Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #108

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Edna Quintana went missing 50 minutes away near Ute Pass on CR46-AA while hiking. Boyfriend claimed she walked back to car before him and disappeared.
So to get to searching in fine detail at mile marker 103 on SH17 there is a lot more information behind the scenes.
I'm just getting up to speed on this case, and saw the 48 hr show.
I get everybody's suspicion of the hubby.
But, what about the DNA of the unidentified male, the documented fact (I think) that hubby was nowhere near?
So confusing...including also her and affair partner's statements to each other that they planned to abandon their families to run away secretly to Ecuador.

Here's the pin drop from above, Suzanne was buried literally right off the road. Wasn't there a dog hit on the bucket of Barry's bobcat? How does that fit into all of this now?

I don’t think those alerts from the AA play into this at all. Without recovering biological evidence it means little and would likely be shredded in court by defense. It’s a bobcat bucket that could have come in contact with animal or plant decomp. It’s a tough one without any actual recoverable evidence. imo
I'm just getting up to speed on this case, and saw the 48 hr show.
I get everybody's suspicion of the hubby.
But, what about the DNA of the unidentified male, the documented fact (I think) that hubby was nowhere near?
So confusing...including also her and affair partner's statements to each other that they planned to abandon their families to run away secretly to Ecuador.
BM was right there when she disappeared.
His phone showed him running around the house, ending at the bedroom.
Her communications with anyone ended at that time.
Other male DNA was found on her RR glove compartment on the owners manual isolated there.
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You aren’t missing anything. The short story is that IE made a huge deal out of the generally misunderstood DNA, turned the judge, and it was part of the undoing of the prosecution’s case.

That’s my own opinion and layman’s version from the peanut gallery. There are entire threads of analytical discussion about it in great detail.
All this dna back and forth is giving me deja vu from earlier threads
Imo Everyday people think dna is dna. Period.
The terminology to explain why it is far more complicated is then also confusing at best.
Partial match, partial dna etc all sound the same to non science people.

IMO There needs to be a chart-maybe a diagram specific to this case - a simple visual aid that unwinds it so everyday people can understand.

Spinning this dna information has been way too effective for the defense in the court of public opinion when the reality is that it is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS.

If I were the prosecution I would make sure the media and all the talking heads had a simple handout
Explaining this so they would not continually introduce doubt "Well you know, there is the issue of that pesky dna"
I see it also all forums. Its like an Iris talking point. What about the dna constantly pops up.

Get the real info out there in a simple to understand format.
And yes, I understand the case is not being tried now but its still important. JMO
About the male DNA in/on the glovebox:

Range Rover cabin air filters are changed at intervals with oil changes for scheduled maintenance.

The cabin air filter is changed by pulling out the glove box to reveal the air filter compartment.
So that DNA is not near the presumed crime scene AND would be odd for there not to be unrelated male mechanic DNA there.
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Simply looking at means, motive and opportunity - I strongly feel a jury would convict if this case is brought to trial, now that Suzanne's body has been found.

Barry's actions when he left for Broomfield, i.e., multiple dumpster stops, hotel debaucle, last minute dash to a jobsite (no supplies/equipment, not supposed to work on a weekend)- why would he do all that?

I don't care how IE (or any other defense attorney) will try to spin it, she can't sanitize all the details when they are put together in sequence.
Yes. The burned journals are also damning.
All this dna back and forth is giving me deja vu from earlier threads
Imo Everyday people think dna is dna. Period.
The terminology to explain why it is far more complicated is then also confusing at best.
Partial match, partial dna etc all sound the same to non science people.

IMO There needs to be a chart-maybe a diagram specific to this case - a simple visual aid that unwinds it so everyday people can understand.

Spinning this dna information has been way too effective for the defense in the court of public opinion when the reality is that it is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS.

If I were the prosecution I would make sure the media and all the talking heads had a simple handout
Explaining this so they would not continually introduce doubt "Well you know, there is the issue of that pesky dna"
I see it also all forums. Its like an Iris talking point. What about the dna constantly pops up.

Get the real info out there in a simple to understand format.
And yes, I understand the case is not being tried now but it’s still important. JMO

This morning one of my friends who knows I follow crime cases called me and asked if I knew they had found Suzanne’s remains. ‘Oh yes’, I replied. Thinking ‘Well, yes, of course I did.’ :p (Non-followers have no real understanding of how deeply we who do follow cases become invested.)

Friend‘s next question: ’Did you hear they have someone else’s DNA in her car?
Me: ‘Yes, and have you ever taken your car to an auto shop? Did they touch anything inside? Are you aware you have no idea who they might be related to, even distantly?’

That helped my friend to understand.
I do seem to remember something being said that he threw the boots away in the hotel but kept the laces!

Such an odd lil man.


MOO he kept SOME laces that he said came from those boots, he is foxy. Lots of experience lying.

MOO in short he has some laces
stashed away, but they are not from the May 9th-10th boots.
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For days, forensic teams dug up the desert ground, gathering the remains that were scattered across a large swath of sagebrush-dotted prairie estimated by Saguache County Coroner Tom Perrin to be around 75 yards. That next Wednesday — on Sept. 27 — the El Paso County Coroner identified the remains as belonging to Suzanne Morphew, who had been missing for three years and four months.

I'm confident that a re-arrest will happen in the next few months. Regardless of any new physical evidence, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming, especially now that we have a body.

Tick tock, tick tock, Mr. M.
Here is the aspect of US defence attorney conduct I have been struggling with over the course of multiple cases (McStay, Morphew, Delphi etc)

Where I come from, it was drummed in to us that we were officers of the court first and clients comes second. Obviously in high end commercial work, those allegiances get called into question, but at least in criminal work, one does ones job professionally to make the state prove its case beyond reasonable doubt. It is not one's job to 'prove the client innocent' and especially not to win at all costs. Indeed you don't know if the client is innocent or not and you do not ask that question. Especially you will have seen the evidence and typically know full well there is a strong possibility that your client is in fact guilty

This is why you may strongly represent the client, including in the media, but do no make personal representations about guilt or innocence. You would not stake your reputation on it, and frankly it is not actually your job to make such representations. Rather you limit yourself to your case. What does the evidence show and what does it not show? What will you be arguing? Your client maintains his innocence etc

There are clearly some exceptions to this - and I am thinking specifically of attorneys who have taken cases where DNA evidence has definitively proved the client not just not guilty but in fact innocent.

Morphew is not such a case.

The defence is fully aware the evidence suggests guilt, whether or not to BARD, especially because the preliminary trial held as much. A judge actually said it. Not the DA. The Judge. The defence may disagree with the result, but to claim there is 'no evidence' is obviously a misrepresentation and creates a conspiratorial narrative that the client has been unfairly fitted up

We were taught this is simply not acceptable behaviour. IOW you cannot accuse the DA or any other lawyer / body of professional misconduct without evidence. So accusing of discovery violations is OK. But accusing of fitting up the defendant e.g WRT the allegations against Grusing & the DA and then put into a pleading .... not ok.

Yet this seems the norm now in the US? e.g in McStay, the defence simply lied in opening arguments about what would be presented in evidence.


ETA not saying all attorneys do this including ones who post here. It’s my observation from these big cases.
I have noticed it in all area's of business since about 2016 here in the USA . IMO things have crossed a line with ethical boundaries being publically blown up without any accountability. As I read somewhere "Everyone is saying the quiet part out loud". WIn at all costs. Greed.
And yes this behavior is exemplified in BM's defense. A vigorous defense does not mean to cross all ethical and honest boundaries.
I am very vocal in all my affairs that this behavior is not okay but I understand I am often in the minority.
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