Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #71 *ARREST*

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I looked back at the article where BM says, “if one person got saved from this.” Full quote:

“This is the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me,” Barry explained. “But I have got to keep my faith and trust in God. And Suzanne trusted the Lord and if one person got saved from this, she would think it was worth it. And we are just a Godly, loving, caring, family and this thing is just a tragedy.”

‘People don’t know the truth’: Suzanne Morphew’s husband breaks silence after three months | FOX21 News Colorado

This language is typical in evangelical churches, and his context here is heavily religious. By “got saved”, I don’t think he means Earthly saving. I think he means eternal life saving. Basically, I think he’s parroting what he’s hearing from deeply religious family. Maybe the idea is that he and Suzanne were on a bad path, but this tragedy has led BM back to the path of the righteous.

It is super interesting that this quote would lead JL to suspect BM. I wonder if he shares the religion background.


Is there any possibility then, given this context, that SM, as someone who (as Barry would have it) committed the sin of adultery and was therefore no longer right with God has now through her sacrifice, been saved?

I am a steadfastly non-religious person and have found this aspect of the case awkward and occasionally puzzling, but we have evidence that SM was seeking Biblical justifications to leave the marriage even as she continued her relationship with JL, and that BM objected to divorce on (self-servingly and perhaps deeply hypocritical) religious grounds.

Just seems like another layer to be scraped away at, even if it has nothing to do with the actual mechanics of the crime.
I was wondering whether timing fits in with this. The get the hot tub stuff message was sent in the morning. Perhaps BM picked this up and perhaps checked the hot tub on return at lunchtime, finding that it needed repairs, hence the extra visit. Do we know whether the same store was visited for the hot tub stuff and the repair enquiries?

As I recall, he had a rather long visit with the hot tub people at their store.

I wonder if it really got serviced?
Planning a crime and then being faced with the reality that comes with the aftermath, are two very different things.

I just think he got sloppy at times, because his mind was probably racing.

He may have gone through periods where he was thinking clearly, and then wasn’t.
Sounds like he was pretty unstable as well. Just look at the way he packed from Indiana to Colorado. He definitely made some mistakes along the way. That said I hope the prosecution can tie everything together to avoid defense counsel poking too many holes in the larger case. The prelim has not gone too well so far if you ask me. I realize it’s not a trial and it’s a lower threshold. I just hope the prosecution is shading some of their best pieces back fir trial because the case lacks some of the firepower I was hoping to see thus far.
<modsnip - quoted post removed>

Yes, I thought it kind of strange SM told her friend she wanted the spy pen to get evidence BM was a bad guy by having an affair, which some posters here seem to think is fairly trivial "bad" behavior, while a recording of domestic abuse would to me be bombshell bad guy evidence. I guess BM's abusive behavior could have only started sometime after she got the spy pen, though, when she was already checking out of the marriage, and she then tried to get such evidence instead and the friend only reported the original reason.
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I was wondering whether timing fits in with this. The get the hot tub stuff message was sent in the morning. Perhaps BM picked this up and perhaps checked the hot tub on return at lunchtime, finding that it needed repairs, hence the extra visit. Do we know whether the same store was visited for the hot tub stuff and the repair enquiries?

As I recall, he had a rather long visit with the hot tub people at their store.

I wonder if it really got serviced?
No I don’t in the last text he said something like the gang is where the home is I took that to mean he was not leaving his family. Did Suzanne have a game plan like would both her and Barry be staying in the house after they filed or was he to leave find another place or was she willing to leave? I wonder if she thought of that? Without an amicable divorce I don’t know how both would have been able to live there together peacefully. Does anyone know who paid all the bills in the home and handled the finances? I don’t think Suzanne had any concrete plans other then she was done and had only been looking at houses. She should have let her family know when she was first considered divorcing him so she had a place to go once she told Barry knowing he wasn’t going to accept her decision. He was never going to let her live peacefully after knowing about divorce and JL. It was a long distance affair geez only 6 times together in two years so it was more or less a fantasy relationship that provided friendship to her. He was never going to pickup and leave his family, I think Suzanne knew that but he somehow gave her the strength and courage to face a very unhappy long marriage. People grow and sadly being together so long they grew apart and not in the same direction. It happens and when it does just divorce amicably. I’ve done it twice and both are still friends of mine.

I take that comment differently.

I thought he meant he had to hang up because members of his family had retur ed home at that time.

It was simply hanging up, not Goodbye Forever
For those that have followed this case closely, I offer a question:

What are the one or two pieces of information you are most interested in learning from the remainder of the pretrial or contents of the AA?

1. Analysis on the dart cap: residue of contents? blood? dna?
2. Whether any items from the "trash" dumping/disposal trips were recovered, and if so, what were they?
I want to know exactly what made them open with the time of 2:47pm and it can't just be him putting his phone in airplane mode
Also, is the phone/truck/cell/computer data all they have to determine murder 1? with no blood in the house/cars - how are they supporting this charge?

Colorado dad charged with murdering wife found her texts with lover, prosecutors say
But the arrest affidavit states that based on BM's Telematics report on his truck, law enforcement alleges "from 2:47 p.m. May 9 until 5:37 a.m. May 10, he took steps to dispose of evidence SM’s disappearance and death."
(note- edited for initials)
Someone here has noted that we have not heard from SO yet.
For those that have followed this case closely, I offer a question:

What are the one or two pieces of information you are most interested in learning from the remainder of the pretrial or contents of the AA?

I am interested in what was found on MG's phone. BM was awfully upset that she gave it over to LE.

I would also like to know if there was any kind of agreement that when the Indiana house sold if SM was supposed to be paid back her inheritance money that she put into the Colorado house.If I have the timeline correct it would appear she was already involved with JL when the move took place so it's confusing why she'd give all her money over to the CO house if she was already making plans to move on.
Someone sent me their view of the timeline and what may have been occurring. Thoughts?

Saturday 5/9/20
2:03pm Suzanne sends bathing suit pic to Jeff
2:47pm Barry arrives home, Cell phone moves rapidly around the home. (Death)
4:44 Truck Moves (Goes to town to Pool place to establish normalcy)
5:33pm Truck computer is reset, wiping out GPS records, etc. This is easy to do on a Ford F-350. ( I think he planned to later take her body in the truck and this was a test that the reset worked, erasing the GPS trail to her disposal location. Something changed his mind and he decided to use one of the Range Rovers … one without a working GPS.)
9:25pm Truck moves backwards in driveway. (Making room for the Range Rover to get by.)
10:17pm Barry phone taken off airplane mode. (He was leaving it home and this establishes he was there ...…)
(10:18pm to 3:25am … Barry disposes of her body. Westbound on US50. On the way or Coming home he tosses her helmet .84 miles from 225 in the ditch of US50.)

Sunday 5/10/20
2:53am Suz Phone makes a call. (Why would he do this? Butt dial?)
3:25 - 3:49 7 door events
3:26am Barry truck door opens and closes. Truck moves to where Suz bike is found on CR225 and back home.
4:23am Suz phone pings (As he takes the battery out?)
4:31am Barry’s phone put into airplane mode, then back to normal later on drive to Broomfield. (Why?)
5:37am Barry leaves home
8:10am Truck door opens, Broomfield - trash run #1, near a bus stop in Broomfield. (bye bye phone)
One other question on my mind today. Does anyone have context that has previously been discussed or in a video around this comment CM made on WS Live lastnight?

but there's a bit there's a bigger
problem from a young man that's going to
be coming
is that the nephew
no no no no this is this is somebody
that dated m**** a long time ago oh
Am I the only one that has no idea what this means? I've followed from day 1 and have zero memory of this happening.
As already mentioned, CM also said that the daughter’s boyfriend that Barry had blown up at and threatened, will be a big part in this.

During that incident, Barry had told the boyfriend something to the effect that if he wrongs his daughter he would bury him under a tree and no one would find him. I believe CM had reported on this back when he was on Profiling Evil with MK.

thank you @LandManatee that's what I referred to in my post
How? Apparently Suzanne told no one, and JL lives in MI. So how would it be floating around in IN?

Iirc, LE had people to listen to his voice on the spy pen recordings, trying to determine his identity.
Perhaps word got around.
But I have no idea, I'm not a psychic.
It could have come from an LE source as well. But I don't automatically assume that.
I’ve actually got 3

The deal with the tranquilizer. He admitted to throwing away materials for a reason, and I have the feeling he was backed into a corner here.

More about the digital evidence (where Suzanne’s phone was when it was powered down, Barry’s Google searches, etc).

Evidence of Suzanne’s death (decomposition, evidence of transport, physical evidence other than blood).

In the video I just linked above, I noted reference of the tree container, but also picked up reference to a burlap bag. I wonder if it fits into your third question.
I am interested in what was found on MG's phone. BM was awfully upset that she gave it over to LE.

I would also like to know if there was any kind of agreement that when the Indiana house sold if SM was supposed to be paid back her inheritance money that she put into the Colorado house.If I have the timeline correct it would appear she was already involved with JL when the move took place so it's confusing why she'd give all her money over to the CO house if she was already making plans to move on.
They moved to CO in spring of 2018, first contact of Suzanne and JL was in November 2018, that was a text from her to him. They met in person in January 2019.
That's why D saying "2 years" is intentionally misleading.
As already mentioned, CM also said that the daughter’s boyfriend that Barry had blown up at and threatened, will be a big part in this.

During that incident, Barry had told the boyfriend something to the effect that if he wrongs his daughter he would bury him under a tree and no one would find him. I believe CM had reported on this back when he was on Profiling Evil with MK.
That’s another interesting circumstantial piece of evidence and insight into his thinking but my concern is that LE has said they have found zero human remains or blood. So I’m holding my breath that there is something more to this.
Is there any possibility then, given this context, that SM, as someone who (as Barry would have it) committed the sin of adultery and was therefore no longer right with God has now through her sacrifice, been saved?

I am a steadfastly non-religious person and have found this aspect of the case awkward and occasionally puzzling, but we have evidence that SM was seeking Biblical justifications to leave the marriage even as she continued her relationship with JL, and that BM objected to divorce on (self-servingly and perhaps deeply hypocritical) religious grounds.

Just seems like another layer to be scraped away at, even if it has nothing to do with the actual mechanics of the crime.

No, the idea is that Jesus was sacrificed for us humans. So, by nature of accepting Jesus into her heart as Lord and Savior (I’m using the wording as I was taught it. I’m really not preaching, I promise :D), Suzanne is “saved”….regardless of her human sins. She is in heaven for eternity.

What I believe BM is referring to here is that someone (maybe him?) will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior as a result of this tragedy, and that will make it all worth it. Because Suzanne is in heaven, anyway. Or something like that ;)

That's a little disturbing, actually.
If true, I'd like to know how he knew, since LE kept a very, very tight lid on this investigation.
Did he happen to mention how he knew about it?
Something I'm not so sure the lead investigators are happy to hear, that an outsider not privvy to this info suddenly came into possession of said info?

I think with the vast and decorated credentials and experience MK and CM bring to the table, even if they are retired, I’m sure LE has a mutual respect and trust towards them as former investigators. I wouldn’t be surprised if LE gave them an overview of the case for their insight. This would include divulging evidence gathered, tips, theories, etc.

MK and CM are in what I deem to be “active” retirement. They continue to apply their skillset by having their Profiling Evil YT channel and involvement in the Cold Case organization CM is a part of. They are not necessarily a part of the everyday investigative teams on any one case or getting paid a full-time salary anymore, but they have a lot to offer to any case they get invested in. I know I would gladly welcome their expertise if I was LE.

It has been pretty obvious all along that they have insider information that they need to keep under wraps. CM disclosing he knew of SM’s affair 5 months ago doesn’t surprise me. On MK’s latest YT video he was asked if the “5” he always alludes to refer to BM’s 5 trash stops. MK put on a wide grin and told the viewer to email him about it. He didn’t answer the question and moved on (though previously CM had stated that the 5 refers to trees!).

In the video with Tricia & Aimee last night where CM was a guest, CM also wondered if the information about the “purchases” had come out in court yet. Specifically about the chlorine tabs and 50lb bag of cornfeed (I think that’s what it’s called).

So yes, they have insider knowledge that I believe has been entrusted to them due to their impressive credentials. We have definitely only just begun to hear about the terabytes of information LE has gathered.
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