Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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Good points.

Here is the thing too. Someone had to have told the neighbor to check to see if the bicycle was there when she went over to check to see if SM was home. Because somehow the searching focused and found her bicycle off the side of the road.

So the big question to me is who told the neighbor to check for the bicycle too. The girls were on a camping trip and I dont think they knew their Mom's exact plans for that day. On the other hand the husband said he asked SM if it was ok if he left on Mothers Day to be away from the home. So I suspect he was the one driving the bicycle ride theory.

Other reasons I suspect that is when the other person who was first involved in the Giveme fund made a public statement, it focused on the condition of the bicycle. Well he was pretty adamant about it and so who got him all worked up about the bicycle. I dont think it was the girls.

And with BMs interview by the random youtuber , we again hear about the bicycle ride and a potential stranger abduction. So again the narrative is coming from BM.

For all these reasons, I suspect he was the one pushing the bicycle theory on others and it started with communication with the neighbor.

We have heard nothing from the girls so I dont see how they were the one pushing any theories whereas we have him in some known situations where the bicycle came up from his own mouth at least in the case of the youtuber discussion.

Putting two and two together to make an assumption that it was him who gave instructions to the neighbor.

I feel terrible for the poor neighbor who was dragged into this case. She was probably glad to try to help but now that the case looks like it will end badly, she has been traumatically impacted and it will take an emotional toll on her.

So many other secondary victims that a perp does not even think about.
And more good points ! ^^^
So thoughtless.

I suspect at this time that it was BM himself who told LE that a mountain lion had been seen around some cars by a parking lot adjacent to the forest area where the trails led.
So much of this is coming together.
All I can find is that a) Suzanne's daughters contacted the neighbor about their concerns and b) the neighbor called LE.

I apologize in advance if I missed this, but I could not find any msm reports that state that BM contacted the neighbor.

No problem we are all confused, very little info out there that we can use (meaning approved) We can use/source Barry's interview with TD.

Barry says " And the girls were running late so they texted happy mothers day . She didn’t text back so we(sic)so went to well, they called my neighbors and said Listen, it’s Mother day I’m a little worried and will you go check the house. And the neighbor checked the house saw that the car was there, but the bike was gone. She called me in Denver and said Hey we're just a little worried and I go well I am too. Why don’t we call the police to be safe.

ETA this video link
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I'm fairly certain the personal item LE found will turn out to be her helmet.

I just want to make sure I understand what you are suggesting. Are you saying that the found item was the helmet and LE have not found the bike? Or are you saying the bike was never lost (so didn't need to be found, if you're following me) so they have the bike and also found the helmet? Hopefully I'm making sense.
Good points.

Here is the thing too. Someone had to have told the neighbor to check to see if the bicycle was there when she went over to check to see if SM was home.

So I suspect he was the one driving the bicycle ride theory.

Other reasons I suspect that is when the other person who was first involved in the Giveme fund made a public statement, it focused on the condition of the bicycle. Well he was pretty adamant about it and so who got him all worked up about the bicycle. I dont think it was the girls.

And with BMs interview by the random youtuber , we again hear about the bicycle ride and a potential stranger abduction. So again the narrative is coming from BM.

For all these reasons, I suspect he was the one pushing the bicycle theory on others and it started with communication with the neighbor.

We have heard nothing from the girls so I dont see how they were the one pushing any theories whereas we have him in some known situations where the bicycle came up from his own mouth at least in the case of the youtuber discussion.

Putting two and two together to make an assumption that it was him who gave instructions to the neighbor.
And again... within a few hours he or someone he directed sent an email to their former church....CrimeOnline has viewed a message that was sent to members of the Morphew’s former church in Indiana, requesting prayers following the news of her disappearance. The message notes that Morphew’s bike was found “crashed,” and mentions that a mountain lion had been seen in the area where the bike was discovered.

Barry was definitely driving that narrative.
I can’t. He has not acted or spoken the way I would want or expect from my spouse. You are right, I’m speaking from my perspective. Why do I need to try to consider HIS innocence? What purpose would it serve? There are NO alternatives, are there? So why should I? I’ve stepped away from this case, trying to presume his innocence but my impressions are still the same. As I look at NEWS and find 1 month articles - no news, no pleas, no NOTHING from him, my heart convicts him ... maybe just on being a terrible husband. His actions or rather lack of action - screams to me, “I don’t care” and that is why he is guilty whether he is an actual murderer or not.

I respectfully disagree to the bolded statement. Based on the evidence of which we are aware, which is basically nothing, an LE team that hasn't even confirmed that a homicide took place, and about the only detail confirmed by LE being that nobody has been ruled out as a suspect, there are plentiful alternatives.

You asked why you should consider alternatives. I'll take a crack at that. It would be so much more interesting, and potentially even valuable, at 20 threads in, to talk about something else. Of course, you are welcome to judge BLM as you see fit and share such judgment. You, or others, are also welcome to suspect him simply based on the statistical likelihood of his guilt given his relationship to the victim. I do not deny that point. Your chosen scenario may be spot on, but that doesn't rule out the alternatives. IMO
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All I can find is that a) Suzanne's daughters contacted the neighbor about their concerns and b) the neighbor called LE.

I apologize in advance if I missed this, but I could not find any msm reports that state that BM contacted the neighbor.

Listen to the YT interview with TD. It’s on the media thread, it comes straight from him.
I am on the fence about the 911 call, and why the neighbor got enlisted to help. My big leap is why it became that kind of emergency, just because the bike wasn’t there. Maybe Mom didn’t respond to calls for two days, yet BM said he spoke to her Sunday morning. It’s a stumper.

I am also stuck on BM’s FF buddies and whether or not they were on scene searching for Suzanne that first evening. I wondered whether they would be included in the first responders. I went to the Chaffee County Volunteer Firefighting Information Packet, which states the following:

“We don’t just put out fires. You will learn the basic concepts and situational awareness for each of the following incident types: vehicle crashes, medical care, hazardous materials response, river rescue, structure and wildland fire.”
I just want to make sure I understand what you are suggesting. Are you saying that the found item was the helmet and LE have not found the bike? Or are you saying the bike was never lost (so didn't need to be found, if you're following me) so they have the bike and also found the helmet? Hopefully I'm making sense.
My thought/musing was the personal item may turn out to be the helmet. As it fits with the story Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. If she was injured while riding, or drug off by a mountain lion, she would have been found. Since she has not been located, she must have been abducted right? That's what BM would have us believe, as he stated in his video plea "if anyone is out there that has you" & "however much they want".

That said, I don't believe Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. More like something happened to her sometime on Saturday. The bike and personal item were staged to cover up whatever happened to her in that home, JMO.

Hope that clarifies any confusion caused by my previous post.
There is no excuse. It was HIS job and no one else’s. He would have known her exact routine, any plans she had and if her not being reachable was suspicious in any way. It’s ridiculous, IMO, that he dumped this task on a neighbor. He had the whole sequence of events planned out, IMO.
It's not necessary to call 911 to report a missing adult. Some jurisdictions would prefer you to call the local police and/or sheriff office on the non emergency line. Usually 911 is used if foul play is suspected due to something peculiar about the BM could have, and IMO, should have called the sheriff office himself. I have a hard time reconciling his supposed great concern and the lack of making the call. It's like he dropped the ball or shuffled responsibilities onto others for some being outside of the local 911 area is a very lame excuse when it comes to giving BM a pass. MOO.
Agree with variations 100%, good point, and that happens all the time, but where I vary I guess, is what's considered generally accepted norms? Here we are talking a TRAINED first responder, whose own beloved is missing, not heard from all day, and he’s 3 hours away.

I don’t expect a teacher to constantly misspell words in a note. I don’t expect a pilot to take the train because he feels it’s safer. I don’t expect a husband (volunteer first responder no less) to lay making that emergency call regarding his missing wife, on a 70-year-old neighbor.

I’d love to help with CPR sir, but I’m new… (that’s another variation I couldn’t deal with):)

I couldn’t imagine being on the other side of that call. Would you prefer to talk to a spouse who knew her, her habits, the house, the door combo if one existed, the color of the bike, when she was last heard from, her usual morning habits, her recent medical issues, meds she may be on, Or an older neighbor of about two years who knew little if any of that info? Who could only share the family “thinks" she may have gone on a bike ride and yeah, she recently had some sort of cancer.

Going full circle here, in every thread including this one, someone writes words to the effect “If he was in Denver, he could not call 911 and talk to the 911 for his home. He would have gotten Denver's 911 center.” THAT’S AN EXCUSE. IMO Barry is a trained first responder, he knows how to make the call. He didn't want to.
According to BM himself, that call was 'just to be safe', so he was playing it cool from the beginning. He knew good and well any 911 dispatcher would transfer him to the right jurisdiction. IMO, his plan had just failed and he wasnt prepared for how to react next. He had some quick thinking to do and telling someone else to make that call gave him the time to do it. Jmho.
A 3 day search while saying the homeowner doesn't appear to be involved? That is a lot of time to waste digging around for curiosity

And just to add to the confusion, the latest press release actually says that nobody has been ruled out as a suspect. So did LE change their minds about the property owner? Lie? Word one of the two PRs imprecisely? Who knows. I'm sure the answer is "part of the investigation." IMO
I believe it was in May when LE requested that videos - ring cameras, other surveillance video - be saved, but at the same time LE told them not to bring them to LE. They would request them when they identify the areas where they are interested in - IOW, don't contact us, we'll contact you. No word if LE has obtained any and I believe Lauren Scharf asked LE and was told "part of an active investigation." (Lauren is getting that answer so much she could probably ask what the sheriff had for lunch and get the same answer.) I'm wondering if wasn't based on anything LE had at the time and they asked the videos be saved just to be on safe side. I also wonder if it wasn't a ploy by LE to make someone nervous. After all, they've made no references to videos since then.
No problem we are all confused, very little info out there that we can use (meaning approved) We can use/source Barry's interview with TD.

Barry says " And the girls were running late so they texted happy mothers day . She didn’t text back so we(sic)so went to well, they called my neighbors and said Listen, it’s Mother day I’m a little worried and will you go check the house. And the neighbor checked the house saw that the car was there, but the bike was gone. She called me in Denver and said Hey we're just a little worried and I go well I am too. Why don’t we call the police to be safe.

So the girls contacted BM when Suzanne didn't respond to their text. From that point forward, all went according to his plan, even though they were delayed on their trip home (not part of his plan).

-BM now has the girls worried about their Mom.
-BM likely suggests Suzanne went on a bike ride.
-BM suggests the girls contact the neighbor to go check on Suzanne and see if her bike is at the home.
-BM asks the neighbor to call police and report Suzanne missing.

All while being away in Denver, which he thought would present an airtight alibi. The premeditation in how this played out is crystal clear, IMO.
Not unique to "western States" IMO, I live on the heavily populated East Coast, and share the same (keys etc.) with my trusted neighbors. The comment made she could have been possibly recently "threatened" (?) by someone but that was kept under wraps and that is why the case suddenly necessitated urgency by involving LE (?) Just too hard for me to buy MMO.

Why are some people excusing Barry, like he was an idiot, and incapable of calling or dealing with 911, is my question?
BBM: Exactly, you can call 911 from any location and tell them what area you need to speak to and you will be transferred to that particular 911. He simply did not want to be the one to call. Maybe he was afraid of where it would show his call coming from. JMO
So the girls contacted BM when Suzanne didn't respond to their text. From that point forward, all went according to his plan, even though they were delayed on their trip home (not part of his plan).

-BM now has the girls worried about their Mom.
-BM likely suggests Suzanne went on a bike ride.
-BM suggests the girls contact the neighbor to go check on Suzanne and see if her bike is at the home.
-BM asks the neighbor to call police and report Suzanne missing.

All while being away in Denver, which he thought would present an airtight alibi. The premeditation in how this played out is crystal clear, IMO.
Totally agree.
Not unique to "western States" IMO, I live on the heavily populated East Coast, and share the same (keys etc.) with my trusted neighbors. The comment made she could have been possibly recently "threatened" (?) by someone but that was kept under wraps and that is why the case suddenly necessitated urgency by involving LE (?) Just too hard for me to buy MMO.

Why are some people excusing Barry, like he was an idiot, and incapable of calling or dealing with 911, is my question?
BBM: Exactly, you can call 911 from any location and tell them what area you need to speak to and you will be transferred to that particular 911. He simply did not want to be the one to call. Maybe he was afraid of where it would show his call coming from. JMO
BBM: Exactly, you can call 911 from any location and tell them what area you need to speak to and you will be transferred to that particular 911. He simply did not want to be the one to call. Maybe he was afraid of where it would show his call coming from. JMO
Ohh, that's interesting !
Good point.
What if he was nowhere near Denver ??
I am on the fence about the 911 call, and why the neighbor got enlisted to help. My big leap is why it became that kind of emergency, just because the bike wasn’t there. Maybe Mom didn’t respond to calls for two days, yet BM said he spoke to her Sunday morning. It’s a stumper.

I am also stuck on BM’s FF buddies and whether or not they were on scene searching for Suzanne that first evening. I wondered whether they would be included in the first responders. I went to the Chaffee County Volunteer Firefighting Information Packet, which states the following:

“We don’t just put out fires. You will learn the basic concepts and situational awareness for each of the following incident types: vehicle crashes, medical care, hazardous materials response, river rescue, structure and wildland fire.”
What IF... the daughters spoke to her two days previously but couldn't get a hold of Suzanne on Sun. in the a.m. ?
So that might mean if BM said he spoke to Suzanne on Sun--but the girls couldn't reach her, that maybe BM wasn't being truthful ?
Because the girls should've been able to speak to her at least until BM left for his work site; or wherever it was that he went .
I'm trying to guess what exactly LE need to be looking at; calls and visible sightings.
Not texts--as those can be faked.
What IF... the daughters spoke to her two days previously but couldn't get a hold of Suzanne on Sun. in the a.m. ?
So that might mean if BM said he spoke to Suzanne on Sun--but the girls couldn't reach her, that maybe BM wasn't being truthful ?
Because the girls should've been able to speak to her at least until BM left for his work site; or wherever it was that he went .
I'm trying to guess what exactly LE need to be looking at; calls and visible sightings.
Not texts--as those can be faked.
Yes. I think she was murdered earlier than Mother’s Day. All contact with Suzanne would have been done via text message, and I’m guessing that no one heard her voice.

I don’t care when the last text was, I care about when the last time someone heard her, or saw her.
My thought/musing was the personal item may turn out to be the helmet. As it fits with the story Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. If she was injured while riding, or drug off by a mountain lion, she would have been found. Since she has not been located, she must have been abducted right? That's what BM would have us believe, as he stated in his video plea "if anyone is out there that has you" & "however much they want".

That said, I don't believe Suzanne was abducted while riding her bike. More like something happened to her sometime on Saturday. The bike and personal item were staged to cover up whatever happened to her in that home, JMO.

Hope that clarifies any confusion caused by my previous post.

Yes, that clarifies. If your musing is 100% accurate (bike and personal item staged and found), any thoughts on why LE would admit to finding a singular "personal item" but not admit to finding the bike too?

I've always thought that the personal item is the bike, though some have pointed out that there are valid reasons why LE may not care about the bike at all. If the personal item is the helmet, though, surely LE has to deal with the bike ride scenario, whether they believe it or not, and dealing with it includes locating the bike. In that case, I don't know why they wouldn't admit to finding the bike. IMO
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