Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #10

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For a man whose been married to Suzanne all these years, been missing for three weeks wasn’t very emotional in this interview even when he brought up she could have been attacked by a mountain lion. Matter of fact he didn’t sound broken up at all. Weird IMO. My impression Sheriff John Spezze at both pressers wasn’t leaning towards the animal attack theory. JMO

I don't think the mountain lion is going to collect the 210.000 dollar reward money. Imo
Landing at random here ...

The video TD did with BM was approved. Please do not link to other random youtubers who have not been approved by WS.

Thank you.

@sillybilly - TD has removed his video from YouTube. His channel has gone dark -- no content.

The link provided to the video on Crimeonline is only available if you go directly to the channel of that youtuber. You can't see it if you only click their link (i.e., you have to bypass youtube).

Perhaps WS may want to choose and/or approve a new source to view the video with BM?

ETA: Message from the Crimeonline youtube link:
Video Unavailable
Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.
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BM might be a high functioning Asperger individual--his verbatim quote on his video plea for his wife, literally repeating everything his nephew said to the media, and the lack of facial expression while talking, along with the most recent video clip where he waves his arms around continuously, plus his apparent lack of social and anger management skills seems to me to be various signs of possible autism behavior.
Asperger’s individual here, with my IMHAspieO about what you said about BLM:

*Note I didn’t get to watch the video* so I can only base my opinion on other videos I’ve seen of BM.

  1. Repeating what someone says isn’t necessarily an Aspie trait. Although doing so in ones head, continuously for days, weeks, months, years is true for myself but NOT true for my HFA (High Functioning Autism/Autistic) husband. (IMHAspieO there is a difference, multiple ones, between HFA and Asperger’s).
  2. A lack of facial expression while talking isn’t necessarily an Aspie trait. Although it can be for some but not for all Aspie’s/HFA’s. In fact I’m not like that at all! But it is true for my HFA husband & HFA niece.
  3. Waving arms around continuously isn’t always an autistic thing. I mean look at how Italians communicate (with their hands, lol).
  4. BM’s lack of apparent social skills, that could definitely be an Aspie thing BUT at his age I think he would have learned to blend himself & his deficits, if indeed he is autistic, in with society...aka “masking”, “camouflaging”. Though I personally feel that when someone/anybody who has an anger management problem (basing this off of my husband’s anger problem, who btw also has decreased white brain matter in his TP Junction) also struggles with their social skills when they’re gravely upset.
  5. As for the verbatim quote, most people can memorize anything. If someone can memorize song lyrics, they can memorize practically anything.

There is sooooooooooo much more to ASD then these few points you make. I think that if BM is autistic then this would have already been picked up on before now, ESPECIALLY with all the fire that he has been under!!!!

If you’re interested in learning more about autism and/or if in the future you want to speculate about someone being autistic, you should DEFINITELY school yourself about it and what it looks like. This would be a great place to start: Autism spectrum - Wikipedia

Also, thank you for bringing this subject up! Seriously, thank you so much! It’s my favorite subject and I know copious amounts of information/facts/knowledge/statistics, etc...about Autism. Thanks to my near eidetic autistic memory!

And for the record, it is also IMHAspieO that BM is not autistic.


ETA: BM May have rehearsed what he said to keep his temper/anger from flaring. That would explain why he seemed to be expressionless.
And when he went off script, he then lost his temper which is why he may have been waving his arms around. MOO.
What I find so interesting is reading the comments from others under the recent YT video and on Facebook. Most (not all) seem to have had a change of heart about BM since his *interview* and convinced that he’s innocent and searching hard to find his wife.

Maybe I’m missing what they’re seeing in that video because I feel just the opposite.

Hah, I noticed the same thing. That's certainly not the case on this forum. Are we more discerning than the casual observer, or are we more hardened and cynical?

One additional thought I took from the video. The likelihood that this was a premeditated crime by BM went down in my opinion, for a couple of reasons.

1) BM didn't come across as an intellectual. While not every person who plans a murder is a freaking genius, just listening to the way he talks, I definitely don't think he fits the m.o. of a guy who thinks he's the smartest man in the room and can outwit/outsmart LE and get away with a crime.
2) BM stated that the daughters had planned on coming home on Mother's Day to specifically spend it with SM. So if that's true - a couple of things. First is just the cruelty of a crime to a mother on Mother's Day where the daughters are almost guaranteed of carrying around the guilt of having been gone (and now delayed a return) that may have contributed to the disappearance. Additionally, if one was to believe the crime occurred on Sunday (knowing that's legitimately in question) it shortens the window considerably if this was planned (how could BM know they would be delayed). It's not unprecedented for a father to be that cold and cruel toward his daughters, but I do think it's less likely he would choose this timing because of the impact on them. JMO, MOO.
3) I also think a premeditated murderer is going to pick one alternative story and stick with it. BM seems grasping at straws re: what might have happened to SM. JMO, but that doesn't gut-check with me - I think it's far more likely that he's either telling the truth or covering up a crime of passion than he is playing out a carefully designed plan. MOO.

Maybe it was premeditated and BMs a poor planner. Or maybe he is Keyser Soze (sorry for the Usual Suspects reference only some will get). But I think not. JMO.
Thank you dixiegirl for the transcript!! I took out time stamps to make it more readable. Also deleted TD's phone number.
my name's tyson draper from i'm from arizona
um so what happened okay yeah
you might put that in here oh not a
problem no it's not on bro
we've had a lot of you here

it's never gonna hurt to to retrace dirt so we've searched a 200 mile radius what really all of the mountains have been covered so far but obviously we're gonna miss things right let me show you what happened
um and i do have a reward there is a reward 210 000. um
the bike was found at the bottom of the hill by that tree where the peak was oh really um the first night there was a mountain lion the officer seen it walk by the car so we thought maybe she got
attacked by a lion we thought maybe she wrecked
coming down this hill car coming around the corner fast and maybe was disoriented and got in the river we've covered all of this really good
this triangle with search and rescue so we're pretty comfortable that
this is not in this triangle between the rv park
your truck this road and then the next road but what seems to have happened
from the investigators and they don't give much when i've got private people working for me is maybe
she was abducted right here and they found an article
going west of hers they won't tell us what it is
so they sent another team after they found the article
that covered this hillside all the way down to the river
pretty good

my concerns were this way and that way if it was the cat
because the cats they dragged their prey up the mountain and out of people's
we can't find sign for the cat but we got rain like right away yeah
washed away sign so they found our bike just right against that tree down well
no he was on the ground oh the wheel was facing and the uh
sheriff's department uh they screwed
everything up they shouldn't have touched it
that's where it left it it's evidence
and we had cars over here well the sheriff let everybody
drive through here covering all
or messing up all the evidence they were walking all over this area which if somebody abducted her they would have had foot tracks
they would have fingerprints on the bike
and now they let ten other people touch the bike

oh man i mean we was really upset that first night
i was in denver so all you were i didn't
get here until nine o'clock that night
yeah and my friend's an army ranger and
he knows this stuff better than anybody
he did 400 tours in iraq afghanistan
so you don't know where that article was
though was it by the road or
they won't even they won't say huh

well barry i'm glad you filled me in man um i was
i was hoping i'd run into you because i can't even imagine um you because i mean you got to look at especially in colorado there's been so many cases
where like patrick frazee christopher watts
you know these guys get on there and they they act like
you know they didn't do anything and so
they i mean naturally people are going to be
skeptical in the beginning
you know but you just came to help
yeah yeah i was in uh the pagosa springs
area and i i've been kind of hearing about this and
so i thought i'd just come help man and
what can i do for you bro

um we've got a good group of friends and
stuff uh the best thing that you could do
if you're a hiker and you're an outdoorsman yeah just
get out there and cover something okay
yeah find something if you find anything
don't touch it take a picture of it give it to the police
okay we've covered i had uh
school friends come the first few days
so we had a bunch of guys that covered that
up from there up in there but the only
thing this is a tough one and my friends
let me ask you a quick question so you
were in denver but how long
how long before somebody noticed that she was gone and

well it was mother's day um
we had two daughters that were coming home from the trip and i had a job in denver that i wanted to get started on on sunday set
it up for my work because my workers
were coming in sunday night works
monday but the owner i wanted to get
everything lined up so that so i told my wife
and said listen this mother's day i'm a little worried
and when you go check the house and your
neighbor wouldn't check the house
you saw that her car was there she called me
and then said hey was this a little
man i can't imagine what you're going
through but it sounds like you got a
really good support system yeah and uh do you want me to leave my number or anything and in case you need me i'll be here for the next
and then give me your number
write it down because my phone's
charging in the truck but um
just very give me yeah yeah text me your
number and then if i find anything i will uh
i'll let you know
t-y tier i can't imagine that are you grandma are
you out there very mom oh barry i i feel for you man
i appreciate it yeah and if you're
getting in and what you're doing here
i appreciate it yeah you person oh no no no
yeah oh they they will barry they will and probably the
the worst is yet to come i hate to say
that but just ride the storm out man and
the truth always comes out in the end bro
so hey good to meet you guys take care
okay well as you can see ladies and
gentlemen i just had a long conversation
with barry morphy he told me the whole story
and i met his mom
and he if you i hope this camera picked
it up but i got his whole story he told
me that the bike was discovered right over here
he walked me up this hill and
he made a little threat there at the end
i don't know if the camera picked it up
or not but he said if i'm with the news
media he's going to come after me
wow stay tuned everybody this has gotten
really creepy

I just had a chance to read your transcript and note that BLM said:

"we can't find sign for the cat but we got rain like right away yeah"

To a hunter "sign" is "poop". A tracker uses it to determine approximately when the animal passed through. Expert trackers can tell a lot about an animal's recent diet, and in some cases even at what altitude belt the animal eats (above 9,000 the flora and fauna of the Rockies changes dramatically as the elevation goes higher, these "belts" can be identified by undigested particles in the sign. I have never tracked a puma, but I believe they are one of the many animals who usually squat in the trail. Even a gentle Colorado mountain rain would wash away "sign". I'm going to have to use myself as a reference here.......former avid big game hunter and sign examiner. IMO
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For a man whose been married to Suzanne all these years, been missing for three weeks wasn’t very emotional in this interview even when he brought up she could have been attacked by a mountain lion. Matter of fact he didn’t sound broken up at all. Weird IMO. My impression Sheriff John Spezze at both pressers wasn’t leaning towards the animal attack theory. JMO

My opinion only, he does not care at all about the YouTuber. He might have taken the pizza delivery guy on the same stagnant tour. IMO, he's not going to have any type of emotional moment with this guy, no way. I would go further and say those emotional moments for him probably don't come naturally, even in crisis.
Asperger’s individual here, with my IMHAspieO about what you said about BLM:

*Note I didn’t get to watch the video* so I can only base my opinion on other videos I’ve seen of BM.

  1. Repeating what someone says isn’t necessarily an Aspie trait. Although doing so in ones head, continuously for days, weeks, months, years is true for myself but NOT true for my HFA (High Functioning Autism/Autistic) husband. (IMHAspieO there is a difference, multiple ones, between HFA and Asperger’s).
  2. A lack of facial expression while talking isn’t necessarily an Aspie trait. Although it can be for some but not for all Aspie’s/HFA’s. In fact I’m not like that at all! But it is true for my HFA husband & HFA niece.
  3. Waving arms around continuously isn’t always an autistic thing. I mean look at how Italians communicate (with their hands, lol).
  4. BM’s lack of apparent social skills, that could definitely be an Aspie thing BUT at his age I think he would have learned to blend himself & his deficits, if indeed he is autistic, in with society...aka “masking”, “camouflaging”. Though I personally feel that when someone/anybody who has an anger management problem (basing this off of my husband’s anger problem, who btw also has decreased white brain matter in his TP Junction) also struggles with their social skills when they’re gravely upset.
  5. As for the verbatim quote, most people can memorize anything. If someone can memorize song lyrics, they can memorize practically anything.

There is sooooooooooo much more to ASD then these few points you make. I think that if BM is autistic then this would have already been picked up on before now, ESPECIALLY with all the fire that he has been under!!!!

If you’re interested in learning more about autism and/or if in the future you want to speculate about someone being autistic, you should DEFINITELY school yourself about it and what it looks like. This would be a great place to start: Autism spectrum - Wikipedia

Also, thank you for bringing this subject up! Seriously, thank you so much! It’s my favorite subject and I know copious amounts of information/facts/knowledge/statistics, etc...about Autism. Thanks to my near eidetic autistic memory!

And for the record, it is also IMHAspieO that BM is not autistic.


ETA: BM May have rehearsed what he said to keep his temper/anger from flaring. That would explain why he seemed to be expressionless.
And when he went off script, he then lost his temper which is why he may have been waving his arms around. MOO.
Agreed on all the above......BM reminds me more of Jody Arias.....moo
Hah, I noticed the same thing. That's certainly not the case on this forum. Are we more discerning than the casual observer, or are we more hardened and cynical?

One additional thought I took from the video. The likelihood that this was a premeditated crime by BM went down in my opinion, for a couple of reasons.

1) BM didn't come across as an intellectual. While not every person who plans a murder is a freaking genius, just listening to the way he talks, I definitely don't think he fits the m.o. of a guy who thinks he's the smartest man in the room and can outwit/outsmart LE and get away with a crime.
2) BM stated that the daughters had planned on coming home on Mother's Day to specifically spend it with SM. So if that's true - a couple of things. First is just the cruelty of a crime to a mother on Mother's Day where the daughters are almost guaranteed of carrying around the guilt of having been gone (and now delayed a return) that may have contributed to the disappearance. Additionally, if one was to believe the crime occurred on Sunday (knowing that's legitimately in question) it shortens the window considerably if this was planned (how could BM know they would be delayed). It's not unprecedented for a father to be that cold and cruel toward his daughters, but I do think it's less likely he would choose this timing because of the impact on them. JMO, MOO.
3) I also think a premeditated murderer is going to pick one alternative story and stick with it. BM seems grasping at straws re: what might have happened to SM. JMO, but that doesn't gut-check with me - I think it's far more likely that he's either telling the truth or covering up a crime of passion than he is playing out a carefully designed plan. MOO.

Maybe it was premeditated and BMs a poor planner. Or maybe he is Keyser Soze (sorry for the Usual Suspects reference only some will get). But I think not. JMO.

If the husband is responsible here, I believe it was a crime of passion (before Sunday) and the body was disposed of in a panic. From the beginning, my entire sense of the husband has been DISTANCING.

What I heard from BM during the latest interview was somebody still rehearsing what happened. MOO
Link to the CrimeOnline article and follow their link to the youtube. CrimeOnline is an approved source. If the video is not available through the approved source of CrimeOnline, do NOT link directly to the youtuber.

Thank you.
What I find so interesting is reading the comments from others under the recent YT video and on Facebook. Most (not all) seem to have had a change of heart about BM since his *interview* and convinced that he’s innocent and searching hard to find his wife?

Maybe I’m missing what they’re seeing in that video but I feel just the opposite.

Their Hinky Meters are either broken or missing entirely? :D
My opinion only, he does not care at all about the YouTuber. He might have taken the pizza delivery guy on the same stagnant tour. IMO, he's not going to have any type of emotional moment with this guy, no way. I would go further and say those emotional moments for him probably don't come naturally, even in crisis.
I agree. There are some people, who when a crisis hits, immediately go into “fix it” mode. There’s a problem (missing wife) that needs solving so I’ll do Step 1, Step 2, etc. Logical versus emotional. Grief can occur after checking off the boxes on my To Do list (1. Call police. 2. Call family. 3. Check security camera footage...hmmm).

I operate this way to an extent. Many of the first responder types I know have this trait. (My hubby is former LE, one son is former EMT, plus I have several close friends who are fire fighters.). JMO.

BM, as a volunteer firefighter, may have similar traits. His apparent lack of emotion doesn’t necessarily mean he’s uncaring. Plus we don’t know how he responds at the end of the day behind closed doors.

Not speculating on his guilt or innocence, but I’ve seen some crocodile tears shed by guilty people and I’ve seen very stoic innocent people.
What I find so interesting is reading the comments from others under the recent YT video and on Facebook. Most (not all) seem to have had a change of heart about BM since his *interview* and convinced that he’s innocent and searching hard to find his wife?

Maybe I’m missing what they’re seeing in that video but I feel just the opposite.

My initial take was "believable," but I pretended I was one of the senior sleuthers and listened again (and again), with my headphones on and the volume turned up, and I noticed a lot more. My position on the fence is quite a bit less upright after the additional listens.
So, why would he do a set up. If he is involved, the evidence of that will still exist and the direction of the investigation will not change. If he's not involved, same thing - I don't think this would change anything regarding where the evidence leads. Also, it seems like he is not in control of the video. So, if he said something wrong and wanted to edit it out, he can't do that. It just doesn't make sense.

For the obvious reasons, by his own words out of his mouth, we already know Tyler isn't an honorable person...then calling him brother and exchanging phone numbers and offerings to help....puh-leeze.

Well it makes perfect sense to me. Hey we are all different, don’t have to agree. It has already been posted here that people feel differently about Barry's involvement now and the same is true on SM from what I'm reading. It has nothing to do with changing actual evidence…all to do with perception of him in the court of public opinion. Barry has free reign to trash LE, to say they contaminated the evidence, to create the narrative of what happened. To add additional scenarios, already discounted but they help murky the waters and were reinforced and NO QUESTIONS asked. Barry doesn’t wonder why this person just happens to be hanging around there, in a remote area, where his wife just went missing. Hadn’t noticed him earlier? Tyler can’t believe his good fortune…accidently having on his phone, running into Barry, having Barry be receptive and recording Barry,
( unbeknownst to Barry of course) . Wow, good day for both those guys, how serendipitous.
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