Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #92

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And that tortured image, when Suzanne couldn't breathe her next breath, is seared in his brain.

It's why he's the only person in the universe who sees something ugly in that last radiant photo of Suzanne.

What he's charged with, in that moment, wasn't so pretty.

He shot her with the dart, then he had to grab her both hands to prevent the dart being pulled out of the muscel by Suzanne.
He forced her to drink alcohol before shooting her, so she perhaps couldn't immediately pull out the dart. Maybe, he waited for her eyes to get a "drunken look".
I read the AA start to finish again this morning. Some takeaways are that Barry did shoot at something from the breezeway on Saturday, and he expected there might be evidence. He really believed that LE had recovered Suzanne’s phone-did he lose it along the way? And he talks an awful lot about her getting into the river.
I read the AA start to finish again this morning. Some takeaways are that Barry did shoot at something from the breezeway on Saturday, and he expected there might be evidence. He really believed that LE had recovered Suzanne’s phone-did he lose it along the way? And he talks an awful lot about her getting into the river.
I don’t think he lost it. He doesn’t know where it is :) but you all know I don’t think he knows where she is…or her phone.
I read the AA start to finish again this morning. Some takeaways are that Barry did shoot at something from the breezeway on Saturday, and he expected there might be evidence. He really believed that LE had recovered Suzanne’s phone-did he lose it along the way? And he talks an awful lot about her getting into the river.

I agree he shot from the breezeway. He was trying to cover for where a dart might have ended up inside.

He only had a moment to think that through.

I wonder the same on the phone. Did he try to recover it but couldn't find it so assumed LE had found it already?
To his mistress, who isn't existent allegedly.
To his mama to show, how nasty his wife can be.
To an eldest child to keep them on his side?

And why did he video a Rx pill bottle on March 19th at 6:44 a.m. ( probably when SM was sleeping imo). Her brother AM said he’s never known her to be an early riser.
Who did he send or show that video to ?


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IIRC from the product youtube video the dart delivers the payload quickly because it is spring loaded. Then the dart drops out by itself.

Being shot with it from that 22 would hurt like hell.

I am not convinced SM, in shock, would necessarily rip it out in time.
I don’t think he lost it. He doesn’t know where it is :) but you all know I don’t think he knows where she is…or her phone.
Simple question then:

She didn't communicate with a soul after Barry arrived home on Saturday, and her phone shut down just as he was leaving the house.

Based on these two facts, you believe it is more likely that Barry doesn't know where her phone is, than does know?

Because to me, that's a really easy and logical connection to make. Barry arrives and something stops, then he leaves and something else stops.
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Courthouse Twitter has A LOT of info I wasn't aware of before now that I think is extremely important to set the scene on May 9th. For one, on May 8th JL texts SM about how she should be his wife. Then on May 9th, SM texts JL that they should be husband and wife. Considering SM's text telling BM she was "done" on the 6th, coupled with them looking at cheaper houses + BM saying he's moving to Arizona paints a picture for me. I think Suzanne really thought she was released at this point and was going to make a clean break. As an aside, I think it's pretty telling that the house they looked at in Salida was around $800k which is close to half of what the PP property sold for if I'm correct. This seems like a split the baby and move on with life move.

With BM acting to Suzanne as if he was going to let her go, they could remain friends, and everything was going to be a-ok (she even went so far as to describe Friday night as being awesome to JL), she may have loosened up her security about the affair. I know that SM and JL usually kept to more secret modes of communication like LinkedIn and WhatsApp so I'm wondering if the "texting" is true texts or if that means LinkedIn messages? Courthouse twitter says that JL tells SM something the morning of the 9th along the lines of "the gang's all home" and then "discontinued the texts" which leads me to believe they were actual, legitimately texting again at this point--as we know they picked up talked again via LinkedIn and WA later in the day. I additionally noticed that there were super late night phone calls both ingoing and outgoing to SM's phone the night of the 8th-9th. First one at midnight and the outgoing at around 2am. If, as most of us believe, BM and SM were sleeping in separate bedrooms I could envision SM talking to JL late into the night once she thinks BM has gone to sleep.

I think at this point, I think one of two things occurred. Either 1) BM has set up a hidden camera/bug or 2) he's monitoring SM's phone via the burner device linked to her iCloud. I believe whatever it was recorded info and he reviewed it the morning of the 9th, when it sent him over the edge and he snapped.

The camera/bug would make sense because he really and truly doesn't seem to know who SM's lover is to me and I would think if he was monitoring her iCloud texts he could easily figure it out. However, if he's simply getting information off of a one-sided phone call, he probably overheard "Jeff" "Arizona" and also possibly some hints about Indiana. Evidence we have on this angle would be the fb friend requests and the fact that he guessed Suzanne's lover lived in AZ which is totally random unless he overheard something.
Simple question then:

She didn't communicate with a soul after Barry arrived home on Saturday, and her phone shut down just as he was leaving the house.

Based on these two facts, you believe it is more likely that Barry doesn't know where her phone is, than does know?

Because to me, that's a really easy and logical connection to make. Barry arrives and something stops, then he leaves and something else stops.
Yes I think he does not know where her phone is. They may even be two separate but related events…the inability to locate her and the inability to locate her phone and charger. For some odd reason the fact that the charger AND phone are missing strikes me as a very odd thing. If the phone only were gone I would have a very different feeling. I am bothered also by the fact that Barry thought LE had it. Why would he think that? The phone is easier to disappear than a person and again the charger doesn’t add up.
Yes I think he does not know where her phone is. They may even be two separate but related events…the inability to locate her and the inability to locate her phone and charger. For some odd reason the fact that the charger AND phone are missing strikes me as a very odd thing. If the phone only were gone I would have a very different feeling. I am bothered also by the fact that Barry thought LE had it. Why would he think that? The phone is easier to disappear than a person and again the charger doesn’t add up.
Barry absolutely needed her phone to be missing though. Find her phone and you find their texts. He didn't count on the cloud, and he didn't count on the ability of law enforcement to recover the texts he deleted.

This jibes perfectly with the disappearance of her journal, which would potentially be as damning as what was on her phone.

We don't know if Barry thought they had it, or was acting. The charger doesn't introduce a third party or anything, and it certainly doesn't make it look like Suzanne took off.

I think that's incredibly minor and proves nothing.
Courthouse Twitter has A LOT of info I wasn't aware of before now that I think is extremely important to set the scene on May 9th. For one, on May 8th JL texts SM about how she should be his wife. Then on May 9th, SM texts JL that they should be husband and wife. Considering SM's text telling BM she was "done" on the 6th, coupled with them looking at cheaper houses + BM saying he's moving to Arizona paints a picture for me. I think Suzanne really thought she was released at this point and was going to make a clean break. As an aside, I think it's pretty telling that the house they looked at in Salida was around $800k which is close to half of what the PP property sold for if I'm correct. This seems like a split the baby and move on with life move.

With BM acting to Suzanne as if he was going to let her go, they could remain friends, and everything was going to be a-ok (she even went so far as to describe Friday night as being awesome to JL), she may have loosened up her security about the affair. I know that SM and JL usually kept to more secret modes of communication like LinkedIn and WhatsApp so I'm wondering if the "texting" is true texts or if that means LinkedIn messages? Courthouse twitter says that JL tells SM something the morning of the 9th along the lines of "the gang's all home" and then "discontinued the texts" which leads me to believe they were actual, legitimately texting again at this point--as we know they picked up talked again via LinkedIn and WA later in the day. I additionally noticed that there were super late night phone calls both ingoing and outgoing to SM's phone the night of the 8th-9th. First one at midnight and the outgoing at around 2am. If, as most of us believe, BM and SM were sleeping in separate bedrooms I could envision SM talking to JL late into the night once she thinks BM has gone to sleep.

I think at this point, I think one of two things occurred. Either 1) BM has set up a hidden camera/bug or 2) he's monitoring SM's phone via the burner device linked to her iCloud. I believe whatever it was recorded info and he reviewed it the morning of the 9th, when it sent him over the edge and he snapped.

The camera/bug would make sense because he really and truly doesn't seem to know who SM's lover is to me and I would think if he was monitoring her iCloud texts he could easily figure it out. However, if he's simply getting information off of a one-sided phone call, he probably overheard "Jeff" "Arizona" and also possibly some hints about Indiana. Evidence we have on this angle would be the fb friend requests and the fact that he guessed Suzanne's lover lived in AZ which is totally random unless he overheard something.
Re the separate bedrooms idea:

From AA page 24 - discussing the afternoon of 5/9

“Barry stated that he got back to the house “probably around three or four. Talked about the dinner and she said she was gonna make some potatoes.” He said he “would marinate the steaks; I’m probably in the garage, I usually tinker around there, killing time.” He added that Suzanne was probably doing REDACTED’s sheets, adding that REDACTED bed was a free-for-all while he was in the garage tinkering.”

Aside from the fact that IMO Suzanne was likely dead or incapacitated already, what does he mean by the bed was a “free-for-all” while he was tinkering in the garage? Even considering the fact that it’s Barry speaking, it’s a really strange way to describe someone washing sheets. I considered he may have meant it in the sense that, with MM1 away at college, it was a spare room and if someone stayed over, they used that bed but he’s specifically referring to what went on while he was in the garage. Weird.
Indiana is irrelevant to the trial and won't be admitted. All we know from IN is that Barry is a terrible person. He's a cheater, he's ripped people off, and he has a violent streak.

The only part of that that might be admissible is the violent streak since I believe the cops had to be called on an incident with him and another guy in Indiana. I cannot remember the specifics, so I can't find the article to reference, but I bet someone else can recall it.
RBBM above. You would think that there wouldn't be much admitted in the trial from their Indiana days, but did you see in Lauren's recap video of Feb 1 hearing that the prosecution pulled the defense into a conference room to bring up some garbage woman that claims to know Barry from 20 years ago? She said they made a big deal about it, so much so that they thought that LE had found Suzanne. Of course, Dru likes to be dramatic, but I found it interesting. I'm assuming since this woman knew Barry 20 years ago it involves something that occurred in Indiana. Wonder what pertinent info she could have or what she witnessed? In any case, wow, she's a garbage woman! What is it with garbage/dumpsters with this guy?!
About 2 hours +1 minute into video:
Courthouse Twitter has A LOT of info I wasn't aware of before now that I think is extremely important to set the scene on May 9th. For one, on May 8th JL texts SM about how she should be his wife. Then on May 9th, SM texts JL that they should be husband and wife. Considering SM's text telling BM she was "done" on the 6th, coupled with them looking at cheaper houses + BM saying he's moving to Arizona paints a picture for me. I think Suzanne really thought she was released at this point and was going to make a clean break. As an aside, I think it's pretty telling that the house they looked at in Salida was around $800k which is close to half of what the PP property sold for if I'm correct. This seems like a split the baby and move on with life move.

With BM acting to Suzanne as if he was going to let her go, they could remain friends, and everything was going to be a-ok (she even went so far as to describe Friday night as being awesome to JL), she may have loosened up her security about the affair. I know that SM and JL usually kept to more secret modes of communication like LinkedIn and WhatsApp so I'm wondering if the "texting" is true texts or if that means LinkedIn messages? Courthouse twitter says that JL tells SM something the morning of the 9th along the lines of "the gang's all home" and then "discontinued the texts" which leads me to believe they were actual, legitimately texting again at this point--as we know they picked up talked again via LinkedIn and WA later in the day. I additionally noticed that there were super late night phone calls both ingoing and outgoing to SM's phone the night of the 8th-9th. First one at midnight and the outgoing at around 2am. If, as most of us believe, BM and SM were sleeping in separate bedrooms I could envision SM talking to JL late into the night once she thinks BM has gone to sleep.

I think at this point, I think one of two things occurred. Either 1) BM has set up a hidden camera/bug or 2) he's monitoring SM's phone via the burner device linked to her iCloud. I believe whatever it was recorded info and he reviewed it the morning of the 9th, when it sent him over the edge and he snapped.

The camera/bug would make sense because he really and truly doesn't seem to know who SM's lover is to me and I would think if he was monitoring her iCloud texts he could easily figure it out. However, if he's simply getting information off of a one-sided phone call, he probably overheard "Jeff" "Arizona" and also possibly some hints about Indiana. Evidence we have on this angle would be the fb friend requests and the fact that he guessed Suzanne's lover lived in AZ which is totally random unless he overheard something.

5621 King Gulch Trail
Listed 5/6/2020

A few days ago a question in this forum asked for thoughts on what may have happened on Thursday or Friday,
May 7-8, to upset Barry to the extent that MG noticed he seemed really upset Saturday morning.

I replied it could have been due to Suzanne looking for houses. I read a text of hers that mentioned a house for sale on a particular street. The property address above is a house on what seems to be that street. The house was listed May 6, 2020 for $850k.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that her finding a house for approximately 1/2 the value of their marital home as a reason for BM being really upset Saturday morning was a speculation on my part due to seeing the above home for sale listing which happened to be on the street mentioned in a text.

Just wanted to add this comment so speculation isn't accepted as fact.

Don't know if the above address is allowed as part of a speculation discussion...
RBBM above. You would think that there wouldn't be much admitted in the trial from their Indiana days, but did you see in Lauren's recap video of Feb 1 hearing that the prosecution pulled the defense into a conference room to bring up some garbage woman that claims to know Barry from 20 years ago? She said they made a big deal about it, so much so that they thought that LE had found Suzanne. Of course, Dru likes to be dramatic, but I found it interesting. I'm assuming since this woman knew Barry 20 years ago it involves something that occurred in Indiana. Wonder what pertinent info she could have or what she witnessed? In any case, wow, she's a garbage woman! What is it with garbage/dumpsters with this guy?!
About 2 hours +1 minute into video:

In the context that LS described it was weird. If there was a felony crime that BM committed 20 years ago that involved this garbage woman then okay (still not sure how it relates to this case but I’ll go with it). But if this was an encounter 20 years ago where someone has something bad to say about BM, that sounds weak (to me). Mine as well dig up kids he went to middle school with. IMO

IMO BM is a douche. Established.
Yes - I understand this

Just seems odd defence gets to go around the houses with him for 2 hrs pretrial
OP has questioned if examining a witness for 2 hours pretrial and/or after PH is unique to Colorado-- and nonetheless thinks it's odd.

There's nothing unusual about the court hearing a discovery violation motion post the PH! In fact, Colorado Rule 16 calls for such matters to be determined not less than 49 days BEFORE trial commences.

The motion alleging discovery violations is not a new development. The very same is still outstanding since we're currently waiting for the court to rule on the motion brought by the defense.

To be clear, nothing in Colorado Criminal Procedure bars such hearings after the preliminary hearing.

Rule 16 - Discovery and Procedure Before Trial, Colo. R. Crim. P. 16 | Casetext Search + Citator
In the context that LS described it was weird. If there was a felony crime that BM committed 20 years ago that involved this garbage woman then okay (still not sure how it relates to this case but I’ll go with it). But if this was an encounter 20 years ago where someone has something bad to say about BM, that sounds weak (to me). Mine as well dig up kids he went to middle school with. IMO

IMO BM is a douche. Established.
If that were the case, just something bad to say, it would be points for the defense, in that it would scream "tunnel vision" and I think we would have heard about it.

Unless it was an affair, that would be beyond strange, and a whole new meaning for the phrase "dumpster diving".
5621 King Gulch Trail
Listed 5/6/2020

A few days ago a question in this forum asked for thoughts on what may have happened on Thursday or Friday,
May 7-8, to upset Barry to the extent that MG noticed he seemed really upset Saturday morning.

I replied it could have been due to Suzanne looking for houses. I read a text of hers that mentioned a house for sale on a particular street. The property address above is a house on what seems to be that street. The house was listed May 6, 2020 for $850k.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that her finding a house for approximately 1/2 the value of their marital home as a reason for BM being really upset Saturday morning was a speculation on my part due to seeing the above home for sale listing which happened to be on the street mentioned in a text.

Just wanted to add this comment so speculation isn't accepted as fact.

Don't know if the above address is allowed as part of a speculation discussion...
That one sold for a million.
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I don’t think he killed her with a dart gun. That thing was being held together with zip ties and probably wasn’t functional to any practical degree. I don’t think he was chasing her around the house either, wifi wobble is a thing and can show someone running around in a house-sized area when they’re actually sitting still the whole time.

I think they argued, he strangled her, and dumped her body (dissolved or not) close to but not on the Puma Path property.

Barry's cheap but he wasn't holding his gun together with Zip ties.

Those zip ties are from the DAs office where the firearm was fixed to a stiff board in order to display the firearm while it was shown in court.

I think Barry knocked against the master suite door to get after Suzanne; therefore, damaging the jamb.
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