for their bad behavior, but instead blamed everyone else. They lavished them with praise when it was not earned or deserved.

These disordered children grow up to become disordered adults and they prey on others. If early family intervention is possible, then I’m all for it if it spares one future victim. I also think it would be very wise to educate young people on the signs and symptoms of personality disorders before they become victims. The signs can be quite subtle until after victimization occurs. MOO.

Yes!!! How to spot one of these people before it's too late. That would be a great thing to teach.
Still thinking about this one! I just can’t help but feel something must have had to happen to trigger all this. I know appearances can be deceiving but from all interviews and random family videos I have seen, CW really seemed to be a doting father who loved those little girls.

In regards to SW possibly leaving’s definitely possible, but after arriving home at 1am from a trip just doesn’t seem like the time you’d announce you’re leaving someone.

A new article reported they were planning on having a gender reveal party tomorrow. I just don’t see SW announcing she was leaving less than a week before the party.

So what happened? Did he just flip? Mental illness? Mental breakdown?

I really don’t see this as something he had planned for awhile. Surely he would have a better plan if that were the case?!

I’m wondering if he didn’t kill Shanann first? Could have one of the girls caught him in the act and then he felt he had to kill them because they were witness to what happened?

There is just something that is missing for me to piece it all together. I know sometimes there is no logical explanation, but why that exact day? Why all 3? Why just hours before he had to be at work?

Does anyone know what time her flight was originally supposed to get in?
Deadly Dads: Some of the Shocking Reasons Fathers Kill Their Own Children | The Forensic Outreach Library
I agree with what you are saying. In the cases I’m personally familiar with, there were subtle things the parents did that contributed, IMO.

None held their sons accountable for their bad behavior, but instead blamed everyone else. They lavished them with praise when it was not earned or deserved.

These disordered children grow up to become disordered adults and they prey on others. If early family intervention is possible, then I’m all for it if it spares one future victim. I also think it would be very wise to educate young people on the signs and symptoms of personality disorders before they become victims. The signs can be quite subtle until after victimization occurs. MOO.
You see them pacing, always pacing on playgrounds, free range classrooms, neighborhoods. Always pacing.
Chris Watts' attorneys request for DNA samples suggest daughters were strangled
Newly released court documents (motion filed by defense to compel coroner to take DNA fromnecks.throats of the chuldren) -- suggest daughters may have been strangled.

In the motion filed Friday, DNA expert Richard Eikelenboom concludes that DNA evidence “would remain on the necks of the decedent children.”
[Eikelenboom is a forensic scientist who has claimed to be a DNA expert in trials in Colorado and across the United States, but was discredited two years ago in a 2013 sex assault case in Denver District Court.]

The motion, which also indicates the children’s bodies were submerged in crude oil for four days, was dismissed by the judge.

The manner and cause of death of all three bodies are pending further laboratory results and will not be released at this time.
I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but I don't feel like he ever hurt those girls. I have the hardest time (still- I posted about this last night too) figuring out what made him "snap" enough to kill his kids. There are SM videos of his daughter vocalizing her love for him, there are photos of the girls cuddling and snuggling up on him, all smiles. I don't see any Lucas Hernandez-style pictures here. The unverified account of the friend who said the MIL and SIL tried feeding one daughter peanuts said that SW insisted that CW stay close by to keep them safe. I don't think he hurt them at all, until that night. Are there other cases like this? Why does this happen? The only other one that comes to mind is Justin Ross Harris, whose ex-wife still swears he wouldn't have left Cooper in his hot car on purpose, because he loved him so dearly. I'm just struggling with this one yall.

humm maybe with me without realizing why i keep going to something accidently happened that set off the rest of the chain of events

the very emotional conversation is also very peculiar especially imo for a male -- just speculating but maybe he was abused by her -- it does happen . Maybe she was the one that possibly got violent (he confesses that he wants a divorce and has found someone and she goes batsh$t crazy ) fatal attraction style

not really sure even i think this !!


he did not seem all that bright on the front porch but there was a sexiness to him - exuded male (!) that I think woman would find interesting

ladies try to put your feelings aside from what he did - do you guys think he is attractive ??

ha when that video of him of his presentation started I thought what the heck does this have anything to do with anything!! If he did not state his name early on I would have quit watching thinking that someone did a wrong link!! It was even hard to see that was him as he was babbling. He certainly was not engaging speaker .

BUT (!) seeing that video put (in the long neighbor interview) sure helped me understand the question did he seem more confident after he got in shape!!

Even his facial features don't match -- maybe all the money went to plastic surgery (kidding)


That probably was his plan, but he didn't count on not having time to carry it out because Nicole arrived. And he couldn't do it before work because he didn't have time since SW got home later than planned due to her delayed flight.

that is premeditated the emotional conversation is just biazire - he knew everyone was dead - why not just say she went to bed when she got in - long day

makes me think that something about the relationship (for sure ) ending --

he has no plans it seems to describe what that means so why even bring it up - might that have something to do with a slip up with neighbors?

especially from a dude that does not strike one imo as an overly emotional guy! On the porch he seemed like a pretty good liar and in court he looked apathetic to everything .


in oil and gas tanks sounds like two diff tanks no?


regarding all the sensors at the tank == i would think he would know that no


I dont know just by the interview with the neighbors i would think her firend would know if her was physically hitting her -- but the dialog about a possible affair changed between two interviews - she may just be overwhelmed

It also seemed like she would have told her husband and he struck me as the type that would def confront him with something like if I ever hear about you hitting her again I am calling LE


sorry if already posted

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