Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #11

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I'm just still so confused. It reminds me of catching a six year old in a lie... and several different versions of a story come out of their mouths in quick succession.
Well, which one is it? Just tell me the truth!
  • Why did BM put up a reward for SM safe return? We are led to believe she was abducted and someone knows where she is or who has her
  • Why did BM make a FB video pleading with some random person for SM's safe return, (no questions asked)? We are let to believe she was abducted by a certain person(s) or organized group who will see BM's message and call the phone #
  • Why did BM say "let me tell you what happened" to TD and talk about the mountain lion dragging their prey up the hillside (but rain possibly washed away whatever)? We are led to believe that she was attacked by a mountain lion and either killed or critically injured and dragged away
  • Why did BM point to the area where bike was allegedly found and emphasize the way the tire was positioned (and then LE botched handling the bike)? We are led to believe that a car maybe hit her as she was riding her bike and she tumbled down into the ravine. Maybe the perp panicked and took her from the scene or maybe she was critically injured and fell into the fast river below
  • Why did an individual (we are not sure it was BM) send an email to the church members in IN saying SM wrecked on her bike? We are led to believe this as a fact because it is being communicated to beloved community members about their beloved friend SM
At the end of the day, these different versions of events coming straight from BM's mouth are the reason I am having a hard time following any other train of thought. I really really want to keep an open mind but I just feel like I am being lied to and I think my six year old does a much better job ! ALL JMO
He keeps tripping himself up, in my opinion.

He told T that he was in Denver- T never asked him where he was.

The part about the wheel of her bike- he stopped himself when he realized he wasn't supposed to say anything about the bike as far as the condition of it- I remember his nephew telling people to call LE and demand to for them to tell the condition of the bike. Had BM been there when it was found, he would have already known that information and his nephew wouldn't have had to ask about it.

The goof when he said "we", then corrected to say that the girls called the neighbor to check on Suzanne.
No - and that's the problem in the unhappy marriages I am surrounded by. There's never anything that provides a good excuse to leave, like an affair.
I see your point and that’s sad, that one lives in an unhappy state. But, faithfulness is much to be admired and I have seen many a marriage saved and much improved through marital counselling. Sometimes the air needs to be cleared in a safe and supportive atmosphere. JMO
I am on a see saw on the fence, everyone makes sense on either side.
However, just my curiosity.
BM has multiple areas to disappear his wife. She could be ANYWHERE!
Why stage the scene of her disappearance so close to home? Why draw attention back toward himself?
No body cases take years before insurance
claims, assets can be released.
JMO Even if BM is not arrested,convicted, he needs SM to be found, eventually.
What’s the plan?
See Saw, See Saw
I may sometimes seem to be resting on BM innocence side, that is because I feel LE has the BM guilt side handled, iow to quote MG, they got this...
Very good argument. IMO.

Unless...he didn’t plan this at all. He just lost his temper and lost his control.

My fence is getting uncomfortable. o_O
Was there even a bike at all found by LE?
There’s a missing bike. BM would not push this narrative if there was no missing bike. His daughters would call him out on it. Also, BM goes into detail to describe exactly where it was found. LE knows all about the bike and BM knows that they know. I think BM is frustrated because LE is not revealing any opinions or theories that they have regarding the bike.
Was there even a bike at all found by LE?
There’s a missing bike. BM would not push this narrative if there was no missing bike. His daughters would call him out on it. Also, BM goes into detail to describe exactly where it was found. LE knows all about the bike and BM knows that they know. I think BM is frustrated because LE is not revealing any opinions or theories that they have regarding the bike.
He keeps tripping himself up, in my opinion.

He told T that he was in Denver- T never asked him where he was.

The part about the wheel of her bike- he stopped himself when he realized he wasn't supposed to say anything about the bike as far as the condition of it- I remember his nephew telling people to call LE and demand to for them to tell the condition of the bike. Had BM been there when it was found, he would have already known that information and his nephew wouldn't have had to ask about it.

The goof when he said "we", then corrected to say that the girls called the neighbor to check on Suzanne.
Something I keep coming back to is why BM would have had the girls and or neighbor call the police? As a Dad wouldn't you protect your girls from making such a traumatic phone call to the neighbor/police. It matters little that he was in Denver, it's YOUR wife..why wouldn't YOU call the police with all of the information, explain to them when you left, why you are worried and that you are heading back. Most men are instinctively protective of their daughters and shelter them from things like this.. especially young girls.
Something I keep coming back to is why BM would have had the girls and or neighbor call the police? As a Dad wouldn't you protect your girls from making such a traumatic phone call to the neighbor/police. It matters little that he was in Denver, it's YOUR wife..why wouldn't YOU call the police with all of the information, explain to them when you left, why you are worried and that you are heading back. Most men are instinctively protective of their daughters and shelter them from things like this.. especially young girls.

Maybe he already started distancing.
If they found evidence pointing to a family member, that may be a reason not to show them evidence they’ve collected. It leaves an opportunity for someone to trip up and say more than they should, revealing information the shouldn’t know. Like, for example, the position of the bicycle tire.


Is there a downside to matching serial numbers with records? Seems like better identification of the bike for trial purposes than witness ID, but I’m not a lawyer. MOO

I don't see a downside to that at all. And of course, fingerprint analysis. It wouldn't take the FBI very long at all to take fingerprints from the bike and run those.

Unless of course, someone wiped the bike - but I bet that didn't happen as either Suzanne was riding her bike that day or someone wanted to make it look as though she was. If so, then the stager may have worn gloves, but some of Suzanne's prints should be on the bicycle. Unless she too wore full-fingered gloves at all times while handling her bike.

But shooting a pic of the bike via text to one of the daughters would work too. There are only about 70 women living in Mayville (and some of those are quite elderly and some are children, so let's say 40 adult women). Let's say Suzanne's bike was a certain brand and it was turquoise. And the bike found near her house matched that description.

Suzanne's bike is missing from the house, a bike is found nearby, it matches the description of Suzanne's bike. What more does LE need at the outset? There would surely be ways of looking at touch DNA if it remained in doubt that it was Suzanne's bike. But common sense dictates that it is her bike, unless someone else reports a bike missing and Suzanne's personal item, found not too far from that bike, is also found...

The only mystery is how the church in Indiana finds out about the bike being "crashed" within 24 hours. I do not believe BM got a chance to see the bike in situ. I'm guessing as soon as he arrived home (to find LE at his house), they asked him a lot of questions, including what brand Suzanne's bike was, etc. How many helmets she might have, etc.

I doubt they gave him full run of the house at that point, but I do think they had some questions for him. I'd love to know what he told them about where he'd been that day. "Denver" is not specific enough.

BTW, I see some interesting theories emerging here on this forum.

BBM. Really? Do share with us what those distinct roles happen to be.

I think most folks, when they are working, their cell phone is on. There is no evidence whatsoever that BM's cell phone was "off." I also don't believe we have been told who asked the neighbor to phone police. I think it was the daughters. Are they suspects?

I also believe data can pinpoint where that a cellphone is located whether it is on or off.

I'm not sure why you think BM's mother or nephew are somehow suspicious. I have no idea where either lives, this was prior to SM reported missing and we are not allowed to sleuth them.


Barry says it with his own mouth (that he told the girls to call the neighbor, and then tells the neighbor to call the police - so apparently he too talked to the neighbor; it's in the youtube that we are permitted to discuss). IIRC

I will type "IF" in caps so perhaps you'll get my meaning. There are only so many possibilities. If you disagree and think there are many other possibilities, I'd like to hear your own IFS.

IF BM's phone was turned off during any portion of Sunday, Mother's Day, I believe LE will find that suspicious. I find it suspicious. This includes repeated turning on and off the phone.

IF his phone was NOT turned off, then they have his digital footprint.

(The third option: Barry had no phone is not on my table of IFS because he says he used his phone that Sunday).

There are, in my mind, no other options.

He either had his phone on, or he didn't. If he kept turning it on and off, that's suspicious. But since he admits using his phone to contact daughters and the neighbor, obviously, it wasn't off the entire time.

I believe his phone was likely on (who would turn their phone off while their two daughters traveled through remote mountainous territory, worried about their mom, and while their wife was missing??)

Regardless of what he did to put the phone on "airplane mode" or disconnect location services, it can still be used to track his whereabouts pretty closely. I suspect he was, as most people are, a user of Google maps.

But even if not, his phone will leave GPS-based data.

I do not think BM's mother or nephew are suspicious.
But the nephew appeared in public and mentioned facts of this case and the mother's name is involved via the G +++ M, and both seem to have knowledge of the case. My question is how did they get the knowledge? It would be so nice if instead of putting words in others' mouths, you tried to give hypotheses about all of this.

Why does the nephew feel so concerned about the condition of the bike? There are many other questions I have about his statements. Personally, I think he (and other family members) were being played - but by whom? Certainly not LE.
Something I keep coming back to is why BM would have had the girls and or neighbor call the police? As a Dad wouldn't you protect your girls from making such a traumatic phone call to the neighbor/police. It matters little that he was in Denver, it's YOUR wife..why wouldn't YOU call the police with all of the information, explain to them when you left, why you are worried and that you are heading back. Most men are instinctively protective of their daughters and shelter them from things like this.. especially young girls.

The Denver location would be something that could cause an issue though if he would have called 911. He probably would have gotten Denver LE 911 and what they needed was a more local 911 response closer to her home.

I know what you mean though. He could have gotten the local LE number pretty easily by looking it up with Google and then calling.

I am not sure we know enough about who called who and in what order when the girls started to not be able to get ahold of their Mom.

TD's or DWAP's opinions or speculation are off limits. TD and DWAP are not the topic of this discussion.
This has been posted before.

Please only discuss what was said between BM and TD in the video or your own opinion/observations after watching the video.
LE can't work from fantasyland. "He's a standup guy...we want him to be a loving husband who could never..."

Well ok.

Still, they have to follow evidence, look at information, look at the scene(s), the home, and go where the leads take them.

It's not 'personal' ("we don't like BM so we're gonna get him!"). That's one thing that is sometimes misunderstood by the public as well as case followers: LE is doing a job and there are processes and protocols that are unseen and unknown by the public. They don't sit around and "hate" on (a list of) people.

The public is all up in their feels (as the kids say) and it's common for projection to occur. Meanwhile, LE is working, quietly, steadily.

Source: my 25+ years of following criminal cases, talking to detectives about how they approach their job, and other things.
I believe there was a bike found at the bottom of the ravine on the Sunday night. How it got there? I don’t know. But there was a bike found and it was SM’s bike.
I agree. Her bike was definitely found. It would be a huge verifiable lie if the spouse and his family were spreading that news and it never occurred. Someone in the family would break ranks.

There is however no value to LE to mention the bike one way or the other however (or they would have mentioned it, or refuted it). LE knows something about this case that they have kept close to the vest and they knew this something right away. They were laser-focused on something after the first day.
Not always. Most of the couples I know, my wife and I included, are unhappy. But we stay. I am always kind of jealous of people that have the courage to get divorced.

I feel your pain - and it took me a long time to develop the courage and resources to leave my first marriage. Most people don't realize, when they marry just how many things get intertwined and hard to separate. If you don't want your spouse in charge of your medical care, should you become incapacitated, you have to create special documents, because hospitals will automatically allow a legal spouse to decide many things.

It was embarrassing and difficult to announce the divorce, but the final push came from my ex's therapist, who told me I needed to take the kids and leave, at least for a "while." I was ready to go permanently, in terms of inner desires, so that worked out. I guess. Divorces are awful.
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