Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #58 *ARREST*

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I will admit, my mind starts thinking of plausible defense tactics. It’s a bit like a cerebral game of Whac-a-mole. I think of a gotcha, then I try to think of a way to swat away the gotcha.

I have no illusions that I will think of anything that the defense and prosecution haven’t already fully covered. I’m just a small time rookie web sleuth. The DA has every conceivable gotcha covered. I have faith in that.
Do you remember when we considered what kind of a defence Frazee’s lawyers would launch? Personally, I was left with my mouth open when we got to the end of the trial and the defence was a complete and total “failure to launch!” Granted, it was hard to defend such an idiot especially against the testimony of KK, but they didn’t even try to pin it on her! Since there doesn’t appear to be a “KK” in this case, I suspect the defence will try to cast some doubt, but in the end, we’ll discover BM was as stupid as Frazee and it will prove impossible to defend the indefensible. JMHO
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This is just my opinion based on things we've learned thus far.

I think we'll find the text message to Melinda redacted from the AA as it would be inflammatory to the potential jury pool.

Suzanne's step brother stated that his father, who was a doctor, told him Suzanne surviving cancer the first time round was a "miracle." I feel when Suzanne was able to have babies that each one was considered a miracle. It's a given fact that women stay in marriages often because of their children. We want our children to benefit from parenting by both a mother and a father so the motivation to remain married becomes paramount.

Considering the type of work Barry did in the Salida area, he likely came home at odd hours unannounced. Sometimes it'd be an hour after leaving or in the middle of the afternoon. You know, just to keep her on her toes.

The absolute control of finances is disturbing. It's possible he gave her a monthly allowance just as my X did. Suzanne allegedly placed her inheritance into the PP home. I feel the PP home was possibly purchased to resell at a profit and not as a permanent residence. In this way, Barry made it appealing as an investment of her hefty available funds.

Suzanne was a bright and intelligent young mother but she knew she could be in danger when Barry showed up in FL during her trip with girlfriends. The unexpected appearance likely filled her with fear and not joy. She knew she could be in danger when she saw Barry playing with his weapons, be it sharp knives, guns, rifles or bow and arrows. I think she walked on eggshells for a long time.

By example, the PTSD Specialist that I saw after leaving the long term marriage, told me it takes one hundred kind things spoken or done in order to erase one bad thing said or done. When I recounted the terrifying story of my husband phoning home late one evening while he was out of town to tell me he was holding the Glock to his head, I could not tell him not to do that. To which, the Dr said, my then husband probably knew before I did that I was leaving him.

It could be that Suzanne never told BM she wanted to leave but he knew her so well that he sensed it, maybe before she knew it herself causing him to escalate his fatal plans for her demise.

I'm so sorry you went through that, but I'm glad you're safe now.
Wondering if the prosecution will inquire during trial as to what BM meant when he commented:

"And Suzanne trusted the Lord and if one person got saved from this, she would think it was worth it."

• Saved from *what*? ruin?
• *What* was worth it? ...murder?
That is such a mysterious statement. IMO, it sounds like he is sending a cloaked message to someone. Who was the audience that statement was intended for?

WHO was in need of redemption or salvation and somehow got it by the elimination of the threat SM represented?

And, if he was referring to himself, who did he think needed to hear this and would be okay with BM eliminating SM to save himself?
Do you remember when we considered what kind of a defence Frazee’s lawyers would launch? Personally, I was left with my mouth open when we got to the end of the trial and the defence was a complete and total “failure to launch!” Granted, it was hard to defend such an idiot especially against the testimony of KK, but they didn’t even try to pin it on her! Since there doesn’t appear to be a “KK” in this case, I suspect the defence will try to cast some doubt, but in the end, we’ll discover BM was a stupid as Frazee and it will prove impossible to defend the indefensible. JMHO

In our Karen Ristevski case, her husband stopped cooperating with police very early on, hired a top lawyer, held out for as long as he could (for almost 3 years) ... then suddenly pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter as the trial began.

So we never did find out exactly what happened, the how/when/why of it all.

I think he realised, or his top lawyer convinced him, that what they had against him was too compelling .. so try for a manslaughter plea, avoid a trial, and do his reduced prison time.

In this way he has also been able to continue to blindside his supportive daughter. With the manslaughter plea reflecting a perhaps accidental death, as opposed to straight out murder.
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That is such a mysterious statement. IMO, it sounds like he is sending a cloaked message to someone. Who was the audience that statement was intended for?

WHO was in need of redemption or salvation and somehow got it by the elimination of the threat SM represented?

And, if he was referring to himself, who did he think needed to hear this and would be okay with BM eliminating SM to save himself?

Maybe his daughter(s)? Depending what messed up story he told them.
That is such a mysterious statement. IMO, it sounds like he is sending a cloaked message to someone. Who was the audience that statement was intended for?

WHO was in need of redemption or salvation and somehow got it by the elimination of the threat SM represented?

And, if he was referring to himself, who did he think needed to hear this and would be okay with BM eliminating SM to save himself?

Imo, <modsnip: Derogatory terms or name changes are not allowed> Morphew was just justifying to himself again why it was okay for him to murder his wife. He’s been justifying it in his head ever since he made the conscious decision to kill her & started planning it. MOO
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In our Karen Ristevski case, her husband stopped cooperating with police very early on, hired a top lawyer, held out for as long as he could (for almost 3 years) ... then suddenly pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter as the trial began.

So we never did find out exactly what happened, the how/when/why of it all.

I think he realised, or his top lawyer convinced him, that what they had against him was too compelling .. so try for a manslaughter plea, avoid a trial, and do his reduced prison time.

In this way he has also been able to continue to blindside his supportive daughter. With the manslaughter plea reflecting a perhaps accidental death, as opposed to straight out murder.
I know finding Suzanne is very, very important. I truly hope nothing like what you described happens here. I will find no “joy” in BM being found guilty, but I’m so tired of these twisted men who think wives are disposable garbage. So very many lives ruined forever. So many people’s futures could have been so much fuller if SM was still here. Just MOO
Edited to add Just think of what a wonderful grandmother Suzanne would have been and how much her grandchildren would have enjoyed her. Her daughters will not have their mother at their weddings or with them for the birth of their children. There is so much <modsnip: Derogatory terms or name changes are not allowed>Morphew has stolen. Terribly sad
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In our Karen Ristevski case, her husband stopped cooperating with police very early on, hired a top lawyer, held out for as long as he could (for almost 3 years) ... then suddenly pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter as the trial began.

So we never did find out exactly what happened, the how/when/why of it all.

I think he realised, or his top lawyer convinced him, that what they had against him was too compelling .. so try for a manslaughter plea, avoid a trial, and do his reduced prison time.

In this way he has also been able to continue to blindside his supportive daughter. With the manslaughter plea reflecting a perhaps accidental death, as opposed to straight out murder.
It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out. I mean, I still can’t believe Frazee didn’t just plead guilty with all they had against him. But no, he sat there as each damning piece of evidence was exposed. Of course I can’t be certain what BM will do, but he strikes me as being arrogant and a few rocks short of a load that he may actually think he can beat this murder charge. One would hope that in his case he would “make a deal” to spare his daughters from the awful truth of what an absolute monster he truly is but..... We’ll know soon enough! JMHO
Imo, <modsnip: Derogatory terms or name changes are not allowed> Morphew was just justifying to himself again why it was okay for him to murder his wife. He’s been justifying it in his head ever since he made the conscious decision to kill her & started planning it. MOO
But, why say it out loud if he was justifying to himself? He could have kept that in his head. Saying it out loud at the point in time which he did so (not long into SM's disappearance, when talking to the press was "too soon") makes him sound like he knows she's gone and will not turn up again. That makes him sound involved.

It's like he is parroting how faithful people talk, like he thinks someone is going to hear him say that and conclude, "oh, well, there is that. _____ might have sinned, but through SM's death and disappearance, ____ was saved."

Strange religion, that. Missed that whole story about Cain.

Maybe his daughter(s)? Depending what messed up story he told them.
I'm afraid you may be right. If he was their biblical instructor, they likely have a whole lot of unlearning to do.
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That is such a mysterious statement. IMO, it sounds like he is sending a cloaked message to someone. Who was the audience that statement was intended for?

WHO was in need of redemption or salvation and somehow got it by the elimination of the threat SM represented?

And, if he was referring to himself, who did he think needed to hear this and would be okay with BM eliminating SM to save himself?

I don't think it was anything more than BM trying to sound like a Christian, and use the kinds of things Christians say, to shift attention away from himself.
And he failed, miserably, on every single level.

Kind of interesting that BM went hunting and fishing ‘every day’ since they’ve been in Salida. I’m sure that is an exaggeration but if it’s even 50% accurate, that is a lot of free time for someone that owns their own business and can afford the life style the M’s apparently had.
It's how walls built by subcontracted laborers end up being shoddily built and having to be rebuilt (while the guy who had the subcontract stands around flexing and deflecting the bubble of blame).
That is such a mysterious statement. IMO, it sounds like he is sending a cloaked message to someone. Who was the audience that statement was intended for?

WHO was in need of redemption or salvation and somehow got it by the elimination of the threat SM represented?

And, if he was referring to himself, who did he think needed to hear this and would be okay with BM eliminating SM to save himself?

imo, I don’t think his words were as meaningful as he wanted them to seem. I think he made a few “smart” moves in this whole ordeal, which is why SM has yet to be found, but I truly believe he is a lot dumber than even we believe so far. That whole line/quote is so...weird and misplaced that I can only think he’s just saying whatever to say whatever. Fake concern, fake caring, fake insight, fake everything. Of course, he could not even muster up as close to a genuine message as possible..

unless he wanted the mountain lion story to live on, and he believed ... mountain lion awareness would come from this?? And that would save someone one day?? I mean, it’s hard to make sense of nonsense.
It doesn't surprise me at all that his friends are shocked that he's guilty. Even Andy believed he had nothing to do with Suzanne's disappearance until he spoke to the CBI detective.

If he just wanted 15 minutes of fame, why not give them his name? Nobody even knows who he is.
AM knew his cat story didn't add up though.
AM might of chalked it up to BM hoping she didn't fall prey to a human predator.
Imo, <modsnip: Derogatory terms or name changes are not allowed> Morphew was just justifying to himself again why it was okay for him to murder his wife. He’s been justifying it in his head ever since he made the conscious decision to kill her & started planning it. MOO

maybe...but you don’t have to justify anything to yourself if you don’t believe you did something wrong, made a mistake, etc. I’m also not sure he has any self awareness. I just imagine him to be so self assured, only kicking himself for any evidence or electronic trail he may have left behind, all of that.
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