Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #93

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Do we know why the daughters were so delayed in returning from their trip?If they really were due home at noon what caused them to be so delayed that they did not return until nearly 12 hours after that?

We don't really know if they traveled to Idaho (as first reported) or only as far as Utah and TOS prevented further inquiry. IMO, there was never any plan to arrive around noon because that would mean getting on the road for the journey home at a ridiculous hour in the morning.

When MM2's boyfriend and his father are talking to LE at PP around 7pm Sunday, they both tell LE that the daughters traveling and/or are on the road but are very careful not to give any details. For example, if they were within 60-90 minutes from Salida, I think the natural reaction would be to tell LE they went on a trip but should be arriving within 90 minutes or so. To my knowledge, we don't know what time they actually arrived Chaffee County.
I have a feeling (purely speculative) that in the months leading up to Suzanne’s murder, Barry had been working extra hard to alienate MM1 from Suzanne. I believe he took every opportunity that he could to complain to her about Suzanne.

He may have tried to do the same with MM2 but she saw first hand what was going on in the house and likely tried to avoid getting in the middle of it.
I totally agree with you. I think he 'bought' the girl's affection and loyalty with the gifting of Range Rovers and mountain bikes and pAying for college tuition and rent. I think he constantly told them 'Mom doesn't want me to pay for this stuff for ya'll but I don't care' ! I think he worked hard to create a divide there. 'Don't tell Mom, but...' Kind of thing.

And when she went missing, I am sure he poisoned their minds with 'Your mom had a secret boyfriend, she turned her back on OUR FAMILY' etc etc....
Keep thinking about when BM was killing SM on Saturday afternoon, er, I mean, chasing chipmunks.
Borrowed from @sk716 ’s wonderful timeline:
14:44:02 – 14:44:05 Barry’s phone pings by the western back patio.
14:44:06 – 14:44:09 Barry’s phone pings by the sunning porch where Suzanne took the selfie at 2:03.
14:44:10 – 14:44:11 Barry’s phone is in front of the house
14:44:12 – 14:44:23 Barry’s phone pings inside the garage
14:45:43 – 14:47:43 Barry’s phone pings at the master bed room.

I don’t believe BM is capable of running through walls despite the he man that he (thinks he) is. :rolleyes:
This is how I think it may have played out. Remember he is mad, he is pumped up. How dare she not answer his calls. He’s moving quickly.

Great post.

I also wonder if the timing of the pings that has been presented are truly sequential or if the poor cell service is to blame.

Like instead of 1,2,3,4,5
It’s really, 1,2,4,5,3 or something like that. (Just made that order up).
And what a stupid story. IMO If you’re going to kill a turkey I would assume it would be because you were going to eat it. Why would you even look for it after the fact? Did Barry think it would fly or walk back to the kill area? Truly ridiculous!

I believe he thought the investigators would just believe him. This upstanding member of the community, business owner, just trying to work and make a living and called home on Mother's Day about his missing wife. He had an answer for everything and most of it was hunting related.. looking for the turkey, tranquilizing deer, following an elk.. maybe he thought these things were believable? He used the only thing he understood well and really an animal can't talk to disprove what you are saying. The only problem for him is the original story didn't include these things and he only remembered doing them when the detectives asked him why his truck or phone data didn't match that story he told.. then it was always about an animal...
Is the defense's argument that Suzanne didn't mention abuse in every single text, how bad could it have been?

No, they are saying SO doesn’t have the texts, doesn’t remember when the text occurred, SM didn’t state the specifics of how BM was abusive, just that he was, so how can BM possibly defend his self against these accusation?

at least that is my opinion of why the judge says it isn’t allowed in.
Judge denies motions in Barry Morphew hearing |

Prosecutors also revealed that one of Suzanne's best friends, Sheila Oliver, told investigators about alleged acts of domestic violence she believed that Barry committed toward Suzanne during a March 2, 2021 conversation with investigators.

Prosecutors did not provide any dates or specific times the alleged incidents took place, saying only they believe they all happened in the time since the Morphews moved to Colorado from Indiana. They also did not provide any circumstantial information about what led up to the alleged incidents.

"We don't believe that the allegations are true," said one of Morphew's defense attorneys.
They made the argument that Oliver is not a credible source since she once wore a recording device to record a conversation with Barry. Defense attorneys said that in the more than 3,000 text messages between Suzanne and Oliver, Suzanne never mentioned the alleged acts of domestic abuse, even though they were best friends.

Oliver will still be allowed to testify in court during the trial.
While I see the evidence clearly pointing towards BM’s guilt, I’ve always felt like there is one or two pieces of missing info that keeps this case from being a clear slam dunk. There are so many circumstantial pieces of evidence and I feel like there is something LE hasn’t found that ties it all up nicely.

I guess the biggest piece being how did he dispose of her body?

Another car or accomplice?
Vehicle that didn’t have GPS tracking?
Buried on the property?
More clever deleting vehicle data than LE has realized?

All of them have merit based on what we know. That one aspect of this case continues to keep me so curious even though it’s obvious that he did it.
I think two are Clorox pool chlorine stabilizers, easily identified with a Google search.


To add to the mystery of the bags of spa treatment in Suzanne's car, they are half full bags. The AA states the bags are half empty but that's placing a negative connotation on the truth. IOW, the bags of chemicals had been opened and the contents of each one was missing half of the ingredients.
While I see the evidence clearly pointing towards BM’s guilt, I’ve always felt like there is one or two pieces of missing info that keeps this case from being a clear slam dunk. There are so many circumstantial pieces of evidence and I feel like there is something LE hasn’t found that ties it all up nicely.

I guess the biggest piece being how did he dispose of her body?

Another car or accomplice?
Vehicle that didn’t have GPS tracking?
Buried on the property?
More clever deleting vehicle data than LE has realized?

All of them have merit based on what we know. That one aspect of this case continues to keep me so curious even though it’s obvious that he did it.
I'm sure we'll hear a theory in regards to the body dump at trial. It is a huge question that was never answered.

It doesn't change whether or not I feel he is guilty, as this is among the easiest cases I've ever followed in reaching that determination, but I just need to know!
As the trial approaches, many are wondering about them testifying for the defense. I think it is valid to speculate about the potential impact upon the trial, in that event. Maybe I am wrong?
I agree. I don’t think anyone has been judging them. We’ve been judging Barry’s actions with/toward the girls based on things Suzanne shared. They’re innocent in all this mess. Should it turn out that they continue to support their Dad when he’s convicted and after hearing everything he did, well he’s still their Dad. It’s tough to judge when they’re in such a crappy situation because of what their Dad did.
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We also have Suzanne's list she had on her phone. She listed physical abuse. Surely that would be admitted?
IANAL but I think the list will be admissible, as well as the text SM sent her sister Melinda on Friday morning, 5/8/20, a mere day before she was ‘disappeared’, in which she said BM was physically and emotionally abusive.

Jumping off your post-
Regardless of what BM did with/to SM’s phone, he couldn’t get rid of/destroy her phone records aka Suzanne’s digital trail- her text to Melinda Friday morning mentioning BM physical and emotional abuse, her 50 things list which also mentioned abuse, and her text messages with SO which even though they didn’t mention specific acts of BM abuse and when, imo they clearly show SM’s state of mind and that she was fearful of BM, and her “I’m done, let’s do this civilly” text to BM on 5/6/20 is huge and goes to motive. Nobody leaves Barry! and takes 1/2 HIS money. SMH. Judge Lama said the texts will be admissible so fortunately they have her digital records all in SM’s own words with dates and time stamps. And I believe SO can still be called to testify at trial. I’m sure the DC will be objecting left and right during SO testimony and attempt to rip her to shreds on cross examination, and also discredit SM while they’re at it- SM is clearly a liar because she didn’t tell you about the affair. SMDH.
It’s really too bad SM’s journal wasn’t able to be recovered. I bet it contained a treasure trove that didn’t reflect well on BM. He destroyed/burned that journal for a reason!

SM digital data in addition to BM’s many statements to investigators which imo are not considered hearsay and likely admissible are a big problem for Team BM. As well as many other things like his fake work alibi on Sunday, multiple trash dumps at different locations to include dumping tranq materials, his own digital data-putting phone on airplane mode, deleted messages, lying about where he was when he got the call from Ritter, lying and saying he was sleeping all night, got up at 4:30am and left the house and a sleeping Suzanne at 5am when his phone data and truck telematics show otherwise. And the glaring fact that Suzanne and her digital footprint went dark coinciding with BM arrival home Saturday afternoon, BM admittedly running around the property gun in hand and SM never heard from or seen again. I’m sure there’s other things that that I’m forgetting atm but suffice to say there’s a mountain of problems facing Team BM. Also, just because DC says the prosecution didn’t turn over evidence, doesn’t make it true. Iirc, the prosecution handed over 10,000 pages of discovery and a terabyte of data! That’s a lot of information, to say the least. It could be the DC has it but missed/can’t find it. I’m remembering the DC saying they were having trouble opening up some of the files prosecution sent them, something to that effect. Anyway it should be easy for the prosecution to prove they handed over whatever DC is claiming they didn’t. Actually, I believe at one of the previous hearings when DC was claiming they didn’t get some discovery items, someone on the prosecution team Lindsey? Hurlburt? addressed it with Judge Murphy and said something to the effect, that’s just not true Judge, we have handed everything over to them. I’m too tired to look it up atm, so moo.

And let’s not forget what Sheriff Spezze said when BM was arrested on 5/5/21, that the investigation is still ONGOING, so we don’t know what LE/DA may have recovered since BM’s arrest. IMO, the prosecution have not and will not reveal their whole hand prior to trial. Having said that, maybe prosecution have one, or two, or ??? ‘surprises’ stored up for trial. Two and a half months and counting….



ETA-punctuation, clarity
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I agree. I don’t think anyone has been judging them. We’ve been judging Barry’s actions with/toward the girls based on things Suzanne shared. They’re innocent in all this mess. Should it turn out that they continue to support their Dad when he’s convicted and after hearing everything he did, well he’s still their Dad. It’s tough to judge when their in such a crappy situation because of what their Dad did.

I agree. I think comments have been directed at how Barry has potentially manipulated his daughters and perhaps used them to undermine Suzanne. And also how Barry's lawyers might also be using them to stage Barry's entrance to court.
New trial date for the Morphew case now. Set to start 4/29 - end 6/3 as judge rules alleged domestic violence between couple will not be allowed through texts or prior conversation. Legal folks say this is a blow to the prosecution because these alleged acts explain motive.
Prosecution may try to get into in though through witnesses whom #SuzanneMorphew spoke with about the troubled marriage. Her confidante, Sheila Oliver, is a key witness. The family only lived in Colo for 2 years, so there are many witnesses who knew them in Indiana.
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