Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #13

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I would also be open to the media.
Content creators on youtube, are not the media.

Huge difference.

More and more, I'm beginning to think it's a distinction without a difference.

Not much "investigative journalism" going on in MSM these days, as far as I can tell.

Mostly, it's a predictable cycle of, "Lather, Rinse, Repeat."

Cut, paste.
Cut, paste.
Cut, paste.

The line between "mainstream media" and "social media" has become almost completely blurred.

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My mom goes hiking and kayaking alone. She leaves a note in her kitchen with her plans.

When hiking, she usually has a large dog with her. She and dad live remote out of state. We kids have regular phone/internet contact with them. Dad hates water and isn't as much of an outdoors type person.
This makes sense, except for the early narrative (apparently at the insistence of BM) that it was an animal attack. So I think to make that fit (BM staging both), the original plan was to stage an abduction, but when the bike was found and (assuming this is legit) the sighting of the mountain lion in the area - BM "ran with" the mountain lion attack theory (which explains the email to the church) - at least until it was dismissed by LE, which he then pivoted to the abduction theory (which was plan A all along). I think that's a possibility......

Which is a clue to me that it’s not looking good for Barry. He may have been a hunter for a while but it’s clear he’s new to the American West. Mountain lions do attack but they kill an adult human only extremely rarely. Only three mountain lion deaths in Colorado and 27 in all of the US in the last 100 years. They’re also shy and sneaky, they don’t casually stroll past cars with other humans around. No one caught it on dash cam? Also, as has been mentioned before, they leave signs - drag marks, blood, etc. - and humans and dogs can track where they took a body. There’s a reason why local LE dismissed the idea so quickly. No, a mountain lion didn’t get Suzanne.

There was no blanket approval given for using TD's youtube videos as a source. The only TD youtube video that was approved was the first one where he interviewed BM.

The same goes for DWAP. There is no approval given for using any/all of his youtube videos. (One of DWAP's videos was allowed in Gannon's thread only because it contained a direct telephone interview with Leticia.)

WS members are capable of forming their own opinions on the questions asked by the interviewer and the answers provided by the person interviewed. Beyond that, please don't be uploading unapproved videos and discussing the opinions of the youtube interviewers themselves.

Thank you.
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Nice contextomy. LE is who was the subject of my post, and it is LE who will keep case information and what has been found thus far, secret from the public or from anyone not working the case. My point was: we are part of the public and LE is not going to share case information.
BBM I would add - until they want something or sharing would be helpful to their investigation - I’m considering their request to save video from May8-12 to be important
From the beginning, it's really bothered me, that no last sighting of Suzanne or a last phone conversation, text has been reported. I can only compare to other missing person's cases I've followed and this info comes out almost immediately. I'm sure LE has the information and we don't have to know it, I know. What it tells me though is this isn't a missing person case being investigated. Ordinarily, we see, she was last seeen by ***** or she was last seen getting groceries at ***** on such and such a date, or her husband, daughter, friend spoke to her on the phone on ***** and nothing has been heard from her since. If LE was searching for a missing person, they would have this info out there, so if anyone else had seen or talked to her since, it could be reported to them. Jmo, of course.

More and more, I'm beginning to think it's a distinction without a difference.

Not much "investigative journalism" going on in MSM, these days, as far as I can tell.

Mostly, it's a predictable cycle of, "Lather, Rinse, Repeat."

Cut, paste.
Cut, paste.
Cut, paste.

The line between "mainstream media" and "social media" has become almost completely blurred.

We're going to have to agree to disagree here.
A professional journalist answers to his or her direct supervisor & the station or paper they're working for.
They are required to have credentials and expected to hold to a professional code of conduct.
And can be fired if they refuse to maintain that code.

By stark contrast, literally anyone can start a youtube channel and the only thing they're accountable to (besides their own moral position of course) are youtube's TOS & their subscribers, and staying monetized.
They can (and many do) say & promote whatever they want, including gossip, rumor & innuendo.
They are not at all required to have any professional credentials or conduct.
Some do, of course, but many do not.

There are of course exceptions, and I know there are a few members here that also have youtube channels for the same reason we discuss cases here. They are respectful and appear to be quite professional. Those are not the "youtubers" I'm talking about, and I wanted to make that clear.

To me, the difference between MSM and SM is night and day.

From the beginning, it's really bothered me, that no last sighting of Suzanne or a last phone conversation, text has been reported. I can only compare to other missing person's cases I've followed and this info comes out almost immediately. I'm sure LE has the information and we don't have to know it, I know. What it tells me though is this isn't a missing person case being investigated. Ordinarily, we see, she was last seeen by ***** or she was last seen getting groceries at ***** on such and such a date, or her husband, daughter, friend spoke to her on the phone on ***** and nothing has been heard from her since. If LE was searching for a missing person, they would have this info out there, so if anyone else had seen or talked to her since, it could be reported to them. Jmo, of course.
Exactly. The only explanation I have been able to come up with, is that the perpetrator made a glaring error that told LE exactly what this was.

Even if law enforcement wasn’t sure, you’d expect certain information to be shared in an effort to find Suzanne.

That didn’t happen, and there’s likely very good reason for it.
The thing is 49 year old women just don’t get abducted from a bike very often. Do 49 year old women have bike accidents? Sure, but they would be somewhere in the vicinity.

I’m so tired of women going missing and made to look like it was something they did wrong. Biking alone, hiking alone, running alone. Vulnerable woman, shouldn’t have been out biking where there are mountain lions, big cliffs, bad people waiting to abduct her. :mad:

Sorry but there’s a reason husbands are the first looked at. Very good reason. Sometimes they get lucky, but I hope Suzanne gets justice.

Yes. It's disgraceful. A couple of years ago, a young college woman was murdered while playing golf!

Shopping for sports wear and seeing a pepper spray display right next to the women's running shorts makes me want to cry. Mostly in anger.
From the beginning, it's really bothered me, that no last sighting of Suzanne or a last phone conversation, text has been reported. I can only compare to other missing person's cases I've followed and this info comes out almost immediately. I'm sure LE has the information and we don't have to know it, I know. What it tells me though is this isn't a missing person case being investigated. Ordinarily, we see, she was last seeen by ***** or she was last seen getting groceries at ***** on such and such a date, or her husband, daughter, friend spoke to her on the phone on ***** and nothing has been heard from her since. If LE was searching for a missing person, they would have this info out there, so if anyone else had seen or talked to her since, it could be reported to them. Jmo, of course.

Same here. Not only no solid info on when she was last seen, but BM’s movements on the 10th and the days leading up to it. What places did he go? What times did he arrive and leave? Just a vague job site in Denver on the 10th. The youtuber got a couple more location and time details from BM but it still isn’t much.

If my partner disappeared and I was innocent, I’d post a place and time itinerary of where I had been on my social media pages with screenshots from my phone’s tracking apps.
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Exactly. The only explanation I have been able to come up with, is that the perpetrator made a glaring error that told LE exactly what this was.

Even if law enforcement wasn’t sure, you’d expect certain information to be shared in an effort to find Suzanne.

That didn’t happen, and there’s likely very good reason for it.

Yes! My feeling is they immediately picked up on something that didn't ring true and I may be wrong, but I think whatever happened to Suzanne, happened before Mother's Day. Like maybe, the 8th, two days before. I think they know what happened and they're just putting the evidence together. Maybe, just that last piece, they're looking for.
1) We have absolutely no idea whether and/or how much investigation of "the husband" LE has done.

2) We have no idea whether/what evidence LE's investigation has unearthed, either literally OR figuratively.

3) Because of points 1 and 2 above, we have no logical basis for concluding that the Sheriff "must be disappointed."
I think if he's disappointed about anything, it's that LE has not located SM's remains yet.

Investigations don't happen overnight.
They're a process, not an event.

Both Frazee and Stauch left a neon flashing trail of bread crumbs leading LE straight to their guilt-infested doorsteps, but even those 2 numbskulls weren't arrested immediately.

This isn't flak.

It's fact.

Excellent post! And with rhyming too. ;)

"Pics or it didn't happen" has become a default mentality in various cases, including this one, along with an expectation that missing person and murder cases are, or should be, solved quickly. DAs often refer to these types of expectations as "the CSI effect," because on TV shows everything gets solved in 42 min, not counting commercials, with all kinds of whizbang amazing technology and slick editing.

Imagine trying to live up to those kinds of expectations when real life investigating contains a lot of drudgery, digging through digital files, all the administrivia involved and cataloging everything, waiting for lab testing, following up on tips in which most will be useless, possibly juggling other casework in addition. And imagine you have some good evidence but it's not enough for the DA to take the case forward yet. On top of that there's always the people who believe you aren't doing your job, you aren't competent, they know better, you should be prescient or there's something wrong with you, etc.
@AnnaGrace Same here. Not only no solid info on when she was last seen, but BM’s movements on the 10th and the days leading up to it. What places did he go? What times did he arrive and leave? Just a vague job site in Denver on the 10th. The youtuber got a couple more location and time details from BM but it still isn’t much.

where did this idea develop please. ?
"......a tip came in about a woman pounding the windows screaming “I am being kidnapped”........."
My subconscious, or could be the Lyon sisters’ case 45 yrs ago. A man followed a station wagon when he thought he saw them... they were found in a location consistent w/ the event, he lost them and wondered all these years.
400 tips, do WE know the content of any of them? There is probably always at least one of these.
At this point I am simply trying to build case for innocence, but my ultimate goal
From the beginning, it's really bothered me, that no last sighting of Suzanne or a last phone conversation, text has been reported. I can only compare to other missing person's cases I've followed and this info comes out almost immediately. I'm sure LE has the information and we don't have to know it, I know. What it tells me though is this isn't a missing person case being investigated. Ordinarily, we see, she was last seeen by ***** or she was last seen getting groceries at ***** on such and such a date, or her husband, daughter, friend spoke to her on the phone on ***** and nothing has been heard from her since. If LE was searching for a missing person, they would have this info out there, so if anyone else had seen or talked to her since, it could be reported to them. Jmo, of course.
JMO that could be used to support my assumption that the surveillance video DID show her last sighting, also the reference to preserving video to rule out a stalker scoping out the surroundings ahead of time ... random
stalker or hired hit man MOO

Why do I have to manually delete previous posts to clear them and even when deleted they pop back up?
?surveillance camera WAS working, but instead of BM, showed a hooded disguised person grabbing SM

?a tip came in about a woman pounding the windows screaming “I am being kidnapped”...

? Would LE stop considering the husband as the prime suspect.OR
?would they consider a hit, paid for by husband.

This is where I think we may have taken a wrong turn...


There are a couple of real possibilities here. I don’t think we or LE have taken a wrong turn, though. While LE seem to be focussing on BM, a possible hit would still be a murder on his part.

It is precisely things such people around BM repeating unsubstantiated, cliched scenarios that make me think this was an amateur set-up involving more than one person (aka ACME Kidnappers). An ‘out-of-place-looking’ car? Someone screaming (?). It all sounds like a plot a 12-year-old would write.

If it was pre-meditated, and if LE think he had help, I wonder whether they’re leaning towards a hired hand who did it for financial reward/mutual favour, or a gf who had something to gain. Or maybe in the case of Jennifer Dulos?
Am I the only one here who finds it extremely creepy and invasive that random youtubers with no more professional credentials than my cat, would seek to make contact with friends and family to get more personal info, photos, etc.? Or worse, that any family members or friends would actually open up to such a request from a rando stranger?
In some cases reputable youtubers score interviews with victims' family members. I think those families see the benefit in exposure.

You can gauge the credibilty of content creators by their previous work.
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