Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #34

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Barry knows he was caught in a lie about the bobcat mechanical thing. If he was switching blades at 11:30 Saturday night in prep for the Sunday job, it would not be something to lie about. But if he switched blades, never said a word about it, and then didn’t bring the needed bobcat with him to Broomfield, what’s up with that? Was he renting one up there? Did he make arrangements to rent one? Was this something his employees were going to have to do on their own? Did Barry have an account with a rental company so he could be invoiced after? Did his employees have a company credit card to pay for stuff? Does the brick supplier have a record of Barry’s order?
Let me try to answer some of these questions, just in regards to my own experiences. So these are all my own opinions.

First do we know it was actually BM at that job sight that night? I have never figured that out. If someone knows will you post it?

It looked to me like there were three pieces of machinery at the job sight during the LE slab search. One was definitely a track hoe. There were two others I couldn't make out. One looked like a Bobcat brand. If any one can get a better or clearer picture, I am not that gifted with technology. I am stumped as to why BM, if is was BM, would be there running machinery that late. Especially if he had a Bobcat at his home already.

We rented machinery for small jobs. It was just more cost effective for our company. We called and had everything set up in advance. That way they would hold the machinery for us and we could just go pick it up slide the card,sign and go. Time is money.

I don't know how BM did his company buisness with company cards. My guess is they didn't. Seems like BM liked to be on site.

If your renting equipment or doing business with a supply house there will be envoices. You can get electronic or paper. Sometimes both. You need these for accounting. I like to have both. Just in case something happens.

This is ALL MOO
These are based on my own experiences. IMO
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It's probably just me but I think Corsentino was on the wrong track.


I agree with you now, but initially I thought it was an abduction. Another poster asked why the Sheriff so quickly ruled out an abduction. BM makes it seem like LE blew it and only looked at him. But, I think he’s just blowing smoke to make himself a victim here and to make it seem that LE has tunnel vision and has turned everyone against him. I’m concerned that somehow he will try to use that idea in the (likely) eventual case against him.

And he’s just wrong. I (for one) did feel LE was initially treating her disappearance as if he was not involved. After the Heidi Broussard case, I was very hesitant to implicate BM. Changing my mind was all due to BM and his own theatrics.

Here is another article where Barry is initially being given the benefit of the doubt - on May 22. I’m looking forward to seeing more facts be released.

SALIDA, Colo. (KDVR) – Investigators with the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are conducting a search at a residential property on the east side of Salida for missing Chaffee County woman, Suzanne Morphew.

The property owner is fully cooperative with law enforcement and is not connected with the disappearance of Morphew.
Search for missing Chaffee County woman underway in Salida area | FOX31 Denver

edit: missing word
Another edit: Ontario Mom importantly has corrected - this article is NOT about BM as the property owner!

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If he cleaned the bobcat at his home, with bleach. That could be detected, right?

It could have been, at least in the first couple of weeks. They would have had to specifically test for it. (Surely they did, right?)

Unfortunately, it's possible that the Bobcat didn't come under scrutiny until that neighbor reported the noise. LE wouldn't have known it had been at that site right away, and while they may have luminol'ed it they may not have swabbed it for chemical analysis. Luminol should have turned up some evidence of blood if they did it in the first week, I'd think. All bets off if someone got a chance to swap out parts of the Bobcat though.

It's too late now, IMO. If the item were clothing, blood might still be detected, but thoroughly washed metal? I'm not so sure. It would certainly be worth a shot, I'd think. (Maybe LE knows exactly what the bleach was used for - seems likely).

The mere fact that he cleaned the Bobcat with bleach (if he did), should be in evidence if they luminol'ed it right away.
You could be right. But something about Corsentino being the former Sherriff of the neighboring county makes me think his gut is based on years of local experience.
No doubt he's a smart man with loads of experience.
I just think he was wrong about this case.
Definitely wrong about why the FBI was called in, since Spezze made it clear, they were called in for evidence recovery assistance, not some cross-border investigation.

Here's an article worth reading that highlights some common motives in spousal homicide. There's often more than one motive.

#1 motive- Anger-
escalating rage, abuse, and violence. This group has been violent before- sometimes outside the home resulting in a criminal record and anti-social behavior.
Some are full fledged psychopaths.

#2 motive- fear of abandonment and loss. He's afraid she will leave. Usually happens after she's threatened or attempted to leave.
This group of men have a personality style or disorder that's highly unstable, emotional, known as borderline type.

#3- Sexual jealousy or sexual possessiveness w/ wife as the object.

#4- Suicidal- perp may plan the suicide but chickens out.

Other less frequent motives may include not wanting to share the financial resources in case of divorce.

Most of these murders will generally follow an argument.
Drugs and/or alcohol are often involved.

The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives
Maybe SM found out the true reason for leaving their home state IN in 2018, and this new knowledge got in some form very dangerous to her husband? Not only SM wanted a divorce, maybe asap, but perhaps BM feared more reaction by SM like a report to an institution for something criminal? MOO
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I'd say 'definitely' happened in the home.

If there was a bleach smell, there must be some good stains to pick up using their luminol or those new lights that pick up blood spots.
In my line of work I use luminol, but I also use my black light. The bodily waste of humans and animals contains organisms that glow under black lights. So, it is effective for me when looking for pet urine and etc.

But, you be astonished at what I have found. There have been insufficient things as well at things I've had to turn over to LE.

Keep in mind, the human body when shocked by a situation at times will urinate. The mouth will also dribble with saliva. All of which I can pick up even after it has been cleaned.
Here is another article where Barry is initially being given the benefit of the doubt - on May 22. I’m looking forward to seeing more facts be released.

SALIDA, Colo. (KDVR) – Investigators with the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are conducting a search at a residential property on the east side of Salida for missing Chaffee County woman, Suzanne Morphew.

The property owner is fully cooperative with law enforcement and is not connected with the disappearance of Morphew.
Search for missing Chaffee County woman underway in Salida area | FOX31 Denver

edit: missing word

The property owner being described here as being cooperative, is the property owner of the job site where they dug up the concrete slab. It is not in reference to BM. Just so there's no confusion.
MG said in the interview that the bricks never came and that they didn't have the tools necessary.
So, does that mean that BM took the time to call to cancel the brick delivery but never bothered to tell his workers who were in a hotel in Broomfield for two days waiting?
Or, would it be more logical to assume that he hadn't ordered them in the first place - if there was ever a job to begin with?
Starting at 4:25 MG talks about BM calling her Monday crying about the news of SM. He told her “ wait until 11:00 to get the brick”. That sounds like maybe she was supposed to order it ?? Idk I’m stumped as to why it was never delivered.

After LS uploaded this story on her FB page someone asked her if that was JP in the backseat in that selfie of MG.

LS replied yes that is JP on Monday waiting for the brick to arrive.

This next part is pure speculation on my part :
I’m wondering if that selfie pic accompanied a text to BM saying we’re tired of waiting, JP wants to go home? Maybe BM replied with a text? Am hoping LS has another segment coming soon.
yes AND a full moon can mess with unstable minds.
I was once told by an ER Doc that he always scheduled his days off when there was a full moon. He claimed there was some truth to it bringing on the crazies.
I used to be one of those photographers who traveled around and set up to take family photos at KMart, Walmart, churches, et., and we all hated the full moon shoots. The kids were out. of. control. and the parents weren't much better.
Starting at 4:25 MG talks about BM calling her Monday crying about the news of SM. He told her “ wait until 11:00 to get the brick”. That sounds like maybe she was supposed to order it ?? Idk I’m stumped as to why it was never delivered.

After LS uploaded this story on her FB page someone asked her if that was JP in the backseat in that selfie of MG.

LS replied yes that is JP on Monday waiting for the brick to arrive.

This next part is pure speculation on my part :
I’m wondering if that selfie pic accompanied a text to BM saying we’re tired of waiting, JP wants to go home? Maybe BM replied with a text? Am hoping LS has another segment coming soon.

MG says in this interview (starting at 4:30), that the materials never arrived at the worksite and that she wasn't going to bother BM with phone calls because his wife was missing, and she felt like this was a little problem compared to his problem. So I don't suppose she texted or called him, since the CBI already have a record of all calls & texts on that day, from her phone.
Thank you!
So, BM did something mechanical to the bobcat. He did not answer honestly about the timing. So I'm guessing the bobcat was used for the burial. If the noise heard at the Salida work site was the bobcat; If he was charging it, changing to attachments, at 1130 ish Saturday night, I think she was buried after that.

I've always thought that was done in the dead of night. He would feel safer then.

So I wonder, did he then park it at the home? Not take it back to the Salida job site? Was he done with that job? Or would he have needed it again at the job site? If so, he'd better have a really good excuse for taking it away at 1130ish Saturday night. Especially if he didn't haul it to Broomfield.
We know there is some type of discrepancy with the bobcat that LE brought to BM's attention.

Maybe he didn't switch the bucket back to the rake and that didn't line up with how MG recalled the condition when she left the jobsite or he couldn't account for a particular attachment?

What was BM's explanation for how it got back to the house? Maybe wherever BM said he took the bobcat after it left the jobsite doesn't match up with the GPS data taken from the bobcat or that of the truck?

Could the gps on the bobcat have been disabled for a time and then it subsequently came back on line and that's the discrepancy?

Thank you!
So, BM did something mechanical to the bobcat. He did not answer honestly about the timing. So I'm guessing the bobcat was used for the burial. If the noise heard at the Salida work site was the bobcat; If he was charging it, changing to attachments, at 1130 ish Saturday night, I think she was buried after that.

I've always thought that was done in the dead of night. He would feel safer then.

So I wonder, did he then park it at the home? Not take it back to the Salida job site? Was he done with that job? Or would he have needed it again at the job site? If so, he'd better have a really good excuse for taking it away at 1130ish Saturday night. Especially if he didn't haul it to Broomfield.
Lots of interesting speculation about the potential use of the bobcat and late night visit to the job site. BM seemed to be in full on stressed out/panic mode per MG that weekend. He had a finite amount of time to cover his tracks and based on everything we've learned so far covering his tracks looks more like throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. It seems likely that this was not a well thought out plan and maybe he thought he was going to need the bobcat to cover his tracks but then later realized it wasn't the best idea and abandoned that plan in mid-stream leaving us with a puzzle piece that doesn't fit.
I have a different take on the pacing and looking out the window. What if BM was paranoid that someone could be after him?

I agree. The behavior of pacing and looking out of windows is based in the emotion of fear.

MOO believe the behavior of a husband facing abduction of his wife would be based on the emotions anger and grief, which would result in physical action.
Actions like trying to see neighbors surveillance videos, making flyers, making lists of people who could help, or even sitting and intently scrutinizing memory for possible clues.
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The property owner being described here as being cooperative, is the property owner of the job site where they dug up the concrete slab. It is not in reference to BM. Just so there's no confusion.

Good catch, thank you! I’ve edited the post to add a note with the clarified correction. Sorry for the confusion!
I wonder if a cooler with a body covered in cement and then buried under the edge of water would be detected. moo

Dogs missed VG where she was buried in cemented holes, but alerted at the creek edge. Tim M. reminded every one that dogs help, but they have limitations and can't be used to eliminate, only add information.
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