Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #88

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Thanks Cindizzi, sounds promising that he wasn't victim blaming here. I think this Judge will be fine. There really wasn't any other way around having a replacement. I want nothing to cause any appeal or legal shenanigans from BM's attorneys'.
I just want everybody to do the job they are on earth to do...the judge, the prosecutors, the defense and the jury. People seem to think that #JusticeforSuzanne means Barry gets convicted. If he does and he is convicted fairly then justice as been served. If the prosecutors pull the case together for the state, the defense does his job, the judge rules fairly and resolutely and the jury is convinced then so be it. I can't imagine a worse scenario than Suzanne looking down from heaven and seeing her daughters lose their father to prison, and worse if she knows it wasn't him. I don't take sides because the story isn't over. No one wants the prosecution to be hiding anything or to be blindered to any truth. No one wants the defense to win on a legal technicality. It's just beginning.
I just want everybody to do the job they are on earth to do...the judge, the prosecutors, the defense and the jury. People seem to think that #JusticeforSuzanne means Barry gets convicted. If he does and he is convicted fairly then justice as been served. If the prosecutors pull the case together for the state, the defense does his job, the judge rules fairly and resolutely and the jury is convinced then so be it. I can't imagine a worse scenario than Suzanne looking down from heaven and seeing her daughters lose their father to prison, and worse if she knows it wasn't him. I don't take sides because the story isn't over. No one wants the prosecution to be hiding anything or to be blindered to any truth. No one wants the defense to win on a legal technicality. It's just beginning.
"...and worse if she knows it isn't him."

Well there's no concern in that regard; this is as easy at it gets.

Proving it in a court of law is obviously another matter.
The biggest problem for the defense remains Their Client.

Suzanne went missing between 2:11 or thereabouts on 5/9 and we can say loosely the afternoon of 5/10.

Their client willfully asserts that he saw Suzanne for an extended period of time on 5/9, into 5/10. Leaving no opportunity for anyone else to disappear her prior to his slippery 5 am claim/departure.

So, for there to be any other explanation, Suzanne would have had to voluntarily abandon her phone (while previously actively communicating with SO, JL and her daughters) and then disappear herself or get herself abducted after 5 am. In which case, why was Barry never concerned on 5/10 that Suzanne might've left with someone? In a car.

Because that was exactly the impression he was desperate --nay, deadly desperate -- to avoid giving, that Suzanne would have a reason to leave.

I believe Barry referred to the location of the bike as the crime scene (that LE messed up) (including letting ten people touch the bike) (one responding cop + GD + Barry is like 3 30 ten). Of course it became a crime scene... because it was staged, and the stager did that in order to redirect LE away from the home and isn't that the whole ironic point? It wasn't a crime scene because Suzanne disappeared from there; it became evidentiary by raising the question -- who'd do that?

We know Barry was driving his truck, as evidenced by CCTV at several dump sites so he just happened to turn in the direction of the helmet? Just happened to pause in the area where the bike was found? So he staged the bike but didn't have anything to do with her disappearance?

Who had motive, means, access and time to get Suzanne gone?

Never mind that Barry had no reason at all to 1. be in Broomfield and 2. or stay there all day. He was done not-working by 1. He alone knew there were no materials nor equipment to finish the project. Busy, busy B wasn't so busy, was he?

Recall, he asked Suzanne, Listen, I'm going to spend Mother's Day in Broomfield not-working, and Suzanne said OK. Sureshedid.

So much effort to establish an alibi.

Too bad Suzanne disappeared the day before. Where the alibi-ing falls even shorter.

He admits he was home, racing around the house with a loaded .22.

Because when he sees a chipmunk...

Oh, Barry...

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In Seinfeld, George Costanza uses the alias "Art Vandelay," in order to sell certain schemes and fictitious stories. In the finale, to George's amazement, the presiding judge is hilariously named Art Vandelay.

Likewise, Barry Morphew used various animals in order to sell his lies (elk, deer, chipmunks, bobcat, turkey).

Ironically, the presiding judge is named Lama (close enough).
And Barry's girlfriend's last name is "Darke".
I read new Judge has been selected, I haven’t had a chance to read up on Judge RL yet but plan to later. Really, no matter which Judge presides over BM’s trial at whichever venue (I do believe it will stay in Chaffee County), one thing remains the same-
E & N are still stuck with their client defending imo, the indefensible.
IMO, BM will receive a fair trial and since he retained
E & N shortly after his arrest, considering all his interactions/meetings with them, their representation at proceedings that have already taken place- PH’s, bond hearing, ankle monitor issue hearing, etc., any and all meetings, court filings and proceedings from here on out up to and including trial, E & N will continue getting richer while ‘ole BMoneybags is drained down to BMoneyless aka, BM will be broke after everything’s said and done i.e., by the time the trial’s over and he’s convicted, which hopefully will be sometime this year.
Morphew convicted in ‘22, definitely has a nice ring to it.

My apologies in advance for the long post, I’ve literally been working on it since I logged off work at 3pm and on my phone which is why it took so long to compose lol. I am not able to cite exact times or quote BM exactly in bullet points below because I didn’t have the AA in front of me, so paraphrased from being burned in my memory after reading the AA many, many times.

Here’s some of what the future jury will be hearing and considering from the prosecution:
the fact that a mere few days after Suzanne sent BM message stating “I’m done, let’s do this civilly”, BM places himself at home alone with Suzanne running around their home/property, gun in hand, shortly after which Suzanne goes completely dark never to be heard from or seen EVER again. For a woman who was normally very active on her phone and other social media apps communicating and keeping in touch frequently with those she loved most in the world is powerful and points to a normally active/communicative SM not being able to communicate with or respond to those she loved after BM arrived home to this very day because she wasn’t alive for very long after BM arrived home on the afternoon of Saturday, May 9th, 2020. This speak volumes. And when you consider and add to all of those things the powerful digital evidence on BM’s phone, his phone’s movements, and what his truck telematics activity shows late Saturday night and in wee hours of Sunday morning, all considered, is absolutely damning evidence against the defendant.

If I’m a juror that evidence alone most definitely carries a lot of weight, and while I’m listening, thinking about and weighing those things, I’d also be thinking that if he were innocent then there is no reason whatsoever for BM to lie about ANYTHING. Then I consider the evidence which shows he lied and lied ALOT:
  • said he was sound asleep next to Suzanne all night from approx 9pm until his alarm woke him up at 4:30am Sunday. LIE. Digital evidence of his truck telematics shows doors opening and closing later that night and in the wee early morning hours of Sunday- in 9-10pm hour, truck door activity and truck is backed up 95 feet. Later, in the 3/4:00am hour there’s more truck door activity and BM phone moves to staged bike area;
  • said he left a sleeping, lightly snoring Suzanne at 5:00am and drove straight to hotel in Broomfield. LIE. Digital evidence shows he turned left when he should have turned right to head straight to Broomfield, and when LE confronted him about the detour he took which happens to be same area staged helmet was found, suddenly remembered aka lied/changed his story, and admitted to turning left instead of right to go find/chase bull elk;
  • said after he made the left turn detour to chase Bull Elk, turned around and drove straight to hotel in Broomfield. LIE. Digital evidence shows he made a few stops on his way to hotel at different locations to dump trash to include the dumping of tranquilizer materials (imo he dumped other incriminating evidence too);
  • said he worked all day in Broomfield. LIE. Digital evidence shows he worked a grand total of 11-15 minutes at jobsite;
  • said he was at the jobsite when he got the family emergency call. LIE. Digital evidence shows he was at the hotel when he got the emergency call, in fact digital evidence showed he had been in that hotel room for better part of day 5-5.5 hours straight when he claimed to be working (imo spent that time showering/washing evidence off himself, took a nap due to being up all night, waiting to receive the emergency call).
There’s too many other BM lies and inconsistencies to list here that the evidence shows otherwise and shows how his own words betray him at every turn. We see it all throughout the AA, BM lies/inconsistent statements and changing story each time he’s presented with new piece of evidence. Alibi? Yeah, he doesn’t have one and the jury will come to that conclusion as well. Again, if I’m a juror I know that an innocent person that doesn’t have anything to hide or lie about, hides or lies about nothing. Additionally, there are just too many other oddities and things BM either did or didn’t do that would have to be considered ‘coincidences’ to believe BM innocent, too many to list here that have been discussed in these threads and which I’m sure prosecution will also bring up at trial if admissible. And with direct witness testimony of SO, JL, HW, MG, JR, et al including and not least of which the testimony of the great SA Grusing, can’t wait to see him do what he does best on the stand, BM is toast.

IMO, the jury will be able to see through all the tricks, smoke and mirrors E & N try to throw up at trial too. They literally have nothing else but to try and attack the state and investigation of all LE involved.

I expect some victim blaming from team BM at trial as well. Yes, they have and will go that low. IMO, jurors don’t like when victim is put on trial so any victim blaming of Suzanne imo will not go over well with the jury and work against team BM. And that nothingburger random touch DNA on SM vehicle glovebox that could’ve been deposited there at anytime by anyone who either worked on her vehicle, was a passenger in her vehicle etc, etc, will be explained thoroughly by expert witness, and explained that it does not exculpate BM.

IMO, as long as the prosecution presents their case in a methodical, thorough, well executed manner, explain every detail and witness testimony in a most concise, comprehensive way for the jury to understand and be able to connect the dots of the ‘mountains’ of circumstantial evidence, and explain to jury that it is the totality thereof that leads to only one logical conclusion, that BM is guilty of murdering his wife, and tampering with her deceased body to cover up his heinous, nefarious acts.

IMO, after both sides rest after presenting closing arguments, the jury will deliberate and come to unanimous decision/verdict-BM guilty BARD, convicted on all charges and sent to prison for the rest of his miserable life.

Hang on dear Suzanne, justice is coming.

All of the above IMHOO


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I just want everybody to do the job they are on earth to do...the judge, the prosecutors, the defense and the jury. People seem to think that #JusticeforSuzanne means Barry gets convicted. If he does and he is convicted fairly then justice as been served. If the prosecutors pull the case together for the state, the defense does his job, the judge rules fairly and resolutely and the jury is convinced then so be it. I can't imagine a worse scenario than Suzanne looking down from heaven and seeing her daughters lose their father to prison, and worse if she knows it wasn't him. I don't take sides because the story isn't over. No one wants the prosecution to be hiding anything or to be blindered to any truth. No one wants the defense to win on a legal technicality. It's just beginning.

"No one wants the prosecution to be hiding anything or to be blindered to any truth."

No one wants the defense to be hiding anything and deliberately pulling the wool over the jury's eyes by objecting to relevant testimony, facts, data and bogus multiply changing alibis, timelines and blatant lies recorded by LE, courtesy of their client's own mouth.
It's up to the judge to overrule those objections and from what I've researched about Lama? I'm feeling pretty good about it.
"...and worse if she knows it isn't him."

Well there's no concern in that regard; this is as easy at it gets.

Proving it in a court of law is obviously another matter.

I mean I just don't get how it could have been someone else.

The defence is stuck with arguing that she was abducted by the big bad, but the trouble is she went missing the day before when BM claims to have been at home with SM.

I am really fascinated what the defence will try to argue ....
I mean I just don't get how it could have been someone else.

The defence is stuck with arguing that she was abducted by the big bad, but the trouble is she went missing the day before when BM claims to have been at home with SM.

I am really fascinated what the defence will try to argue ....
Hahah, did you mean to say "abducted by the big bad wolf"? Where's the zookeeper? :D

Seriously though, I think they'll do their best to offer up alternate theories, object to anything and everything damning, vilify Suzanne and the 'meth head' witnesses. There is no defending BM and all of his lies.

I had another thought.. so, BM's dart gun was inoperable, so it's said. Who's to say he didn't have another one that he disposed of on one of his dumps?
I also wonder if he didn't just inject her with the tranquilizer manually?
Just thinking out loud.
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Hahah, did you mean to say "abducted by the big bad wolf"? Where's the zookeeper? :D

Seriously though, I think they'll do their best to offer up alternate theories, object to anything and everything damning, vilify Suzanne and the 'meth head' witnesses. There is no defending BM and all of his lies.

I had another thought.. so, BM's dart gun was inoperable, so it's said. Who's to say he didn't have another one that he disposed of on one of his dumps?
I also wonder if he didn't just inject her with the tranquilizer manually?
Just thinking out loud.
It was inoperable when police confiscated it.
It was ooerablexin April 2020 when he said he used on sone deer to saw off their antlers.
This is the only thing on 1/11/22 now - just the voter fraud case. The next hearing for murder case is on 1/24/22 - Motions hearing.

Date Len Appearance Name Hearing Type Case # Location Division
4:30 PM 1Hr VIRTUAL MORPHEW, BARRY Status Conference D82021CR85 Chaffee County Division 2

link: Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search
I mean I just don't get how it could have been someone else.

The defence is stuck with arguing that she was abducted by the big bad, but the trouble is she went missing the day before when BM claims to have been at home with SM.

I am really fascinated what the defence will try to argue ....
and if Big Bad was at the house to take the charger, why stage the bike?
Hahah, did you mean to say "abducted by the big bad wolf"? Where's the zookeeper? :D

Seriously though, I think they'll do their best to offer up alternate theories, object to anything and everything damning, vilify Suzanne and the 'meth head' witnesses. There is no defending BM and all of his lies.

I had another thought.. so, BM's dart gun was inoperable, so it's said. Who's to say he didn't have another one that he disposed of on one of his dumps?
I also wonder if he didn't just inject her with the tranquilizer manually?
Just thinking out loud.

The dart gun is irrelevant because the darts he had were the kind that he could fire from his favorite chipmunk gun (the .22)
This is the only thing on 1/11/22 now - just the voter fraud case. The next hearing for murder case is on 1/24/22 - Motions hearing.

Date Len Appearance Name Hearing Type Case # Location Division
4:30 PM 1Hr VIRTUAL MORPHEW, BARRY Status Conference D82021CR85 Chaffee County Division 2

link: Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search
Wish they would jail him for six months for voter fraud, beginning Jan 11. NO BAIL.
Why not?:D
Wish they would jail him for six months for voter fraud, beginning Jan 11. NO BAIL.
Why not?:D
Under the Colorado constitution, the only crime not eligible for bail is capital murder, so they could not hold him without bail on the vote fraud charge.

But if they set the vote fraud trial before the murder trial and convict him, would that be grounds to revoke his $500K bond on the murder charge? IDK...
Under the Colorado constitution, the only crime not eligible for bail is capital murder, so they could not hold him without bail on the vote fraud charge.

But if they set the vote fraud trial before the murder trial and convict him, would that be grounds to revoke his $500K bond on the murder charge? IDK...
Doubt it. He didn't commit the voter fraud while out on bail. I'm anticipating a fine and who knows how they will handle any potential jail or probation. That politician in Colorado ended up with probation and community service so that kind of is telling how it's treated in the state. Court upholds voter fraud conviction of ex-GOP chair
Although it's doubtful, I may possess a rare treasure and searched for a Barry Morphew fan club earlier, to no avail.

As an escape during the unhappy marriage to a control freak, I began collecting stuff that I adored. Often, I would need to bid on auction items that were in a group in order to obtain the treasure sought.

So, it was the case with a HoBo Nickel. Back in the olden days, our HoBos would take a buffalo nickel and by using tools accessible to them, a new design would be created. I fell in love with this one masterpiece of Santa. Unfortunately, sometime more recent, someone painted the Santa with enamel but I coveted the piece anyway. It was sold in a lot with a Barry Goldwater 1964 presidential campaign pin.

View attachment 328333

Suzanne sought love in the arms of a long time friend while I sought love in tangible stuff, too. But, I cannot tell you how much I detest owning this long forgotten pin! Hence, the HoBo Santa will no longer be stored alongside the Barry pin and the pin shall heretofore be considered homeless.

Your Santa Nickel is a real art treasure! Thanks for sharing!

I have two observations:

People looking for a BM fan club may find it in the "manosphere," where various extreme forms of misogyny are celebrated - including rape, domestic violence, spousal murder, and femicide.

Our Barry likely despises real conservatives, including Barry Goldwater - just saying.
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