Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #70 *ARREST*

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That’s the actual opposite of what airplane mode is. When in airplane mode, one can only use device if it’s connected to the internet. I’m shocked at how this is confusing to anyone.

When I am using either my iPhone or iPad, if I turn on airplane mode it immediately disconnects my wifi connection and my carrier signal and I have no Internet access - so I am still very confused! I just checked with my husband who is in IT and he confirmed that what I understood is correct.
IMO, the tranquilizer dart could explain some time elements. For example, how long had Suzanne been incapacitated? This could contribute to the fact that dogs were unable to pick-up a decomposing scent. This gave BM more time to put the plan in motion. I believe he had envisioned the scenario for a while. And everything just fit that Mother's Day weekend. IMO
Do we know he didn't get rid of the laces too? Or even got rid of the boots?

Why not leave them in the truck if he's going to dump them?

He's wearing hiking boots when he next leaves the room. Did he take two pairs of hiking boots in with him?

Sydnee Stelle


Replying to
At this point, he enters a hotel room wearing a long sleeve shirt. He comes out of his room an hour later wearing a short sleeve shirt. The prosecution said the fact that he changed in noteworthy. He's also carrying a bag when leaves the room.

Lauren Scharf


#Barrymorphew has something in his hand. Something small, Agent Grusing couldn't decide what it was. His next action is carrying multiple items to his room. Hiking boots, a teal-covered piece of clothing, a darker black piece of clothing, and a light blue bag.

Gregory Nieto


DA: showing surveillance photo of #BarryMorphew entering hotel with backpack, hiking boots and bag.

Lauren Scharf


#BarryMorphew stayed in his room for an hour, he is not wearing a long sleeve shirt. He is now wearing a black v-neck shirt, a trash bag, hiking boots.

Gregory Nieto

DA: another photo of Barry leaving hotel room, carry a Target Shopping bag. Different shirt, different boots.
I’m guessing that all of these outfits did not make their way back to Salida?
which friend? it would have to have been a friend who knew they were close to each other, correct? Otherwise, that makes no sense.
They were old friends from school so I'm sure he found out that way. I live in a small town like they were from in Indiana and if someone from here was missing, everyone in this town would know about it.
which friend? it would have to have been a friend who knew they were close to each other, correct? Otherwise, that makes no sense.
Not necessarily. They went to high school together and had friends in common. So it could have been a mutual friend, that didn't know about the affair, just knew they were old friends.
IMO, the tranquilizer dart could explain some time elements. For example, how long had Suzanne been incapacitated? This could contribute to the fact that dogs were unable to pick-up a decomposing scent. This gave BM more time to put the plan in motion. I believe he had envisioned the scenario for a while. And everything just fit that Mother's Day weekend. IMO
Wow, I hadn't thought about that part of it. He could keep her stashed at home for awhile, but she wouldn't be picked up by the cadaver dogs when they come sniffing.

The same with his vehicle. He could have had her incapacitated, but quiet and easy to transport. He may have taken her to a more remote setting, to do the final act. :(

I am wondering if she was buried under a tree that was planted. But I would think that they already looked at every recent big tree from that few days.
Yesterday was incredibly intense.

I would like to say thank you so much, to everyone who provided the Tweets, so much appreciated to keep us up to date. And a very special thank you to @NoSI for being there. Also a big thank you to @Niner for the summary, great to be able to refer back to it.

The tranquilizer dart was absolutely shocking to me. And horrifying. It made me think of the guy in Alaska who dumped women in the woods and told them to run.

BM approached Suzanne like she was prey. He neutralized her before he took her out. And the possibility he was chasing her, heart wrenching.

Remember when Profiling Evil mentioned the dark web? Could BM have been looking for the drugs for the darts there? They don't seem like something you can just order from Amazon. You have to get the actual tranquilizer somewhere. Could he have had the darts leftover from his deer farm, needed to find the tranquilizer since he no longer had a deer farm and an excuse for having it? I wonder if LE was able to trace where the darts came from, like a lot number or something on the dart?

I really want to know who's number the early morning phone call was.

I don't know what to think about J not coming forward. That's really hard to get around.

Another thing that will be really difficult to get around is BM's movements that week-end, the trash dumps, the hotel, the non-job,the dart with the lame chipmunk explanation; all of that, his defense is either going to need to provide an explanation, which would require putting BM on the stand, disaster waiting to happen, imo. Or they can try to poke holes in the evidence. I think we've seen some of that with their emphasis on the electronic data. I also think the defense is doing a great job of running down the clock. The judge appears to be losing patience with that.

I think they are very close to the threshold, but will need the next two days in the schedule to firm everything up. I also have a feeling there is even more damning information to come. I want to hear more about finances, too. I think that is going to be a very big factor.

All my opinion/speculation
I forgot this nugget! WTH is this? **shakes my head** he is a first class jerk. I have to say, JL may not be a POI but he too, is a Peeohhhsss.

Sbm. Sadly, *advertiser censored* is a huge industry. According to this website--Statistics on *advertiser censored*, Sexual Addiction and Online Perpetrators and their Effects on Children, Pastors and Churches -70% of men in the 18-34 age range visit a pornographic website in a typical month. I don't know what the statistics are for BM's age group. His behavior in this regard may be considered "normal" (statistically speaking).
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SM bought spy pen and had it shipped to SO house. She went to Florida in February and got it from SO.

Spy pen was found by LE in June. SO told LE to look for it. They played the convo of SM and JL to SO and another friend Holly W but they couldn’t tell LE who Jeff is , didn’t recognize his voice or know about him.

LE finally got SM iCloud info with her LinkedIn account and figured out who JL was. By then it was November.

The spy pen tidbit is fascinating. As is the cat/mouse game of SM tracking BM’s phone, and him putting his phone on airplane mode. Sounds like a Cold War in that home :(

Who is SO?

About SM having a boyfriend….totally understandable if BM had been using threats of violence and suicide to prevent her from leaving. She left mentally. I wish she would’ve left physically :(
Maybe an escalation of the fight which was said to happen Friday, then Suzanne saying "I'm Done"?

I sort of think his suicide talk, was somewhat genuine. Seems like maybe he was escalating emotionally and maybe had thought of taking his life. Did he use that to manipulate Suzanne, 100%. Barry couldn't lose - his control, his money, his wife, his kids, his reputation, his ego, his house, his business. I think he thought ALL of that was in jeopardy. With the girls being gone, the safety buffers weren't in place.

I'm a solid 50/50 on planned or a situation that escalated out of control.
I agree, highly suspicious activity, however still too much doubt
We haven't seen the AA. We only have probably 25% of the cell phone & truck data. I would expect several more bombshells. The DA only has to bind him over, not prove beyond a reasonable doubt at this stage.

As those who have quoted MacBeth, I am convinced the truth will continue to be as strange or stranger than fiction.
That's my humble opinion.
The spy pen tidbit is fascinating. As is the cat/mouse game of SM tracking BM’s phone, and him putting his phone on airplane mode. Sounds like a Cold War in that home :(

Who is SO?

About SM having a boyfriend….totally understandable if BM had been using threats of violence and suicide to prevent her from leaving. She left mentally. I wish she would’ve left physically :(
SO is Suzanne's BFF in IN
Oh if only it was that easy to help a victim of DV! It just doesn't work to rush to their side and "get them out", unless the victim is specifically asking for that kind of help. About all you can do is let them know you'll be there if they decide to leave.
Well, I respectfully disagree with you on that.
Many DV victims are geographically isolated feel that have no where else to go.
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That’s the actual opposite of what airplane mode is. When in airplane mode, one can only use device if it’s connected to the internet. I’m shocked at how this is confusing to anyone.
I think the question was whether a call could be received. The answer is no. However, a call can come in snd go to voicemail. When you turn airplane mode off, you will find you received a call. Happens to me a lot.
SO is Suzanne's BFF in IN
It wasn't a cold war, it's a classic case of domestic violence. The perpetrator is not just a narcissist, he's a murderous narcissist.

All of his threats were pure manipulation and indicative of serious mental illness. The amount of control he exerted in that home is a violation of a Christian father's sacred duty to love his wife as Christ loved the church. But beyond that, he manipulated others with his twisted use of scriptures and severe gaslighting behaviors.

It will continue even if he never sets foot outside jail or prison again. His daughters need to make a break with him. His level of manipulative behavior makes him toxic! And we've only seen a fraction of what's in the AA and what was SM's reality.

The only way to escape a TOXIC parent is to cut them out of your life. To his daughters: Stop victimizing yourselves. Wake up! Get supportive psychological care! Walk away from the courtroom and never look back.
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Okay - you all ready for this??!!

for Tuesday, August 10th:
*Preliminary Hearing (Murder) (Day 2 of 4) & Status Conference Hearing (Voter fraud) (Day 2 of 4) (@ 9am MT) - CO – Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew (49) (missing May 10, 2020, did not return from bike ride (supposedly), Maysville, Chaffee County, not found) - *Barry Lee Morphew (53) arrested & charged (5/5/21) with 1st degree murder after deliberation, tampering with physical evidence & attempting to influence a public servant. And additional charges (5/18/21) with tampering with a deceased human body & possession of a dangerous weapon (short rifle) & amended (5/18/21) to add domestic violence as sentencing enhancement. No bond.
Missing info, Barry’s PP loan & court info from 5/10/20 thru 8/9/21 (Prelim day 1) reference post #352 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #68 *ARREST*

*Charged (5/13/21) with felony forgery of public records & misdemeanor elections-mail ballot offense. $1K Bond.
For info on his voter fraud from 5/13/21 to 5/27/21 reference post #352 here:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #68 *ARREST*

8/10/21 Update: Day 2 of 4: State witnesses: FBI agent Ken Harris out of Denver office. He has been trained in the Behavioral Analysis Unit which led him to being involved in this case. Cross exam by Attorney Eytan. Asked about Morphew's safe in the garage. That it was searched. Eytan is claiming that Suzanne took $70K. The State objected. The judge allowed her to continue. Senior Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsey says Morphew previously accused law enforcement of stealing the money. Agent Harris said that Suzanne would use FindmyIphone app & track Barry. He would sometimes put it his phone on Airplane mode to avoid this.
Judge cautioned the defense that they are burning through a lot of their time & that they need to be cautious of that.
About 20 messages between JL & Suzanne were exchanged on 4/21/20. Agent Harris asked for his binder that has all of the text messages to reference. These specific messages were not spoken about yesterday. Messages read, "I want to be with you" "I can only be me with you" "You know I was born to love you".
Defense asked SA Harris about what Suzanne & Morphew grown daughters knew about their marriage. Both girls said their parents argued. Macy was asked about her dad being physically abusive & she allegedly told investigators she couldn't see him being abusive. On May 6, text message from Suzanne to Morphew said, "I’m done. I could care less about what you’ve been up to for years. We need to figure this out civilly." Morphew sent messages to Suzanne "I promise you, you are wrong about all the crazy thoughts about me. Why would I want another, only a fool would stray from an angel like you." Barry had deleted this text but investigators found it.
Agent Harris said Mallory was spoken to early on into the investigation but after that not able to speak with. But she said that they never spoke of divorce. Texts go on to say that Suzanne morning before she went missing--she allegedly messages Jeff Libler telling him she had a fine night & looked at houses for sale. She follows that with "Still talk about Arizona."
Attorney Eytan wanted to speak about Suzanne's secret bank account. The state objects & says beyond the scope. Judge overruled objection. In April, Suzanne opened up an account with GreenDot bank & Royal Compass Management. Eytan asked Agent Harris he had looked into this & he said he hadn't.
On redirect, Senior DDA Jeff Lindsey says there were indications that Morphew was 'out there looking' to have an affair. He refers to a screenshot from Barry's phone looking for 'cute girls near Salida,' and defense objects & says that there was a shared iCloud account between the family, so it's not clear who made the search. The state asked Agent Harris about Barry's phone. There was some deleted dating web history such as Ashley Maddison. When this was said, Barry sat up in his chair. In March, interviews with Morphew & the FBI asked Barry about the website Celebrity Jehad website he had allegedly search which is a *advertiser censored* website. Barry now has his arms crossed.
Agent Harris is being asked about Holly Wilson & a conversation (11/6/20) she had with BM. BM was accusing Suzanne of sleeping with a man in a basement in November. He allegedly told Holly, "If I find him, I will shoot off his balls, and shove them down his throat". When Holly Wilson asked BM about what the last thing he had said to Suzanne before she went missing & Holly remembers him stumbling & hesitating.
Another argument ensues as DDA Lindsey brings up a search on a pornographic website from Morphew's iCloud account. Before getting any further defenses asks judge to approach the bench. Reminder- the iCloud account is shared between the family.
Harris says both credit card activity & phone records show that Suzanne's lover was in Michigan at the time she disappeared on May 10. On May 10, JL had wished Suzanne a Happy Mother's Day & knew it would be a hard day because she missed her mom. Suzanne never responded. According to FBI Agent Ken Harris, the last time Suzanne's lover texted her was May 11, the day she was scheduled for a cancer treatment, wishing her luck. This was Monday after she was reported missing. She never responded.
Former FBI Agent Johnny Grusing worked in Denver FBI Office (retired 2 weeks ago). Has worked a lot of no-body homicide cases. The Chaffee County Sheriff's Office asked him to interview Morphew because of his behavioral analyst experience. He investigated Morphew's cell phone. He analyzed it. Agent Grusing was asked to find out where Barry was on May 9 & 10. Agent Grusing asked about Morphew's truck based on the data. There were 625 pages of the report to be analyzed. The data included when the door opened, closed & when brake lights were on, etc.
On May 9, 2020 - The telematics of his truck & phone were correlating with what Morphew was saying. And Suzanne’s phone.
At 12:02am incoming call & an outgoing 2:17am on May 9 on Suzanne's phone. Barry doesn't have a call until a little after 6am.
He went to Tail winds property around 11am then went home around 11:30am to eat veggie soup with Suzanne.
Morphew allegedly left around 1:30pm makes a few calls checks out a job at Kim Gyms in Salida.
Then returned home around 2:44pm as she was sunbathing & sending photos of herself to her lover, Jeff Libler.
Text messages: 9:50am BM: Wanna go on a hike? 9:52am SM: where? (no response). Later on, asking about summer tires on range rover? 10:36am SM: Wanna meet to hike? 12 minutes later at 10:48am BM: No, coming home. SM: Get Hot tub stuff.
At 11:50am-12:50am, Morphew's phone is pinged near the river behind his home. Investigators asked why this was, his response was, "I was looking for a turkey that MM had shot some time ago."
At 1:42pm Suzanne's last "proof of life" was a photo she sent to her lover on LinkedIn, according to FBI agent. She was out sunbathing. Shortly before she had messaged him saying “Guess who’s alone again??”
At 1:55pm door opens at DSI (Diesslin Structures, Inc.) in Salida & there is surveillance video as well.
At 2pm Morphew was getting his blade replaced on his bobcat.
At 2:03pm while Morphew was away Suzanne was sending LinkedIn messages to Jeff Libler. Investigators showed a picture Suzanne sent to Jeff to Barry, he said she "looked drunk" & she had "drunk eyes" Grusing says it's the last 'proof of life' for Suzanne.
At 2:11pm Suzanne told JL to get on What's Up App. She messaged him on LinkedIn. Exhibit #59: The photo is shown in the courtroom, Suzanne smiling.
Truck GPS coordinates show Barry's truck goes into park at 2:43:59. Phone coordinates show he walks around the house. You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom as tension is high. Agent Grusing asked what he was doing outside. Morphew responded, "I shoot chipmunks. I have shot 85 chipmunks."
At 2:47pm, BM's phone goes into airplane mode. Suzanne's phone is getting messages from her lover, Libler asking about the weather. meanwhile, BM says he was moving around the house shooting chipmunks. Former FBI agent reveals they found a tranquilizer dart cap in the dryer of the Morphew's house. He also asked Morphew about what gun he used. He said a 22.
His truck doesn't move from 2:44pm until 4:44pm on May 9.
At 4:44pm Morphew's truck door opens & closes.
At 5:33pm the truck power was disconnected & system rebooted.
At 9:25pm the gear shift goes from park to reverse & moves backward in the driveway 96 feet at the Morphew home off of Puma Path in Maysville, CO. Passenger door opens & closes until 9:52pm.
At 10:17pm Morphew's phone is taken off of Airplane mode & it was at the home.
On May 10, 2020
At 2:53am Suzanne's phone made an outgoing call on May 10.
At 3:25am Barry's truck doors were open & closed. At the end of driveway until 3:58am. Cell phone moves from residence up until where 225 & highway 50 intersect. The phone moved toward where the bike was found.
Suzanne's phone was last pinged around 4:22am on May 10th in an area that had hard to reach signal. Suzanne's phone last registered a signal far from the Morphew home at 4:10-4:22am on the day she was reported missing. It didn't register any other signals after that.
At 4:31am Morphew's phone went into airplane mode & at the residence until 5:37am. His phone came back online as he is heading toward Broomfield, CO.
Around 5:37am he was heading toward Buena Vista.
At 5:38am Morphew texted his mother, Shirley Happy Mother's Day.
Before texting Suzanne at 6:56am. "You up? Happy Mother's Day. I love you."
At 8:10am he stopped at an RTD Bus stop in Broomfield off of HWY 36. He allegedly told Grusing he was throwing something away in the trash. Grusing says this wasn't the first stop at the trash can. TRASH RUN #1: Morphew's truck passenger & driver's doors open, according to data it took him two minutes to throw something away that was a few feet away from his truck. The state has pulled up a google image of the bus stop in Broomfield.
When Morphew allegedly arrived at the Holiday Inn Express in Broomfield, he parked on the south side. Doors open & close again. He opened someone would come in & out so he could get a free breakfast at the hotel. Another google image is being shown where Morphew parked. Attorney Neilsen is asking for a copy of the image, the State is saying the images are in discovery. The Judge's secretary is running off to make a copy. TRASH RUN #2: When Morphew first arrived to the hotel he had another trash run. Barry said he did, but didn't remember what he threw away. There is no video to be collected on the southside of the hotel.
At 8:25am Morphew walked into the hotel & went into his room around 8:38am. Another google map is shown of where he parked & checked into the hotel. Showed a screenshot of Barry walking into the hotel. Morphew has something in his hand. Something small, Agent Grusing couldn't decide what it was. His next action is carrying multiple items to his room. Hiking boots, a teal-covered piece of clothing, a darker black piece of clothing & a light blue bag.
At 8:41am Morphew texts Suzanne: “have made it to Broomfield". He never called. Morphew stayed in his room for an hour, he is not wearing a long sleeve shirt. He is now wearing a black v-neck shirt, a trash bag, hiking boots. Morphew said that there were holes in the boots but the laces were good so he wanted to take them to the room & remove the laces & then trash the boots. Photos of this from the hotel surveillance video are shown.
At 9:12am Grusing says Morphew leaves hotel & drives by the worksite he is supposed to be working at in Broomfield. He then goes to a McDonalds in Broomfield. He is caught throwing more things in a trashcan. This is TRASH RUN 3. He is seen pushing trash down into the trash can with both hands, according to the surveillance video. Agent Grusing asked Morphew what he threw away & he couldn't remember. He then went to a carwash to clean his windshield & then a Men's Wearhouse parking lot. TRASH RUN #4: He spent the most time at this trash run at Men's Wearhouse 40 minutes. His truck data opened & closed. This is in Broomfield. FBI has video of. Morphew mentioned to investigators he had thrown away tranquilizer material. That is the only thing he would say that he threw away.
11:30am: Morphew called SuzanneMorphew.
At 12:06pm Morphew calls his daughter, MM (oldest).
No time given (approx. 12:30pm): Morphew returned back to the hotel with a large notebook with papers that are messy. Then left the hotel 20 minutes later with the notebook in hand with papers neat in hand. He also has changed shirts into a grey t-shirt. Went to the Broomfield WALL & did 11-15 minutes of work. Removed blocks from the retaining wall. This job was for Garrett Construction. Grusing said you can't work on Sunday's in Broomfield because that is against city code. It looks like he spent about 15-20 minutes there.
At 12:27pm Morphew is seen on hotel surveillance moving two bags to a dumpster. Throwing away a plastic bag that you can see camo coat & a tree container. Exhibit 50: A different angle of a surveillance camera. Shows Morphew carrying the items to the dumpster. TRASH RUN #5. He is seen walking with his hands in his pockets with his head down as he walks away from the dumpster.
At 12:42pm until 5:55pm Morphew does not leave his hotel room in Broomfield. This doesn't match the statements he gave investigators early in May. He claimed he had been working at the wall.
At 3:30pm he texted Suzanne to call him.
At 5:15pm he got a call from Mr. Ritter. Neighbor about Suzanne missing. Barry had told CBI agents that he received call while working at the worksite. Contradictory info.
At 5:55pm Morphew has changed shirts again as he leaves the hotel room. Agent Grusing said Barry wouldn't say what he did in the hotel room. He mentioned watching FOX News & a basketball show.
After 6pm Morphew takes multiple trips in & out of the hotel entrance bringing in tools. Asks the front desk person if it would be ok to leave them for his workers who were coming later. These were all hand tools-nothing electric.
Afternoon session:
On May 6, Morphew sent text messages to Suzanne talking about suicide. "Going to see my savior. This life on earth is a mear grain of sand compared to eternity."
On May 7, Morphew texted a person about getting a new truck. Attempted to call Suzanne's dad Gene. Also texted George Davis. Mallory was sending pictures of their trip to Utah & also a text that said, "Finally got the job!"
May 8, 7:02am: computer scientist able to recover from notes on phone a list of grievances against Barry. 50 reasons why Suzanne is leaving the marriage.
On May 8 at 9:28am, Suzanne texted her sister saying, He has been "abusive emotionally and physically." Also saying that Morphew was abrasive & abusive.
On May 8: Multiple calls between Suzanne & Morphew were sent back & forth to each other Friday morning. At 10:55am Barry sent a text, "I love you Suzanne."
On May 8, Suzanne sent a picture of Morphew standing outside Moonlight Pizza waiting for pizza (sent) to the girls. The girls are in Utah on a roadtrip.
I have plugged these times for May 9 & 10th into the timeline above
On May 9, Text messages: 9:50am BM: Wanna go on a hike? 9:52am SM: where? (no response) Later on, asking about summer tires on range rover? 10:36am SM: Wanna meet to hike? 12 minutes later 10:48am BM: No, coming home SM: Get Hottub stuff.
On May 9, between 8-9pm Saturday night before Suzanne was reported missing, her Facebook codes were reset & her account friended 23 of her old friends, 20 of them male. investigators asked Barry if he did this & he denied it.
Exhibit 60 is being showed. It is a google map of where the helmet & bike was found vs. where the home is on Puma Path. Suzanne;s helmet was 50 feet from the road.
On May 9 11:50am-12:50am, Morphew's phone is pinged near the river behind his home. Investigators asked why this was, his response was, "I was looking for a turkey that MM had shot some time ago."
Attorney Dru Neilsen is now questioning Agent Grusing. They are looking at Morphew's phone records proving that Barry called Suzanne as he drove home from Broomfield. No answer.
May 9th @ 2:03pm while Morphew was away Suzanne was sending LinkedIn messages to Jeff Libler. Investigators showed a picture Suzanne sent to Jeff to Barry, he said she "looked drunk" & she had "drunk eyes" Grusing says it's the last 'proof of life' for Suzanne.
Defense is arguing that Morphew's phone could be staying still in one spot- when the former agent says his phone was pinging on several places on the outside of the house. Defense says it could've been in one place- Grusing says "That's why we asked him what he was doing."
Defense attorney Dru NIelsen questioning Agent Grusing says Morphew spoke with investigators 23X from May 10 til the end of 2020. None of those times did he mention that he shot chipmunks. This in reference to why his cellphone showed he was running around the house on the 10th.
Defense exhibit J,K,I,L,M: Google maps around the Morphew home off Puma Path in Maysville with push pins on them. Neilsen again is speaking about the distance between these points referring to Morphew's phone. Neilsen says this shows he had to have been moving through walls.
Defense exhibit *advertiser censored*: Another copy of Cellebrite report. Neilsen is speaking about the precision value of this data. (more up to date program) The state is objecting this foundation because the exhibit doesn't say who's phone the data came from or a number.
Neighbors didn't report hearing any sort of argument or noise around 2:45 p.m. May 9, which is when investigators speculated that Morphew was 'chasing' Suzanne around the house, based that imprecise GPS data, Nielsen says.
Exhibit T is admitted. It is a copy of the Cellebrite readers report with precision value which Neilsen points out was info in the affidavit but didn't have the precision values the defense would like to add.
Defense now recounting the movement of Morphew's truck. Recall-- it was parked in the Morphew’s driveway from the afternoon of May 9th to early morning May 10th.
Neilsen is going over the truck & cell phone data again on May 9. At 1:55 p.m. door opens at DSI and there is surveillance video as well. At 2 p.m. Morphew was getting his blade replaced on his bobcat on Saturday, May 9.
Defense says the door opening events recorded from #BarryMorphew car are not always accurate in that on May 9th there was an event that was captured where the door was open but never closed.
At 2:44pm Morphew comes home according to truck data & the next-door event is at 4:44pm. Agent Grusing said he asked Morphew if he would authenticate whether he left the door open or not. Neilsen checking the data on the truck again from May 9, 10.
Defense Exhibit GG: List of events comparing the door events to the light events on Morphew's truck.
On page 6, Morphew's truck stays in the same coordinates at 4:44pm until 9:25pm. Parking light events on Page 7, doesn't change the coordinate of the truck. 6 odometer events on May 9. 3 odometer events 10:04am & 10:06am are around the same of two parking light events.
According to an employee at Salida Stove & Spa, Neilsen said from an interview with investigator Derek Graham Morphew visited on May 9 between 4 & 5:30 p.m. That there was nothing unusual about his demeanor. There were 19 miles that were unaccounted for when Morphew went to Broomfield. Neilsen said this Salida Stove & Spa trip could account for 18 miles. "At 2:45pm Morphew did something terrible to his wife & then went to get his hot tub fixed?" Neilsen asked. Agent Grusing responded, "I don't think their timing is accurate." (referring to Salida Stove & Spa).
Now Neilsen is going over phone data of Suzanne & Morphew. According to the CAST Report, an incoming call at 12:02am & an outgoing 2:17am on May 9. Barry doesn't have a call until a little after 6am. Also Suzanne's phone made an outgoing call at 2:53am of May 10. That was a half an hour before the door event occurred on Morphew's truck.
First interview with Com. Walker, Morphew claimed on Sunday morning, he set his alarm for 4:30am. He had already loaded the truck the night before. Left the driveway around 5a.m.
Takes about 32 minutes to drive to Johnson Village from Morphew home. Neilsen said this is according to Google directions. Based on phone data, he is in Johnson Village at 5:37am. "Do you think there is time to dispose of a human body in that time?" Neilsen asked. "No there is not," Agent Grusing replied.
At 6:56a.m. sent two text messages to Suzanne "You up?" "Happy Mother's Day, I love you."
Defense exhibit FF: Information about Airplane Mode that investigators showed to Morphew.
Defense asks Grusing about when Morphew's phone was turned onto airplane mode. She says “can a phone still be tracked in airplane mode?” He says “I would guess” she says “just because there was no phone activity doesn’t mean it was in airplane mode?” He says “yes”.
Verizon records show Morphew's cell phone at 7:19am on May 9 receiving a signal. Neilsen asked, "Can a phone receive a signal in airplane mode?" Grusing said, "I don't know."
Nielsen just asked to break for the day because she has another half an hour which would put the court past 5 pm. Judge said no, that she has to continue & we will wrap at 5pm.
Prosecution says they still have witnesses to still call, only 3 have been called. He believes those 3 are the “meat and potatoes” for this hearing BUT still would like to call other witnesses. He says defense is taking too long and he doesn’t know if it’ll be done in 4 days.
Judge says he’s going to keep defense tight on time because they’re taking fairly longer than the prosecution. Judge is worried this won’t be done in 4 total days. Defense says they understand they have to be shorter.
Judge says he’s not sure if they’ll continue the livestream at the Chaffee County Fairgrounds because there haven’t been many people showing up.
Time use: Defense 6 hours 55 minutes Prosecution 5 hours 20 minutes. Preliminary hearing continues at 8am on 8/23/21.
Awesome @Niner im adding to the media thread
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