Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #63 *ARREST*

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This makes sense...he also needed to be on the road before daylight. SM would not have gotten on a bike before daylight...and even though the neighbors didn't see her biking...they also didn't see BM leaving; so they couldn't ascertain exactly when he left. Didn't BM call the worker before 5am? If so, that means he would have called from home, since he last saw SM at 5am. Pinging his location at the time of that call will be interesting. Another thing...If BM drove the female employee to and from the Salida worksite...then why didn't he drive her to Broomfield?
Yes, BM called MG at 4:00-4:30am Sunday morning to get the crew together last minute, and my guess is his truck EVI showed him on the road at that time heading out of town. Thinking back to Andy’s comment, (paraphrased), “you can’t be rambling down the road at 4:00-4:30am texting/calling your employee and at home seeing your wife in bed at 5:00am”.
IMO, this is the truck EVI not matching up with BM’s statements/timeline he gave to LE info that CBI told Andy about. There may very well be other instances that his truck EVI didn’t match up with his statements to LE, but since we’re talking about the Sunday early morning call to MG, this is what I picture the convo with LE *might* have gone down like or similar to:

LE: When’s the last time you spoke to and saw Suzanne?
BM: I spoke to my wife Saturday night before we went to bed, we went to sleep/slept all night. I saw my wife sleeping in bed at 5:00am right before leaving the house to go to work in Broomfield.
LE: So you and Suzanne spoke Saturday night before bed, slept all night and you never went anywhere until you left the house at 5:00am to head to Broomfield for work? And you’re sure it was 5:00am when you left?
And you didn’t talk to anyone that early morning, not Suzanne or anyone else?
BM: Yes, that’s correct officer.

LE then examines BM Truck EVI and shows him on the road at 4-4:30am, lie #1. Then they get Morgan’s phone and see the 4-4:30am call, lie #2.. (exactly why BM didn’t want her to cooperate and turn her phone over to LE) IMO, The lies and inconsistencies pile on from there throughout Barry’s 3-30 hour interviews with LE.


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I think there are enough security cameras between Puma Path and Broomfield that LE knows exactly how long it took him to reach the HIE. If he passed one camera and it took him 2 hours to pass another camera when it should only have taken him one, they knew exactly what area they should be searching for evidence.
I’ve always believed that BM probably took 50 east to 285 to Broomfield. The area between Johnson Village and Fairplay on 285 is the least populated with numerous county roads where BM could have pulled off unnoticed in the wee hours of Sunday morning. There are several businesses at each of these intersections and LE would know if he made a stop along the way.
I think BM may have quickly disposed of some evidence along the way to Broomfield, but I tend to think he disposed of SM’s body before he left for Broomfield. My thoughts are that he left his phone home with SM’s while he disposed of her body sometime early Sunday morning so he could tell LE he was home with her all night then left her sleeping at 5:00 a.m. We don’t know if LE has recovered her phone but it may have been found at the home.
BM wanted to get on the road to Broomfield very early because he knew SM would start getting “Happy Mother’s Day” calls on Sunday morning and he had to be gone. MOO
Agree. Probably not due to cameras.
Car GPS is a second problem, if it records stopping even for a minute.

MOO a Range Rover without GPS was available in the driveway, so a non camera route with that vehicle might be a possible solution to BMs problem.
I agree with you. My timeline has always been after midnight Friday. This covers the date and also fits better with all of BM's little outings and shopping excursions.

The only link that brings me to Saturday is the best friend from IN and that communication. I believe she is going to be a star witness and I look forward to hearing her version of this story.
I agree. The BFF conversations have always been a stickler as far as when they ended “abruptly”. I believe SM held text conversations with her normally all day on Friday and then they signed off for the night at some point. Since the BFF was two hours ahead of SM due to the time difference, she probably always waited a bit before texting SM in the mornings. I think she began texting SM on Saturday morning sometime after 9:00 CO time and this was one of the things that made BM anxious. I think SM was already dead. He knew he had to respond or the BFF might blow his manufactured timeline. After all, SM couldn’t be reported missing on Saturday!
He hurriedly called off work, went home and tried to text the BFF using SM’s phone and pretending to be her. It was not long before the BFF would realize that something was off. She may have asked if everything was all right or said SM didn’t sound right. It would be at that point that BM would end the conversation. He may have said, “I’ll call you back later” or some such thing. When the BFF never got a call back, couldn’t reach her, and SM never signed on for the zoom wedding the next day, she knew something was very wrong.
Imagine how angry BM must be at the BFF? In his narcissistic mind it was the BFF’s fault that everything fell apart. MOO
I've always wondered whether the 'bobcat misunderstanding' is actually more about timing rather than what Barry had done to the bobcat. Maybe LE confronted him with the story of SM abruptly ending communication with her friend at 12:30 on Saturday, and he told them he was in town getting the bobcat repaired at that time. But his phone data showed him at home? Or something like that.

His actual quote to LS was "It was only because I didn’t know the time that I did something, a mechanical thing, to my bobcat..." So maybe the bobcat isn't involved because it was used to hide her body, but because he tried to use the repair job that JP talks about as another alibi once LE started focusing in on Saturday.

Or maybe both, if he killed her during that 11-1 window and then immediately went to get mechanical work done on the bobcat, he might have had later plans for it.
IMO, I agree that this is certainly a good possibility. But I wonder about decomposition scent. My understanding in a 2-4 window after death a dog can detect; so where was SM? And why didn't the dog(s) detect it?
Hope this makes sense. I am also hanging on that thread with you :). It fits in with the emotional Barry MG described that Saturday morning and leaving the job early. As I recall the timeline, I am wondering if we are deliberately being somewhat deceived until more evidence could be developed. It could be that the BFF knew she wasn't communicating with Suzanne Saturday, it was someone else (Barry). LE not sharing that detail most likely protected the BFF from Barry.
Yes! See my post down thread which I wrote before seeing yours.
ETA. I am in the habit of writing that I think SM was killed Friday night as opposed to Saturday night when I should be saying I think she was killed early Saturday morning.
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Agree. Probably not due to cameras.
Car GPS is a second problem, if it records stopping even for a minute.

MOO a Range Rover without GPS was available in the driveway, so a non camera route with that vehicle might be a possible solution to BMs problem.
Or an ATV delivering that body to the back forty in the wee hours of Sunday morning?
I’m still hanging by a thread on SM being killed on Friday after midnight - 5/9.
I think the timeline is too tight for BM to go home around 11:30 Saturday, kill SM, get back in town to change the plate on the Bobcat early afternoon and spend the day shopping.
Of course, it could have been a fit of rage killing on midday Saturday. However,
we also have to remember that it would have taken BM about a half an hour to leave the job site on Saturday morning, drive MG home, and then drive to Puma Path. It would have taken another 15-20 minutes to drive back to Salida/DSI. We are talking 45 minutes to an hour of drive time. So now there is even less time to kill SM between leaving the job site and arriving back in Salida. If he killed her in a fit of rage, I don’t think he’d just leave her there, jump in his truck, and drive into town.
The only issue I have with this theory is that it would mean that LE must know the time of the murder fairly exactly if it happened early Saturday morning and they didn't include 5/8 in the date range for the charge. And yet they also included 5/10, which suggests that they don't have an exact time of death determined. The 5/9-5/10 range implies to me that they have some solid proof that SM was alive on Saturday morning and was dead by Sunday morning, but can't definitively narrow it down more than that.
I agree. The BFF conversations have always been a stickler as far as when they ended “abruptly”. I believe SM held text conversations with her normally all day on Friday and then they signed off for the night at some point. Since the BFF was two hours ahead of SM due to the time difference, she probably always waited a bit before texting SM in the mornings. I think she began texting SM on Saturday morning sometime after 9:00 CO time and this was one of the things that made BM anxious. I think SM was already dead. He knew he had to respond or the BFF might blow his manufactured timeline. After all, SM couldn’t be reported missing on Saturday!
He hurriedly called off work, went home and tried to text the BFF using SM’s phone and pretending to be her. It was not long before the BFF would realize that something was off. She may have asked if everything was all right or said SM didn’t sound right. It would be at that point that BM would end the conversation. He may have said, “I’ll call you back later” or some such thing. When the BFF never got a call back, couldn’t reach her, and SM never signed on for the zoom wedding the next day, she knew something was very wrong.
Imagine how angry BM must be at the BFF? In his narcissistic mind it was the BFF’s fault that everything fell apart. MOO

100% agree! I am in the same camp. I imagine on Sunday after she allowed her daughter's wedding to happen and the celebrations began, she was alarmed enough to contact LE. Possibly the daughter that got married reached out to MM1 and MM2 to ask about their mom? Then they began the frenzied attempt at reaching her too?
I’m still hanging by a thread on SM being killed on Friday after midnight - 5/9.
I think the timeline is too tight for BM to go home around 11:30 Saturday, kill SM, get back in town to change the plate on the Bobcat early afternoon and spend the day shopping.
Of course, it could have been a fit of rage killing on midday Saturday. However,
we also have to remember that it would have taken BM about a half an hour to leave the job site on Saturday morning, drive MG home, and then drive to Puma Path. It would have taken another 15-20 minutes to drive back to Salida/DSI. We are talking 45 minutes to an hour of drive time. So now there is even less time to kill SM between leaving the job site and arriving back in Salida. If he killed her in a fit of rage, I don’t think he’d just leave her there, jump in his truck, and drive into town.
Oh I agree, but it’s the damn conversation supposedly continuing into the early afternoon on Saturday that’s throwing this whole thing.

His behavior at the job site makes the most sense to me if Suzanne is already dead at that point.

They’ve got the murder happening between Saturday and Sunday though, and I think they’d likely include Friday if there was any chance she could have been killed that early.

This just doesn’t fit cleanly yet.
The only issue I have with this theory is that it would mean that LE must know the time of the murder fairly exactly if it happened early Saturday morning and they didn't include 5/8 in the date range for the charge. And yet they also included 5/10, which suggests that they don't have an exact time of death determined. The 5/9-5/10 range implies to me that they have some solid proof that SM was alive on Saturday morning and was dead by Sunday morning, but can't definitively narrow it down more than that.
Early Saturday morning would be May 9th. (Anytime after midnight on Friday.)
Do y’all think Barry was smart enough to plan/preplan using a vehicle without EVI for getting Suzanne out of the house and to wherever she is? I can understand him leaving his phone at home, but was he even aware which vehicles had EVI?
Oh I agree, but it’s the damn conversation supposedly continuing into the early afternoon on Saturday that’s throwing this whole thing.

His behavior at the job site makes the most sense to me if Suzanne is already dead at that point.

They’ve got the murder happening between Saturday and Sunday though, and I think they’d likely include Friday if there was any chance she could have been killed that early.

This just doesn’t fit cleanly yet.
WE don’t have enough pieces to put this puzzle together yet. Dang. :cool:
Do y’all think Barry was smart enough to plan/preplan using a vehicle without EVI for getting Suzanne out of the house and to wherever she is? I can understand him leaving his phone at home, but was he even aware which vehicles had EVI?
No, I just don’t see it, which is weird considering it appears he thwarted efforts to track his location somehow.

I honestly don’t even see him googling that information.

There’s gotta be something we don’t know about going on here.
IMO, I agree that this is certainly a good possibility. But I wonder about decomposition scent. My understanding in a 2-4 window after death a dog can detect; so where was SM? And why didn't the dog(s) detect it?

If someone put Suzanne elsewhere (outside the house/yard) within 3 hours of her death, the dogs likely wouldn't have hit in the house.

Really, I think that if Suzanne were immediately put into a cooler and that cooler was filled with and rinsed on the outside with bleach before being put into a truck (and the truck was also splashed down with bleach), there might not be a hit by a cadaver dog. I don't think a trained cadaver dog was on scene on Sunday, btw (they had sniffer dogs IMO).

If Suzanne's body was moved from the premises almost immediately to an unknown location and not on any trail, when they did bring cadaver dogs to the house, they wouldn't have found anything, IMO. The dogs need to be very well trained to perform this duty. I do believe they took them around the property sometime in the first 10 days - and to the Salida job site, and to the new lot that Barry had purchased. We heard that there were "hits" so...I don't know what that means. Cadaver dogs are supposed to only hit on human cadaverine. But we know very little about their training and the circumstances under which they did their sniffing.

Could the dogs have hit on Barry's truck and we just don't know about it? Did they really hit at the Salida jobsite or is that rumor? Did they even bring dogs to the hotel?

I personally do not believe Suzanne was killed inside the house. I do think that Barry was worried about his own self smelling of cadaverine, or some implement that he used, hence all the bleach. He may have worried needlessly if he put Suzanne in an airtight container of some sort, and did it quickly (but did he move it again?)

Those of you who think he planned this in advance and had a hole already dug somewhere may actually be right, in the end. And those of us who think he did go on a hike with Suzanne that day may also be right.
Oh I agree, but it’s the damn conversation supposedly continuing into the early afternoon on Saturday that’s throwing this whole thing.

His behavior at the job site makes the most sense to me if Suzanne is already dead at that point.

They’ve got the murder happening between Saturday and Sunday though, and I think they’d likely include Friday if there was any chance she could have been killed that early.

This just doesn’t fit cleanly yet.

Bbm regarding BM's odd behavior on Saturday am, as described by MG:
It has been mentioned that BM may have been monitoring Suzanne's phone conversations. (If she had been getting out of line, a definite possibility, if he could)

Could he have been able to see who she was talking to and read her texts in real time?

That could explain the unsettled state described by MG.
Techy info needed.
All speculation.
Oh I agree, but it’s the damn conversation supposedly continuing into the early afternoon on Saturday that’s throwing this whole thing.

His behavior at the job site makes the most sense to me if Suzanne is already dead at that point.

They’ve got the murder happening between Saturday and Sunday though, and I think they’d likely include Friday if there was any chance she could have been killed that early.

This just doesn’t fit cleanly yet.
I think if he and Suzanne began arguing on Friday night, that could explain his behavior at the jobsite on Saturday.
Oh I agree, but it’s the damn conversation supposedly continuing into the early afternoon on Saturday that’s throwing this whole thing.

His behavior at the job site makes the most sense to me if Suzanne is already dead at that point.

They’ve got the murder happening between Saturday and Sunday though, and I think they’d likely include Friday if there was any chance she could have been killed that early.

This just doesn’t fit cleanly yet.

She could have had contact late Friday evening/night with the girls, we know she did Friday morning with Melinda, that would probably clear Friday for L/E. If the girls had a specific time they usually called, say 9pm and she answered Friday but not Saturday, that could have led to Sundays panic, along with the BFF.
I think if he and Suzanne began arguing on Friday night, that could explain his behavior at the jobsite on Saturday.
It does, and that’s what I believe must have been going on. I simply can’t discount what Andy said about Suzanne’s communications that Saturday, so that’s the explanation I’m going with as well.

I actually think he had already decided to murder her as he stood at that job site.
It doesn’t fit cleanly, as @OldCop pointed out, but it does fit with this:

“Last minute he changed everything. In fact, he called me that Sunday – Mother’s Day – and was really frantic, really didn’t sound like himself,” Gentile said. “I hung up the phone and I thought he just had the worst night of his life.”

Still, Gentile agreed to pick up Jeffrey Puckett and head to Broomfield.

‘I’m not the other woman’: Second contractor speaks out about Suzanne Morphew investigation | FOX21 News Colorado
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