Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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According to BM himself, that call was 'just to be safe', so he was playing it cool from the beginning. He knew good and well any 911 dispatcher would transfer him to the right jurisdiction. IMO, his plan had just failed and he wasnt prepared for how to react next. He had some quick thinking to do and telling someone else to make that call gave him the time to do it. Jmho.
Exactly, the girls being delayed on their trip home was not part of the plan. They would have arrived home, found Mom missing and reported it themselves. But this was a wrinkle which was easily remedied.
It's not necessary to call 911 to report a missing adult. Some jurisdictions would prefer you to call the local police and/or sheriff office on the non emergency line. Usually 911 is used if foul play is suspected due to something peculiar about the BM could have, and IMO, should have called the sheriff office himself. I have a hard time reconciling his supposed great concern and the lack of making the call. It's like he dropped the ball or shuffled responsibilities onto others for some being outside of the local 911 area is a very lame excuse when it comes to giving BM a pass. MOO.


The bolded statement is what gives me pause. For myself, if my family didn't pick up the phone for hours when I expected them to be home, I might ask the neighbor to check the house, but I wouldn't call 911 unless there was some underlying concern or the neighbor reported a disturbing observation What could it have been in this case? I don't understand how the bicycle being missing was, in and of itself, strong enough reason to call 911.
To take the 911 call a step further to show how strange it was that he himself did not make the call to LE.

So how is BM going to find out what LE said to the neighbor as far as whether LE was going to immediately come by to help look for her or not. He would have to find out the gist of what LE told her. So he probably had to have another discussion with the neighbor right after she communicated with 911.
Afterall he would have started the drive home and not continue staying to work in Denver while there is a family crisis so he would have wanted to know the gist of their discussion the minute she got done talking to LE.

So why go through a 3rd party with something like ("please call them and then when you are done call me back to tell me what they said") when he himself could have been the one to speak directly with LE so he knows what is going to happen as far as getting LE support.

Also along those same lines, wouldnt you want to be the one to pressure LE to come help you and not let a non-relative be the person to try to convince LE to come help. A person does not have any control over how convincing a neighbor would be or not when conveying to LE how serious the situation was that she is missing and should be home.
The neighbor person may be too calm about it and may have not shared the urgency to LE that it needed. I dont think it makes any sense that he would not want to be the one to be sure LE gets the right message and concern about the missing family member.

And even if the girls called the neighbor and she then called LE, then as soon as BM found out about the situation, then I would have thought he also would have called LE himself to inquire about the situation so that he gets first hand information directly from LE.

This was a major crisis situation unfolding and I would have thought he would have wanted to check with LE even if he did not make the first call to them. To find out what they may do or not do. And on top of that, I would have expected him to tell LE to call him back if she shows up while he is on this alleged long drive back to his home area. If it was close to 3 hours driving, it seems to me he would have wanted LE to notify him as soon as she showed up so that he doesnt worry the whole drive back.

We did not hear about anything like that. We know very little about when he finally showed up back home and who he may have been on the phone with during the drive home.

All of this kind of stuff is circumstantial type things and this case is mainly a circumstantial case so far until we hear of some solid evidence. I would love nothing more than to find out Im thinking about this all wrong and somehow she is safe and maybe ran away on her own or something along those lines but here is the thing for me. Practically all the circumstantial evidence with things like him being out of town on Mothers Day, him not being involved in the 911 call, the Giveme Fund, the reward announcement with stipulation she must be found safe, LE searching his home twice, taking and searching his truck, LE searching one of his job sites, the short rehearsed self video release, the interview with youtuber, etc.

All that is just circumstantial of course but when I try to put things on the other side to even out the possibilities, I have very little to counter balance where its leaning. If we can get things that help point to other possibilities then it may help us to bark up another tree but there is very little to sway in another direction.
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Yes. I think she was murdered earlier than Mother’s Day. All contact with Suzanne would have been done via text message, and I’m guessing that no one heard her voice.

I don’t care when the last text was, I care about when the last time someone heard her, or saw her.

A source told the Daily Mail earlier this week that Suzanne’s daughters had become concerned that they could not reach their mother that weekend, and asked a neighbor to check on her.

That strikes me as trying more than just Sunday while driving home. Possible they were trying from Friday evening on ..who knows?

‘Pacing around, staring out windows’: Chaffee County Fire Chief addresses questions about missing Suzanne Morphew’s husband Barry Morphew
A source told the Daily Mail earlier this week that Suzanne’s daughters had become concerned that they could not reach their mother that weekend, and asked a neighbor to check on her.

That strikes me as trying more than just Sunday while driving home. Possible they were trying from Friday evening on ..who knows?

‘Pacing around, staring out windows’: Chaffee County Fire Chief addresses questions about missing Suzanne Morphew’s husband Barry Morphew
Damn, I missed that. I definitely think that’s the implication; they hadn’t spoken to her that weekend.

The counterpoint to that is the source may be mistaken, or it was sloppy journalism. I do tend to believe it though.
Yes, that clarifies. If your musing is 100% accurate (bike and personal item staged and found), any thoughts on why LE would admit to finding a singular "personal item" but not admit to finding the bike too?

I've always thought that the personal item is the bike, though some have pointed out that there are valid reasons why LE may not care about the bike at all. If the personal item is the helmet, though, surely LE has to deal with the bike ride scenario, whether they believe it or not, and dealing with it includes locating the bike. In that case, I don't know why they wouldn't admit to finding the bike. IMO
I went back and listened to the one and only live press conference given in Suzanne's case.

To clarify- Sheriff Spezze speaks about the personal items found on Thursday, May 14th at 2:00 in the video, and I quote: "yesterday afternoon which is Thursday, in the area of 225 & highway 50, we did find (inf umm changes to) items that we believe are personal items of Suzanne Morphew".

The personal items could not be the bike, as the location of the bike was not close to Highway 50. Watch this for further clarification from TD on the bike's location

Do we know the timeline? When did the girls first call their mom on MD? When did they start to get worried? When was the neighbor asked to check on SM? Then how much time elapsed before 911 was called? At what point was BM looped into the calls?

Also, we know BM arrived around 9 pm. Do we know when the girls arrived home? If they had been planning to spend MD with their mom, surely even with a late start, you'd think they would have arrived before their dad.
Oh yes, I would really like to see the phone log covering the timing and the number of calls made from BM and the girls to SM and between BM and the girls.
My thought/musing was the personal item may turn out to be the helmet. As it fits with the story Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. If she was injured while riding, or drug off by a mountain lion, she would have been found. Since she has not been located, she must have been abducted

That said, I don't believe Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. More like something happened to her sometime on Saturday. The bike and personal item were staged to cover up whatever happened to her in that home, JMO.

Hope that clarifies any confusion caused by my previous post.
I still believe the item they found was very small. Like a ring. It took searchers several days to find it, and a big blue helmet would be readily noticed. But I guess a helmet could have been thrown into heavy brush or otherwise hidden from view. I look forward to the day when LE clears up the mystery for us.
BBM: Exactly, you can call 911 from any location and tell them what area you need to speak to and you will be transferred to that particular 911. He simply did not want to be the one to call. Maybe he was afraid of where it would show his call coming from. JMO

It wouldn't matter. His cell phone would show location and duration regardless of any 911 call. I copied/pasted some info I lifted from this court document from another case currently in the news. It's amazing how accurate they are (if you go read the part of the document listing specifics. This isn't the only case where it's been used to detail. Another case shows approximate rate of travel - 4.2 miles at that time and it was determined he was on a bike. Amazing.

The Cellular Analysis Survey Team (hereinafter CAST), is an FBI unit that provides analyses of cellphone records and presents the information to law enforcement. The GPS data points used by CAST are considered to be highly accurate and can place the device within a 6 meter radius.

CAST uses cellular devices’ GPS data points, cell tower connections, wi-fi connections, and Google tracking information to establish the location of cell phone. The GPS data points used by CAST are considered to be highly accurate and can place the device within a 6 meter radius.

Now the idea that he didn't want his voice and words recorded and analyzed...a separate issue.

SOURCE: Idaho government website Ron Ball 2.pdf
Forgive me if this has been already been discussed and confirmed, ie., could her cell phone be among the personal items found?

It would be nice to know what personal items LE found.

Im listing a few of the things that are possible.

Are there any other possibilities?
Is there anything we heard about in the news that helps us think its one of these?

*-her bicycle helmet

*-a small fanny pack waist belt or something similar of hers with a few small personal belongings like maybe her ID and a small amount of pocket money

*-her cell phone (if it was not at her house)

*-a shoe or 2

*-her wedding ring

*-some other article of clothing

*-a broken part of the bicycle
It would be nice to know what personal items LE found.

Im listing a few of the things that are possible.

Are there any other possibilities?
Is there anything we heard about in the news that helps us think its one of these?

*-her bicycle helmet

*-a small fanny pack waist belt or something similar of hers with a few small personal belongings like maybe her ID and a small amount of pocket money

*-her cell phone (if it was not at her house)

*-a shoe or 2

*-her wedding ring

*-some other article of clothing

*-a broken part of the bicycle
We talked about the air pods she is known to wear while riding. If it is them, then one would assume that her phone should be missing as well. It would be odd to find the ear bud and have the phone be located at home.
I went back and listened to the one and only live press conference given in Suzanne's case.

To clarify- Sheriff Spezze speaks about the personal items found on Thursday, May 14th at 2:00 in the video, and I quote: "yesterday afternoon which is Thursday, in the area of 225 & highway 50, we did find (inf umm changes to) items that we believe are personal items of Suzanne Morphew".

The personal items could not be the bike, as the location of the bike was not close to Highway 50. Watch this for further clarification from TD on the bike's location

thank you -
I remembered this from early on - shows me LE was tightlipped and controlling this from the very beginning
5/11 - search resumed early morning hours - cell phone? Sheriff replied no comment
News conference: Chaffee County Sheriff provides update on missing Maysville woman
Are we all in agreement that SM is deceased? I sure hope that her remains will be found and the murderer is brought to justice.

Here's an article on "Profiling a Murderer."

Profiling a Murderer

From the article:

" the basics of profiling, remember to ask the three questions:
  1. What evidence is present at the scene?
  2. What was the motive?
  3. Who is the suspect?
If you can answer these questions, you will begin to get a portrait of the most likely perpetrator."
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just some random thoughts....

I thought I read that there were cameras at the intersections around there but the CDOT said nothing is recorded. If there are cameras - what are they for if nothing is recorded?

At first I was thinking why the heck didn't he call 911, then after reading some other posts and realizing he wasn't in the area, it made a little more sense. But then again, if my husband or child was missing (or thought to be) I would be frantic and wouldn't think "oh I'm not close, let's have someone else call" my mind wouldn't even register to that, I would just make the call and if they couldn't reroute me, I'd let them tell me how to proceed.

I am not sure of the terrain of the area, but I would think if an animal played into this scenario, there would be tracks of some kind and certainly if something "drug" her away, some blood of some kind.

I don't think I can recall any case where police have found a body but have not alerted the public.

I do find it very telling that they are not warning people of a potential threat when biking/walking/jogging alone.

just my thoughts.
We talked about the air pods she is known to wear while riding. If it is them, then one would assume that her phone should be missing as well. It would be odd to find the ear bud and have the phone be located at home.

Good point because in order to listen to music the air pods would probably have to be paired up with the phone.
It wouldn't matter. His cell phone would show location and duration regardless of any 911 call. This isn't the only case where it's been used to detail. Another case shows approximate rate of travel - 4.2 miles at that time and it was determined he was on a bike. Amazing.

SOURCE: Idaho government website Ron Ball 2.pdf
Agree, it is absolutely amazing. I also saw very recently...the bike speed, can't remember the case, it was a mind blower.
It was reading in Gannon's case, all the detail that was available on Leticia's vehicle use, that made me realize how sophisticated the information gathering is in 2020.
Good points.

Here is the thing too. Someone had to have told the neighbor to check to see if the bicycle was there when she went over to check to see if SM was home. Because somehow the searching focused and found her bicycle off the side of the road.

So the big question to me is who told the neighbor to check for the bicycle too. The girls were on a camping trip and I dont think they knew their Mom's exact plans for that day. On the other hand the husband said he asked SM if it was ok if he left on Mothers Day to be away from the home. So I suspect he was the one driving the bicycle ride theory.

Other reasons I suspect that is when the other person who was first involved in the Giveme fund made a public statement, it focused on the condition of the bicycle. Well he was pretty adamant about it and so who got him all worked up about the bicycle. I dont think it was the girls.

And with BMs interview by the random youtuber , we again hear about the bicycle ride and a potential stranger abduction. So again the narrative is coming from BM.

For all these reasons, I suspect he was the one pushing the bicycle theory on others and it started with communication with the neighbor.

We have heard nothing from the girls so I dont see how they were the one pushing any theories whereas we have him in some known situations where the bicycle came up from his own mouth at least in the case of the youtuber discussion.

Putting two and two together to make an assumption that it was him who gave instructions to the neighbor.

I feel terrible for the poor neighbor who was dragged into this case. She was probably glad to try to help but now that the case looks like it will end badly, she has been traumatically impacted and it will take an emotional toll on her.

So many other secondary victims that a perp does not even think about.

Hi, regarding the bike ride - I was under the impression that the Fire Chief provided this information as it was something that SM did regularly on a Sunday - apologies if I am mistaken, but I thought I read that in one of the earlier threads.
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