Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #71 *ARREST*

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Thanks, @oviedo. I think the communication between May 6-9 holds all the answers. BM would be getting more desperate with each passing day. Especially because SM is standing firm. He knows it's different this time.
He surely had played all of his cards to bring her back into submission and nothing had worked.

Add to that, Suzanne had not been feeding his insatiable need for adoration. Without that, he was tormented by his insecurities and emptiness.

I think the impending close of the sale of their Indiana home was instrumental in him deciding the time was right. Pressure. Poor BM. I bet he was unhinged.
I'm not so sure that LE didn't know that there was an affair, just maybe not the details of it such as who and how long it had been going on. What significantly happened in November for them to have the details? Did they receive her digital history from her computer?
And it seems the defense spent all of its time on JL because perhaps those texts really detail the state of the marriage ? Or else they weren’t tweeted out? Like this one?

This is interesting to me:
It was a matter of timing when she could get out of the marriage, she said in the texts, according to Harris. Suzanne Morphew compared herself to her mom and how her mom divorced. “Once she made a decision, it was firm,” she told SO in a text shown at the hearing.
Colorado dad charged with murdering wife found her texts with lover, prosecutors say
I think it was Melinda who said, their mother told her and Suzanne I can't believe you both married the same kind of man. Melinda divorced her husband and I guess Suzanne would have been next. Did their mother infulence them saying this? I don't know,
Random idea from reading this: what if he's trying to claim that SM was sinning or about to sin (divorce, pain drugs he disdained) and that by her dying before going too far astray, she remained "saved". MOO

I'm picturing him saying that very thing, after he bursts out of the bushes with his tranq rifle. They both seemed to have some peculiar theology, and I can see him piecing together enough random verses to justify the whole thing. I'm sure the cover up and lack of confession is that he thinks he's part of a larger mission.
So this is the typo of info I thought I type up and post. The highlights were already tweeted by reporters. Would this type of info be helpful? Please know that I am doing the best that I can, but can't rule out that I wrote down a time etc. incorrectly as it was so hard to keep up with all the information.

PEOPLES EXHIBIT 1: Several videos: 1a) LE body cam video of finding bike, 1b) Interview of MH at PP, 1c) Interview of MH and his father at crash site, 1d) BM arriving at crash site.

- Item 1a: Body cam video of LE finding bike – In video, LE officers calling “Suzanne” repeatedly, bike resting on its side, front wheel hanging over steep spot, LE officer pulled bike up, they were walking around more, talking into radio “contact hospital” (likely to check if SM was brought to hospital), LE officer communicated with someone stating “He is pretty emotional at this time” (BM?), LE officers talking amongst each other stating “coming down this hill and lost control?”, bike is dark blueish, LE officer states “it’s not bend, but something is up with the front tire”, they figure out that brake is in locked position, once brake was released everything worked just fine.

- Item 1b: Interview with MH at PP – MH is Macy’s BF, I think. He informed LE that both daughters haven’t heard from SM and that BM is in Denver "for a job". The Ritter’s looked in house and SM not there. He or Ritter’s drove to main road (US50?) at 18:00 and no sign of SM. It sounded like MH searched around some, but some areas where “its a crazy climb up”. Then MH was informed that bike was found. He states in a surprised and excited manner “Hey, where did they find the bike?” MH’s father at PP as well, I think. But, possibility that he just joined at crash site (I can't remember 100%). (We also later learned that Miles Harvey informed that cameras in PP have been out for “some time” – I am not sure when LE learned that from Miles Harvey aka if it was during this initial interaction).

- Item 1c: MH and his father at the crash site. MH informs “they have had problems in the past”. Describes as “normal husband and wife problems”. Confirms that BM and SM have talked about separating. Unclear what time this interview took place. Sgt. Mulinex stayed on scene at crash site.

- Item 1d: BM arriving at crash site. It is dark. “Where (couldn't understand)….”. He acts frantic and throws his hands up in the air repeatedly. Dressed in jeans and flannel. Shares that he left PP at 5 AM. SM was sleeping at the time. BM asks “Have they looked in the house” or something similar. Informs “She bikes every day”. LE asks BM what trails she likes to bike and he replies “Fooses”. GD is there as well. LE explains how bike was found. BM and GD walk off and then LE officer says “Don’t touch the bike with your hands please”. Several minutes later, BM etc. are walking away. LE officer says “Hey Barry, where are you guys headed? Need to talk to you more man”.

MH - Miles Harvey
GD - George Davis
I find it interesting she asked him to get hot tub stuff too, especially since there was also mention that BM asked someone at Salida Stove & Spa about repairs to the hot tub.

Why would SM be asking BM to get stuff needed for a presumably operational hot tub if BM is talking with the spa folks about needed repairs?

I think the repairs weren't really needed. After that day, BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
Knowing that CM and Mike King had talked to a lot of Suzanne's friends and family, I wonder if they approached CM and/or Mike and asked if they had heard anything about a boyfriend? Trying to figure out who he was?

I'm guessing that if Mike or Chris had known any valuable information, they would have immediately turned it over to LE, though.
Whether that winds up being the case or not, Barry did himself in here. He admitted to an event behind the house, explaining it away 9 months later with the chipmunk story.

If nothing happened and the data is wrong, there’s no reason to incriminate yourself with a lie.

So in any event, it’s a pretty safe bet that something very significant occurred at that location.
I totally agree. I've also wondered if he was removing a deer cam.
I looked back at the article where BM says, “if one person got saved from this.” Full quote:

“This is the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me,” Barry explained. “But I have got to keep my faith and trust in God. And Suzanne trusted the Lord and if one person got saved from this, she would think it was worth it. And we are just a Godly, loving, caring, family and this thing is just a tragedy.”

‘People don’t know the truth’: Suzanne Morphew’s husband breaks silence after three months | FOX21 News Colorado

Ah, poor, poor BM! SM was no longer worshipping him as he may have felt entitled to be, she was starting to enjoy sexual activity he wouldn't approve of, heck, he might even have objected to her wearing cotton polyester blend blouses instead of 100% pure cotton ones.

In his Godly, loving family, these could be the petty gripes that triggered a great flood of uncontrolled rage from a narcissistic grievance collector, if that is an accurate description of the BM's personality.

Or love of money could have something to do with it, too, of course.
I'm picturing him saying that very thing, after he bursts out of the bushes with his tranq rifle. They both seemed to have some peculiar theology, and I can see him piecing together enough random verses to justify the whole thing. I'm sure the cover up and lack of confession is that he thinks he's part of a larger mission.
Peculiar theology.
MOO amazing how people find/develop a unique theology that serves condoning their own wishes.

BM reading bible in jail; that is a lot of cognitive dissonance to hold in.
I’m curious about the admissibility of the texts from SM to SO, MM and JL about the abuse from BM. Will those texts be considered hearsay and not admissible since none of the recipients witnessed the DV and SM was killed and can’t be cross examined or will they be allowed into the criminal trial?​
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