Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #32

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It could be Andy just said “friending” but it was actually suggestions. And BM supposedly wasn’t on FB much so maybe he just didn’t know what was normal. I don’t think he even knew what would be normal for HER. He might have just thought her being active that night was good and no one would question it. :rolleyes:

In that case, if Suzanne's account sent out nothing at midnight, that's not evidence of anyone else using her account.

The suggestions were received by female friends of BMs (who happened to have been part of SM's friend group in HS; SM did not have them on her FB).

AM seems to have information from a different group of friends (males, his own friends). I bet AM knows what friending means on FB.

  1. John Schmitz says Barry displayed a wide range of emotions, from anger to crying, the day he saw him on the job site they were working on in Indiana. He showed up 3 days early for the job, and he was throwing a hissy fit.

  2. They have 300 volunteers so far.

  3. Andy doesn't care about money, but appreciates the Go Fund Me. Texas Eqquasearch has been
    asked to come help.

  4. Andy wanted to see where the bike was found immediately, the day he landed in Colorado.

  5. The house was locked down for 7 days, and they would not let anyone near it.

  6. In the next few days, Lauren Scharf will do a new interview with one of Barry's employees.
    (Unknown who it will be.)

  7. After they moved to Colorado, the land-line was disconnected all of a sudden. Cell coverage was
    spotty, as was Wifi. When Andy could get through and leave a message, he wouldn't hear back
    for days. Barry is "throwing rocks" at the Moorman's for not communicating, but that is not the
    truth. Barry never called back and it's "bull malarkey" that the Moorman's were not in touch.

  8. Dogs were used in the valley and around the house. They did not pick up Suzanne's scent, or
    anyone's scent, for that matter.

  9. Andy has second hand information that a divorce was about to happen.

  10. Suzanne was supposed to go to her best friend's son's wedding, but did not get to attend bc of

  11. Communication ceased around 2:30 pm, after they had been chatting about wedding stuff
    (tuxes, flowers, etc). Later that night, "Suzanne" friended a bunch of people on Facebook. She
    friended a bunch of people back in Indiana. Andy believes someone else was manipulating her
    Facebook that evening (around midnight).

  12. Barry told Andy he got back to Maysfield around 6:30 or 7. Then later, he said he got back at
    9pm. These inconsistencies trouble him.

  13. Barry told Andy he had a fireman's meeting, but Andy could never confirm that.

  14. Barry drives an F250. M drives Suzanne's older Land Rover. Suzanne had a new Land
    Rover. The 2 cars Land Rover's were there, so it was weird Barry didn't ask the neighbor if
    Suzanne's car was there. He only asked about the bike.

  15. His story changed about going to build a wall in Denver. Barry did not take his tools with him.

  16. Suzanne's phone last pinged at the house (pertaining to LE.) It is missing. She always rode
    with when she did ride her bike.

  17. No evidence of a struggle.

  18. Barry told Andy he'd given 25 hours of testimony. He refused the lie detector on day 4.

  19. He cannot sell the house for 7 years, or until Suzanne is found or found deceased.

  20. Barry and Macy are living in a condo in Pueblo.

  21. Suzanne had recently received an inheritance. (500,000 USD). She invested that into the
    Colorado home.

  22. Barry is driven by work and money (per Andy).

  23. Barry used to brow-beat Suzanne. He was anti-drug. He didn't allow Suzanne to try marijuana
    when she was sick with cancer, and berated her for taking anti-depressants when she had a
    mental episode a few years back. She suffered from deaths in her family and illness, and Barry
    brow- beated her over needing or wanting medication for that.

  24. Barry has a defense lawyer, and so do the girls.

  25. Andy thinks one of the girls witnessed marital strife, and he is very worried for her well-being.
Wow!! So much to unpack.
Possible errors by AM in the video call:

I believe AM misspoke when referring to the IN wedding being that of her best friend's son. I think it was her daughter that was recently married. See SM's twitter.

After AM stated BM and daughter moved to a condo in Pueblo, he goes on to describe the location only a few minutes east of town. I believe AM means Poncha Springs and not Pueblo which is two hours south-west of Salida.

Really? You don’t think he moved to Pueblo? It sounds like BM isn’t so welcome in town anymore so I wouldn’t doubt it if they moved. I hope you’re right though so the daughter can go to school & be w/her friends.
I have not heard about a letter written to the church. Can you fill me in? Pretty please.......

It was an email. Sent by someone in the family, presumably. The church then sent out emails to the congregation, asking for prayer. The church had the information that Suzanne disappeared while on a bike ride by Monday, IIRC.
It could be Andy just said “friending” but it was actually suggestions. And BM supposedly wasn’t on FB much so maybe he just didn’t know what was normal. I don’t think he even knew what would be normal for HER. He might have just thought her being active that night was good and no one would question it. :rolleyes:

If it was he on her facebook account that evening I think he would have 'finished' the deed by then. It would take a somewhat calm mind to be able to focus on a post-plan - and to figure out how to access her facebook. Was it from her phone or from a laptop/tablet? If he was looking at her friends, he could have been sleuthing her brother - and then in his profile - he could have looked for his friends. Then that could perhaps (if that is one of the fb algorithms) generate the 'friend' suggestions on those fb accounts he was snooping on via her brother's account. He was maybe trying to figure out her digital life. But to be browsing in this way - he had to have some free time.
In total agreement. When someone shows you their character.............. You have to believe them.
It this is true, a total disregard for her feelings and her comfort. Cruel and insenstitive. No empathy. He added to the misery she was already experiencing :(

And never mind that it's HER and HER DOCTOR'S decision what to prescribe for pain, nausea, etc. It's nobody else's business. Ever. Grrrrrr.
So...then it becomes interesting that he so easily is provoked to physical violence (not stoic, not self-contained) and then cries at the worksite, and then collapses on the ground during the search.

But more than that, it's such a contrast with the picture where he is looking out the hotel room door. Nothing self-contained about his expression there, IMO.

In what contexts would a 52 year old man from Indiana, who went to Purdue and owns a landscaping visit, learn this type of stoicism? Those expectations are generational - AM is just a bit older and doesn't seem so studied in his self-presentation. To me, BM was a very savvy user of social media and knew how to film his own video, which uses a contrived persona rather than an emotional appeal. He's equally capable of being all-out emotional, according to AM and to the man in Indiana who is giving interviews about him.

Anyway, men are not all socialized the same way. Part of what we're observing in the BM video is not just his own presentation of self - but his expectations of his audience. He puts on that face because he wants his audience to react a certain way. It's not impenetrable at all, it's a studied attempt to look very concerned (forehead furrows).

I thought perhaps TN created BM's video since that's his bailiwick.

And the friends requests: if SM wanted to reconnect with acquaintances after moving to CO she would have done it a lot sooner instead of doing it the weekend she went missing. Talk about a red flag.

I wondered if he had graduated from Purdue but it looks like he did based on this wedding announcement.

Clipping from The Alexandria Times-Tribune -
If it was he on her facebook account that evening I think he would have 'finished' the deed by then. It would take a somewhat calm mind to be able to focus on a post-plan - and to figure out how to access her facebook. Was it from her phone or from a laptop/tablet? If he was looking at her friends, he could have been sleuthing her brother - and then in his profile - he could have looked for his friends. Then that could perhaps (if that is one of the fb algorithms) generate the 'friend' suggestions on those fb accounts he was snooping on via her brother's account. He was maybe trying to figure out her digital life. But to be browsing in this way - he had to have some free time.
The safest FB access would have been through her phone. Why do you think whoever didn't use her phone?
PW changed?
Physically inaccessible?
Maybe someone didn't mean to generate any auto-generated friend suggestions but instead wanted to read Suzanne's last conversation. And delete it.

Patrick Frazee never thought beautiful Kelsey's disappearance would get such enormous attention. "People go missing every day." Perhaps someone never intended for LE to go digging up dirt in Indiana and he though cleaning up facebook on one side would suffice.

His over-confidence will be Prosecution gold.

I accidentally sent out friend requests while scrolling through the suggested friends list on my phone. He may have accidentally hit the friend request button while looking through Suzanne’s. .
Why so far away? 2 hrs 10 mins according to the Googley Maps. Unless I have the wrong Pueblo?

I'm sure that's the correct one. It must be unbearable being under the microscope every minute of every day knowing people are talking about you and watching your every move. I'd like to think he did it for his daughter. Maybe she's going to school there. I presume the older girl in back in university.
Even 9 p.m. Eastern is stupid o'clock for me, but I know I'll have a full rundown tomorrow morning, so TIA.

I think BM wasn't very familiar with FB and I don't think AM was real up on it, either. If SM's account was sending out bunches of friend requests at the same time, that would be odd. Something you might do when you first sign up, but after that, it just may be once in a while you friend someone new. At least that is my personal experience in using FB for a long time. I think people that you've been friends with for a long time, or that know you well IRL as well, can tell when something is off or odd.
I have not heard about a letter written to the church. Can you fill me in? Pretty please.......

‘They can’t find her’: Message to church group shows desperate plea in early days of search for missing Colorado mom Suzanne Morphew [REPORT]

CrimeOnline has viewed a message that was sent to members of the Morphew’s former church in Indiana, requesting prayers following the news of her disappearance. The message notes that Morphew’s bike was found “crashed,” and mentions that a mountain lion had been seen in the area where the bike was discovered.

“Barry is just beside himself and so are the rest of us because they can’t find her,” the message, sent on May 11, reads in part.
The safest FB access would have been through her phone. Why do you think whoever didn't use her phone?
PW changed?
Physically inaccessible?
Actually he probably would want to use fb on her phone so that it pinged ... but it would be very interesting to know when the phone stopped pinging altogether... If it was a computer then LE probably has it and can see the history of what was looked at. Do we know if LE took computers away?
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