Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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I'm not sure what you mean...I'm just saying someone had to teach them how to do that...that's not normal....and then a couple of days later....

My apologies, there was alot of missconception that he sent her that photo in regards to what he had already done to the girls. When in fact she was home on the 9th. After rereading your previous post I'm pretty confidant that is probablly what transpired. How horrible! I miss read your previous post sorry
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As the recent victim of a very high functioning narcissist, I'm amazed to find some of my friends have families with a narcissistic sibling who is promoted by the parent.

I can see how my ex's mother promoted his narcissism and devalued the other siblings. And how he has very clearly done this in his children. It's an incurable disease

Most definitely incurable.
I’m glad you are safe and away. Hugs to you :)
Unfortunately narcissism is everywhere!! It’s astounding.
WELD COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)– The defense attorney for the man accused of murdering his pregnant wife and two young children has petitioned the court to collect DNA samples during the autopsies. Those same documents suggest the victims may have been strangled.

Chris Watts was identified as the sole suspect in the triple homicide investigation, and appeared in court on Thursday. In court documents filed by the state, the bodies of two of the victims in Frederick were in an oil well filled with crude oil for four days.
Watts Court Documents Suggests Victims Were Strangled


This says the children were in an OIL WELL filled with crude oil. Not in gasoline or oil storage tanks...... that's different.

Would these be inactive wells that were shut down and not monitored? That is even more cunning. Would he have specific knowledge of which were inactive wells or those not going to get any regular attention.

This is.... hmmmm....something to ponder.
Right. But he himself, removed all reasonable doubt, by placing the bodies somewhere only he could have placed them. He is evil and stupid.

Think back...remember the opening of the trial for Casey Anthony? First words...she was dead and Casey didn’t know what happened? Her father did it?

Well....they could try the...Shannan killed the kids, she was abusive and no one knew....and then they fought and he killed Shannan out of anger about what she did. Then hid the bodies to protect her family from knowing the truth about her.... yadds yadda.

Far fetched? Yes. But so was the “Caylee drowned in the pool”....yet the jury fell for it.
I read somewhere once that family killers tend to blame their families for all their failures.....

I just watched a documentary about John List. Shudder. He didn't put his mother with the rest of the bodies, as she was "too heavy," and then went on his merry way for 17 years. And in an interview years later, he said something about how he's sure they'll all forgive each other in heaven, as though any of them have a reason to apologise. Very cold man to the end.

-he may feel remorse. I HOPE he feels it so he suffers for the rest of his life. I'm the type of person who shuts down when overly stressed. I just power through and none of the emotional factors hit me until after. He was so focused on trying to get away with it and that adrenaline rush that he may not have been feeling much. Hopefully it hits him as he sits in jail and remembers what he did.

-I had an unfortunate childhood and stopped outwardly showing much emotion. The pregnancy reveal was relatable for me. I can't tell you how many times I've disappointed people by not being outwardly super happy with their gifts. I hear that I'm hard to read because of it. He could have been happy. Or he may have realized that he didn't actually want the baby after all.

-i hope he asked how long until charges are filed because he plans to immediately plead guilty. Though his defense attorney is acting like he's preparing a defense so who knows.

- it would be great if an employee of his company would comment. Would he have access to those tanks? How much monitoring is there? Was it common to work alone? I know others mentioned alarms and video surveillance, but local posters mentioned that the company has a poor reputation. Wondering if they may be lacking when it comes to safety and security.

-i still think the doll is no big deal. I have a daughter just slightly older than these girls. She has been capable of doing something like that for years. And I've frequently found her stuffies arranged awkwardly and laughed about it.

-the no game comment isn't a big deal either. I recall jokingly saying it about my husband not too long ago. I found it more telling that she suspected he was cheating. That may have been a real concern and then she made a joke to cover it up.

-It's not the time or place to fight about marijuana

Sorry for the long post. Just caught up.
If you deliberately kill the children out of mercy that's premeditated.
Rage is going to be a hard sell when it comes to killing three people.
yep. you're right.

in my mind I had been thinking if the girls died before SW got home that was MORE premeditated. but more or less so doesn't matter.
And that's if they even go.

Oh I do believe that there are often deep roots to how someone like this develops. Childhood traumas. Yes. Annihilating, emotionally abusive parents? Yes. Neglect? Hate? Loss?

But having dealt with several personality disordered people both in my personal life and professionally, the ability to actually get disordered people and families help is slim in many cases, if the parents have character disorders.

They never take responsibility and are suspicious and paranoid. They don't have good mental health treatment outcomes.

And much of the disorder in such families would never come close to what is necessary for social services to force services. In fact, much of it isn't close to being on anyone's radar. It's subtle stuff. Like Cindy Anthony alternately stating her daughter was perfect and arrogantly denying that she ever did anything she was accused of as a child, and then being miserably demanding with her daughter and hyper critical. That juxtaposition creates personality disorders.

Or Scott Peterson. How could the subsconsious attitudes and emotions that indicated to him as an infant that any imperfection would cause rejection, how the heck would anyone even realize that was going on, in that seemingly Brady Bunch middle class family?

It's a dream, IMO, that we can fix these families or these people before evil occurs.

But of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

I agree the goal will never/can never be complete prevention. Results will be slow as it is a significant cultural shift in our education systems, social services, criminal justice systems, and family systems. But we are already seeing positive outcomes.

As result of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (Aces) study, we now understand trauma is a public health issue, not a mental health issue. That combined with neuroscience over the last decade that shows the neurological impact, we are making significant strides in understanding personality disorders, physical health disorders, psychological health disorders, psychopathy, on and on.

I do think overtime we can make a large impact on personality disorders (more so prevention) and antisocial behavior as we continue to adapt to understanding trauma as a public health issue. MOO.
Most definitely incurable.
I’m glad you are safe and away. Hugs to you :)
Unfortunately narcissism is everywhere!! It’s astounding.

That's my shock to have friends confide to me the narcissistic dysfunction they had to grow up with. It is everywhere and I'm firmly convinced it's because of a narcissistic or abusive parent. It perpetuates itself like any incurable inheritable disease

We havent heard much about CW's childhood, other than the strange peanut story. I think there will be very strong indications that his was not a happy "normal" childhood
I am an early childhood intervention teacher. I can tell you NO ONE listens too us.....Not DSS, not the police, not the parents, not our administrators. I am so tired of it being kicked back down to us!!! Parents need to start being parents and step up their game. Enough is enough! We see children daily, as young as 3 and 4, where we look at each other and just know. But until it gets to about middle school, pass after pass is given. Listen to educators NOW! Not THEN!
I totally hear you!! We need to listen to you. That is the age that is most critical. Thanks for all you do.
You don’t believe that g. I know you don’t.

It's the rules of reporting. For liability reasons.

Oh we are well allowed and should make judgments based on our experience, instinct and observations, well before someone is legally declared guilty, unless we are the judge or jury members.

It's how we survive as a species.

And I have no problem saying this creep is guilty as hell!

-he may feel remorse. I HOPE he feels it so he suffers for the rest of his life. I'm the type of person who shuts down when overly stressed. I just power through and none of the emotional factors hit me until after. He was so focused on trying to get away with it and that adrenaline rush that he may not have been feeling much. Hopefully it hits him as he sits in jail and remembers what he did.

-I had an unfortunate childhood and stopped outwardly showing much emotion. The pregnancy reveal was relatable for me. I can't tell you how many times I've disappointed people by not being outwardly super happy with their gifts. I hear that I'm hard to read because of it. He could have been happy. Or he may have realized that he didn't actually want the baby after all.

-i hope he asked how long until charges are filed because he plans to immediately plead guilty. Though his defense attorney is acting like he's preparing a defense so who knows.

- it would be great if an employee of his company would comment. Would he have access to those tanks? How much monitoring is there? Was it common to work alone? I know others mentioned alarms and video surveillance, but local posters mentioned that the company has a poor reputation. Wondering if they may be lacking when it comes to safety and security.

-i still think the doll is no big deal. I have a daughter just slightly older than these girls. She has been capable of doing something like that for years. And I've frequently found her stuffies arranged awkwardly and laughed about it.

-the no game comment isn't a big deal either. I recall jokingly saying it about my husband not too long ago. I found it more telling that she suspected he was cheating. That may have been a real concern and then she made a joke to cover it up.

-It's not the time or place to fight about marijuana

Sorry for the long post. Just caught up.
this. ALL this. same.
And that's if they even go.

Oh I do believe that there are often deep roots to how someone like this develops. Childhood traumas. Yes. Annihilating, emotionally abusive parents? Yes. Neglect? Hate? Loss?

But having dealt with several personality disordered people both in my personal life and professionally, the ability to actually get disordered people and families help is slim in many cases, if the parents have character disorders.

They never take responsibility and are suspicious and paranoid. They don't have good mental health treatment outcomes.

And much of the disorder in such families would never come close to what is necessary for social services to force services. In fact, much of it isn't close to being on anyone's radar. It's subtle stuff. Like Cindy Anthony alternately stating her daughter was perfect and arrogantly denying that she ever did anything she was accused of as a child, and then being miserably demanding with her daughter and hyper critical. That juxtaposition creates personality disorders.

Or Scott Peterson. How could the subsconsious attitudes and emotions that indicated to him as an infant that any imperfection would cause rejection, how the heck would anyone even realize that was going on, in that seemingly Brady Bunch middle class family?

It's a dream, IMO, that we can fix these families or these people before evil occurs.

But of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

This is the meat and potato's I am most interested in...the nature vs nurture. If someone is already genetically predisposed to certain forms of mental illness and are raised in a home where one or more parents actively suffer from personality disorders how does the child move forward living a normal existence. Home isn't normal. Yet, I know several people who have done just that. That same child being brought up in a normal home might be less likely to exhibit these traits even though they still exist in him, Then one day something triggers him that can make him behave "out of character" but is it really out of character?
I think of it more in terms of not being at all flirtatious, not knowing how to engage with the opposite sex to get them to be interested in you, lack of confidence, etc.

I often joke about my husband having no game. It just means that he has no idea how to flirt or pick up women. I had to do the pursuing in the beginning because he was cluless and awkward.
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