Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #31

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After LS interview with BM, she was asked some questions on her FB. A lot wondered if BM had been given her questions in advance and she replied “ there were some questions he did not want to answer but he did not know the questions beforehand “. She also said the entire interview was not aired.

I think BM admitted the discrepancy with his timeline because he was worried about what LE had told AM.

I’m looking forward to tonight when Lauren’s interview with JP airs. Not getting my hopes up for any bombshells but hoping at least it will clarify some of the Daily Mail story. MOO

I believe LS also said in this interview with PE that BM told her things he wanted to clarify but she's keeping that info close right now because she still wants the opportunity to talk to him again. Agreed, her entire interview with BM was not released to the public. IMO

A statement from PE.

Good morning everyone… Thank you so much for your support and for all the comments. We are listening. I want to make mention of the news story yesterday about the hotel room in Broomfield Colorado. The article suggested that Barry checked into the hotel on May 9th, the day before Mother's Day. I don't know that it is confirmed.

We at Profiling Evil are certainly not prepared to theorize on it until we see some evidence. If anyone finds a receipt showing he checked in, that would be news. Please send it to us. There are some very interesting parts of the remainder of the story but again, we haven't seen evidence to support the days and times.

That's where the rubber will meet the road. Keep in mind that you can check in online at many hotels and never speak to someone at the counter. That is why the CCTV system is so important. Don't lose sight of the forest while you're focusing on a tree. It's so fun for us to watch the chats and hear what you are theorizing. Thanks for letting us be part of the journey and let's remain fair and balanced. Mike/Chris
where would we find the CHATS he mentioned? On a youtube channel?
How soon was his phone in the possession of LE? Might be why there was no further communication between BM and JP.

Makes no sense to use a hotel room for bleaching tools and then direct LE to it. But then murdering your wife lacks all sense.

LE will know when he entered and left that hotel room. I speculate he left early in the morning on Sunday (though I can't fathom where he went -- did he perhaps complete the Bloomfielf job -- and was, in fact, working?).

He AND his tools go to jobsite Sunday. Before leaving, he leaves room key at the desk, says he's got his crew coming, requests housekeeping. Which because of Covid/staffing may have gotten skipped! Would explain why he left the room as he did. Towels, trash, housekeeping would handle all of that. Maybe he hoped the chlorine would dissipate naturally. Had JP entered a spotless room, with fresh towels, no trash, bet he'd have thought nothing of the excessive smell. Covid, you know.

This compresses the timeline for me.

Something bad happened on Saturday, after 12:30... quite a few daylight hours to plan. CYA. SOMETHING happened at 11:30 at the jobsite. Risky. Calculated risk, necessary enough. What we DON'T know is whether those heavy equipment sounds were limited to that 30 minute period. As others have noted, it may have taken time for the neighbor to awaken fully to the noise. It also could've recommenced later, unheard.

I can't not hear "got herself in the river" and not go to a bad place.

We know what equipment the firecamp has. We can imagine what equipment a hardscaper might have. We don't know what equipment might naturally have been at the jobsite. To dig, to push, to clear, to mulch.

There's a reason the hotel was in Bloomfield. And not Grand Junction or Denver proper or Pueblo or any number of Colorado cities. I think he needed to be in Bloomfield. Perhaps as part of a legitimate contract.

Might've had a room already booked. Apparently he talked to JP on the Saturday about it....

Call for a late check in. Arrive at 2-3 in the morning. Cart in tools. Bleach the life out of them.

It's possible he thought he was in the clear.

Did the worst of it under cover of night.

Free up Sunday to work like a horse. I'll be really surprised if he was anywhere near that hotel room all day -- or had any reason to believe JP would find it in the condition he left it.

And the "family emergency", perhaps it was TOO SOON to identify the nature of the emergency, waiting to see what direction the day would take it.

Regardless, it was an impossibly busy 24 hours for someone.

By his own admission about remembering things, he wasn't right in his head.

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For some reason, I have a hard time with any wood chipper theories. MOO

-Would someone that does mostly hardscaping, dirt moving and retaining wall work need a wood chipper in the normal course of their job?

-Using a wood chipper at night to dispose of a body seems like it would leave some type of dna evidence somewhere. Not to mention the brashness of using a wood chipper to dispose of a body with neighbors reasonably close by.

-I kind of default back to everything BM does seems influenced by two traits we know of him: 1. Hunter 2. Sub Contractor. With the hunter, it seems like that is where his mountain lion theories come from(and possibly why he was baiting animals onto their property). As a sub contractor, we can tell that he is very handy with a bobcat. So I think in disposing of a body, he’d be most confident in using what he knows best: a bobcat, and moving earth & rocks.
Just spit balling on how JP and BM could have been together on Saturday....

What if JP was working at the Salida job site on Saturday and BM showed up around mid afternoon to pick up his bobcat that was onsite because BM needed it “for another job”. Then the 11:30pm noise, was BM returning the bobcat to the job site.
I’m wondering if BM maybe left the mail on purpose, to make it look like JP took it from their house. That would certainly play into the alibi theory, IMO, to make it look like a disgruntled JP clearly broke into their house.
We need to know if JP = fired, doper bad wall constructor guy, just to tie up a couple of loose ends. It may sound implausible that anyone might re-hire a "bad" employee, one who has supposedly threatened your own family, but small town outfits are like that, use whatever help is around.

I don't believe his description of that wall guy anyway, sounds like a composite bad guy to suit BM's need for a red herring. Does anyone else doubt that muscleman went to the police because some doper threatened him? Anyway LE already knows.

Anyway curious to see if that guy really was chosen because BM needed some obfuscation about who was involved in the deed.
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Too horrible to think about. I couldn't put my worst enemy through one of those.
IMO this kind of disposal requires the offender to have ALOT of anger, its so violent and I dont want to think about the mess. While its possible, i think its more probable he went with a cleaner method. But i do like they way your thinking outside the box
Here's the link to the actual HE located in Broomfield. I think they should take exception to DM's characterization of "cheap hotel." Inexpensive, maybe. Cheap, not so much. Also, COVID cleaning at this location described as: deep cleaning with hospital-grade disinfectants. I suspect this means odorless disinfectants?

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Denver Northwest - Broomfield
We need to know if JP = fired, doper bad wall constructor guy, just to tie up a couple of loose ends. It may sound implausible that anyone might re-hire a "bad" employee, one who has supposedly threatened your own family, but small town outfits are like that, use whatever help is around.

I don't believe his description of that wall guy anyway, sounds like a composite bad guy to suit BM's need for a red herring. Does anyone else doubt that muscleman went to the police because some doper threatened him? I do.

Anyway curious to see if that guy really was chosen because BM needed some obfuscation about who was involved in the deed.

My nephew frequently re-hires bad employees. Many have to be transported to the job because of DUI convictions, others have drug problems, child support issues, restraining orders. Some are childhood friends who, when sober or in an okay place, are decent workers. He loans them money at times, and they feel beholden to him because he gave them a chance when others do not. So who knows the dynamic at play here.

I am trying to see the tree instead of the forest. Barry could have left at 5 am on Mother’s Day, spent the day in the hotel room, and came back to Maysville when the alarm sounded. JP arrived, per BM’s workers coming in Sunday night scenario, after his departure. Maid service may not have cleaned the room, and one discarded envelope in the trash does not a pile make.
Just spit balling on how JP and BM could have been together on Saturday....

What if JP was working at the Salida job site on Saturday and BM showed up around mid afternoon to pick up his bobcat that was onsite because BM needed it “for another job”. Then the 11:30pm noise, was BM returning the bobcat to the job site.

To build on this a little more:

-We do know that JP does work for BM
-We do know that the dirt fill was the last step before the concrete pour and I believe the dirt fill was approved on either Sunday or Monday before the concrete
-BM says that he sets up jobs but that his workers do the work.
-So there is a decent chance that someone who works for BM would be completing the dirt fill work on Saturday
-To do the dirt fill work you’d need a bobcat

It was theorized that maybe BM was trying to set up JP with the hotel room.

What if BM was also trying to implicate JP at the Salida site. Maybe JP works on that dirt all day. BM comes to inspect that the work is finished. When JP leaves, BM takes the bobcat and uses it to dispose of a body, When BM returns the bobcat that night, he plants something belonging to SM in that dirt, covers it, and parks the bobcat right back where it was.

Edit to add one last theory:

-On Saturday the bob cat is using an attachment that would fill and level dirt.
-After the job is complete and BM takes the bobcat, he changes out the attachment to something that would dig a grave
-When BM returns the bobcat, he forgets to change the attachment back to the dirt fill tool.
-LE wonders why a bobcat that was filling dirt had a digging attachment on it.
-This is the mechanical thing that BM “forgets” that he did.
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I think this is a very plausible scenario. Especially if the "property insurance" mail was a cancellation notice - and it was printed on the envelope. I would think that was suspicious but I can't help but wonder if he heard some rumblings after the 911 call and the search was on and thought something might be up and took the mail. I just wonder about the towels.
I’ve always considered financial issues that BM was hiding from SM or a side chick.
A statement from PE.

Good morning everyone… Thank you so much for your support and for all the comments. We are listening. I want to make mention of the news story yesterday about the hotel room in Broomfield Colorado. The article suggested that Barry checked into the hotel on May 9th, the day before Mother's Day. I don't know that it is confirmed.

We at Profiling Evil are certainly not prepared to theorize on it until we see some evidence. If anyone finds a receipt showing he checked in, that would be news. Please send it to us. There are some very interesting parts of the remainder of the story but again, we haven't seen evidence to support the days and times.

That is why the CCTV system is so important. Don't lose sight of the forest while you're focusing on a tree. It's so fun for us to watch the chats and hear what you are theorizing. Thanks for letting us be part of the journey and let's remain fair and balanced. Mike/Chris

Wanted to highlight this sentence from PE's statement.

Keep in mind that you can check in online at many hotels and never speak to someone at the counter.
I’m not even sure that the mail is important. JP seemed to feel like just the mail being there was the important thing—he said for an alibi so I feel that means the mail was just supposed to be evidence BM was there. Not the most sophisticated plan, but there must be reason JP thought that.
my question is, when did JP give the mail to the FBI? Like, did he take it home with him and then when FBI came knocking, he mentioned it and handed it over?
Wanted to highlight this sentence from PE's statement.

Keep in mind that you can check in online at many hotels and never speak to someone at the counter.

Although at some point you still need to speak to someone at the front desk to prove you are who you say you are, to collect your room key/keycard.
My nephew frequently re-hires bad employees. Many have to be transported to the job because of DUI convictions, others have drug problems, child support issues, restraining orders. Some are childhood friends who, when sober or in an okay place, are decent workers. He loans them money at times, and they feel beholden to him because he gave them a chance when others do not. So who knows the dynamic at play here.

I am trying to see the tree instead of the forest. Barry could have left at 5 am on Mother’s Day, spent the day in the hotel room, and came back to Maysville when the alarm sounded. JP arrived, per BM’s workers coming in Sunday night scenario, after his departure. Maid service may not have cleaned the room, and one discarded envelope in the trash does not a pile make.
My background is in commercial fishing, and despite what might happen in the crowded dock bars after the crew is paid......there's always a job for them because frankly, it's hard to find people these days who have specialized resource extraction/ construction/mechanical skills. And most are salt of the earth ppl, so valuable as crew, because they save each other's lives all day when conditions are rough.
I think BM probably had the job on Monday, legit before killing Imo) his wife. It's all these last minute CYA adjustments he had to make that seem unexplainable and foment all this speculation.
I don't think he had the room Saturday, I don't think he left at 5am, but probably never slept in the house after the (imo) murder. He had a lot of hours to burn no matter how he handled it, someone had to have seen something.
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