Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #63 *ARREST*

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I hope our “verified attorney” @Alethea responds to your Q’s. Anxious to read the response. Excellent questions from you btw! MOO

Honestly I have answered the same questions numerous times and no one likes the response. How the legal system works and how people want the legal system to work are two different things.
I understand that you do not like or approve of how the legal system works in the United States. I understand that you're projecting your personal feelings on my answers that are based on the procedural rules that everyone involved in this system has to follow. I am not going to respond to badgering or condescending questions or comments that imply that I have some agenda when I am simply answering procedural questions about how this actually works in the real world as a practicing litigator.

True crime has become a vibrant hobby for many people, including everyone on this website. But it does not control the system that decides whether people live or die, whether they are incarcerated or not.

Legal proceedings are governed by the federal and state Constitutions and the rules of criminal procedure in each state. Every state has a criminal code and rules of criminal procedure. Those statutes determine how a criminal proceeding progresses and what must be done to introduce evidence at trial.

1) Defendants are tried in open Court before a jury of their peers. Only evidence that is deemed admissible under the state rules of evidence can be introduced. Everything that is introduced must be substantiated and authenticated by a person qualified to introduce the evidence. Only in opening and closing statements can prosecutors or defense attorneys pontificate or give their theories of the case. Everything else is based on introducing or challenging admissible evidence. Evidence is a fact introduced to prove the truth of matter asserted. It must be relevant to the fact at issue and admissible.

At the end of the trial, jurors are instructed to go through the list of questions in the jury questionnaire and render their decisions only based on the evidence that is introduced as evidence in Court. They are explicitly instructed to not consider extraneous information they may have heard before or outside of trial. They could not consider what they read in the arrest affidavit a year before the trial. The arrest affidavit is literally irrelevant unless and until it is introduced as evidence in trial.

Before trial, both sides are able to file motions in limine to exclude evidence or testimony. The defense is able to file motions to suppress to exclude testimony or evidence that may have been collected in violation of the defendant's Constitutional rights. There are motions to qualify experts and Daubert motions to disqualify experts or certain scientific testimony.

Each piece of evidence will be introduced individually by the person who can authenticate the evidence. If we are discussing the defendant's phone records, a representative from the phone company will be called to the stand to authenticate the phone records. A detective who read the phone records will then testify as to what they say and why they find them important. The defense will have an opportunity to question the detective.

There is literally an entire statutory process that outlines how to determine what is relevant and admissible to prove the claims asserted.

2) It's not admissible because it's not evidence. I'm not here to teach a law school class. You can purchase a book on the Federal Rules of Evidence and learn what constitutes evidence on your own time.

3) A 150+ page arrest affidavit is odd because you don't normally need a novel to get a person arrested. Most arrest affidavits are 1-2 pages. In very complicated cases they can be 20-30 pages. All you need to arrest someone is probable cause that a crime was committed. You are not proving guilt or innocence. You are asking a judge for permission to restrict the person's liberty. It is up to the judge to grant or deny the request. Defendants can challenge the validity of arrest or information contained in the AA, but it is not evidence. It is the state's argument and interpretation. It is not subject to the rules of evidence because it is not evidence.

A typical arrest affidavit: "I pulled over the driver for not signaling before changing lanes. When the driver rolled down his window, I smelled marijuana. I asked the driver for permission to search the car. When I looked in the passenger window, I saw a bag that looked to me like marijuana."

Or "I responded to a call at XYZ ABC Street. Wife reports that her husband attacked her. The door is broken in and the wife has a black eye. Neighbor saw husband storm out and drive away minutes prior to the 911 call. Based on this testimony and what officers observed at the scene, we have probable cause to arrest the husband for assault, domestic violence."

I really have to ask: who benefits from releasing the arrest affidavit? Just nosy people overly involved in true crime. It doesn't benefit the victim, who was murdered, as it can jeopardize the state's case and give the defense an argument that the state's ex parte pontificating is poisoning the jury pool. It doesn't benefit the victim's children, who the judge already ruled could be harmed by the pretrial publicity. It doesn't benefit the state in that it will give the defense a way to challenge any changes in the state's case - why would you want to be tied to a document you drafted before actually having all of the evidence?

Sunshine laws are meant to hold the government accountable, not provide fodder for gossip. Public servants who attempt to use public access laws to circumvent Constitutional protections are just as bad as the gossips.

People are treating a very serious crime like a game. Like their personal novella. I have represented many victims and I have never seen a victim want their life exploited for the financial gain of true crime writers and Facebook gossip groups.

Victims want justice. And that means a conviction at trial that results in a serious sentence.
Brilliant! Thank you so much!! I could apply this to so many cases on here.
Brilliant! Thank you so much!! I could apply this to so many cases on here.

I think part of the issue is people are not used to being disappointed by a judge's ruling. Attorneys are used to it. For every motion, order, opinion, or ruling - at least one set of attorneys is going to disagree with the judge. Sometimes everyone disagrees with the judge. It is how an adversarial system works. Your motion is GRANTED or DENIED. It's not personal and you can appeal if you feel strongly enough about your case.
I feel certain that common sense will dictate the outcome of this trial as well as one for Scott Peterson (if he is successful in his new trial bid). Scott Peterson is guilty. Did you follow that case? There are so much evidence pointing to him that it beyond reasonable doubt. My opinion.

My opinion is the same for good, old Barry. I hardly think that anyone believes that Suzanne took off leaving her millions behind and standing up her BFF's daughter's wedding. Time will tell, though.

I guess that Suzanne could have just taken a bikini and joined Stacy Peterson in the Bahamas. It is likely they both are swimming with the fishes, just not in a good way, though.

But there is one important difference between the two cases.
One has been heard and evidence produced for the jury to consider and the other has not.
We do not know what evidence the prosecution has, and whether that evidence is admissable for the jury to hear.
As far as I can see, LE and the prosecution has played this case very close to the chest, we do not know what cards they have, we can only GUESS from the snippets of information received from various non LE sources what that evidence MAY be.

I would rather wait for the prosecution to state its case before coming to any conclusion.
Honestly I have answered the same questions numerous times and no one likes the response. How the legal system works and how people want the legal system to work are two different things.
You do an excellent job explaining, for some reason, the light bulb came on this time for me. I value the input from the professionals, such as yourself, who answer our questions and educate those of us following these cases. Thank you again, not sure what is different with your statements in this post, probably just me & my frame of mind, but literally, I totally get it! Very much appreciate your input and opinions. Have a great 4th of July! :) MOO
You do an excellent job explaining, for some reason, the light bulb came on this time for me. I value the input from the professionals, such as yourself, who answer our questions and educate those of us following these cases. Thank you again, not sure what is different with your statements in this post, probably just me & my frame of mind, but literally, I totally get it! Very much appreciate your input and opinions. Have a great 4th of July! :) MOO

I'm glad it helped, I think sometimes stepping back and remembering the big picture can be useful. We will have 2 weeks+ of daily trial to evaluate every piece of evidence the state thinks is relevant. And we'll get to hear whatever crazy story Barry makes up at that time too.

We just watched the trial of Mollie Tibbett's killer live and the case was so strong. The defendant literally made up imaginary ninjas who "really did it" with no evidence or explanation. It was embarrassing to watch. But I think it showed the strength of the system. When you have concrete evidence proving someone committed a crime, jurors are very good at piecing the puzzle together and ignoring weak attempts to obfuscate the truth. It is much easier to follow and understand than trials through the media.

I bet CourtTV and Law&Crime will cover this one live.
But there is one important difference between the two cases.
One has been heard and evidence produced for the jury to consider and the other has not.
We do not know what evidence the prosecution has, and whether that evidence is admissable for the jury to hear.
As far as I can see, LE and the prosecution has played this case very close to the chest, we do not know what cards they have, we can only GUESS from the snippets of information received from various non LE sources what that evidence MAY be.

I would rather wait for the prosecution to state its case before coming to any conclusion.
I agree with you! In my opinion, I had a nagging feeling BM was somehow “being somewhat protected” by not having the AA released. I think this is an emotionally charged case bc BM has been seen as very callous in the last year, very “uncaring” (put mildly) about the darling, missing mother who successfully battled cancer twice. She deserved so much more than to meet her death by his hands. As you say, we don’t know what the evidence is, and the Prosecution will present their case soon. Then the world can judge what is presented. But I remember trials like OJ, Casey Anthony, & a few others, which didn’t equate to justice for the victims. Hoping for the best results possible for SM & her daughters. MOO
I'm glad it helped, I think sometimes stepping back and remembering the big picture can be useful. We will have 2 weeks+ of daily trial to evaluate every piece of evidence the state thinks is relevant. And we'll get to hear whatever crazy story Barry makes up at that time too.

We just watched the trial of Mollie Tibbett's killer live and the case was so strong. The defendant literally made up imaginary ninjas who "really did it" with no evidence or explanation. It was embarrassing to watch. But I think it showed the strength of the system. When you have concrete evidence proving someone committed a crime, jurors are very good at piecing the puzzle together and ignoring weak attempts to obfuscate the truth. It is much easier to follow and understand than trials through the media.

I bet CourtTV and Law&Crime will cover this one live.
Unfortunately, in the state of Colorado we won’t see it covered by CourtTV nor Law & Crime. CO has the strictest laws on trials & media coverage of any state I’ve seen. After the prelim, there won’t be a camera allowed in the courtroom, iirc, & we’ll be lucky to get a “tweet by tweet” trial. :(
Unfortunately, in the state of Colorado we won’t see it covered by CourtTV nor Law & Crime. CO has the strictest laws on trials & media coverage of any state I’ve seen. After the prelim, there won’t be a camera allowed in the courtroom, iirc, & we’ll be lucky to get a “tweet by tweet” trial. :(

Even so, they may do live coverage and report on what is being said inside. FWIW I am in total favor of cameras in the courtroom as it is a public forum. There's a push to get live-streamed Supreme Court arguments which I think would be great and really set a precedent for the states to move forward on it too.
I agree with you! In my opinion, I had a nagging feeling BM was somehow “being somewhat protected” by not having the AA released. I think this is an emotionally charged case bc BM has been seen as very callous in the last year, very “uncaring” (put mildly) about the darling, missing mother who successfully battled cancer twice. She deserved so much more than to meet her death by his hands. As you say, we don’t know what the evidence is, and the Prosecution will present their case soon. Then the world can judge what is presented. But I remember trials like OJ, Casey Anthony, & a few others, which didn’t equate to justice for the victims. Hoping for the best results possible for SM & her daughters. MOO
Please don't take this as a criticsm, because its not. BUT, you need to look at the evidence or information objectively, not subjectively. I know its an emotive case, but you will need you remain objective to assess evidence when released. That is why I don't think the release of the AA will assist - too much weight is assigned to what is in the AA in many cases on this forum.
Even so, they may do live coverage and report on what is being said inside. FWIW I am in total favor of cameras in the courtroom as it is a public forum. There's a push to get live-streamed Supreme Court arguments which I think would be great and really set a precedent for the states to move forward on it too.
Agree with you 100%. Cameras should be in courtrooms across the US, imho. But especially with SCOTUS, the Constitution gives a tremendous amount of power to grant a group of nine judges who aren't elected and are given lifetime appointments. Adding a little more transparency into the mix certainly wouldn't hurt anyone. MOO
Unfortunately, in the state of Colorado we won’t see it covered by CourtTV nor Law & Crime. CO has the strictest laws on trials & media coverage of any state I’ve seen. After the prelim, there won’t be a camera allowed in the courtroom, iirc, & we’ll be lucky to get a “tweet by tweet” trial. :(
Law and Crime has been streaming the Mark Redwine trial in La Plata county for 9 days now. I’m watching it through the Court site via WebEx. It’s not the whole state, but sometimes up to the individual Judge like in Frazee trial. There are certain hearings that are always closed in Colorado . @Seattle1 has told us which ones a hundred times but danged if I can remember.

ETA I may have been confused when saying L&C have been allowed to livestream. They are live-streaming the WebEx feed from the Court site which any one can watch. The Judge has not allowed media cameras in the courtroom.
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I’ll take a heavily redacted AA, at any point. It sounds as if the redactions are probably being worked on regardless of the current decision. Sooner or later Barry’s truth will come out.


"Barrys's truth" is an oxymoron.

I get your meaning, though, and I agree completely.

The truth about Barry will come to light:

"Be sure your sin will find you out."

Barry must have skipped over that verse...along with around 31, 101 others.


*Edited to fix broken quotes.
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"Barrys's truth" is an oxymoron.

I get your meaning, though, and I agree completely.

The truth about Barry will come to light:

"Be sure your sin will find you out."

Barry must have skipped over that verse...and around 31, 101 others.


Edited to fix broken quotes.

As pointed out trials are adversarial for good reason. The best way to elicit "the truth" is through testimony and cross examination. Juries in this country, who represent the people, are very good at getting it right more often than not based on what is presented at trial. The amount of cases remanded back for new trial are not that great in number. And generally there are very good legal reasons why this occurs. Even cases that are dismissed without prejudice can be tried later when more evidence and facts are uncovered.
My reading of the Judge's opinion to seal the AA is:

1. He is being careful not to give Barry and <modsnip> Legals grounds for appeal.

2. It's his job to avoid tainting the jury pool.

3. The AA is too horrifically graphic as to SM's death and subsequent disposal
to make public until the daughters have had time to accept it and grieve.


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My reading of the Judge's opinion to seal the AA is:

1. He is being careful not to give Barry and <modsnip> Legals grounds for appeal.

2. It's his job to avoid tainting the jury pool.

3. The AA is too horrifically graphic as to SM's death and subsequent disposal
to make public until the daughters have had time to accept it and grieve.


No and No.

Read this excellent post here and it will explain all CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #63 *ARREST*
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