Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #84

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Yes, coming in on top of heaps of previous remarks, I think the most likely answer to what just happened, and to Barry living where he is, is that he wants to keep an eye on things, and has good reason to.
The homeowner was alerted remotely that someone she couldn't personally identify had jogged up to her door and left with something under her arm, despite warning signage of cameras and no trespassing signs. I'd be a lot concerned.

I'd call the police too.

If I learned the identity of the bold trespasser, I'd be even more unsettled. Frightened really.

Because under the circumstances, who does that??????

And why?

Didn'tknowicouldn't doesn't fly.
Didn't know we shouldn't.
Decided to anyway.

If FedEx made a mistake, if the purchaser made a mistake, it's still not fair to bother a home owner who clearly wants privacy and protection from unnecessary contact, to make it her problem.

I'm gonna need to see some proof FedEx was called.

One week out on bail and he can't seem to keep his nose out of trouble. The same nose he refuses to mask....

Imagine the worry of having to weigh whether to do nothing and fear more intrusion or press charges and risk poking the bear.

Never mind that we're talking about future potential witnesses, if anything evidentiary's been discovered post arrest.

Who knows what one might find beneath carpet, behind mounted deer eyes, or anywhere on those once untainted 7 acres...

Barry's hunting grounds.

It's not yours anymore. Leave the owners alone.

As he drives back and forth looking for work and elk and antlers and pretty Salida girls...

The defense did their level best to make Barry look harmless as he verily skipped out of jail...

But is he?

For those who want to normalize this, please consider this --

Less than a week after his release on bond, M1, he sent an agent to the (released) crime scene.

Bad move.

I wonder how many of you remember a Salida resident saying last year that there were "a lot of secrets in those mountains"?

I wonder how many Salida girls Barry romanced? How many locals know? Why aren't people speaking up? How intimidating is Barry and his friends? Morgan Gentile may be the only one that would speak up and she may be a star witness of some things that were on her phone. In no way am I accusing her of anything. I just wonder what she knows and did she move because she knew too much and was afraid of Barry?

I would like to know what was in the package delivered to Puma Path.

I am hoping LE and the FBI are not being intimidated. Or the judge. Oh my mind cannot go there tonight. I want to see justice for Suzanne. :(
Given the situation why didn't they call Fedex to go deliver it to the right address?

They are not friends, she is the girlfriend of the guy that used to live there.

That's a long trespass up the drive and across all that parking area.
Shoshona took a package off the porch that wasnt the new owners. These people are so rich that they have a $1.8M (rounded up) house that they dont even live in and they're worried about a package that isn't even theirs, arresting a harmless disabled woman, just seems petty.
If you want the girdrieds off previos owners on your porch grabbing packages, that's ok. They don't.
It's isolated she is a stranger trespassing.
Yes but remember that was not his choice. His choice was to move to Gunnison...which is in Gunnison County not Chaffee County so staying at the neighbors is a no go for conspiracy theories. It was where he stayed I believe when the house was sealed. I have to wonder, as I'm sure <modsnip> lawyer will when negotiating a plea, if she was anyone else in Chaffee county would she have been arrested or given a warning after LE discovered the reason for walking up the driveway. Or did LE have a theory other than to go retrieve a misdelivered package. I totally "get" the new owners frustration at having strangers on that property, but the whole thing still feels abit over the top to me.
Don't the owners press charges in tresspassing cases?
And MOO yes, the girlfriend of the prior owner tresspassing like that probably would be charged.

Which reminds me, BM couldn't get a ring for the house?
I'm a bit confused as to why there is any sort of debate about SD's arrest. She doesn't live there, she's never lived there, she doesn't own the property, the property is clearly marked with no trespassing signs and she is on camera, on the property.

Seems pretty simple, to me.

Ahhh... what an entertaining couple of days reading! I can’t help but think about THIS scenario though. Say new homeowner advised CCSO of the incident but they DID NOT PROCEED with charges, preferring to watch and wait - thereby giving BM the impression that the cameras had not been re-installed, that the coast was clear for any and all shenanigans he had yet to play out at his old property.
In my dream scenario, in a couple of weeks from now I am picturing BM & SD under the cover of night approaching PP with shovels over their shoulders, only to be flooded with spotlights and a gang of LE (in my scenario dressed in Chipmunk outfits, touché)


Sigh. :)
Regarding Carloss:

EBEL, Circuit Judge.

In this direct criminal appeal, Defendant–Appellant Ralph Carloss contends that two police officers violated the Fourth Amendment by knocking on his front door, seeking to speak with him. Ordinarily a police officer, like any citizen, has an implied license to approach a home, knock on the front door, and ask to speak with the occupants.

Shoshona had an implied license to approach the Puma Path home. And it's not stealing if she took a package that belonged to her. Approaching a home is not illegal regardless of the no trespassing signs. orange.
Yes! True.

Also, wasn't Shoshona spotted there both Sunday & Monday?


***Unable to locate original post where this was stated. Sorry!
I think that is true....It appears to me, jmo....that they were tracking the delivery of a package real time....We may never know who ordered the package or what was in it. Chock it up to more of Barry's weirdness. I'll bet he got a call from Denver, reminding him of the low profile strategy....with a bill attached, of course.
If you want the girdrieds off previos owners on your porch grabbing packages, that's ok. They don't.
It's isolated she is a stranger trespassing.
... and I think, they are known to the history of their new home/new property. That's a reason to be more vigilant than with any other trespassing, IMO.

What if he used an account of Suzanne's for the order and the delivery was to her name? A remote possibility, but no one knows at this point and don't we love speculation gone wild? MOO
In a crime movie I just saw: Someone ordered delivery by FedEx to the address of an unknown and uninvolved man, then they planned to intercept FedEx at the address, posing as the unknown man and receiving the package before delivered to the door of the fake address.
The package in our case seems to have been addressed to BM and the address was his ex-address. Nevertheless there may have been some ulterior motives re the delivering, who knows.
I am known to parcel service like that:
Order to my address.
Email info about planned delivery by the supplier.
Email info about real delivery by the supplier.
Email info about real delivery by the parcel service.
Question where to deliver exactly by the parcel service (entrance/garden/neighbour etc.).
My email/answer where please to deliver.
Email info, when delievered there by the parcel service.
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I'm probably over-thinking on this but every time I see that pic of BM with the pink T-shirt on, does he have something a little bulky on under that pink T-shirt? I don't even want to say what I think it may possibly be because I'm afraid you all will tell me to either put my glasses on and/or go get my eyes tested, or worse, log off for Opinions welcome and appreciated. TIA
There is something under the lovely pink t-shirt, yes. I see it with my glasses on. Further up it looks like a tank top, further down it looks like something armored. Do you see it like that also?
Ballistik vest or something? Think of Frazee, when he got presented in court.
BM and SD = Dumb and Dumber :rolleyes:

This really is just another example of BM's thoughts and actions that the rules of a normal society DO NOT apply to him.

Who in their right mind would think it was okay to return to the residence where Suzanne was likely murdered, ignore the NO Trespassing signs, proceed to the door and remove a package?

BM didn't have the balls to do it himself, of course he sent another enabling female to do his dirty work. He makes me physically sick to my stomach, he'll never last on bail.

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