Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #71 *ARREST*

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I saw partially matched, meaning it could be the DNA of the sex offender’s brother or nephew, probably working at the Range Rover dealership and touching glove boxes during service calls. Did you see a full match?
Court hearing reveals fights, affair in Morphew relationship - KRDO

No signs of life from Suzanne since minutes after BM arrived home on the 9th, and plenty of erratic behavior from BM for the next 12+ hours. BM’s phone moved toward the spot where her bike was found at 3:30 am. And he told LE he left her sleeping at 5 am….

Yes. MOO the lying is amazing, I bet he only shot 29 chipmunks.
BBM - I agree with you! He abused Suzanne in a different way and nothing he can say or do will change that at this point. I hope his wife looks long and hard at the man she is married to.
I hope all of this has been a metaphorical bucket of cold water to JL's face and a call to rise to the occasion. There's enough brokenness in the world. What we need is more determination to work toward wholeness after playing any part in opening fissures that threaten the well-being of others.

Marriages sometimes become stale, people age and mourn unrealized dreams, and in that self-pitying state, some make mistakes that hurt those they love. Foolish mistakes that jeopardize what they value more than any of those unrealized dreams. I think that is what JL did.

There is plenty of this with abundant social media when it is so easy to reconnect with people known in the past or met more recently and to keep those connections hidden. I have several friends and relatives who've committed such stupid mistakes and thankfully, most have recovered the relationships they took for granted and endangered.

With admission of failure, contrition, determination to improve, it is possible to rebuild to whole if parties involved are willing to consider the possibility of forgiveness and mending. But, it takes a lot of honest and painful self-reflection and hard work on the part of all involved.

I don't know this guy, I don't know his wife, and I don't know what kind of stuff they've done to hurt or neglect each other, but I hope that six children are strong motivators to repairing the nest those kids depend on.

I know investigators have seen it all, but I am so sorry that they did not have this man's help from the beginning and I marvel at the kind appeal they made to bring him out of hiding when he didn't come forward on his own. There are some very big and patient hearts out there in LE.
The key word is "unusual". Where they lived, gunshot sounds were NOT necessarily unusual. It was rural with a lot of acreage between homes.
But didn't Barry say he shot 80 something Chipmunks? I can't imagine he was right on target with all 80 Chipmunks and right there that is a lot of loud shots at a time in a short window. The neighbors could have said "nothing unusual, just Barry shooting something in his yard" MOO
I’m curious about the admissibility of the texts from SM to SO, MM and JL about the abuse from BM. Will those texts be considered hearsay and not admissible since none of the recipients witnessed the DV and SM was killed and can’t be cross examined or will they be allowed into the criminal trial?​
Suzannes texts are not hearsay, those are her words.
The other, yes hearsay.
Hearsay allowed at preliminary hearings.
He surely had played all of his cards to bring her back into submission and nothing had worked.

Add to that, Suzanne had not been feeding his insatiable need for adoration. Without that, he was tormented by his insecurities and emptiness.

I think the impending close of the sale of their Indiana home was instrumental in him deciding the time was right. Pressure. Poor BM. I bet he was unhinged.
and perhaps this pending sale was going to be her nest egg for her new future as well? She could instruct the closing agent to prepare two checks one for her and one for the husband (or wire transfers). Maybe there is some correspondence concerning the closing LE found as well? He had to stop that from happening if true and combined with the "I'm done" text of May 6 - and her resolve to get away - his plan went into action?
Does anyone really think JL would have left his wife and 6 kids and moved to Ecuador!:eek:

heck, no. IMO, it was a fantasy/diversion for both of them.

I hadn’t read all the details in this article:

“After Suzanne's disappearance and once authorities tracked down Libler to talk, he said Suzanne's marriage was not good. The couple argued a lot, he said, and she repeatedly said she wanted to leave. However, she also said she couldn't divorce Barry for "Biblical reasons."

Upon discovering she may have been abducted, Libler deleted his accounts because he said it'd negatively affect Suzanne's daughters, Harris said.”

Suzanne was getting strong enough to leave in the last few days, but I hope she wasn’t expecting JL to leave with her. It’s possible the affair gave her the courage to leave, restoring her hope for the future.

Neither BM not JL were decent husband material for SM.

But didn't Barry say he shot 80 something Chipmunks? I can't imagine he was right on target with all 80 Chipmunks and right there that is a lot of loud shots at a time in a short window. The neighbors could have said "nothing unusual, just Barry shooting something in his yard" MOO
I think he meant that was his lifetime count "batting average."
That's a little disturbing, actually.
If true, I'd like to know how he knew, since LE kept a very, very tight lid on this investigation.
Did he happen to mention how he knew about it?
Something I'm not so sure the lead investigators are happy to hear, that an outsider not privvy to this info suddenly came into possession of said info?
My guess is CM shared things with them (her family), and they shared things with him. It stands to reason. If that is the case I appreciate Chris keeping their information confidential.
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I find it interesting she asked him to get hot tub stuff too, especially since there was also mention that BM asked someone at Salida Stove & Spa about repairs to the hot tub.

Why would SM be asking BM to get stuff needed for a presumably operational hot tub if BM is talking with the spa folks about needed repairs?

I think the repairs weren't really needed. After that day, BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
I was wondering whether timing fits in with this. The get the hot tub stuff message was sent in the morning. Perhaps BM picked this up and perhaps checked the hot tub on return at lunchtime, finding that it needed repairs, hence the extra visit. Do we know whether the same store was visited for the hot tub stuff and the repair enquiries?
That's a little disturbing, actually.
If true, I'd like to know how he knew, since LE kept a very, very tight lid on this investigation.
Did he happen to mention how he knew about it?
Something I'm not so sure the lead investigators are happy to hear, that an outsider not privvy to this info suddenly came into possession of said info?

I was frustrated to hear that at first, too, but realize he was doing a lot of investigating with locals. Anyone in BM’s circle could have spilled the tea. Jmo
I think there is a lot of communication they aren’t releasing yet and those days from May 6 -9 may hold clues as to how much she told him and I worry that BM threatened her and that’s why she finally texted her sister that he was abusive - this is outlined in the detailed tweets posted up thread

I think so too. In a preliminary hearing they’re not going to put all of their cards on the table, they need just enough for Barry to be bound over for trial. The prosecution doesn’t want to tip its hand to the defense how they’re going to present the case. Almost all cases are bound over, it’s extremely rare for a judge to dismiss at a prelim.
I was wondering whether timing fits in with this. The get the hot tub stuff message was sent in the morning. Perhaps BM picked this up and perhaps checked the hot tub on return at lunchtime, finding that it needed repairs, hence the extra visit. Do we know whether the same store was visited for the hot tub stuff and the repair enquiries?
MOO D brought this up with Grusing.
IIRC Grusing said the person at the Spa store in Poncha Springs was mistaken about BM being the store sometime 4:30-6 on Sat 5/9.
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As far as what happened after Barry tranquilized her (I’m convinced this is the state’s theory), I think there are two likely possibilities:

He immediately suffocated or strangled her.

He drowned her in the hot tub.

I think the next session should make it clear if chlorine factors in at all, which would increase the odds of the second option being the case.

Another, imo, highly likely possibility is death as a result of the tranq itself. Many animal meds are highly dangerous in humans. What may sedate an animal may have dire consequences, even in small doses, for humans. An example of this is the horse med, Dormosedan, where even a scratch from the needle can cause cardiac problems.

(I'm a long-time lurker here -- as in many years -- coming out of the woodwork. I hope the post is correctly done.)
Does anyone really think JL would have left his wife and 6 kids and moved to Ecuador!:eek:
No I don’t in the last text he said something like the gang is where the home is I took that to mean he was not leaving his family. Did Suzanne have a game plan like would both her and Barry be staying in the house after they filed or was he to leave find another place or was she willing to leave? I wonder if she thought of that? Without an amicable divorce I don’t know how both would have been able to live there together peacefully. Does anyone know who paid all the bills in the home and handled the finances? I don’t think Suzanne had any concrete plans other then she was done and had only been looking at houses. She should have let her family know when she was first considered divorcing him so she had a place to go once she told Barry knowing he wasn’t going to accept her decision. He was never going to let her live peacefully after knowing about divorce and JL. It was a long distance affair geez only 6 times together in two years so it was more or less a fantasy relationship that provided friendship to her. He was never going to pickup and leave his family, I think Suzanne knew that but he somehow gave her the strength and courage to face a very unhappy long marriage. People grow and sadly being together so long they grew apart and not in the same direction. It happens and when it does just divorce amicably. I’ve done it twice and both are still friends of mine.
I find it interesting she asked him to get hot tub stuff too, especially since there was also mention that BM asked someone at Salida Stove & Spa about repairs to the hot tub.

Why would SM be asking BM to get stuff needed for a presumably operational hot tub if BM is talking with the spa folks about needed repairs?

I think the repairs weren't really needed. After that day, BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
I agree with you.

In our small town, hot tub stuff can be bought at our local Hardware Hanks, didn't even need a special spa shop. They did have tight restrictions tho. Masks and only 3 people in the store at a time. Covid had either shut down every small businesses or restricted them to a minimal.

Now that said, even if his phone records show he called them I can't imagine they would be making a house call on a hot tub in a tight part of Covid.

Yes, I too think the repairs weren't really needed. And I agree that BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
MOO D brought this uo with Grusing.
IIIRC Grusing said the person at the Spa store in Poncha Springs was mistaken about BM being the store sometime 4:30-6 on Sat 5/9.
Yah. We shall have to wait and see whether this is brought up during trial.
I agree with you.

In our small town, hot tub stuff can be bought at our local Hardware Hanks, didn't even need a special spa shop. They did have tight restrictions tho. Masks and only 3 people in the store at a time. Covid had either shut down every small businesses or restricted them to a minimal.

Now that said, even if his phone records show he called them I can't imagine they would be making a house call on a hot tub in a tight part of Covid.

Yes, I too think the repairs weren't really needed. And I agree that BM just needed to have an excuse for having emptied the hot tub of water and pending repairs was the excuse.
Unless, the hot tub was 'damaged' in the afternoon. Shortly after 2.47pm?
I listened to Chris last night with Tricia on YouTube and Chris was very into “the missing tree”. It most likely came in the container that was discarded during his trash dumping. Chris did his eye twinkle and smile thing and it did make me wonder. Did he plant a tree that night with Suzanne under it? Was the container the thing that he took her out of the house in?

As already mentioned, CM also said that the daughter’s boyfriend that Barry had blown up at and threatened, will be a big part in this.

During that incident, Barry had told the boyfriend something to the effect that if he wrongs his daughter he would bury him under a tree and no one would find him. I believe CM had reported on this back when he was on Profiling Evil with MK.
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