Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #30

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JP's behavior was very peculiar, IMHO.

His boss calls and tells him he has a family emergency. JP goes to the hotel room, boss didn't leave tools for the job, so JP just sits there for two days and then goes home.

But he sees personal mail that his boss left behind when he allegedly took off to deal with an urgent family matter.

Now, I don't know about you folks, but if I had been in JP's shoes, there is no way I would have been reading that mail or doing anything with that mail besides letting my boss know he had left it behind and asking how he wanted me to get it back to him.

JP gave the mail to the FBI. ??? When did he talk to the FBI? IIRC, they weren't the first to respond to reports of SM missing, and most folks would have returned the mail to BM immediately. Was JP holding on to the mail for some reason?

I'm not suggesting JP is involved in SM's disappearance in any way, but he certainly didn't behave the way I would have behaved in his shoes.

ITA there is something about this behavior that set off my “hinky meter” and does not feel quite right. But we don’t have the whole story yet...
Wow the whole story seems to be coming together.
I find it interesting that NOW it's OK for AM and other 'untrained' searchers seem to have the blessing of LE to do a wide search.
Now bleach in the hotel room. What'd he do
take a bath in Chlorox? dump his truck bed with bleach to clean it? Clean up some tools?
He must have been a bloody mess or the truck was . Maybe the hotel has video of his activities.
Little by little the small players are coming forward to fill in the blanks.
Wonder who else has brought forth information?
This is getting verrrrry interesting.
Anyone believe PE guys have some good contacts in LE? I do.
I wonder if he was there with someone else and perhaps Suzanne figured it out and showed up. I can’t imagine he walked into a motel with blood on him so did the deed happen in his room?? This is getting even more horrible IMO.
I would assume that BM had paid for the room, for a certain period of time and that after that period was over, JP would leave the room, taking all things with him that he thought were either his or BM's, while wondering why in heck BM hadn't come back...

Or, apparently, contacted him about what to do. For JP, this was a free vacation in Denver until it wasn't.

JP doesn't mention any attempts to contact BM. Did he just sit there for two days and then go home with BM's mail? And kept the mail until the FBI came calling?
Oh, MOO, he definitely washed his truck. When the CBI did their last canvassing and posted the new flyer around town, the store they posted the picture of with the two CBI agents in front was next door to a coin carwash. I always thought that was a picture that LE wanted BM to see like a big neon sign saying " YOUR PHONE PINGED HERE". If you notice, that picture was taken out of the window of a vehicle and posted and I assume another officer took it.
Maybe, when BM arrived at the scene by his home he was fresh as a daisy even though he had been gone since 5 am, lugged all his "tools" up to his hotel room, worked hard all day setting up that important job, and drove back and forth to Denver. That might be suspicious to LE- someone who worked all day and looked clean and neat and not sweaty and stinky.

I totally agree. The ‘Loaf ‘N Jug’ right next door to the Salida car wash.

Finding Suzanne Morphew: Investigators Distribute Flyers On 3 Month Anniversary Of Disappearance


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I mean, he still has to eat, right? It doesn't appear to be a block party but him in the privacy of his home (well he thought) and grilling food. IMO
Eta : Yes, I agree BM must eat.
Has to keep up his strength. ;)

Imo--- it appears as though a cavalier attitude is on display and I find it odd.

Years ago when a teen daughter went missing and was later found deceased her dad said something like , "You don't eat, you don't sleep. Everything just stops..." (paraphrased).
This was on a Dateline program and I was struck by the difference in how these girls' parents lives were affected in comparison.
"In Broad Daylight", the cases of Amber Duboise and Chelsea King's murders.
They (both girls' parents) worked in conjunction with LE every day; or as often as possible , and many search parties went out to try to find them.

Tbh, there hasn't been much grief displayed in the actions or rather inactions of BM throughout Suzanne's disappearance.
Somewhat reminiscent of other women who've gone missing and no urgency on the part of their spouses.

If LE come forward and say that BM is innocent and they're looking at someone else I will concede and follow their lead.
I will still think that BM could have done so much more to find Suzanne, and been truthful at the very least !
To this date that hasn't happened.
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JP's behavior was very peculiar, IMHO.

His boss calls and tells him he has a family emergency. JP goes to the hotel room, boss didn't leave tools for the job, so JP just sits there for two days and then goes home.

But he sees personal mail that his boss left behind when he allegedly took off to deal with an urgent family matter.

Now, I don't know about you folks, but if I had been in JP's shoes, there is no way I would have been reading that mail or doing anything with that mail besides letting my boss know he had left it behind and asking how he wanted me to get it back to him.

JP gave the mail to the FBI. ??? When did he talk to the FBI? IIRC, they weren't the first to respond to reports of SM missing, and most folks would have returned the mail to BM immediately. Was JP holding on to the mail for some reason?

I'm not suggesting JP is involved in SM's disappearance in any way, but he certainly didn't behave the way I would have behaved in his shoes.

ITA there is something about this behavior that set off my “hinky meter” and does not feel quite right. But we don’t have the whole story yet...
I mean, he still has to eat, right? It doesn't appear to be a block party but him in the privacy of his home (well he thought) and grilling food. IMO
Did DM take that grilling photo? Are they hiding out in the woods on his private property using zoom lens? And if so wouldn’t they have many more photos? Hmmm...wonder if someone else took the photo and sold it to DM?
Well this is what I get for going to the grocery store this morning! And I purposely did not get on WS so I would go and get in and out quickly. Just WOW!!! DM dropped a bomb! I finally got caught up and ya’ll have covered most of my thoughts and questions already. If it is true then the only thing that makes sense to me is that this was not premeditated far in advance or completely planned out well. All of BM’s lies and stupid mistakes seem like he was in complete panic mode. Why would he tell so many conflicting stories? Why would he leave wet towels and mail in the hotel room? I thought the communication with Suzanne’s friend ended at 9 pm but Chris tweeted to clarify it was around 2:30 pm on Saturday. Was Suzanne killed Saturday afternoon? Did Suzanne get the mail and open a bill that she didn’t know about? Property taxes that were past due and she thought had been paid by BM? Then BM arrives home while she is messaging with her friend and a fight ensues resulting in a rage killing? When did BM check into the hotel? Why check in on Saturday and tell LE he left at 5 am Sunday? Did he leave the hotel and drive home to sneak attack her? If he ambushed her then why was it planned so poorly? I feel like it was a rage killing and BM did his best to clean up the scene of the crime at home and decided last minute on the job alibi. I would like to know when he made the hotel reservation...did he call Sat afternoon? Before Saturday? Did he just show up? Could he have placed Suzanne in his truck and drove to the hotel in Broomfield checking in while leaving her in his truck? Or did he leave her in a temporary spot on their property? If it was still daylight he couldn’t risk burying her yet. He could have been sitting there thinking and trying to figure out what to do for hours...comes up with the bike abduction plan and decides how to dispose of her body...leaves hotel and drives back home after dark and gets a change of clothes and Suzanne’s bike (and possibly her helmet and bike clothes) and throws the bike down the ravine and hides the personal items and then drives to the work site and retrieved equipment needed for his next grim task...once completed he drives back to hotel, showers and cleans tools with bleach etc. I hope LE found blood and evidence in his vehicle. Surely they have him entering the hotel on camera?! What did he carry in to his room? Did he stop somewhere and buy bleach or did he take it from the house? What would cause BM to rush out of the hotel room leaving evidence behind? Was Suzanne’s friend calling him over and over? Was the friend calling the daughters? Were his daughters trying to reach their Mom and calling him? Was the friend threatening to call the police? Did he have his phone with him? What about Suzanne’s phone did he leave it at the house? Between the phone and the hotel surveillance how would he think he could get away with saying he didn’t leave until 5 am on MD? Was he just counting on LE buying the abduction theory and he didn’t think they would check out his alibi? Maybe he was just desperate and thought he would probably get caught anyway but was just trying something, anything he could to get away with it? Between his cell phone, hotel surveillance footage and truck gps how has he not been arrested already? And this employee said he was “ordered” to the hotel for this job (at the last minute?) and arrived Sunday night but BM had already left for a “family emergency.” So BM must have called him then or left a message but not told him what the emergency was or that his wife was missing? I wonder what time he called him? Does LE have a recorded message left by BM? I get the feeling he didn’t speak to him directly. How did employee get in the hotel room? Didn’t BM indicate he had a “crew” arriving? Did BM contact his employee again and ask him to wait there or why would he stay there until Tuesday with no job?? When did he give the mail to LE? Right away or how much time went by? Did BM ask him to get rid of it? Is it possible BM asked this employee to help him? I hope LE was able to search his hotel room and collect evidence. So many questions but the answers will surely come now. And one very big question is did the daughters know BM had this job and if so when did they think he was leaving? If BM really told Suzanne he needed to go set up for a job surely SM would have told them when Dad was leaving and that he wasn’t going to be home on MD! What if the daughters had no idea he would not be home? And when was the wedding of her friend’s child? Was there an urgency to reach Suzanne due to the timing of the wedding changing due to Covid? I think the friend is going to be the star witness at BM’s trial. BM was not counting on her being so alarmed. And did Suzanne say something about BM before communication abruptly ended? Did BM try and message her pretending to be Suzanne? I hope LE will communicate with AM re areas to search because Suzanne could be closer to Denver. Maybe that’s why AM is scheduling the search for later in September because they advised him to wait and by then they would have arrested BM and maybe get a confession or at least be able to narrow down the areas to search? I can’t wait to see what happens next! It feels like there is a lot of momentum now and I hope they are watching BM like a hawk because he might do something desperate now. I don’t think he will harm his children but they need protection just in case. I could see him shooting himself or throwing himself off of Crested Butte though if he thinks he will be arrested and everything he has done will come to light. Maybe some type of OJ chase? Hopefully his buddy will not be willing to drive him anywhere. Would LE kick in the door before first light to prevent any of this type of drama? All MOO & speculation and run on sentences because my mind is blown right now. :eek:

Edit: Didn’t realize this was so long...back to my old ways when I get excited. I know these are all questions we all have. Maybe I should just delete the whole thing? :confused:

Respectfully, it's difficult reading when one solid paragraph. ;)
They are definately not cheap. I think the DM likes to sensationalize everything. I am sure there are facts peppered in, but saying it was a cheap hotel just sorta implies the WOW.. man with expensive home goes to cheap hotel for work Mother's Day weekend..

That was pure DM - because if you stay at a 'cheap' hotel, you must be up to no good, right?

Not surprising that a landscaper who is going to leave tools there for a crew member and who is already 'eating' the costs because the 'job' is actually unpaid work to fix something that was done wrong would pick a basic property, not an upscale hotel.
It may have even been solicitation for insurance -- I get the same junk mail daily.
hmm - could it be renewal for the IN property insurance that was "under contract"? was there an original of the real estate contract signed in that mail and perhaps it was "docusigned" by SM without her awareness? I would grab everything on my way out the door if that is the case (all the mail) - so when does mail get delivered I wonder??? we've been searching for a trigger - maybe this is it?
I must be confused.So the DM took photos before SM got gone? If so why? If this photo was taken after, BM sure seems happy at the grill.
No reason to believe it wasn't taken after May 10. I think photographers were waiting for any opportunity to spot BM and capture the photo.

Nobody beats DM for photo content!
Ugh BM alibi/story is just unraveling,just another lier lying. I really hope le are keeping a eye on the girls . Hopefully soon he’s in jail where he belongs. SM family has to be just worried about the girls. Why would bm have insurance papers at the hotel was he hiding something from SM . That daily mail article just blew him and his lies away. My opinion is atleast he has landscaping skills he can make the jail yard beautiful

I wonder if BM was trying to frame this worker?
JP's behavior was very peculiar, IMHO.

His boss calls and tells him he has a family emergency. JP goes to the hotel room, boss didn't leave tools for the job, so JP just sits there for two days and then goes home.

But he sees personal mail that his boss left behind when he allegedly took off to deal with an urgent family matter.

Now, I don't know about you folks, but if I had been in JP's shoes, there is no way I would have been reading that mail or doing anything with that mail besides letting my boss know he had left it behind and asking how he wanted me to get it back to him.

JP gave the mail to the FBI. ??? When did he talk to the FBI? IIRC, they weren't the first to respond to reports of SM missing, and most folks would have returned the mail to BM immediately. Was JP holding on to the mail for some reason?

I'm not suggesting JP is involved in SM's disappearance in any way, but he certainly didn't behave the way I would have behaved in his shoes.
We have no idea what the timeline was, so this is just a guess.

JP is simply an employee, it's not his company or nickel. Why not sit in a hotel room and wait for further instruction on what to do. He's on the clock.

Andy arrived in Colorado the day after Suzanne went missing. That night he talked to Barry and asked him the questions about employees, how they were paid, if any of them had been to his home, etc. Barry offers up the story about the employee who lived in Salida, the one he supposedly told to stay away from his family.

If Barry told Andy that story, he also told LE the same thing. So LE is going to high-tail it over to this employee to check him out. This likely happened within a day of Suzanne's disappearance.

So now the employee is being questioned about his bosses missing wife, after being thrown under the bus by ole Barry. Wouldn't it be natural for him to be suspicious of Barry's motive for directing LE's attention to him?

Wouldn't he tell LE about the hotel room, mail and anything else he observed? IMO his behavior was completely normal, he told what he knew and handed over what he found in the hotel room. As far as reading a letter which had already been opened and was laying around, don't blame him there either.

I would suspect JP was either questioned at the hotel, or immediately upon arriving back to Salida. The timeline was likely 2-3 days after May 9th, MOO.
BM could have needed quotes for property coverage for his new piece of land. It could have been in regard to the Indiana property, which was in the process of being sold. Lots of legal stuff to handle before the sale. Maybe BM wanted Suzanne to sign a POA. It could have been renewal coverage for the Puma Path house. Non-pay cancellations on any of the above. A business owners policy in arrears. I’m not thinking much about any of that. Although if the mail was opened and left in the room with me, you can bet I would have photos of every single piece on my phone.
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