Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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Wait...IN his van????? Omg
Yes I stupidly got in his van at the Fisheating Creek wilderness area in Palmdale Fla. He had circled several times then finally asked if I needed help finding my campsite. I happily jumped in, after about 5 minutes of him driving away from where I was directing him we somehow managed to run into my very merry camping hoods on the road, I jumped out of van, thanked him and he about hit several of my friends speeding off. Later we all realized who it was.
Yes I stupidly got in his van at the Fisheating Creek wilderness area in Palmdale Fla. He had circled several times then finally asked if I needed help finding my campsite. I happily jumped in, after about 5 minutes of him driving away from where I was directing him we somehow managed to run into my very merry camping hoods on the road, I jumped out of van, thanked him and he about hit several of my friends speeding off. Later we all realized who it was.

I’m stunned, errrr stunned. I can’t even tell you how fortunate you are, as I’m
Sure you know! Wow.
Yes I stupidly got in his van at the Fisheating Creek wilderness area in Palmdale Fla. He had circled several times then finally asked if I needed help finding my campsite. I happily jumped in, after about 5 minutes of him driving away from where I was directing him we somehow managed to run into my very merry camping hoods on the road, I jumped out of van, thanked him and he about hit several of my friends speeding off. Later we all realized who it was.

Crazy - I bet you haven’t taken another ride since that happened. I’m glad you’re here with us!
oh brother

the abuse speculation led me to bad places maybe she walked in on him and that was the emotional conversation

he would also know that the cops would be questioning the children about their mommy so maybe he was afraid one of them might say something

only speculating

I know, it is beyond sick. And I hope untrue. I just wonder why he placed the children in tanks with chemicals, as if trying to hide/destroy evidence. His wife is buried. (?).

I wonder if he will plead, or go to trial? That little girl, singing her Daddy is her "hero" will be the nail in his coffin. And the video of her, with those beautiful brown eyes, just like his, kissing her "baby". Really, the prosecution can rest.
It only comes up as the video can you give us the link to the actual news outlet web page ( NOt facebook!)

I know Iknow noone has ever met anybody not on fb -- I am proud to be one -- look at all the messes this stuff has caused

just think if twitter did not exist how awesome that would be -- just think about current events

outlet seems to be following case tia
It only comes up as the video can you give us the link to the actual news outlet web page ( NOt facebook!)

I know Iknow noone has ever met anybody not on fb -- I am proud to be one -- look at all the messes this stuff has caused

just think if twitter did not exist how awesome that would be -- just think about current events

outlet seems to be following case tia

Denver7 News on Twitter
I do not know guys. In the i am pregnant video he seemed more excited about it than she did. Her tone of voice kinda made me think she was thinking we really cant afford this right now. jmo

did not get the backing the truck in part wasn't everyone already out ?


I thought he did a good job of acting excited about the pregnancy until near the end of the video. When he gets closer to the camera, and you can see his eyes through his sunglasses, he looks to me like his attitude changes. Like he all of a sudden is almost out of the camera range, and he knows it and ends his really excited and happy act. IMHO

As far as him backing his truck in, I wonder if it showed him either backing in or pulling forward out of their garage on the neighbor's video or something. Like maybe when he took the bodies to his workplace to dispose of them. He may have done it once before SW got home for the 2 girls, and then again when he took disposed of SW's body. Or he could have made one trip with all 3 before he went to work (not as likely IMHO due to time constraints and people likely being at his jobsite early in the morning). But either way, it seems he likely backed the truck into the garage so he could load it more easily. I think it had a cover over the bed, but couldn't see it well enough in the picture to be sure. Even if he put them inside of the truck cab, backing it in would make it much easier to load through the cab doors since they open towards the front. A lot of those mass built houses have garages that barely fit two cars next to each other. We had garages like that and when loading heavy or bulky items, we had to back the truck or car in to be able to maneuver in the tight areas around the cars. Also, they could have had a messy garage and had even less room. But it seems that he had to load the body or bodies while in the garage so no one would see him. He also may have killed the girls right after the birthday party I read that they went to on Sunday. He may have never brought them back to the house. Maybe he killed them somewhere on the way to his jobsite, then disposed of their bodies late Sunday night. Then when he got back to the house, he backed the truck in so he would be ready to load SW's body and dispose of it once he got near his work area when he left for work the next morning. Of course it's all speculation for now, so I could be totally wrong. Brainstorming any of this is extra tough though because it makes me think more deeply about the evil that was done and is so sad.
Yes I stupidly got in his van at the Fisheating Creek wilderness area in Palmdale Fla. He had circled several times then finally asked if I needed help finding my campsite. I happily jumped in, after about 5 minutes of him driving away from where I was directing him we somehow managed to run into my very merry camping hoods on the road, I jumped out of van, thanked him and he about hit several of my friends speeding off. Later we all realized who it was.

Geeze Louise!!! I'm so very, very glad you dodged the proverbial bullet with Bundy. That is an incredible story.

Is it asking too much to hope and pray that those precious little girls were given sleep medication to put them out before strangling them?

Oh, probably . . .

Petting cats for comfort.
I think of “ having no game” as being more of an introvert, more reserved and maybe a little awkward or shy about striking up conversation with new people, but not necessarily a narcissist or sociopath. I know people who don’t have game until you get to know them, but once you do they can be very charismatic.

the neighbors did describe him as shy

on his presentation he certainly did not ooze confidence
We have heard that he confessed to someone about something. I can't see him getting away with saying he just hid the bodies. How could that be. If she killed the children who killed her? If she killed herself in her home why didn't he just call police. Why on EARTH would he attempt to hide the bodies for a murder/suicide. Doesn't make a lick of sense. So he is digging himself a bigger grave if he is attempting to pin it on her.

Why did he do it? I don't think he will ever tell why he did it. We will be left to speculate just like in Peterson and draw our own conclusions.
He might try something like "she killed my precious children and I couldn't help it...I just snapped" and try to plead it to manslaughter. I'm sure it won't work but he could try.
I'm not a professional, but I see Scott Peterson as being a sociopath/psychopath. He's never confessed and he put his wife's family through unbelievable hell with his many lies. They had to wait for four months before her body and the baby's body washed up in San Francisco Bay before they knew, for sure, that they had been murdered.

With CW, he tried to hide his heartless and hideous crime, and he gave bizarro interviews after to try to make people believe he had no idea what happened to his family. But unlike Scott Peterson, CW caved rather quickly. Is this a sign of genuine remorse and conscience, or did he cave because he was presented by LE with proof that he killed them and hid their bodies and he had no choice but to admit it?

I really don't know at this point.

This is something I would like to try and understand. After reading about a couple of other familicide cases I didn't expect CW to confess so quickly. But on the other hand he hadn't had any chance to tidy up properly, or he didn't realize that he needed to tidy up better? Too arrogant to tidy up better? I think the lack of thought might mean it wasn't well pre-planned?

But others here could see signs that CW would confess. And despite some nervous laughing and a little bit of upturned lips he doesn't really strike me quite the same as Peterson/en? I wasn't familiar with the Peterson case and I watched a video of him talking to a reporter at a table where he gets a huge grin on his face at times and he can't hide his glee.

I did think CW looked like he had a bit of a smirk on his face on one video where he's standing outside the house (NT and AT are there too) watching LE going into the house.

But going back to other people seeing signs of CW breaking....I can sort of see them in retrospect. He really didn't want to stay in that house, he's talking about a ghost town feeling in the house, he said the previous night (his first night in the house after murdering his family) was terrible. And I wonder if he was telling the truth when he said that he'd been in the house and wishing for his little girls to come and jump on him in joy at him being their daddy. I don't know if he fully appreciated the specialness of moments like that when they were alive.

And at the same time he was apparently telling NT and AT that he was planning on selling the house. I have a vague recollection that he even said something about moving on? So I took that as him being cold and wanting to move on and start anew, which scared me as I feel someone who's done this once is at risk of doing it again with a new wife and family. But maybe he wanted to sell the house because he really couldn't bear to be in the place where it happened and surrounded by the memories? But those things obviously didn't bother him when he 'did it'. And he had to do it three times over?

I am curious what is in someone's head/makeup that allows them to do something like this. And what triggers them, what are the catalysts and triggers? We can always say that other people go through bankruptcy without killing their families, other people divorce and deal with irretrievable marriage breakdowns, they work out a way to keep a relationship going with their children even if they're no longer living together. So, what is different in the heads of people who commit these awful acts?
Thanks. I'm horrible at math. The worst in the world.

but at this point how do they know how long they had been in there -- they just located him

and there has to be some reason why they , from the beginning they did not just state he confessed - it remained alleged for a long time
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