Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #108

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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This is impossible for us to interpret without seeing the actual lab report. The specific words used in the report mean things.

As many have said, we all partially match to somebody.

Is this a partial match to a partial profile or a partial profile and a complete match? It matters to the statistics and of course the prosecution.

I am convinced BM did this but I would look at this differently if they had a complete match on a partial profile where the statistics were getting pretty high.
I understand what you are saying. I'd like to know the exact wording also.

When I try to wrap my head around a random stranger doing this, I ask why was a random stranger in her glove box? This person would have been in the house then because surely he didn't somehow get in her car and leave no DNA anywhere except the glove box. Then the house wasn't messed up, no sign of a struggle there (expect the door jam of the master bedroom).. How would she have been abducted from her house (for dna of a stranger to be in the glove box he had to be in the house or the very least in the garage where her car was) and why would this same stranger throw her bike down where it was and her helmet where it was?

Why would Suzanne's phone ping at 4:23am that Mother's Day morning and never again? Barry says he was home then and she was sleeping. She woke up on Mother's Day and didn't check her phone for messages from her girls or for texts from Sheila whose daughter was getting married that day? If she did get up and go on a bike ride, why didn't she use her phone at all before that? Where is her phone? Did the random stranger take her from the bike ride then go back to her house and only get in the glove box? Didn't steal her purse right there in the car? Why didn't she take her camelback for this bike ride?

The scene doesn't really fit a stranger attack/abduction/murder. If this other DNA was on the doors of the house, if the house was messed up like this person was looking for things, if a bike ride wasn't staged, etc.
… I’ll toss her bike in the ravine. I’ll toss her helmet in the woods going west. Those stupid cops will think she was abducted and the bad guys are westbound.

… I’ll dump her body south! The cops will never find her.

… I’m going NorthEast!

… They’ll never figure it out!

… And he was right. Her body was found by accident.
Did he almost have a heart attack, when the info was brought to him??
As stated in the linked Sep 29, 2023 article, the investigation will have challenges and doesn’t anticipate any new information for a couple of months.

That is okay, because the end result will be justice for Suzanne and BM conviction. moo

Members here have shown immense dedication for seeking justice for Suzanne, and are in it for the long haul. Y’all tenacity is outstanding and I commend each of you.

Glad to see Suzanne’s thread moving quickly - Justice has a way of prevailing! :)

As stated in the linked Sep 29, 2023 article, the investigation will have challenges and doesn’t anticipate any new information for a couple of months.

That is okay, because the end result will be justice for Suzanne and BM conviction. moo

Members here have shown immense dedication for seeking justice for Suzanne, and are in it for the long haul. Y’all tenacity is outstanding and I commend each of you.

Glad to see Suzanne’s thread moving quickly - Justice has a way of prevailing! :)

We might feel a little impatient waiting for further information,but Barry must be having sleepless nights wondering what investigators might find.
Animal predation will make an autopsy and all findings considerably more difficult, but I find myself feeling a sense of justice in that, his whole life, Barry has mistreated animals, and it's as if the animal kingdom got together and exposed him for what he is. If not for animals discovering Suzanne's grave, her bones may never have been found.

I think, in time, BM will be convicted by a jury of his peers and a silent chorus of deer, elk, bear, raccoon, chipmunk...

Hunter nothing. He's a killer.

So true! But sadly, thinking ahead intelligently and with regard to issues is not his strong point.
MOO Not having his wife divorce him was costly, he may still feel it was worth it.
Seems he didn't sense when he lost her many months before as the Colorado move isolated SM and BM continued to do things like gather the children as allies in a relationship "war" and join a huge time commitment org like the Volunteer Fire Dept.
Interesting Rods appreciate your insights.
Are you surprised the area wasn't sealed off waiting for the CBI to come?

There were all sorts of clever sleuths and reporters out there trotting around in the soil and brush.:mad:
Not really surprised. The grave soil and remains have been removed. Ground searches done. Looks like still some searches of the wider area. No way to cordón off the whole area.
Suzanne's port may tell the story. If he didn't use the port itself, if he tranqued her in any other way, her own blood circulates into the port to the clip point. If there's evidence of contamination by drugs used in animal sedation in her port... game over.

Someone, please tell me that, although her blood may no longer exist, evidence of the drug in her port might.

I keep thinking about the port, and how decomposed poor Suzanne must be. She could be skeletal at this point depending on an abundance of factors i am unfamiliar with not being from the area. Could it be that the port was simply discovered along with the bones, not still inserted? Ugh poor thing. Sorry for the gruesome thought, just curious from a medical standpoint how her port was found. @10ofRods any insight regarding state of remains this far out?
As we learn more, I’m sorting through prior theories to come up with the most likely scenario.

[[[In having followed this since the third week of May, 2020, full time for over two years on multiple platforms, it finally falls into place.]]]

The first big surprise was the haphazard idiotic way he disposed of her. A flat land desolate area? Shallow grave? That alone tells us it was NOT a planned murder! This was an unplanned rage killing, haphazardly carried out! MassGuy’s summary of Barry’s dumb mistakes and lies bears it out. Not premeditated but it hardly matters since he will die in prison in either case.

I thought for years that he had dropped her in an old mining hole-in-the-ground he discovered when hunting, under 10 miles from Puma Path. Later, we found out that LE agreed. When I discovered the amount of snow in the mid and high lands that early May, I abandoned it. He could not risk leaving tracks, going off the road or getting stuck.

The only alternative would be that he dropped her in a dumpster when he loitered in Broomfield Sun. morning. (I discarded the idea that he would go south to flatlands. Who would be that stupid?) Was he stupid like a fox or just stupid?
Saturday, Barry must have reflected on Suzanne’s most recent actions. She blew his socks off when she said “done” a few days earlier. Thursday and Friday, he went about his business grading the lot by the river, the seething rage likely had him thinking: “I’ll kill her! She’s not taking half the money I earned with my blood, sweat and tears for 30 years! (They had near $3 mil. in assets with the two houses, silver investments, etc..) If I can’t have her nobody else can!”

But, Suzanne knew him well and she was smarter. She had put up with his childish macho crap for a long time. She wasn’t afraid as she picked a week when the girls jeered gone. She became amenable. “Let’s go to town and eat out!” “Let’s have lunch, I made soup!” They discussed the girls visitation. She played him like a fiddle. Going into the fateful Saturday, Barry might have thought - Maybe I can win her over?”

Coming back from town, Barry phoned her over and over. She was busy. She had been sexting with Jeff Libler. Paraphrasing: Jeff said Wanna get naked? She said let’s do it on a certain website. The FBI said this wasn’t the first time.

Let’s remember related facts. The bedroom door had been forced open, breaking the trim. Suzanne gouged his hands and arms with her fingernails.

At this point it becomes logic and informed speculation.

What makes sense is that Barry came into the house, pissed for having been ignored in his calls. He came to the closed bedroom door and something caused him to shoulder it open. Maybe she didn’t answer his knocks and and he broke the door trim and saw her naked with her cell phone. Maybe he heard her sexting and recording “Oh Jeff baby”. Or something else. Once inside Suzanne likely bolted for the bathroom and he caught her and strangled her. After all, he had a big torso and was push-up king at the gym. He didn’t need a dart, gun or knife. Any bodily fluids on the tile floor were easily cleaned up.

Mental panic ensued. Imagine the adrenaline rush! No wonder he crashed at the motel Sunday!

Through all off this Barry came up with a plan:

… I’ll toss her bike in the ravine. I’ll toss her helmet in the woods going west. Those stupid cops will think she was abducted and the bad guys are westbound.

… I’ll dump her body south! The cops will never find her.

… I’m going NorthEast!

… They’ll never figure it out!

… And he was right. Her body was found by accident.
I thought he went south, due to the snow like you mentioned, but I thought he would have gone down the Arkansas river along the 50 basically heading south from his job site in Salida.
So glad SM has been found. We all knew she wasn't with us, but I hope her family can have a bit of closure. So many great post on here. I was wondering do you think authorities obtained any records ( or still can) of BM in around Moffat or Crestone? He had to have been out there before, and he knew of its remoteness.
Simply looking at means, motive and opportunity - I strongly feel a jury would convict if this case is brought to trial, now that Suzanne's body has been found.

Barry's actions when he left for Broomfield, i.e., multiple dumpster stops, hotel debaucle, last minute dash to a jobsite (no supplies/equipment, not supposed to work on a weekend)- why would he do all that?

I don't care how IE (or any other defense attorney) will try to spin it, she can't sanitize all the details when they are put together in sequence.
As we learn more, I’m sorting through prior theories to come up with the most likely scenario.

[[[In having followed this since the third week of May, 2020, full time for over two years on multiple platforms, it finally falls into place.]]]

The first big surprise was the haphazard idiotic way he disposed of her. A flat land desolate area? Shallow grave? That alone tells us it was NOT a planned murder! This was an unplanned rage killing, haphazardly carried out! MassGuy’s summary of Barry’s dumb mistakes and lies bears it out. Not premeditated but it hardly matters since he will die in prison in either case.

I thought for years that he had dropped her in an old mining hole-in-the-ground he discovered when hunting, under 10 miles from Puma Path. Later, we found out that LE agreed. When I discovered the amount of snow in the mid and high lands that early May, I abandoned it. He could not risk leaving tracks, going off the road or getting stuck.

The only alternative would be that he dropped her in a dumpster when he loitered in Broomfield Sun. morning. (I discarded the idea that he would go south to flatlands. Who would be that stupid?) Was he stupid like a fox or just stupid?
Saturday, Barry must have reflected on Suzanne’s most recent actions. She blew his socks off when she said “done” a few days earlier. Thursday and Friday, he went about his business grading the lot by the river, the seething rage likely had him thinking: “I’ll kill her! She’s not taking half the money I earned with my blood, sweat and tears for 30 years! (They had near $3 mil. in assets with the two houses, silver investments, etc..) If I can’t have her nobody else can!”

But, Suzanne knew him well and she was smarter. She had put up with his childish macho crap for a long time. She wasn’t afraid as she picked a week when the girls jeered gone. She became amenable. “Let’s go to town and eat out!” “Let’s have lunch, I made soup!” They discussed the girls visitation. She played him like a fiddle. Going into the fateful Saturday, Barry might have thought - Maybe I can win her over?”

Coming back from town, Barry phoned her over and over. She was busy. She had been sexting with Jeff Libler. Paraphrasing: Jeff said Wanna get naked? She said let’s do it on a certain website. The FBI said this wasn’t the first time.

Let’s remember related facts. The bedroom door had been forced open, breaking the trim. Suzanne gouged his hands and arms with her fingernails.

At this point it becomes logic and informed speculation.

What makes sense is that Barry came into the house, pissed for having been ignored in his calls. He came to the closed bedroom door and something caused him to shoulder it open. Maybe she didn’t answer his knocks and and he broke the door trim and saw her naked with her cell phone. Maybe he heard her sexting and recording “Oh Jeff baby”. Or something else. Once inside Suzanne likely bolted for the bathroom and he caught her and strangled her. After all, he had a big torso and was push-up king at the gym. He didn’t need a dart, gun or knife. Any bodily fluids on the tile floor were easily cleaned up.

Mental panic ensued. Imagine the adrenaline rush! No wonder he crashed at the motel Sunday!

Through all off this Barry came up with a plan:

… I’ll toss her bike in the ravine. I’ll toss her helmet in the woods going west. Those stupid cops will think she was abducted and the bad guys are westbound.

… I’ll dump her body south! The cops will never find her.

… I’m going NorthEast!

… They’ll never figure it out!

… And he was right. Her body was found by accident.
Agree. And the running through the house would not be a strict chase but running around looking for her.
Speaking of which, so annoying that such clear evidence of agitation by Barry in the minutes before Suzanne's disappearance was able to be muddied to the point of a car wreck.
MOO the lack of preparation by Linday Stanley's team and experts was dreary, phoning it in, while Iris took them apart like an overdone roast chicken.
So glad SM has been found. We all knew she wasn't with us, but I hope her family can have a bit of closure. So many great post on here. I was wondering do you think authorities obtained any records ( or still can) of BM in around Moffat or Crestone? He had to have been out there before, and he knew of its remoteness.
I wonder if Barry visited the area since he buried Suzanne.
Simply looking at means, motive and opportunity - I strongly feel a jury would convict if this case is brought to trial, now that Suzanne's body has been found.

Barry's actions when he left for Broomfield, i.e., multiple dumpster stops, hotel debaucle, last minute dash to a jobsite (no supplies/equipment, not supposed to work on a weekend)- why would he do all that?

I don't care how IE (or any other defense attorney) will try to spin it, she can't sanitize all the details when they are put together in sequence.
Suzanne found in a shallow grave and Barry entering the hotel with shovels in his hand!!
Suzanne found in a shallow grave and Barry entering the hotel with shovels in his hand!!
70 feet off the road.
Pretty good place to hide her actually. Why on earth would investigators be looking on that exact intersection at the degree of scrutiny to see bones on the ground. Plenty bones everywhere in such terrain, a searcher has to be close enough for detail.

I just rewatched the 26 second video. 26 seconds of heading shaking no. "Suzanne, we miss you. Whatever they want, how ever much, whatever it takes, I just want you back."

Yeah, he just wanted old Suzanne back. The one he could control. How many times was old Suzanne told she was being hurtful? Selfish for not meeting his every impossible need.

Barry's admissions all but prove he had a gun capable of firing darts in and around the time of Suzanne's death. We have every reason to believe Suzanne was working through her own to-do list, laundering bedding on that ill-fated Saturday. Barry admits to darting exactly two deer, from the breezeway. Attached to the very mudroom where Suzanne may have been standing... those details, from his own mouth, will be his undoing.

Yes, this was the very day I knew BM was guilty. Absolutely the worst acting on camera by a murderer, maybe with the exception of Alex Murdaugh on the witness stand, that I have ever seen.

Gah, the sight of him makes me angry. :mad:

But I do find great joy that he and his gal pal IE are sweating and looking over their shoulders for the next moves by LE.
Tick Tock BM

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