Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o Prejudice* #103

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IIRC, it was gray and drizzly outside…it wasn’t raining hard because Tyson was outside walking around videotaping himself and narrating and he didn’t appear to be wet.

Why would BM have his shirt off, soaking wet, looking “like a zombie” if he was just out for a casual stroll around the creek while someone was waiting in his truck? IMHO, he was down in the ice cold creek looking for something he’d left there.

Or staging something.

Something he wanted to turn up downstream.

IMO Barry believed he was staging innocence by talking to LE -- because a guilty person wouldn't do that.

i think Barry knew TD saw him and that's why he chummed up with him later. He didn't want to be recorded... but I think what he did want to do was redirect TD. Talk his ear off. Because again, a guilty man wouldn't do that (thinks Barry).

I really wish TD had asked him what he'd been doing. The answer would've been a doozy.

Wading upstream to catch salmon for the hungry bear that broke into my garage...

Shooting perch... for their antlers...

Wrestling crocodiles, done it my whole life...

The question for me is: Did Barry take something out of the water or put something in it?

Alternately, since we don't know what he was doing there or how long he was there doing it, it's possible that the creek was simply on his route and that he'd been at a point beyond and had to cross the creek twice in order to get there and back.

IMO it was important whatever it was.

I don't totally get what you are asking? Probably Barry picks up his spent shells...people I know do so they aren't lying around on their property. Chances are he loads a pocket full of shells and then does his thing and picks up the spent shells. I think the reason there was an unspent shell on the bedroom floor was because he had one in a pocket but of course that theory kills all the people who theorized that Barry didn't use that bedroom.

After seeing the condition of Barry's truck and garage, I do not see him bothering to pick up spent shells about the yard or anything else for that matter as momofthreeboys thinks he may have. Poor Suzanne must have had her hands full cleaning up his messes about the house. That was probably like a full time job. IMO

After seeing the condition of Barry's truck and garage, I do not see him bothering to pick up spent shells about the yard or anything else for that matter as momofthreeboys thinks he may have. Poor Suzanne must have had her hands full cleaning up his messes about the house. That was probably like a full time job. IMO
I never said I "thought" he picked up shells I said it was possible he picked up his shells near their house. I said I don't know him but I know people who do pick up their shells when they are shooting near their homes. There has never even been mention in evidence yet of spent shells so I was responding to a poster who asked why LE did not find spent shells. There are times when opinions are given and something else is possible that others might miss or not think of.
Yes but it could be a leap that he was wet because he was in the creek and not just because it was raining. Barry relayed to investigators that he was upset they spend money digging up the river house cement and didn't excavate the beaver damn. So why he was there in the rain could be debatable information should TD's information be used at a trial.
I‘m a big subscriber to the intuition = rapid processing of data theory, so it fascinates me that TD seemed sure that Barry had taken a dip in the creek. Something about Barry’s demeanour must have convinced him, or his subconscious at least.

It will be interesting to see if TD’s information will be used at Barry’s next trial, which I’m sure is in the post.
What do we think came of Suzanne's phone?

It turned off at a time that sleeping Barry wasn't sleeping.

Did he dispose of it somewhere during the 4 am hour, after the elk turn?

Did he dispose of it where he left the bike? Did he throw it in the brink, on purpose or by overshot?

Did he first destoy it? To make sure no content would be recovered?

Did he expect it to be found? Was it overbroken? A shattered mess compared to the pillow-tossed bicycle?

Did Barry make any trash runs prior to Broomfield? Up at Monarch Ski, Monarch Spur (the campground), Poncha Spring Market come to mind...

Where is the phone now? Did LE ever recover it? Did a camper or passerby find it and keep it?

I could be wrong, but I feel like he wanted it found, that he staged it.

I just wonder what happened to it next.

I think he did plant it somewhere. I think he gave us so many hints in his hours of interviews and when we listen to what he says he gives many things away. The first thing he says to the Ritters is to look for her bike. Gee for a man that is clueless about his wife and her needs, he sure knew what her plans were for that day. Then one of the first things he asks LE is did you find her phone. I believe it's mentioned he asked twice. I don't know if he planted it and when it wasn't found he went back and got it or went and checked on it, but I do believe something was up with the phone.
Or staging something.

Something he wanted to turn up downstream.

I have wondered if he was trying to plant things after the fact, but then I can't come up with how LE didn't find the things during searches of the house and his truck.. well unless he buried them somewhere like he was known to do in Indiana. He was digging in the dumpster at the store down the road and then the bike helmet shows up. I have wondered at what point that helmet was put there. Based on him turning left instead of right that morning, I lead toward it always being there, but nobody found it for days and they were actively looking. Was he trying to plant something else in the water because he knew she was in the water and he wanted them to focus that way. Did he think her "wrecking her bike" would somehow cause her to stumble around and fall in the water? Then it could be seen as an accident because she wrecked and was disoriented and went in the water? But, the helmet doesn't support that so I don't know.
I‘m a big subscriber to the intuition = rapid processing of data theory, so it fascinates me that TD seemed sure that Barry had taken a dip in the creek. Something about Barry’s demeanour must have convinced him, or his subconscious at least.

It will be interesting to see if TD’s information will be used at Barry’s next trial, which I’m sure is in the post.
Great point! I think TD had all the information we didn't. Maybe he knew it wasn't raining hard enough for Barry to be soaked like that and maybe as he observed him he realized he was way more wet than would be expected for whatever rain had been falling.
I have wondered if he was trying to plant things after the fact, but then I can't come up with how LE didn't find the things during searches of the house and his truck.. well unless he buried them somewhere like he was known to do in Indiana. He was digging in the dumpster at the store down the road and then the bike helmet shows up. I have wondered at what point that helmet was put there. Based on him turning left instead of right that morning, I lead toward it always being there, but nobody found it for days and they were actively looking. Was he trying to plant something else in the water because he knew she was in the water and he wanted them to focus that way. Did he think her "wrecking her bike" would somehow cause her to stumble around and fall in the water? Then it could be seen as an accident because she wrecked and was disoriented and went in the water? But, the helmet doesn't support that so I don't know.

Yep, that was one of BM’s theories he told Draper during the second video.

1:14 minute mark BM tells TD, “maybe she wrecked…a car coming down the hill real fast, maybe she was disoriented and got in the river.”

The following is MOO:

To believe him innocent one has to totally ignore the voluminous amount of damning evidence against BM.
A literal mountain of evidence that was collected and evaluated by three agencies of Law Enforcement imcluding the CBI and FBI, and the legendary, brilliant SA Jonny Grusing who audited the investigation before handing it over to the DA. This was a very well done, thorough investigation and the evidence collected/evaluated/followed during their year long investigation are facts in this case. Some CBI agents felt the arrest was premature because they thought BM would keep talking to them (I personally think he was done talking to CBI) and wanted to wait for more testing results which is understandable. But regardless of CBI wanting to wait to arrest and the debacle around Cahill, the agents concurred that the evidence they followed led them to BM as the responsible perpetrator that eliminated Suzanne Moorman Morphew from this earth. We can argue all day long about CBI thinking the arrest was premature and LS not agreeing and proceeded to file the charges when she did, but the fact remains that all LE involved as well as LS know that based on the evidence, they have the right guy/that BM is good for this. And as most of us know, knowing something and proving it in a court of law are entirely different things.

I bet it makes IE et al extremely happy that some continue to ignore the absolute damning mountain of evidence against her client and instead focus on random touch DNA that we’ve learned was fully investigated, debunked and ruled out, and an inept? inexperienced? prosecution team’s pre-trial mistakes. How is touch DNA that’s been totally debunked and ruled out, and a prosecution team’s mistakes prove exculpatory to BM, or prove his innocence? It isn’t, and it doesn’t. Regardless of what IE et al want people to believe, this is NOT about an innocent man being railroaded. SMDH.
Sorry not sorry IE.

Personally I think it’s wrong to refer to it as a failed prosecution when it never even got to trial in April due to Judge L gutting the prosecution’s case by disallowing mostly all of the state’s experts. Makes more sense to me/I prefer to refer to it as first attempt at prosecution thwarted because to put it bluntly, this ain’t over yet.

I’m afraid we’ve been and will continue to wait for someone to posit an argument that:
1.) explains something else (SODDI/abductor, ML, GG) happened to Suzanne and
2.) explains away the mountain of evidence against BM.
Frankly it cannot be done. IOW, there is no reasonable, logical argument to make that 1 & 2 above are possible at the same time. Why? Because they are inconsistent, wholly incompatible, and simple cannot be reconciled.

I mean I’d have to believe all the damning evidence against BM to include his numerous provable lies (I won’t note the extensive list of damning evidence and lies all out again here as most of us following since day one know the evidence, have read the AA and has been discussed all over these 100+ threads) are just hundreds of coincidences that just so happened to occur the same weekend his wife goes missing after telling him she was done with him mere days prior???? Nah, no way. I don’t believe in coincidences in general and definitely not at all in these types of cases. I read about a case in which a very astute Prosecutor said in part of his closing argument during the no body homicide trial of Laura Babcock’s murderers (both evil perps were found guilty and convicted), “too many coincidences to be anything but murder”. IOW, there are no coincidences when it comes to murder, and I personally also believe that to be true. One way or another, BM is eventually going down. If they don’t get to a future trial and secure a conviction against BM (I do think it will happen eventually), there’s this thing called karma that has a way of catching up with people.

At any rate, I continue to practice patience and hope that Suzanne’s remains are located sooner than later, charges get re-filed, BM re-arrested and successfully prosecuted at future trial. Until then, BM, may you have not one moment’s peace and keep looking over your shoulder to see when the
po-po come for you, AGAIN.



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The following is MOO:

To believe him innocent one has to totally ignore the voluminous amount of damning evidence against BM.
A literal mountain of evidence that was collected and evaluated by three agencies of Law Enforcement imcluding the CBI and FBI, and the legendary, brilliant SA Jonny Grusing who audited the investigation before handing it over to the DA. This was a very well done, thorough investigation and the evidence collected/evaluated/followed during their year long investigation are facts in this case. Some CBI agents felt the arrest was premature because they thought BM would keep talking to them (I personally think he was done talking to CBI) and wanted to wait for more testing results which is understandable. But regardless of CBI wanting to wait to arrest and the debacle around Cahill, the agents concurred that the evidence they followed led them to BM as the responsible perpetrator that eliminated Suzanne Moorman Morphew from this earth. We can argue all day long about CBI thinking the arrest was premature and LS not agreeing and proceeded to file the charges when she did, but the fact remains that all LE involved as well as LS know that based on the evidence, they have the right guy/that BM is good for this. And as most of us know, knowing something and proving it in a court of law are entirely different things.

I bet it makes IE et al extremely happy that some continue to ignore the absolute damning mountain of evidence against her client and instead focus on random touch DNA that we’ve learned was fully investigated, debunked and ruled out, and an inept? inexperienced? prosecution team’s pre-trial mistakes. How is touch DNA that’s been totally debunked and ruled out, and a prosecution team’s mistakes prove exculpatory to BM, or prove his innocence? It isn’t, and it doesn’t. Regardless of what IE et al want people to believe, this is NOT about an innocent man being railroaded. SMDH.
Sorry not sorry IE.

Personally I think it’s wrong to refer to it as a failed prosecution when it never even got to trial in April due to Judge L gutting the prosecution’s case by disallowing mostly all of the state’s experts. Makes more sense to me/I prefer to refer to it as first attempt at prosecution thwarted because to put it bluntly, this ain’t over yet.

I’m afraid we’ve been and will continue to wait for someone to posit an argument that:
1.) explains something else (SODDI/abductor, ML, GG) happened to Suzanne and
2.) explains away the mountain of evidence against BM.
Frankly it cannot be done. IOW, there is no reasonable, logical argument to make that 1 & 2 above are possible at the same time. Why? Because they are inconsistent, wholly incompatible, and simple cannot be reconciled.

I mean I’d have to believe all the damning evidence against BM to include his numerous provable lies (I won’t note the extensive list of damning evidence and lies all out again here as most of us following since day one know the evidence, have read the AA and has been discussed all over these 100+ threads) are just hundreds of coincidences that just so happened to occur the same weekend his wife goes missing after telling him she was done with him mere days prior???? Nah, no way. I don’t believe in coincidences in general and definitely not at all in these types of cases. I read about a case in which a very astute Prosecutor said in part of his closing argument during the no body homicide trial of Laura Babcock’s murderers (both evil perps were found guilty and convicted), “too many coincidences to be anything but murder”. IOW, there are no coincidences when it comes to murder, and I personally also believe that to be true. One way or another, BM is eventually going down. If they don’t get to a future trial and secure a conviction against BM (I do think it will happen eventually), there’s this thing called karma that has a way of catching up with people.

At any rate, I continue to practice patience and hope that Suzanne’s remains are located sooner than later, charges get re-filed, BM re-arrested and successfully prosecuted at future trial. Until then, BM, may you have not one moment’s peace and keep looking over your shoulder to see when the
po-po come for you, AGAIN.



This is what those that support Barry really can't explain away. In this country we have a pretty high bar for conviction and we have these procedural things that can get a case thrown out. It doesn't mean that a person isn't guilty and it also doesn't mean that every bit of evidence available isn't pointing at one person, but it does mean technicalities and errors can get a killer off from a murder charge.

It's one thing to have a coincidence that a person happened to be in the wrong place, it's possible that a husband and wife are arguing and maybe even divorcing, and then she gets murdered by someone else, it's possible that she is alone on Mother's Day and does get abducted from a bike ride. What I find VERY unlikely is that a woman says I want a divorce, she is alone on Mother's Day for a bogus reason like a job her husband can't even be working on 2 hours away, she wakes up and completely does everything she wouldn't do and doesn't do things she would do, then gets abducted by a stranger AND that stranger stages a bike and helmet and doesn't leave a trace of himself behind, takes her phone and charger, AND the husband lies every chance he gets and acts in ways that are unusual for a missing persons family to act in the days after. Then continues to lie for the year after and come up with new stories as evidence is provided to him. That is way more coincidence then I can make a jump to believe.

Those that think Barry is innocent have to at least question why he was lying and acting in ways that are not consistent with a missing wife that you have no knowledge of what happened to her.
Thank you for finding this.

It's that word 'again' that troubles me. It sounds like 'I wasn't alone just a moment ago but I am now.' So did Barry emerge from the woods just prior to leaving to get the blade changed and they did have an encounter? OR .... recall, Barry had said he was coming home at one point (isn't that when she texted the reminder about the spa stuff?) but he seems to have made an about face -- coming almost home but stopping short and then canvasing the square footage behind their home.

When did Barry call Suzanne? LE noted it -- why call her if he'd just been sharing 3 day old porridge with her? Well, when did Suzanne's text to JL go out ('guess who's alone again')? Before or after?

Consider: we know Suzanne was communicating in abundance with JL; we don't know if it was steadily or with interruptions; we do know Suzanne did some housekeeping, we just don't know when; we know Barry called her.

So.... I propose this: Suzanne was aware in general that Barry was expected back home late morning on 5/9 and kept an ear out for his truck (she was outside after all). When Barry called her after he'd been at PP looking for the yummy, decomposed turkey (sure he was), he may have told her he'd gotten tied up at the work site, you know with workers present (when in fact he was calling from the lower road) and that he'd be gone the rest of the day, and that's what inspired Suzanne's text -- as in, I just got confirmation from Barry that I'll be alone again all afternoon --

I suspect that Barry's obnoxious truck served as a bell for Suzanne -- it"s just that he knew it too, which is why he parked as he did, and slinked up to PP on foot during that incident when he spied on Suzanne and her friend. I don't think Suzanne knew Barry came home and was prowling in the backyard midday on 5/9 but I do think she was expecting him to come home then (with the spa stuff) and I think his phone call gave her false assurance the rest of the day was hers, Barry-free.

But he lied and she'd never be.


Based on texts reported during the PH (See PH Tweets), we actually have a good idea of what transpired on May 9 including when BM and MG left the beach site and BM dropped MG at her car parked at the fitness center, and when his truck arrived at or near PP, and the time his phone placed him near the creek (turkey/game cams). We filled in some more details (albeit unverified and from the transcript of PH) of BM's location/activity at or around PP prior to heading to DSi.

We also know what time BM left and arrived at DSi for the blade change and how he phoned SM about 9 times without SM answering. We know when BM returned from DSi and the alleged chipmunk shoot.

Pulled this from the Media thread but I believe there's an updated version posted in the main thread by @OldCop or @oviedo.

Update timeline from thread #71--by @OldCop post.

Missing our brilliant archivist @Cindizzi that can pull out the last version out of her wide-brimmed hat. ;)

I do believe that BM's entered the home or garage however briefly before leaving for DSi appointment where SM texted JL that she was alone again (because BM left for blade change). See the timeline below for May 9: 12:50-1:38 PM -- BM had about 30 mins where he could have been inside for lunch, and 4 mins later SM texts JL that she's alone again.

As @oviedo mentioned upthread, we have been working on the timeline for the critical days and hours up until SM was reported missing. @oviedo has provided an excellent in depth timeline for us using the Tweets from the courthouse and msm reports on the first 2 days of the preliminary hearing. I have been trying to break that info down into a streamlined bulleted version by date and times for quick reference. We do have some conflicting info that was probably accidental error as the journalists tried to quickly Tweet sometimes complicated testimony. We also have some times that are unclear, such as the coming and going from the HIE on Sunday around the time of Trash dump #5.
Please help us tighten this timeline by correcting errors or filling in blanks so we can use it during trial.

SM drives MM2 to Gunnison to meet MM1 for camping trip

SM texts BM: I’m done. Etc
BM texts suicidal messages which he deletes

7:27 SM messages JL about how magical past days were
Continues to message him throughout the day.
4:43 SM tells BM she has been studying all day and is making veggie stew for dinner.

7:02 am SM writes list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on Notes
9:28 am SM texts sister: BM abusive physically and emotionally.
10:55 am BM texts SM I Love You, Suzanne

Friday night: BM Moonlight Pizza

12:02 am incoming call on SM’s phone(d)
2:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (d)
6:00 am BM’s phone revives call (d)
7:19 am BM’s cell revives signal
9:50 am BM text to SM: Want to go on hike?
9:52 SM to BM, Where? (No response) Later on, asking about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 SM to BM : Wanna meet to hike?
10:48 BM: No, coming home
10:48 SM: Get hot tub stuff
11:00 am Tail Winds property
11:30 am Veggie soup at home with SM
11:50 am-12:50 pm BM cell ping near river
behind house. BM said looking for turkey that daughter shot some time before.
1:38 BM left home- checked on job at Kim Gyms

1:42 pm SM text to JL: Guess who is alone again?
1:55 pm BM at DSI
2:00 pm BM getting blade replaced on Bobcat
2:03 pm SM sends sunbathing pic to JL. Last proof of life.
2:11 pm last LinkedIn message with JL
2:44 BM returned home
JL sends several texts, no response
2:47 pm BM’s phone goes to airplane mode
2:44-2:47 BM moving around outside house, BM shooting chipmunks?
2:44-4:44 Truck doesn’t move
4:44 BM truck door opens/closes
4:44-9:25 pm AA pge 6 truck stays in same loc
4:00-5:30 (sometime) Defense says BM in Salida Stove and Spa
5:30 pm BM truck system rebooted
9:25 pm Truck gear goes into reverse and goes back 95 feet in driveway
9:52 pm truck door closes
10:17 pm BM phone out of airplane mode

2:53 am Outgoing call on SM’s phone
3:26 am BM car door opened and closed
3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found
4:30 am last phone ping SM
4:31 am BM phone into airplane mode
5:37 am phone off airplane mode heading towards Buena Vista
5:38 am BM text HMD to his mom
6:56 am BM texts SM HMD
8:10 am Car door opened at RTD bus stop in Broomfield off Hwy 36 Trash drop #1
8:20 am BM parks on south side of HIE away from cameras, throws things in trash Drop #2
8:25 am BM enters hotel carrying clothes, (teal and black colored), hiking boots, light blue plastic bag
8:38 am BM goes to room changes into blk v neck, hiking boots, carrying different bag
8:41 am BM texts SM that he arrived
9:12 BM leaves hotel, drives by wall, goes to MacDonald’s. Throws things in trash Drop #3
BM then goes to a car wash
BM then goes to Men’s Wearhouse parking lot, spends 40 minutes. Driver & pass doors open and close multiple times. Trash Drop #4

Time? Goes back to room with large notebook with messy papers

Time? Leaves room in a different shirt, gray t shirt, with large notebook and neat papers, 20 minutes later

BM goes to wall and works 11-15 minutes, removed blocks from wall.
11:20 am BM calls SM No answer
12:06 pm BM calls MM1
12:27 pm Trash drop #5 throws away 2 bags, with camo coat, tree container, (tranquilizer material?), in dumpster at HIE. He walks across lot rather than parking near dumpster. BM walks back to hotel with hands in pocket and head down.
12:42-5:55 pm BM in room at HIE
3:39 pm texts SM, asks her to call him
5:15 pm PP neighbor Ritter calls
5:55 pm BM changed shirts again and left hotel room.
6:00 pm BM makes multiple trips in and out of hotel entrance bringing in hand tools including a shovel and rake. Asks front desk if he can leave them for his workers.

ETA - replace timeline w/updated.
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Saturday morning, isn't that when Barry dropped MG off at her car, at the gym?

Maybe he wasn't all that bothered by her smoking on Saturday but had a revelation regarding second hand smoke by Sunday...

I wish we could hear Mrs. R's call. Did Barry blast her ear off with expectation? Did you find her, did she come home? :/

Or did he betray his own privileged knowledge and was singularly focused on the bike, as a necessary part of his narrative, forgetting he should be pretending she was findable.


This is what those that support Barry really can't explain away. In this country we have a pretty high bar for conviction and we have these procedural things that can get a case thrown out. It doesn't mean that a person isn't guilty and it also doesn't mean that every bit of evidence available isn't pointing at one person, but it does mean technicalities and errors can get a killer off from a murder charge.

It's one thing to have a coincidence that a person happened to be in the wrong place, it's possible that a husband and wife are arguing and maybe even divorcing, and then she gets murdered by someone else, it's possible that she is alone on Mother's Day and does get abducted from a bike ride. What I find VERY unlikely is that a woman says I want a divorce, she is alone on Mother's Day for a bogus reason like a job her husband can't even be working on 2 hours away, she wakes up and completely does everything she wouldn't do and doesn't do things she would do, then gets abducted by a stranger AND that stranger stages a bike and helmet and doesn't leave a trace of himself behind, takes her phone and charger, AND the husband lies every chance he gets and acts in ways that are unusual for a missing persons family to act in the days after. Then continues to lie for the year after and come up with new stories as evidence is provided to him. That is way more coincidence then I can make a jump to believe.

Those that think Barry is innocent have to at least question why he was lying and acting in ways that are not consistent with a missing wife that you have no knowledge of what happened to her.
This came up fairly often in the first trial where posters were asking for other posters who supported Barry and felt he was innocent. If there are any on this forum reading...they don't post. There are people, myself included, that questioned whether the prosecution could win the case which is not necessarily a sign of support for Barry the individual and more about the prosecution and what would be admitted to trial ultimately. It's a whole new ball game now so we'll have to see if they can pull a case together again that seems to be winnable.
This is what those that support Barry really can't explain away. In this country we have a pretty high bar for conviction and we have these procedural things that can get a case thrown out. It doesn't mean that a person isn't guilty and it also doesn't mean that every bit of evidence available isn't pointing at one person, but it does mean technicalities and errors can get a killer off from a murder charge.

It's one thing to have a coincidence that a person happened to be in the wrong place, it's possible that a husband and wife are arguing and maybe even divorcing, and then she gets murdered by someone else, it's possible that she is alone on Mother's Day and does get abducted from a bike ride. What I find VERY unlikely is that a woman says I want a divorce, she is alone on Mother's Day for a bogus reason like a job her husband can't even be working on 2 hours away, she wakes up and completely does everything she wouldn't do and doesn't do things she would do, then gets abducted by a stranger AND that stranger stages a bike and helmet and doesn't leave a trace of himself behind, takes her phone and charger, AND the husband lies every chance he gets and acts in ways that are unusual for a missing persons family to act in the days after. Then continues to lie for the year after and come up with new stories as evidence is provided to him. That is way more coincidence then I can make a jump to believe.

Those that think Barry is innocent have to at least question why he was lying and acting in ways that are not consistent with a missing wife that you have no knowledge of what happened to her.
Exactly @justtrish, very well stated and I 100% agree with everything you said.

Unfortunately, there are untold numbers of guilty murderers walking free either because they successfully disposed of all physical evidence to include a body, and/or because of missteps/mistakes by prosecutor’s at trial, accused was overcharged, case thrown out due to procedural errors, jury doesn’t believe prosecution proved their case BARD etc, etc, etc.
As I’ve stated before, a ‘not guilty’ verdict a/k/a an acquittal at trial, does not always equate to someone being innocent. It means that for whatever reason, and there could be many i.e., according to the charges, the evidence presented etc., etc. (the list goes on), the jury unanimously decided that the prosecution failed to prove their case BARD.

I recently watched on Dateline the case of Susan Montoya whose husband, former Albuquerque police officer Levi Chavez went on trial in 2011 for susan’s murder (2007). I didn’t follow the case closely at the time but from what I saw covered on the program, LC was imo so obviously guilty of murdering his wife Susan and staged it as a suicide. Anyway, the point I wish to make is that the jury acquitted LC and Dateline subsequently interviewed 5 or 6 of the jury members majority of which said they really believed the husband was guilty but even though they felt that way, they had to follow and took their juror instructions seriously and said it came down to the state/prosecutor failing to prove the husband’s guilt to them BARD. Iirc, one of the jurors interviewed actually said something to the effect, (paraphrased) I believed the husband did something to his wife and was waiting for the prosecutor to show me more evidence but then the state rested and I found myself asking, wait what?-that’s it? Anyway, the pain these former jury members had on their faces and said they felt for the victim, Susan Montoya’s family was palpable. Heartbreaking.

It’s absolutely maddening when a murderer gets to roam free but unfortunately, it happens. OJ, and Casey Anthony, two cases I followed closely, are also two murderers imo walk free amongst us. But like I said in my post, I believe karma has a way of catching up with people. I mean, look at OJ’s life since he was acquitted of 2 murders in 1995, not a stellar post-trial life for ole OJ, to say the least. As for Casey, last I heard which wasn’t all that long ago, she was inside a bar and some of the patrons were shouting at her and throwing drinks/cocktails at her. Not that I agree or would ever engage in that kind of behavior but I do understand that case made a lot of people angry that CA got away with murdering her baby. But yeah, karma is a b@$&!, And if BM isn’t ever held accountable/successfully prosecuted and convicted of SM’s murder, no guarantees, but I think he will be eventually but if that sadly doesn’t happen, it is my belief that karma will come for him eventually.


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IMO Barry believed he was staging innocence by talking to LE -- because a guilty person wouldn't do that.

i think Barry knew TD saw him and that's why he chummed up with him later. He didn't want to be recorded... but I think what he did want to do was redirect TD. Talk his ear off. Because again, a guilty man wouldn't do that (thinks Barry).

I really wish TD had asked him what he'd been doing. The answer would've been a doozy.

Wading upstream to catch salmon for the hungry bear that broke into my garage...

Shooting perch... for their antlers...

Wrestling crocodiles, done it my whole life...

The question for me is: Did Barry take something out of the water or put something in it?

Alternately, since we don't know what he was doing there or how long he was there doing it, it's possible that the creek was simply on his route and that he'd been at a point beyond and had to cross the creek twice in order to get there and back.

IMO it was important whatever it was.


While there is certainly nothing humorous about this case, your list of potential tasks Barry might have been up to, did make me laugh. Wrestling crocs, lol.

As outlandish as it sounds, it actually does sound like something he'd say, and then actually expect people to believe it. In literally the same high pitched tone, with the same pinched up facial expression that was caught on the body cam while he asks "was it a lion?!" when he returned from Broomfield that horrible day.

Based on texts reported during the PH (See PH Tweets), we actually have a good idea of what transpired on May 9 including when BM and MG left the beach site and BM dropped MG at her car parked at the fitness center, and when his truck arrived at or near PP, and the time his phone placed him near the creek (turkey/game cams). We filled in some more details (albeit unverified and from the transcript of PH) of BM's location/activity at or around PP prior to heading to DSi.

We also know what time BM left and arrived at DSi for the blade change and how he phoned SM about 9 times without SM answering. We know when BM returned from DSi and the alleged chipmunk shoot.

Pulled this from the Media thread but I believe there's an updated version posted in the main thread by @OldCop or @oviedo.

Update timeline from thread #71--by @OldCop post.

Missing our brilliant archivist @Cindizzi that can pull out the last version out of her wide-brimmed hat. ;)

I do believe that BM's entered the home or garage however briefly before leaving for DSi appointment where SM texted JL that she was alone again (because BM left for blade change). See the timeline below for May 9: 12:50-1:38 PM -- BM had about 30 mins where he could have been inside for lunch, and 4 mins later SM texts JL that she's alone again.

As @oviedo mentioned upthread, we have been working on the timeline for the critical days and hours up until SM was reported missing. @oviedo has provided an excellent in depth timeline for us using the Tweets from the courthouse and msm reports on the first 2 days of the preliminary hearing. I have been trying to break that info down into a streamlined bulleted version by date and times for quick reference. We do have some conflicting info that was probably accidental error as the journalists tried to quickly Tweet sometimes complicated testimony. We also have some times that are unclear, such as the coming and going from the HIE on Sunday around the time of Trash dump #5.
Please help us tighten this timeline by correcting errors or filling in blanks so we can use it during trial.

SM drives MM2 to Gunnison to meet MM1 for camping trip

SM texts BM: I’m done. Etc
BM texts suicidal messages which he deletes

7:27 SM messages JL about how magical past days were
Continues to message him throughout the day.
4:43 SM tells BM she has been studying all day and is making veggie stew for dinner.

7:02 am SM writes list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on Notes
9:28 am SM texts sister: BM abusive physically and emotionally.
10:55 am BM texts SM I Love You, Suzanne

Friday night: BM Moonlight Pizza

12:02 am incoming call on SM’s phone(d)
2:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (d)
6:00 am BM’s phone revives call (d)
7:19 am BM’s cell revives signal
9:50 am BM text to SM: Want to go on hike?
9:52 SM to BM, Where? (No response) Later on, asking about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 SM to BM : Wanna meet to hike?
10:48 BM: No, coming home
10:48 SM: Get hot tub stuff
11:00 am Tail Winds property
11:30 am Veggie soup at home with SM
11:50 am-12:50 pm BM cell ping near river
behind house. BM said looking for turkey that daughter shot some time before.
1:38 BM left home- checked on job at Kim Gyms

1:42 pm SM text to JL: Guess who is alone again?
1:55 pm BM at DSI
2:00 pm BM getting blade replaced on Bobcat
2:03 pm SM sends sunbathing pic to JL. Last proof of life.
2:11 pm last LinkedIn message with JL
2:44 BM returned home
JL sends several texts, no response
2:47 pm BM’s phone goes to airplane mode
2:44-2:47 BM moving around outside house, BM shooting chipmunks?
2:44-4:44 Truck doesn’t move
4:44 BM truck door opens/closes
4:44-9:25 pm AA pge 6 truck stays in same loc
4:00-5:30 (sometime) Defense says BM in Salida Stove and Spa
5:30 pm BM truck system rebooted
9:25 pm Truck gear goes into reverse and goes back 95 feet in driveway
9:52 pm truck door closes
10:17 pm BM phone out of airplane mode

2:53 am Outgoing call on SM’s phone
3:26 am BM car door opened and closed
3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found
4:30 am last phone ping SM
4:31 am BM phone into airplane mode
5:37 am phone off airplane mode heading towards Buena Vista
5:38 am BM text HMD to his mom
6:56 am BM texts SM HMD
8:10 am Car door opened at RTD bus stop in Broomfield off Hwy 36 Trash drop #1
8:20 am BM parks on south side of HIE away from cameras, throws things in trash Drop #2
8:25 am BM enters hotel carrying clothes, (teal and black colored), hiking boots, light blue plastic bag
8:38 am BM goes to room changes into blk v neck, hiking boots, carrying different bag
8:41 am BM texts SM that he arrived
9:12 BM leaves hotel, drives by wall, goes to MacDonald’s. Throws things in trash Drop #3
BM then goes to a car wash
BM then goes to Men’s Wearhouse parking lot, spends 40 minutes. Driver & pass doors open and close multiple times. Trash Drop #4

Time? Goes back to room with large notebook with messy papers

Time? Leaves room in a different shirt, gray t shirt, with large notebook and neat papers, 20 minutes later

BM goes to wall and works 11-15 minutes, removed blocks from wall.
11:20 am BM calls SM No answer
12:06 pm BM calls MM1
12:27 pm Trash drop #5 throws away 2 bags, with camo coat, tree container, (tranquilizer material?), in dumpster at HIE. He walks across lot rather than parking near dumpster. BM walks back to hotel with hands in pocket and head down.
12:42-5:55 pm BM in room at HIE
3:39 pm texts SM, asks her to call him
5:15 pm PP neighbor Ritter calls
5:55 pm BM changed shirts again and left hotel room.
6:00 pm BM makes multiple trips in and out of hotel entrance bringing in hand tools including a shovel and rake. Asks front desk if he can leave them for his workers.

ETA - replace timeline w/updated.
Great post! Speaking of @old op, where is he? I miss him.
What do we think came of Suzanne's phone?

It turned off at a time that sleeping Barry wasn't sleeping.

Did he dispose of it somewhere during the 4 am hour, after the elk turn?

Did he dispose of it where he left the bike? Did he throw it in the brink, on purpose or by overshot?

Did he first destoy it? To make sure no content would be recovered?

Did he expect it to be found? Was it overbroken? A shattered mess compared to the pillow-tossed bicycle?

Did Barry make any trash runs prior to Broomfield? Up at Monarch Ski, Monarch Spur (the campground), Poncha Spring Market come to mind...

Where is the phone now? Did LE ever recover it? Did a camper or passerby find it and keep it?

I could be wrong, but I feel like he wanted it found, that he staged it.

I just wonder what happened to it next.

Good evening, Megnut!
As 'the sun's over the yardarm', and 'Up Spirits' has been piped, I'll share that I'm 'splicing the main brace' w/ my favorite: the "Goombay Smash", { hat-tip: The Buccaneer Club, Governor's Harbour, Eleuthera} {recipe upon request]

Oops! I just spilled mine -
right up there w/
"A Night to Remember"
Kindly wait a sec while I tend to damage control;
swab my deck;
and replenis

That' better...

Can't say much, if anything, about Suzanne's remains or those of her phone. Sadly.

I am comfortable, tho', opining that Barry's interrogatories to the on-scene-ers, (when he finally got his butt back near home), re. "... the cat?"; "... find her phone?", were conceived and rehearsed on his ['I'll get there when I get there] return trip from HIExpress in Broomfield.

IMO, both were fictions, being unsurprisingly lame inventions to send LE ("those dolts") hastilly off on intensified- waste of time-for the wrong object-in the wrong direction - search(s).

The BM believed that the phone was as (perfecly) undiscoverable as Suzanne's remains. But sensing his "Plan 'A' " could be collapsing around his ears, this was his quick recovery plan...o_O
IMO, anyway. :p

... & ohh, the Out Islands...
... before independence...
Based on texts reported during the PH (See PH Tweets), we actually have a good idea of what transpired on May 9 including when BM and MG left the beach site and BM dropped MG at her car parked at the fitness center, and when his truck arrived at or near PP, and the time his phone placed him near the creek (turkey/game cams). We filled in some more details (albeit unverified and from the transcript of PH) of BM's location/activity at or around PP prior to heading to DSi.

We also know what time BM left and arrived at DSi for the blade change and how he phoned SM about 9 times without SM answering. We know when BM returned from DSi and the alleged chipmunk shoot.

Pulled this from the Media thread but I believe there's an updated version posted in the main thread by @OldCop or @oviedo.

Update timeline from thread #71--by @OldCop post.

Missing our brilliant archivist @Cindizzi that can pull out the last version out of her wide-brimmed hat. ;)

I do believe that BM's entered the home or garage however briefly before leaving for DSi appointment where SM texted JL that she was alone again (because BM left for blade change). See the timeline below for May 9: 12:50-1:38 PM -- BM had about 30 mins where he could have been inside for lunch, and 4 mins later SM texts JL that she's alone again.

As @oviedo mentioned upthread, we have been working on the timeline for the critical days and hours up until SM was reported missing. @oviedo has provided an excellent in depth timeline for us using the Tweets from the courthouse and msm reports on the first 2 days of the preliminary hearing. I have been trying to break that info down into a streamlined bulleted version by date and times for quick reference. We do have some conflicting info that was probably accidental error as the journalists tried to quickly Tweet sometimes complicated testimony. We also have some times that are unclear, such as the coming and going from the HIE on Sunday around the time of Trash dump #5.
Please help us tighten this timeline by correcting errors or filling in blanks so we can use it during trial.

SM drives MM2 to Gunnison to meet MM1 for camping trip

SM texts BM: I’m done. Etc
BM texts suicidal messages which he deletes

7:27 SM messages JL about how magical past days were
Continues to message him throughout the day.
4:43 SM tells BM she has been studying all day and is making veggie stew for dinner.

7:02 am SM writes list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on Notes
9:28 am SM texts sister: BM abusive physically and emotionally.
10:55 am BM texts SM I Love You, Suzanne

Friday night: BM Moonlight Pizza

12:02 am incoming call on SM’s phone(d)
2:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (d)
6:00 am BM’s phone revives call (d)
7:19 am BM’s cell revives signal
9:50 am BM text to SM: Want to go on hike?
9:52 SM to BM, Where? (No response) Later on, asking about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 SM to BM : Wanna meet to hike?
10:48 BM: No, coming home
10:48 SM: Get hot tub stuff
11:00 am Tail Winds property
11:30 am Veggie soup at home with SM
11:50 am-12:50 pm BM cell ping near river
behind house. BM said looking for turkey that daughter shot some time before.
1:38 BM left home- checked on job at Kim Gyms

1:42 pm SM text to JL: Guess who is alone again?
1:55 pm BM at DSI
2:00 pm BM getting blade replaced on Bobcat
2:03 pm SM sends sunbathing pic to JL. Last proof of life.
2:11 pm last LinkedIn message with JL
2:44 BM returned home
JL sends several texts, no response
2:47 pm BM’s phone goes to airplane mode
2:44-2:47 BM moving around outside house, BM shooting chipmunks?
2:44-4:44 Truck doesn’t move
4:44 BM truck door opens/closes
4:44-9:25 pm AA pge 6 truck stays in same loc
4:00-5:30 (sometime) Defense says BM in Salida Stove and Spa
5:30 pm BM truck system rebooted
9:25 pm Truck gear goes into reverse and goes back 95 feet in driveway
9:52 pm truck door closes
10:17 pm BM phone out of airplane mode

2:53 am Outgoing call on SM’s phone
3:26 am BM car door opened and closed
3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found
4:30 am last phone ping SM
4:31 am BM phone into airplane mode
5:37 am phone off airplane mode heading towards Buena Vista
5:38 am BM text HMD to his mom
6:56 am BM texts SM HMD
8:10 am Car door opened at RTD bus stop in Broomfield off Hwy 36 Trash drop #1
8:20 am BM parks on south side of HIE away from cameras, throws things in trash Drop #2
8:25 am BM enters hotel carrying clothes, (teal and black colored), hiking boots, light blue plastic bag
8:38 am BM goes to room changes into blk v neck, hiking boots, carrying different bag
8:41 am BM texts SM that he arrived
9:12 BM leaves hotel, drives by wall, goes to MacDonald’s. Throws things in trash Drop #3
BM then goes to a car wash
BM then goes to Men’s Wearhouse parking lot, spends 40 minutes. Driver & pass doors open and close multiple times. Trash Drop #4

Time? Goes back to room with large notebook with messy papers

Time? Leaves room in a different shirt, gray t shirt, with large notebook and neat papers, 20 minutes later

BM goes to wall and works 11-15 minutes, removed blocks from wall.
11:20 am BM calls SM No answer
12:06 pm BM calls MM1
12:27 pm Trash drop #5 throws away 2 bags, with camo coat, tree container, (tranquilizer material?), in dumpster at HIE. He walks across lot rather than parking near dumpster. BM walks back to hotel with hands in pocket and head down.
12:42-5:55 pm BM in room at HIE
3:39 pm texts SM, asks her to call him
5:15 pm PP neighbor Ritter calls
5:55 pm BM changed shirts again and left hotel room.
6:00 pm BM makes multiple trips in and out of hotel entrance bringing in hand tools including a shovel and rake. Asks front desk if he can leave them for his workers.

ETA - replace timeline w/updated.

This is wonderful and much appreciated -- many thanks to you, @oviedo and other contributors!

I gotta say, had a DA simply stood up in court and read out this timeline, perhaps pausing at the key events, maybe brought in witnesses related clearly and precisely to that timeline, and then rested her/his/their case, it might have been one heck of a guilty verdict mic drop moment.

I mean, it's all there -- means, opportunity, motive and a thorough, logical and compelling process of the crime.

What's missing is the how and the where, and of those it's the where that seems most critical.

This is a case whose inner simplicity keens through the surrounding noise -- a jealous man who exacts and expects perfect control murders the wife who has begun to escape him.

But that timeline -- yeesh. Exactly.
So we're now in the middle of June and there has been NOTHING. I'm really starting to believe they don't have a clue where Susan is. It was all a bluff. Hope I'm wrong but checking the snow coverage map it sure looks like there isn't much snow left around Salida. Now, I'm no expert on snow coverage so maybe I'm not reading this correctly but it sure looks like anything within a 20 mile radius of Salida is clear. Weather has been in the 80's. You have to go up pretty high to find snow pack.

Now if bM buried Susan somewhere up in the elevations in May, by himself logic would dictate that that same area would be clear of snow by now wouldn't it? Ok, I'll give a couple of weeks give or take for maybe a year having more snow than another but we all know this doesn't pass the smell test..AT ALL. How was bM able to do that by himself while the cops with all their personnel, volunteer's and equipment NOT be able to access the same area? They have nothing I'm afraid.

I’m in Salida. There is no snow pack. We were just remarking yesterday that there is no appreciable snow left anywhere a human could reach on foot or bike. A little on the tops of “14,000 footers”.
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