Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #98

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Refresher of Judge Murphy finding probable cause:

Suzanne Morphew Murder to Proceed to Trial, Barry Morphew Bail set at $500,000 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice


The Judge reminded the court that he applied the lowest standard of proof in the U.S. Court system. “There is a reasonable belief that the defendant may have committed the crimes charged. I must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the prosecution. The evidence to support a conviction of the crime is not necessary at this stage of the hearings.” He reminded the court that evidence that wouldn’t normally be allowed, may be allowed at a preliminary hearing such as the one that was concluding that day.

In his detailed explanation of his finding of probable cause Judge Murphy pointed out that while there is no body, the facts appear to point that Suzanne Murphew is deceased, not missing or hiding:

  • No one has heard or seen her since May 9, 2020, despite huge media coverage…she has not been sighted or found, and she used her phone a lot.
  • Her camelback and sunglasses were in her car and she always rode her bike with them.
  • She was a stay-at-home mother to raise her kids and had no outside source of income from which she could hide money to use it to disappear.
  • She had received an inheritance, but it was used to buy the home. (Morphew had said that “he was Suzanne’s ATM” indicating he was in control of the money.)
  • She always had her bible, her journal, and the book “The Courage to Change” together. But her journal was missing and evidence of the journal was found burned in the fireplace.
  • Her purse, driver’s license, credit cards, and cash were left.
  • Most important, added Murphy, she was a dedicated and caring mother. “This is not in dispute … she said ‘Once Macy is gone – I won’t be able to do it’…. it would make little sense that she would absent herself from her kids’ lives, or of the rest of her family or friends.”
A cap of a tranquilizer needle was found in the home’s dryer along with Morphew’s clothes and Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Murphey reiterated a few key facts about Barry Morphew’s behavior. Among them:

  • Mr. Morphew arrived home at 2:44 p.m. on Saturday, May 9. Three minutes later his phone is put in airplane mode until 10:17 p.m. “That is 7.5 hours – that is ample time to dispose of Suzanne’s body,” said Murphy.
  • On Sunday, May 10, Morphew was up and doing something pre-dawn, GPS tracking showed that included driving to the areas where Suzanne’s bike and bike helmet were found later that day. In fact, he made a left turn on CR 225, which he claimed was due to following a bull elk to see where the antlers dropped. But the Chaffee Sheriff’s Dept. found that at the time of day when he left it was pitch dark, and elk shed their antlers long before May.
  • Morphew then drove to Broomfield and made at least five stops that he said were stops to discard trash, but he didn’t tell law enforcement about the stops when questioned, part of a history of changing his story as time went on.

@Tumbleweed beat me to it, but I wanted to point out the same thing. I hadn’t read this detail before.

So there is GPS from Suzanne’s phone that traces her movements after BM got home.

She was “circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to large wildlife that had been tranquilized.”

If this is verifiable information…wow.

@Tumbleweed beat me to it, but I wanted to point out the same thing. I hadn’t read this detail before.

So there is GPS from Suzanne’s phone that traces her movements after BM got home.

She was “circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to large wildlife that had been tranquilized.”

If this is verifiable information…wow.

Yeah, holy crap!

What I can't figure out is why this was never reported elsewhere.

The more corroborating data the better, so it's huge if true.
On your comment about a witness being unprepared, would you ask the landscape worker who mowed your lawn if he would be qualified to replace your vehicle’s transmission?

Can you please site the information where it is stated that leads were not followed up?

How does that in any way compare with a professional federal investigator called by the prosecution and cross-examined by the defense in a criminal trial? Sorry, I don't see it and courts don't see it either. Professional experience and training are considered. This was, after all, one of the special agents FBI Denver sent to the investigation.

Texts go on to say that #SuzanneMorphew morning before she went missing-- she allegedly messages Jeff Libler telling him she had a fine night and looked at houses for sale. She follows that with "Still talk about Arizona."

Defense now asking SA Harris about a statement sent to #SuzanneMorphew email about her alleged secret bank account. It was a GreenDot account. Defense says you can access the account and withdraw money without having to go to a bank.
Agent Harris didn't personally investigate secret bank account & is unaware if any other member of law enforcement did. Defense ends questioning, preosecution steps up for redirect- asks agent Harris about Barry looking at Ashley Madison.
#SuzanneMorphew #BarryMorphew

Another thing to consider is the investigation force (local, state, and feds) were apparently sharing a database (I think called Shareforce?) that the defense is alleging was not turned over as of the Feb discovery hearings, making the argument some are trying, that he wouldn't or shouldn't have been aware, even less convincing.
BBM above and copied here:
Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Is that correct? In addition to the coordinates showing Barry running around the house, they have Suzanne circling the house at the same time? How did I miss that?! Please let it be true!!!

Holy Cat poop, Batman!
How does that in any way compare with a professional federal investigator called by the prosecution and cross-examined by the defense in a criminal trial? Sorry, I don't see it and courts don't see it either. Professional experience and training are considered. This was, after all, one of the special agents FBI Denver sent to the investigation.

Texts go on to say that #SuzanneMorphew morning before she went missing-- she allegedly messages Jeff Libler telling him she had a fine night and looked at houses for sale. She follows that with "Still talk about Arizona."

Defense now asking SA Harris about a statement sent to #SuzanneMorphew email about her alleged secret bank account. It was a GreenDot account. Defense says you can access the account and withdraw money without having to go to a bank.
Agent Harris didn't personally investigate secret bank account & is unaware if any other member of law enforcement did. Defense ends questioning, preosecution steps up for redirect- asks agent Harris about Barry looking at Ashley Madison.
#SuzanneMorphew #BarryMorphew

Another thing to consider is the investigation force (local, state, and feds) were apparently sharing a database (I think called Shareforce?) that the defense is alleging was not turned over as of the Feb discovery hearings, making the argument some are trying, that he wouldn't or shouldn't have been aware, even less convincing.
Special Agent Ken Harris was in charge of tracking SM's communications, specifically text exchanges.

There would be other experts, like forensic accountants, that would be reviewing and analysing her financial records. I bet there will be testimony about those 'secret' accounts during the trial, by the financial experts. If so, it won't matter that SA Harris didn't have that info during the prior hearing because he told the truth---he didn't investigate the bank records and didn't know the answer to the questions they were asking. JMO
Special Agent Ken Harris was in charge of tracking SM's communications, specifically text exchanges.

There would be other experts, like forensic accountants, that would be reviewing and analysing her financial records. I bet there will be testimony about those 'secret' accounts during the trial, by the financial experts. If so, it won't matter that SA Harris didn't have that info during the prior hearing because he told the truth---he didn't investigate the bank records and didn't know the answer to the questions they were asking. JMO
The defense did the same thing with Grusing. Special Agent Hoyland is the CAST expert, and Grusing had obviously read the reports, but they attempted to ask him highly technical questions that were way beyond the scope of his expertise.

Hoyland will be testifying to this at trial, not Grusing.

My favorite was when they presented their own breakdown of Barry's frantic cell phone activity, to which Grusing responded, "you are teaching me."
Special Agent Ken Harris was in charge of tracking SM's communications, specifically text exchanges.

There would be other experts, like forensic accountants, that would be reviewing and analysing her financial records. I bet there will be testimony about those 'secret' accounts during the trial, by the financial experts. If so, it won't matter that SA Harris didn't have that info during the prior hearing because he told the truth---he didn't investigate the bank records and didn't know the answer to the questions they were asking. JMO

I agree, ideally I'd like to see those experts at trial for the jury's benefit, although I'm not sure the state will have a forensic financial expert. My point is the defense will make hay with the new accounts and I feel the prosecution wasn't sufficiently prepared regarding that issue at the prelim. (JMO)
Equivocal Answer at PH re SM's $ Acct's?
... many people doing various tasks.... bank accounts... It's low of the defense to ask questions to people they know won't have the answers and then claim it just must not have been done...
bbm sbm
...the prosecution afaik didn't object,.. that's on record now and it's not "sneaky" or whatever by the defense ...
bbm sbm
@justtrish and @abams Interesting points.
Briefly, the defense's cross exam Q's of LEO & LEO's answers at Prelim-Hear'g is not evd. the jury will hear at trial.*

Not so briefly, I do not recall specific detail in this case, but will hypothesize re LEO's equivocal answer, only as to SM's bank accts.

P-H. ~(?) Sept 2021
Def. XE: Just now, the prosecutor asked about your investigation, and Det. Tracy, you said you learned that Vanessa Victim opened accts in her name only at First National Bk and at Money Managers R Us and deposited $XX,*advertiser censored* in each a/c on Feb 1. 2020, that is, three months before she was reported missing. And you said yes. Is that correct?
Det. D. Tracy: Yes.
Def's XE: And did you learn if any withdrawals were made from either acct? Any debits, by card or ck? If any deposits were made?
Tracy: Not sure. Don't recall.
[[ ^ is Equivocal answer. I don't recall exact wording at BM's P-H, just that it was equivocal.]]

At P-H Def. may already have known that Det. Tracy was not sure, did not recall, or did not know, so Def may have just wanted to create a perception of LE faux-pas, for MSM to report.

Further at P-H, Prosecutor may not (necessarily) object to Def's X-E imo. Why not?
1. Because the State knows there is further investigation to be done, and that an LEO giving an equivocal stmt at P-H, may be able to provide a definitive answer later, at trial.
2. Because on re-direct at P-H, knowing the answer the State can ask,
Were you assigned the task of verifying whether $ had been taken from these acct's?
Tracy: No. it was assigned to Det. Sam Catchem.

W this equivocal answer at P-H, can the Def can use in closing arguments at trial, to show LE did a half-azzed investigation? No imo. Why not? It's part of total crim proceeding against BM but it's not trial evd. the jury will see & hear.

Trial. May 2022.
If Det. Tracy is called to the stand again, presumably after the P-H, he has had a chance to review the acct stmts and/or bank records and can testify that there was no accountholder-initiated activity.
Tracy saying "no activity" at trial does not indicate his earlier P-H testimony was false.
It - the fact of no activity in acct's - is something that he learns from his review of the appropriate documents after the P-H.

So does Det. Tracy's testimony at P-H harm the State's case? Imo, no, not as long as the State is able to show these points, by putting Det. Tracy or other LEO on stand.
1. Det. Tracy (and possibly an additional LEO) was assigned to investigate these accounts.
2. Tracy and/or other LEO reviewed accountholder statements & bank records.
3. Their review encompassed the appropriate time period, from date the accts were opened until a given date, say ~ May 1, 2022.
4. Review ^ shows no acct activity - no withdrawals, no card use, no checks, no deposits, etc. - that the accountholder initiated.
* absent unusual circumstances imo.
Last edited:
If I am remembering correctly, the defense asked for a similar ruling in the McStay trial. I think they wanted Chase Merritt's entire conversations with his family, while he was incarcerated, played to the jury, because the state had played a small piece of the family visit, where he had allegedly tried to get his wife to lie for him.

At first the judge agreed to allow all of it in ---however, because of time constraints, both sides agreed to snip it down to a much smaller segment to be shown to the jury.

So I agree with you that it will not necessarily happen, that the jury will actually see or hear the entire recorded testimony. It would take up a lot of time and a lot of juror attention.

Yes a sensible compromise was struck as opposed to making the jury listen to days of irrelevant content with no direction or focus on what they should be listening for,

If the defence wants the jury to gain a feel for the character and demeanour of the accused as he answers questions, then he should testify. It is not appropriate to do this via the back door.

Wednesday, March 30th:
*Motions (Shreck) Hearing (@ 9am MT) - CO – Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew (49) (missing May 10, 2020, did not return from bike ride (supposedly), Maysville, Chaffee County, not found) - *Barry Lee Morphew (53/now 54) arrested & charged (5/5/21) with 1st degree murder after deliberation, tampering with physical evidence & attempting to influence public servants. And additional charges (5/18/21) of tampering with a deceased human body & possession of a dangerous weapon (short rifle) & amended (5/18/21) to add domestic violence as sentencing enhancement. The possession of a dangerous weapon (short rifle) charge has been severed from other charges. Plead not guilty. $500K Cash only bond. Bonded out on 9/20/21.
Trial set to begin on 4/28/22 with jury selection for 2 days & Omni hearing on 4/29/22 & Voir dire begins on 5/2/22 & hope to have jury seated by 5/6/22 & trial begins on 5/9/22 thru 6/3/22 & was moved from Chaffee County to Fremont County in Cañon City.
*Charged (5/13/21) with felony forgery of public records & misdemeanor elections-mail ballot offense. $1K Bond.
Felony forgery charges will be addressed after murder trial.
Missing info, Barry’s PP loan & court info from 5/10/21 thru 3/4/22 reference post #801 here:
Still Missing - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #97

3/8/22: In the defense’s latest motion, they are asking the Court to dismiss a 1st degree murder case because a former CBI Agent, who has been thoroughly discredited, has opined on the timing of arresting the defendant in this case. Response to Defense Supplement to Motion for Sanctions [D-17(c)] filed 2/23/22. Motions hearing on 3/10/22 & a pretrial readiness conference hearing on 4/19/22.
3/9/22: Motion to dismiss the case, this time based on the presentation of false testimony at pretrial hearings [D-64]. Morphew’s defense attorney provides a list of some of the topics of false testimony: Reasons for Morphew’s arrest; Falsifying CBI’s support for Morphew’s arrest; Reasons for removal of primary investigator CBI Agent Joseph Cahill. Presenting unsupported/false/undisclosed testimony regarding the CODIS matches at the Preliminary Hearing; Filing pleadings with false information.
Many of the 1,000 potential jurors have already received their jury summons.

3/10/22 Update: Morning was a lot of discussion about jury selection & how they plan to choose a jury. They hope to have a jury seated by 5/6/22 with opening arguments starting 5/9/22. There was argument about prosecutors violating court orders & missing deadlines again. Judge Lama was frustrated about endorsement of a few witnesses on the prosecution side. One witness was a DV expert. The judge prohibited any discussion of any possible prior DV instances in this case during trial. The judge said introducing this could be extremely dangerous as "this is a case where there is a lack of evidence." He said the endorsement of these witnesses clearly violate my order. Judge Ramsey Lama granted defense motions to limit expert testimony. The judge sanctioned the prosecution for failing to meet their obligations in a timely manner to provide Morphew’s defense attorneys with detailed reports on prosecution witnesses. Because the Prosecution failed to meet deadlines, Judge Lama said the 7 witnesses can only testify as lay witnesses in their capacity as LE investigators but will be prohibited from testifying as experts. Judge Lama said without providing discovery to the Defense as to the basis of their expertise it would amount to “trial by ambush”. Judge Lama said he will allow 4 other Prosecution witnesses to testify as experts because their names & information were provided in a timely manner. A hearing was added for 3/30/22, this is for a Shreck hearing requested by the defense. 4 witnesses will be discussed at that hearing. (Shreck: CO Supreme Court instructed trial courts to function as gatekeepers in determining whether expert testimony is reliable & relevant & thereby admissible).
3/15/22: Order re: [D-47] Motion for preservation of jury materials beyond the statutory 3-year period & [D-51] motion to order the jury commissioner, clerk, bailiff & other court personnel to preserve notes, excel sheets, emails, logs & other material related to handling of prospective jurors' requests & communications. [D-47] & [D-51] are granted in part & denied in part. The Court orders only the following materials to be kept as part of the record: (1) juror questionnaires; (2) notes, questions & written or electronic communications from prospective & seated jurors after they respond to their jury summonses; (30 written communications from the jury commissioner about prospective jurors & seated jurors after they respond to their jury summonses; (4) they jury list containing the names of the prospective jurors summoned for this case; (5) the list of the prospective jurors who respond to the jury summonses; & (6) the summonses of the prospective jurors who respond to the courthouse. The Court will not expand the jury materials preservation beyond the statutory 3-year period.

3/16/22: Order re: [D-53] Motion for discovery & ongoing full disclosure of any records, materials or investigation of prospective jurors. Conclusion: The Court finds the People must turn over the materials requested unless it falls under the umbrella of work product. Therefore, to the extent the People are generating criminal histories or compiling data about prospective jurors' prior service, it must be disclosed. Any issues related to whether materials are considered work product should be resolved between the parties. Court: defendant's [D-53] is granted in part & denied in part. Another motion filed this month, suggests there also being a fourth CODIS hit connected to DNA found on the glove box of Suzanne’s Range Rover. The three CODIS hits previously mentioned in court have connections to Arizona & Illinois but have been ruled out according to the prosecution. The court documents reveal the fourth CODIS hit is linked to Maryland & was allegedly not produced to the defense. This Maryland CODIS hit remains unresolved, according to the motion filed by the defense. Morphew’s attorneys allege the prosecution has violated multiple discovery sanctions. They claim the prosecution has recently produced additional evidence that should have been produced months ago, showing a pattern of continuing violations.
What is this motions hearing going to be about tomorrow? Is this about the recent Motions to Drop Charges? :rolleyes:

here is what I found that explained the last hearings pretty well:

Morphew Murder Trial Motions Hearing Continues, Judge Orders Potential Testimony of Domestic Abuse Excluded - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice

The elephant in the room regarding evidence remained the DNA evidence that the defense had accused the prosecution of not getting to them in a timely manner (motion D-36), and the prosecution had responded that they didn’t have it by the time the defense said they had it. Prosecuting Attorney Edwards said “we will be filing a motion to exclude alternate suspect evidence as we understand it — other suspects with a tenuous connection to the case.

The Judge disagreed, saying that “there is nothing speculative or remote at the crime scene – it is relevant and its not tenuous or speculative. We’ll make a ruling NOT excluding this evidence. The question is, what happens if some other evidence is introduced during trial that we don’t know, haven’t considered now? The People are given leave to reverse the motion, but at the juncture won’t require the defense to file anything. The foreign matter DNA is relevant.”

Defense attorneys also submitted motion D-37 to exclude out-of-court statements and the more than 3,000 text messages gathered as written by Suzanne Morphew. Throughout the Feb. 10 hearing, the defense continued to portray themselves as they prepare to go to trial, and defendant Barry Morphew as the victim. They said that evidence had continued to come to them disorganized and out of order, and they didn’t know what emails went with which attachments.

Hearsay is presumptively inadmissible in court; it can’t be talked about until or unless the court makes it admissible.” But in this case, the declarant (the person who spoke) is missing and unavailable for trial,” said Prosecuting Attorney Edwards, defending the plethora of email and text messages from Suzanne Morphew. “Our burden is to provide [the court] with discovery … they want the prosecution to prepare the case for them.”

A long list of motions remained at the end of a full day of motions hearing: among the most important D-25 and D-33, both related to the extensive evidence files, including more than 40 hours of defendant interviews going back to May, 2020.

Among next steps:

The discovery defense supplement is due March 4 and a final Motions hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. March 4.

A notice of those who will be called to testify is due March 25, 2022

A request was made by the defense to extend the trial days and the court set the trial to run from May 2 through June 3, 2022.
Like "Large Wildlife" Tranquilized?

"... Suzanne’s phone’s GPS ... showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized..." (from local newspaper)*
This is not a quote from Judge Murphy's ruling but is purportedly a factor in his ruling in Probable Cause hearing in Sept. 2021. Do we have an image/pdf of that ruling? Anyone?

Like @MassGuy, I have not seen this reported elsewhere.

ETA. Does Colorado classify chipmunks "large wildlife?" Maybe it was not SM w cell in hand circling the home's yard like "large wildlife that have been tranquilized."
Was it one of the BM-tranquilized chipmunks who highjacked SM's cell? The one in pic below has cheek pouch that could carry an i-Phone 11. ;):eek::rolleyes: j/k

Chipmunks | Fun Animals Wiki, Videos, Pictures, Stories
* Suzanne Morphew Murder to Proceed to Trial, Barry Morphew Bail set at $500,000 - by Jan Wondra - Ark Valley Voice
How does that in any way compare with a professional federal investigator called by the prosecution and cross-examined by the defense in a criminal trial? Sorry, I don't see it and courts don't see it either. Professional experience and training are considered. This was, after all, one of the special agents FBI Denver sent to the investigation.

RSBM - I've seen it before in two different trials that the defence asks the wrong witness about something, and they simply answer that they don't know, or it was not their task.

Then the prosecution introduces the correct witness for the evidence.

It's a sleight of hand by the defence, but it can also blow up in their faces. In another trial i followed closely, the defence did this to pretend another suspect was the killer as a cornerstone of the defence.

But then the final witnesses revealed that the suspect had been ruled out so it actually blew up in their faces because it was clear the defence had always known this (via discovery).

IMO the defence needs to be careful about pretending things have not been investigated.
BBM above and copied here:
Suzanne’s phone’s GPS on Saturday afternoon around the time that Barry Morphew returned home, showed her circling the home’s yard in a manner similar to the behavior of large wildlife that have been tranquilized, just after her last known phone contact.

Is that correct? In addition to the coordinates showing Barry running around the house, they have Suzanne circling the house at the same time? How did I miss that?! Please let it be true!!!
Since SM's phone was not recovered, I suspect the local reporter may have conflated evidence from BM's GPS with SM's phone but I too hope they have GPS information for SM's phone in addition to BM's GPS. Fingers crossed!
Will there be any reporters in the courtroom that you know will be there, or have they given up because tweeting is no longer allowed? It reminds me of the dark ages using a pad and pencil. Why not use a tablet and chisel from Michelangelo days.

I expect there will be reporters in attendance but they will still be under Judge Lama's 2/9/22 Standing Decorum Order which prohibits live reporting of any kind, and courtroom lockout (once the hearing begins) prevents timely updates.

Once again, we have BM's defense team to thank for this inconvenience after they falsely accused an individual YTuber of live broadcasting the 2/9/22 motions hearing after allegedly hacking WebEx! The same false accusation resulted in the immediate Standing Decorum Order by gullible Judge Lama.

Not only to set the record straight but to also clear their name, it's my understanding the individual voluntarily testified during a closed hearing the following day, where the Court agreed that the defense's allegation was false. Since the YT is not approved for WS, this is MOO.

Perhaps for the defense to save face, the Court later confirmed that WebEx was never hacked on 2/9/22 but instead believes somebody must have been recording with their phone from inside the courtroom. This makes no sense since the party falsely accused by the defense was nowhere near Salida on 2/9/22 and did not attend the hearing on that date.

(Ytuber obtained a transcript of their closed hearing but can't share /distribute the transcript pursuant to Colorado court rules).

They may have it, if they have access to her iCloud.
I believe this might depend on SM's individual settings.

For example, using my own iPhone, I see the following in my privacy settings: "Location Services Uses GPS, Bluetooth, and crowd-sourced WiFi hotspot and cell tower locations to determine your approximate location."

Since my Location Services, Location Alerts, and Share My Location options are all turned off, there's no history/location log in my iCloud backup folder.

Not to say that an FBI forensic investigator can't access hidden folders not available to me... :eek:
But that's what's at issue. What accounts were included in the AA as untouched and supporting the "no proof of life" conclusion since disappearance. When questioned at the prelim, an FBI investigator testified he wasn't aware any investigator followed up (presumably as of the time of the hearing) on her new personal accounts, the Green Dot banking and Compass Management fund acct. There might be more for all we know, if we're just going off the AA. That personal banking acct was opened in April IIRC, don't know about the other.

edit: saw previous posts, it's investigator Harris who stated this.
Is there a place I can see the judges remarks on sending the case to trial? I don't recall this part about SMs phone showing her moving around the yard. Thanks.
<VR ^lavendered^ for focus>

Without doing too much violence to what is recorded, I'm able to make sense of this phrase sequence as Barry "completing" the deputy's lead, so as to be understood:
"You left at 5am?" "{Yeah,}...she was sound asleep."

Picayune or grossly distorted?
@ your mercy.

Your point is duly noted -- question asked and answered, but it's the "she was sound asleep" part which stands out to me.

You left at 5am. {Yeah.}

She was sound asleep.

No one asked that!

Volunteering extraneous information IMO is a hallmark of deception.

It's the combination of oversplains the screams to me.

She was sound asleep.

She said she was [going biking] soon's she got up.

IMO he wasn't answering questions. He was inserting his narrative.

Did you find the phone?

M-m-mount-t-tain liiiiiiiion.

It would be interesting to hear just his words, with the other speakers edited out.

I think he wedged a working all day up in Denver in there too.

IMO he had an agenda, from the moment he stepped out of his truck. And none of it was directed at locating Suzanne or assisting in that regard.

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