Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #98

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Yes as of the aa there was no activity on her accounts iirc - its right in the aa - where they talk about no proof of life for SM - maybe try the searchable aa IMO
Thanks, I was in the searchable searching on Green Dot and some other terms and it didn't come up....will try accounts or a few other words. It's entirely possible that they did not want to use Suzanne's banking activity or didn't have information at the time of the AA...that was quite a while ago. I have to assume there was no activity after May 9, but I'm just curious when she opened them.
By my math, he would have had to have driven back to Indiana non-stop at 200 MPH, just to make the wedding.

My head hurts.

I dunno, @MassGuy -- have you seen the quality of deepfakes these days? Sheila's hubby may not have even been present for the wedding, all those formal photos that include him notwithstanding.

Did Barry attempt to reach Suzanne by alternate means?

Remember, he wasn't supposed to know she was dead, so what would you do if you couldn't reach someone, in particular someone who typically responded quickly? Would you immediately think m-m-mount-t-t-tain liiiiiiiion? Or would you run through the possibiliies? Home, away. Busy, injured. A fall. Phone out of order.

Did he try an email?

Did he ask a gym buddy to run over?

Did he call all the places she might be? All the people who might know where she could be?

Me, I'd be calling everyone I know -- and then I'd be asking them to call everyone they know.

Because, just like MH, I'd be trying to figure out where my person went -- and I'd wear out the easy and safe and logical explanations long before I'd surrender their fate to mauling.

But that's JMO.
How about just out for a walk? Or gone to town/shopping with a friend but for whatever reason they took the friend's car. Or -- being shown a potential home by a real estate agent, Or even -- she finally left him? Many, many options before "yup, lion got'er".
Thanks, I was in the searchable searching on Green Dot and some other terms and it didn't come up....will try accounts or a few other words. It's entirely possible that they did not want to use Suzanne's banking activity or didn't have information at the time of the AA...that was quite a while ago. I have to assume there was no activity after May 9, but I'm just curious when she opened them.

Attorney Eytan wanted to speak about Suzanne's secret bank account. The state objects & says beyond the scope. Judge overruled objection. In April, Suzanne opened up an account with GreenDot bank & Royal Compass Management. Eytan asked Agent Harris he had looked into this & he said he hadn't.

CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

I recall in PH closing statements, the bank accounts SM opened in April had zero activity since May 10-- just like she'd not used her joint bank/credit accounts.
In the AA it is reported that he said he got rid of the solution in Broomfield. Splitting hairs here, but they had pictures of the darts that were still in the garage. Barry has admitted to: chasing a chipmunk with a gun around the house while Suzanne was outside sunbathing, shooting a deer with a tranquilizer dart to explain a dart or needle cap in the dryer, disposing of the tranquilizer solution during his trip to Broomfield, (pg 1) but after that there wasn't a ton of info about the tranquilizer set up. I also couldn't locate where they had captured Barry saying he shot a deer at a time that would have coincided with the needle sheath in the dryer except as the point in the AA where LE says he said that. He did talk about tanquilizing a deer in April at the end of shed season.....but nothing about May at the time of othe murder. So that might be one of the AA oopsies where the facts didn't exactly fit the actual story being told. Earlier shooting of the deer fits the dart gun investigation that showed it had not been recently used. I'm leary of the tranquilizer theory, but it is plausible and I think this must be expanded on by prosecution at trial if they stick with the theory minus the gun so now it sounds like the darts were left in the house, but Barry is saying the solution that injected into the darts is thrown away. collect a “pneu-dart box, empty,” one Pneu-dart book from safe in garage, one dart from box under bench in garage, among other items. One plastic hypodermic cover was located by evidence search teams in the dryer (pg 30) Someone asked about a missing 22 and I've not heard that and didn't locate that in the AA search. There was a 22 in the bedroom along with the unspent shell.

Initially he didn't admit to using the tranquillizer in Colorado at all. I believe he said not since Indiana, but then when presented with the dart cap in the dryer he said he did shoot it in April (I suspect distancing that incident from his wife going missing) so I don't think we can believe Barry on the time frame when he didn't even admit to using it in Colorado until after he knew the police had evidence that he in fact did and then he said he disposed for the tranquillizer stuff in Broomfield (where I also suspect he could have disposed of another dark gun also.

To me weather he tranquilized her or not is not as important as the fact he lied about it. So much of what he has lied about might have made zero difference if he just didn't lie about it.

Where he was that day makes no difference, but he lied
what time he left makes no difference, but he lied
Tranquilizing deer in April make no difference but he lied
The state of his marriage makes no difference, but he lied

This pattern of lies implicates him without blood or her body. If he said, we have been having some issues and I just wanted to get up to Broomfield to give her space that day. I woke up early and decided to get on the road. I saw an Elk and followed it a bit, then went to Broomfield. I wanted to kill time and decided to clean out my truck, get some free breakfast, take a nap, and then get my eyes on the job site before my workers come up the next day. I didn't hear from her and the girls didn't so we thought that was odd and had the neighbor head over to check on her. I was in the hotel room when LE called me to say they couldn't find her and I left some tools and headed home.

See how different that would be? Maybe he would still be charged at this point, but he tells the truth about all this and then all we would know is their marriage was in trouble and she had a secret lover, but Barry has been honest with the things he's said that we can verify.
SM's Phone Moving?
@mrjitty sbm Thx for your post. Sooo, you noticed when SM is asleep, her phone is moving???

Of course only when SM is sleepwalking. ;):D:rolleyes: j/k
BM forgot to tell LE she was a somnambulist./s

Right just like she might have put his phone in airplane mode for him while he showered that morning. His suggestions are ridiculous. I am willing to bet he had his phone password protected and she never touched his phone.
Attorney Eytan wanted to speak about Suzanne's secret bank account. The state objects & says beyond the scope. Judge overruled objection. In April, Suzanne opened up an account with GreenDot bank & Royal Compass Management. Eytan asked Agent Harris he had looked into this & he said he hadn't.

CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

I recall in PH closing statements, the bank accounts SM opened in April had zero activity since May 10-- just like she'd not used her joint bank/credit accounts.
And didn't BARE withdraw all the funds out of the Morphew Foundation shortly after Suzanne went missing? He really wasted no time in selling off her RR, cleaning out the cash on hand, and gaining permission to sell their joint assets.

Things that make you go hmmmm. ;)
And didn't BARE withdraw all the funds out of the Morphew Foundation shortly after Suzanne went missing? He really wasted no time in selling off her RR, cleaning out the cash on hand, and gaining permission to sell their joint assets.

Things that make you go hmmmm. ;)

Another thing they have is her needing the separate account for the sale of the Indiana house so she could have her inheritance money back and separate from Barry. There was a reason for a separate account and it wasn't to run off, but to leave her husband and use the money she was getting from the house sale to start on her own. They will twist that into her "hiding" an account. She had texted SO that she couldn't leave until the sale of the house. She needed her money to leave. He saw to it that she didn't get that or the chance.
Refresher of Judge Murphy finding probable cause:

Suzanne Morphew Murder to Proceed to Trial, Barry Morphew Bail set at $500,000 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice


The Judge reminded the court that he applied the lowest standard of proof in the U.S. Court system. “There is a reasonable belief that the defendant may have committed the crimes charged. I must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the prosecution. The evidence to support a conviction of the crime is not necessary at this stage of the hearings.” He reminded the court that evidence that wouldn’t normally be allowed, may be allowed at a preliminary hearing such as the one that was concluding that day.

In his detailed explanation of his finding of probable cause Judge Murphy pointed out that while there is no body, the facts appear to point that Suzanne Murphew is deceased, not missing or hiding:

  • No one has heard or seen her since May 9, 2020, despite huge media coverage…she has not been sighted or found, and she used her phone a lot.
  • Her camelback and sunglasses were in her car and she always rode her bike with them.
  • She was a stay-at-home mother to raise her kids and had no outside source of income from which she could hide money to use it to disappear.
  • She had received an inheritance, but it was used to buy the home. (Morphew had said that “he was Suzanne’s ATM” indicating he was in control of the money.)
  • She always had her bible, her journal, and the book “The Courage to Change” together. But her journal was missing and evidence of the journal was found burned in the fireplace.
  • Her purse, driver’s license, credit cards, and cash were left.
  • Most important, added Murphy, she was a dedicated and caring mother. “This is not in dispute … she said ‘Once Macy is gone – I won’t be able to do it’…. it would make little sense that she would absent herself from her kids’ lives, or of the rest of her family or friends.”
A cap of a tranquilizer needle was found in the home’s dryer along with Morphew’s clothes and Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Murphey reiterated a few key facts about Barry Morphew’s behavior. Among them:

  • Mr. Morphew arrived home at 2:44 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Three minutes later his phone is put in airplane mode until 10:17 p.m. “That is 7.5 hours – that is ample time to dispose of Suzanne’s body,” said Murphy.
  • On Sunday, May 10, Morphew was up and doing something pre-dawn, GPS tracking showed that included driving to the areas where Suzanne’s bike and bike helmet were found later that day. In fact, he made a left turn on CR 225, which he claimed was due to following a bull elk to see where the antlers dropped. But the Chaffee Sheriff’s Dept. found that at the time of day when he left it was pitch dark, and elk shed their antlers long before May.
  • Morphew then drove to Broomfield and made at least five stops that he said were stops to discard trash, but he didn’t tell law enforcement about the stops when questioned, part of a history of changing his story as time went on.
Yes as of the aa there was no activity on her accounts iirc - its right in the aa - where they talk about no proof of life for SM - maybe try the searchable aa IMO

But that's what's at issue. What accounts were included in the AA as untouched and supporting the "no proof of life" conclusion since disappearance. When questioned at the prelim, an FBI investigator testified he wasn't aware any investigator followed up (presumably as of the time of the hearing) on her new personal accounts, the Green Dot banking and Compass Management fund acct. There might be more for all we know, if we're just going off the AA. That personal banking acct was opened in April IIRC, don't know about the other.

edit: saw previous posts, it's investigator Harris who stated this.
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But that's what's at issue. What accounts were included in the AA as untouched and supporting the "no proof of life" conclusion since disappearance. When questioned at the prelim, an FBI investigator testified he wasn't aware any investigator followed up (presumably as of the time of the hearing) on her new personal accounts, the Green Dot banking and Compass Management fund acct. There might be more for all we know, if we're just going off the AA. That personal banking acct was opened in April IIRC, don't know about the other.

edit: saw previous posts, it's investigator Harris who stated this.
Got it. Thanks for explaining. I imagine both parties know all that info by now though don't you think? If there was activity out there linked to SM in any fashion, the D would have posted up a motion to dismiss so fast my head would be spinning. imo with good cause. Haven't seen that to my knowledge.
Got it. Thanks for explaining. I imagine both parties know all that info by now though don't you think? If there was activity out there linked to SM in any fashion, the D would have posted up a motion to dismiss so fast my head would be spinning. imo with good cause. Haven't seen that to my knowledge.
Also, the defense asked questions of investigators that involved aspects beyond their purview. It was a sneaky tactic, as it made it appear that certain things were not done, when in reality they were done by other people.
So I have been following this case since day 1. I am not necessarily a Barry supporter but I do think you have to have evidence to convict someone and I do think there are things that put me on the fence. Anyway, the thing that I wanted to post about is Barry's lying. I personally detest liars and I am pretty much honest to a fault and pretty blunt personally. With me I will tell you exactly what I think. However, in my life I have known people that are liars no matter what. For example, my friend's husband would lie and say he went to McDonald's when he really went to Burger King. It drives me crazy but there are some people that lie all the time and believe their own lies or can't help themselves. I don't understand it because it is not something I do but I do know that people lie for all different kinds of reasons and I do think some people can't help themselves. I do think Barry is one of these people and has been this way his whole life so don't think it is unique to this situation. I am not saying he isn't lying to cover up what he did and he very well could be but I think he would lie even if he had nothing to do with it because he can't help himself and so for me, lying doesn't equal murderer and that is why I look forward to seeing the evidence laid out at trial.

We all know someone who lies like that@Bethlamb16 I've known a few in my lifetime. Forget all the lies, every one, and all the extraneous animal exploits. The chipmunks made me do it. It was a super crafty mountain lion....or the elk and deer with the Styrofoam antlers leading poor Barry on a fruitless chase. Forget it all...just the facts, as we know them.

Had Barry lawyered up and we never heard a word from him, lie or truth, based on what we now know, I feel totally certain Barry is guilty. People don’t just vanish into thin air. That leaves 4 other options. Animal, Stranger, Barry or Gone Girl.

Suzanne had a life and people she loved including extended family, lifelong friends and two daughters she adored. Her life had become incredibility brighter and more hopeful this past two years in spite of her cancer return. Suzanne was searching, not retreating. She was pursuing a certificate in Fitness training. With settlement coming up soon on the Indiana property her money was within sight and reach and it was a substantial amount. In fact, she sent her lover a text May 9th “We should be married” That's not gone girl.

Absolutely no one, no one bought the Mountain Lion. That's like saying we had a terrible fire but not one burn mark or ash , nothing. It wasn't a Mountain Lion or any animal.

Suzanne’s Digital footprint ended forever late afternoon Saturday, May 9th 2020. Barry is there late afternoon and until 4-5 AM the following day. He puts himself there as do his vehicle and cell phone data. No denying that, no lies involved. It's just the facts.

Very early morning May 10th Barry leaves to spend the day, 3 hours away, in a HIE, doing absolutely nothing of any significance. Watches a little television and makes some phone calls. It's just the facts.

Means: Unlimited… A lifelong hunter who skinned his own pets. Knives, guns, tranquilizer darts, chemicals

Motive: A 3-day old text from his wife. "I'm done. Let’s do this civilly” Besides a divorce and losing control of his angel and jealousy, he’s out some serious cash.

Opportunity: Suzanne was gone forever May 9th...Barry had all day from 3pm onward. 13 /14 hours. Opportunity plus.

There was no one who had the “opportunity” to abduct Suzanne May 10th.

The only person with Suzanne in this timeframe was Barry.

Considering the time frame, it’s a farther stretch for me to believe SODDI. Not to mention he either came to the house after Barry left. They just guessed she was alone on Mothers Day and there were no cameras or alarms and guessed the entrance code , because if he knew Suzanne he would know there were cameras (that was her concern). Then whoever, took Suzanne, her cell charger spent a little time burning her journal and then went to the trouble to stage the bike and helmet? Why bother (?), he already had her. Or he took her from the road then came back to the house to get her charger and burned her journal. Why bother (?), he already had her.
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Got it. Thanks for explaining. I imagine both parties know all that info by now though don't you think? If there was activity out there linked to SM in any fashion, the D would have posted up a motion to dismiss so fast my head would be spinning. imo with good cause. Haven't seen that to my knowledge.

I'd hope so! I remember it distinctly though because that questioning, which I find interesting in its own right for the implications...tbh it wasn't a great sign either way you look at it: the witness wasn't prepared for the questioning or answered w/substantive knowledge those leads weren't followed up on and now that's on record.
I'd hope so! I remember it distinctly though because that questioning, which I find interesting in its own right for the implications...tbh it wasn't a great sign either way you look at it: the witness wasn't prepared for the questioning or answered w/substantive knowledge those leads weren't followed up on and now that's on record.

But in an investigation this large there are many people doing various tasks. If you ask the person checking vehicle info to tell about bank accounts, how much do they really know? It's low of the defense to ask questions to people they know won't have the answers and then claim it just must not have been done.

Say you are at work and in charge of X and then a supervisor asks you about Y, you say you don't know. That doesn't mean you aren't doing your job of X very very well, but if the supervisor never asks about X ? I'm confident in trial the people on the stand are going to be asked about their area of expertise and that's it. You don't call a DNA expert and ask about phone pings. Just seems the defense was trying to confuse things to sway opinion.
Wow--good catch.

"... Barry mumbles, "she said she was [going to ride] soon's she gets up."

So when did she tell him that? After she had her climax, which she had EVERY SINGLE TIME Barry had sex with her? She drifted off to sleep but had time to whisper ' I'm gonna ride soon as I get up' ---before she fell asleep. :rolleyes:
I just watched the bodycam video again.


LE says to Barry, "you left at 5am?"

To which Barry replies, "she was sound asleep."

Um. No one asked that.

But it gets worse. I can't believe I missed it.

They're talking about her biking, not avid, new to it.

And Barry mumbles, "she said she was [going to ride] soon's she gets up."

There it is.

Soon's she gets up.

He tried to close the gap.

Suzanne agreed to put down her phone on Saturday -- for the hike they didn't take, the steak and plate they shared and the sex-to-bedtime.

And here he attempts to close the window altogether -- she rolled out of bed right onto her bike.

Approx 9:48 in the video. Listen for it.

Sheriff's body cam video reveals first hours of Suzanne Morphew mystery

<VR ^lavendered^ for focus>

Without doing too much violence to what is recorded, I'm able to make sense of this phrase sequence as Barry "completing" the deputy's lead, so as to be understood:
"You left at 5am?" "{Yeah,}...she was sound asleep."

Picayune or grossly distorted?
@ your mercy.
But in an investigation this large there are many people doing various tasks. If you ask the person checking vehicle info to tell about bank accounts, how much do they really know? It's low of the defense to ask questions to people they know won't have the answers and then claim it just must not have been done.

Say you are at work and in charge of X and then a supervisor asks you about Y, you say you don't know. That doesn't mean you aren't doing your job of X very very well, but if the supervisor never asks about X ? I'm confident in trial the people on the stand are going to be asked about their area of expertise and that's it. You don't call a DNA expert and ask about phone pings. Just seems the defense was trying to confuse things to sway opinion.

I see it differently, the prosecution afaik didn't object and the witness didn't testify to having no knowledge or participation in that specific part of the investigation, but instead answered in such a fashion that it gave an idea they had knowledge and those follow-ups weren't carried out. Like it or not, that's on record now and it's not "sneaky" or whatever by the defense. The witness was FBI, btw, someone we probably are safe to assume has the necessary professional experience and training, so it's difficult to claim they're some naive waif being mistreated by a mean defense attorney.
Refresher of Judge Murphy finding probable cause:

Suzanne Morphew Murder to Proceed to Trial, Barry Morphew Bail set at $500,000 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice


The Judge reminded the court that he applied the lowest standard of proof in the U.S. Court system. “There is a reasonable belief that the defendant may have committed the crimes charged. I must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the prosecution. The evidence to support a conviction of the crime is not necessary at this stage of the hearings.” He reminded the court that evidence that wouldn’t normally be allowed, may be allowed at a preliminary hearing such as the one that was concluding that day.

In his detailed explanation of his finding of probable cause Judge Murphy pointed out that while there is no body, the facts appear to point that Suzanne Murphew is deceased, not missing or hiding:

  • No one has heard or seen her since May 9, 2020, despite huge media coverage…she has not been sighted or found, and she used her phone a lot.
  • Her camelback and sunglasses were in her car and she always rode her bike with them.
  • She was a stay-at-home mother to raise her kids and had no outside source of income from which she could hide money to use it to disappear.
  • She had received an inheritance, but it was used to buy the home. (Morphew had said that “he was Suzanne’s ATM” indicating he was in control of the money.)
  • She always had her bible, her journal, and the book “The Courage to Change” together. But her journal was missing and evidence of the journal was found burned in the fireplace.
  • Her purse, driver’s license, credit cards, and cash were left.
  • Most important, added Murphy, she was a dedicated and caring mother. “This is not in dispute … she said ‘Once Macy is gone – I won’t be able to do it’…. it would make little sense that she would absent herself from her kids’ lives, or of the rest of her family or friends.”
A cap of a tranquilizer needle was found in the home’s dryer along with Morphew’s clothes and Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Murphey reiterated a few key facts about Barry Morphew’s behavior. Among them:

  • Mr. Morphew arrived home at 2:44 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Three minutes later his phone is put in airplane mode until 10:17 p.m. “That is 7.5 hours – that is ample time to dispose of Suzanne’s body,” said Murphy.
  • On Sunday, May 10, Morphew was up and doing something pre-dawn, GPS tracking showed that included driving to the areas where Suzanne’s bike and bike helmet were found later that day. In fact, he made a left turn on CR 225, which he claimed was due to following a bull elk to see where the antlers dropped. But the Chaffee Sheriff’s Dept. found that at the time of day when he left it was pitch dark, and elk shed their antlers long before May.
  • Morphew then drove to Broomfield and made at least five stops that he said were stops to discard trash, but he didn’t tell law enforcement about the stops when questioned, part of a history of changing his story as time went on.
BBM above and copied here:
Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Is that correct? In addition to the coordinates showing Barry running around the house, they have Suzanne circling the house at the same time? How did I miss that?! Please let it be true!!!
I'd hope so! I remember it distinctly though because that questioning, which I find interesting in its own right for the implications...tbh it wasn't a great sign either way you look at it: the witness wasn't prepared for the questioning or answered w/substantive knowledge those leads weren't followed up on and now that's on record.
On your comment about a witness being unprepared, would you ask the landscape worker who mowed your lawn if he would be qualified to replace your vehicle’s transmission?

Can you please cite the information where it is stated that leads were not followed up?
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