Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #49

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I believe it's been said that it was normal for SM to take a bike ride in the morning before church. So if her normal biking time was early morning, and she missed the online church service, and she hadn't been responding to texts or calls all day, and the bike was still missing at 5:46, I think the decision to call 911 makes some sense. Especially given that the bike trails in that area are presumably somewhat dangerous and it would be getting dark soon. Whatever facts were relayed to LE were apparently sufficient to get a prompt response and start an immediate search.
You just made me wonder about something. I’ve been on this thread since the beginning, but I don’t recall, specifically, how long anyone had been trying to get in touch with Suzanne. I’m hoping someone might be able to help with this. The daughters were camping, maybe busy and didn’t try to call or text until later in the day. I vaguely recall that they had contacted a neighbor, but not the one who made the 911 call. Do I have that right? No idea about what time, how many calls or texts. And wouldn’t it be normal for a husband, when driving a distance to a job, to call to say he arrived safely? Maybe it’s just my family that does this.
You just made me wonder about something. I’ve been on this thread since the beginning, but I don’t recall, specifically, how long anyone had been trying to get in touch with Suzanne. I’m hoping someone might be able to help with this. The daughters were camping, maybe busy and didn’t try to call or text until later in the day. I vaguely recall that they had contacted a neighbor, but not the one who made the 911 call. Do I have that right? No idea about what time, how many calls or texts. And wouldn’t it be normal for a husband, when driving a distance to a job, to call to say he arrived safely? Maybe it’s just my family that does this.

The daughters reportedly first called the home of a family friend that happens to be a neighbor. According to LS of Fox21 that interviewed the unidentified friend/neighbor, the girls called in the morning and expressed no worry or concern about SM at the time of the call.

The second or later call to neighbor JR resulted in her calling 911 at about 5:46 pm.

Seems to me the time spent trying to reach SM could have ranged anywhere from 5 - 8 hours.

You don’t arrest a guy because he is guilty, you arrest a guy when you can prove in a courtroom that he is guilty.

It’s not wise to arrest a guy because the public is impatient. The stakes are too high.

If BM’s arrest has not yet occurred because of a lack of evidence, it says something. I’m not sure what, but it says something.

It follows that without a body, proving the defendant's guilt is going to require not just evidence but substantial evidence to prove the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

To quote @riolove77, the District Attorney's office only gets one bite at the apple.

Thank you for this understanding. We only get one bite at the apple. Why jump the gun if we don't have to? There's a reason on a felony (in California) we have a three year statute of limitations to charge (not counting murder of course). I might know on day three of an investigation what the deal is, but why not take the extra time to gather my evidence? The second you charge someone, they can invoke their speedy trial rights. Why would I cut myself down to a mere 60 days on a homicide when I can have a lot more? bbm

There is no doubt TONS of evidence in this case to go through. I'm not sure why people think they need to either arrest him NOW or announce he's been cleared and they need help after all. It's likely neither of those things. Just because we don't know what they're doing does not mean they don't know what they're doing.

Consider the intricacies of defendant rights once they've been charged. You (as a DA) do yourself no favors but jumping the gun, just to appease the public. bbm

CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #13
I just saw another Dateline with Jennifer Kesse's parents. She's been missing about 14 years, I believe. They have posted flyers, organized search parties, hired PI's, sued the police department for her files. They have offered reward money, appeared on every television show that will have them, all in an effort to keep her name and face out in the public.

They said that they will do this until they draw their last breath. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be for one that you love?
My family knows Jennifer Kesse's parents, and they have been unrelenting in the search for their daughter. After all of these years, they are still distraught. All of their actions have lined up with what one would expect parents to do, who are frantic to find out what happened to their dearly beloved daughter.
If we are still waiting for an arrest in 14 years from now, then one or more of the following are true...

a) BM isn’t just a simple-minded jock
b) LE botched the investigation
c) BM is innocent

I’m confident that LE did NOT “botch” this investigation, quite the contrary. Take a look at the Rhoden murders. It took two years and that involved no less than six people that were involved in either the murder or supporting those that did it. Why rush in and lose a case and have guilty people walk free. BM is NOT innocent. With all he’s said/done, not said/not done, he might as well have had “GUILTY” tattooed to his forehead. Even a simple-minded jock can run into some luck especially if there was an element of pre-planning. I’m counting on his luck running out.
It says there’s no body, which is why I figured this would take over 6 months since day one.

The burden is a hell of a lot higher.
Exactly. These cases are like putting a puzzle together. You get the whole thing done, but you are missing a piece. You know what the picture is, but it doesn’t feel complete. You look all over the place for that missing piece. You may get lucky and find it.
If you search everywhere and still can’t find it, do you leave the puzzle out hoping it will turn up someday? Or do you put it away satisfied that the picture is as complete as it can get?
How long before you decide?
Exactly. These cases are like putting a puzzle together. You get the whole thing done, but you are missing a piece. You know what the picture is, but it doesn’t feel complete. You look all over the place for that missing piece. You may get lucky and find it.
If you search everywhere and still can’t find it, do you leave the puzzle out hoping it will turn up someday? Or do you put it away satisfied that the picture is as complete as it can get?
How long before you decide?
Excellent questions and I don’t know the answers.

Something the new DA said in an interview though made me think. She said in some cases, a trial is the only justice the victim or family will ever get (not verbatim). I took that to mean, even if you think you can never fully prove guilt, you take that chance, go ahead and lay everything you have on the table. It’s a gamble, but in the end, regardless if the murderer walks free, he/she has been exposed for who they are and there’s a small measure of justice for the victim and their family. It would be a really hard call, as you would always wonder if that “piece of the puzzle” would in fact be found and a guilty verdict reached had you waited. MOO.
Excellent questions and I don’t know the answers.

Something the new DA said in an interview though made me think. She said in some cases, a trial is the only justice the victim or family will ever get (not verbatim). I took that to mean, even if you think you can never fully prove guilt, you take that chance, go ahead and lay everything you have on the table. It’s a gamble, but in the end, regardless if the murderer walks free, he/she has been exposed for who they are and there’s a small measure of justice for the victim and their family. It would be a really hard call, as you would always wonder if that “piece of the puzzle” would in fact be found and a guilty verdict reached had you waited. MOO.
Thx SusiQ, for making this point. I think of OJ. All the evidence was made public and even tho he was not convicted, he was exposed as a wife beater. In many minds, he was exposed as a murderer. His life as he knew it was over. There was a small dose of justice in that.

BM is not a celebrity. I think he will be convicted. But even if he is not, a trial would be a small dose of justice, with the final dose given when he meets his maker.
With so much that has happened and still no trace of Suzanne - I have to simply go back to what what said months ago. And this was made a clear point by PE. Nothing can take or trace her out of that house. I completely trust that LE looked for that immediately - as they immediately knew things were not right. So somehow SM left that house. No scents were found and the dogs were brought in early - very early. It was not on a bike. It was not on a walk or a hike. It was not in her car. It was not an animal attack. There is no indication within her character that she somehow slipped off to the islands. The chances that she was somehow abducted near her remote home - by unknown assailants who somehow would have targeted her - seem pretty slim. And it is much easier now - after watching BM for so very long - to look at the wide sweeping breadth of his actions since - and think that he could be involved.
I honestly do not see BM as some great mastermind. Yes - pre - meditation fits - but only to the point that he may have seeded the thinking and a plan long ago. Then certain opportunities came about. If there was forethought and desire - then that did not happen the week of mother's day. This is all my opinion and speculation. But if there was a need to finally take action - those things build up over time. The pressure builds. Over time. BM realizes what is at stake and then also realizes his advantages. He most likely played her for a very long time. And if that seems most likely - then so does his planning. He would want the least pain for all involved. Storied of an abduction. Stories of a bike ride. Stories of an animal attack. Yet - in my opinion - he planned it all. But absolutely he did not want to do it by his own hand. That would be way to much to live with. If he did not have help and assurance that it would be a done deal - with his hands clean - no possible trace or proof - that would have been the very last HUGE thing in his head to reconcile. I am sure he still loved her and carries huge guilt. But after the deed was done - he had to shift into survival mode.
In my opinion only - his behaviors and actions over mothers day and since - only show a man that was well aware of what was to happen. He had somewhat of a sick luxury - if you will - to know his actual hands were ' clean ' - and he could know go in any direction he wanted with theories. Innocent people - are not even looking for ' theories .' They are distraught and can barely hang on.
LE cannot get her out of the house that night - because in my opinion - others are involved that took her from that house - that night. BM may have known it was happening - that night. And so it will finally be interesting to see if LE has his pings that night - as to where he really was. Much more suspicious if he was home all night - or his phone was off. Or his truck GPS showed innocent places. I think he laid the path long ago and many sick minds - planning together - would have thought certain GPS and phone issues out well ahead. However and whoever took her that night - was in my opinion - paid to do it. I believe truly - that BM does not even know where she is at.
With so much that has happened and still no trace of Suzanne - I have to simply go back to what what said months ago. And this was made a clear point by PE. Nothing can take or trace her out of that house. I completely trust that LE looked for that immediately - as they immediately knew things were not right. So somehow SM left that house. No scents were found and the dogs were brought in early - very early. It was not on a bike. It was not on a walk or a hike. It was not in her car. It was not an animal attack. There is no indication within her character that she somehow slipped off to the islands. The chances that she was somehow abducted near her remote home - by unknown assailants who somehow would have targeted her - seem pretty slim. And it is much easier now - after watching BM for so very long - to look at the wide sweeping breadth of his actions since - and think that he could be involved.
I honestly do not see BM as some great mastermind. Yes - pre - meditation fits - but only to the point that he may have seeded the thinking and a plan long ago. Then certain opportunities came about. If there was forethought and desire - then that did not happen the week of mother's day. This is all my opinion and speculation. But if there was a need to finally take action - those things build up over time. The pressure builds. Over time. BM realizes what is at stake and then also realizes his advantages. He most likely played her for a very long time. And if that seems most likely - then so does his planning. He would want the least pain for all involved. Storied of an abduction. Stories of a bike ride. Stories of an animal attack. Yet - in my opinion - he planned it all. But absolutely he did not want to do it by his own hand. That would be way to much to live with. If he did not have help and assurance that it would be a done deal - with his hands clean - no possible trace or proof - that would have been the very last HUGE thing in his head to reconcile. I am sure he still loved her and carries huge guilt. But after the deed was done - he had to shift into survival mode.
In my opinion only - his behaviors and actions over mothers day and since - only show a man that was well aware of what was to happen. He had somewhat of a sick luxury - if you will - to know his actual hands were ' clean ' - and he could know go in any direction he wanted with theories. Innocent people - are not even looking for ' theories .' They are distraught and can barely hang on.
LE cannot get her out of the house that night - because in my opinion - others are involved that took her from that house - that night. BM may have known it was happening - that night. And so it will finally be interesting to see if LE has his pings that night - as to where he really was. Much more suspicious if he was home all night - or his phone was off. Or his truck GPS showed innocent places. I think he laid the path long ago and many sick minds - planning together - would have thought certain GPS and phone issues out well ahead. However and whoever took her that night - was in my opinion - paid to do it. I believe truly - that BM does not even know where she is at.
Great post!

I’m not sure about others being involved, although it did cross my mind early on. What hinders me from believing it is the saying, “Three men can keep a secret if two of them are dead,” or something like that. BM’s “friends” are very supportive despite all the red flags WE see and they’re all still breathing as far as I know. :)
With so much that has happened and still no trace of Suzanne - I have to simply go back to what what said months ago. And this was made a clear point by PE. Nothing can take or trace her out of that house. I completely trust that LE looked for that immediately - as they immediately knew things were not right. So somehow SM left that house. No scents were found and the dogs were brought in early - very early. It was not on a bike. It was not on a walk or a hike. It was not in her car. It was not an animal attack. There is no indication within her character that she somehow slipped off to the islands. The chances that she was somehow abducted near her remote home - by unknown assailants who somehow would have targeted her - seem pretty slim. And it is much easier now - after watching BM for so very long - to look at the wide sweeping breadth of his actions since - and think that he could be involved.
I honestly do not see BM as some great mastermind. Yes - pre - meditation fits - but only to the point that he may have seeded the thinking and a plan long ago. Then certain opportunities came about. If there was forethought and desire - then that did not happen the week of mother's day. This is all my opinion and speculation. But if there was a need to finally take action - those things build up over time. The pressure builds. Over time. BM realizes what is at stake and then also realizes his advantages. He most likely played her for a very long time. And if that seems most likely - then so does his planning. He would want the least pain for all involved. Storied of an abduction. Stories of a bike ride. Stories of an animal attack. Yet - in my opinion - he planned it all. But absolutely he did not want to do it by his own hand. That would be way to much to live with. If he did not have help and assurance that it would be a done deal - with his hands clean - no possible trace or proof - that would have been the very last HUGE thing in his head to reconcile. I am sure he still loved her and carries huge guilt. But after the deed was done - he had to shift into survival mode.
In my opinion only - his behaviors and actions over mothers day and since - only show a man that was well aware of what was to happen. He had somewhat of a sick luxury - if you will - to know his actual hands were ' clean ' - and he could know go in any direction he wanted with theories. Innocent people - are not even looking for ' theories .' They are distraught and can barely hang on.
LE cannot get her out of the house that night - because in my opinion - others are involved that took her from that house - that night. BM may have known it was happening - that night. And so it will finally be interesting to see if LE has his pings that night - as to where he really was. Much more suspicious if he was home all night - or his phone was off. Or his truck GPS showed innocent places. I think he laid the path long ago and many sick minds - planning together - would have thought certain GPS and phone issues out well ahead. However and whoever took her that night - was in my opinion - paid to do it. I believe truly - that BM does not even know where she is at.

Sorry, but I still think BM was the one who had the opportunity to take SM out of the house.
Partial Justice? Other Factors?
...the new DA... said in some cases, a trial is the only justice the victim or family will ever get (not verbatim)... even if you think you can never fully prove guilt, you take that chance, go ahead and lay everything you have on the table. It’s a gamble, ... regardless if the murderer walks free, he/she has been exposed for who they are and there’s a small measure of justice for the victim and their family... MOO.
@susiQ sbm Agreeing w gen concept: a trial may give some victims/families some comfort. OTOH, may leave them even more frustrated & angry if jury renders NG verdict, which does not tend to enhance prosecutor's public image or popularity either.
Besides ^ prosecutors may consider:
1. Budget, the cost of trying one huuuge murder case vs a dozen, two, or three lesser (robbery, rape, arson?) felony cases?
2. Public safety, are the county's residents safer, by loooong imprisonment of one spouse murderer or imprisonment of those ^ robbers, rapists, arsonists, et al?
3. and ?
Rambling about possibilities, jm2cts.
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@Sillybilly - I agree, from the information we have this is true. I was not questioning such. Perhaps I didn’t explain well to not go into old stuff again. I think I find it odd that at some point when any of the three did get into range or closer - or whatever reason given for not being the original callers to 911, that none of them made their own calls to LE/911 to follow up, provide information, anything. My gut instinct tells me this is what I would instinctually do in such situation. I would need to become involved as soon as I was able- and to me in our tech world would be long before pulling into the driveway- I feel I would be taking action, not just chilling thinking it’s all good, the neighbor lady’s got this, it’s just my mom missing. But again, many unknowns here. Always, IMOO.

It could be due to that you really don't have good cell signal there until you get back into town. Coming up through the passes it is totally hit and miss.

Yes we are back round that circle to the 911 call again. We don’t know exactly what transpired, but the first call to 911 came from the neighbor. Maybe Barry made his own after, but nobody’s talking about that. Barry’s distancing that day was the beginning of many distancing behaviors-no public appeal beyond a 26 second FB post, no attending any press conference with LE or family, no joining the search. And then let’s discuss the moving of money, property sales and purchases, guardianship proceedings, his persecution complex, assorted methheads, badmouthing everyone surrounding the case-and I do mean everyone.
Maybe the 911 call included info she thought something was fishy - not just that Suzanne was not at home..
It is a small town. If I call for help for any reason I get the sheriff, the volunteer fire department, the local EMS and anyone else that is listening to the scanner. I think perhaps some people are speculating based on what happens in their more urban area. I don’t see one oddity in anyone calling 911 for Suzanne. Sunset was 8 pm back then and the territory was dangerous no matter where she was and they knew she had not driven somewhere
Examples of 'Partial' Justice?
... OJ. All the evidence was made public and even tho he was not convicted, he was exposed as a wife beater. In many minds, he was exposed as a murderer. His life as he knew it was over...
@Fireflize sbm O.J. Simpson. Yes.
Televised trial exposed evd to public, but little or no solace to families of deceased victims Nicole & Ron imo.

Can we add Casey Anthony* toward top of the list?
Similar to ^ in that televised trial exposure of aaalll that evd led many to believe def-Casey killed her own dau.
Different, in that deceased toddler Caylee's grandparents imo did not seem to 'seeking justice' imo.

* I remember overwhelming amt & quality of forensic evd but had to check for details re charges. Six week trial in FL, then: "On July 5, 2011, the jury found Casey not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter of a child, but guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer.[14] ... released on July 17, 2011. A Florida appeals court overturned two of the misdemeanor convictions on January 25, 2013." bbm sbm ETA: Net, only 2 lousy misdemeanors!
My family knows Jennifer Kesse's parents, and they have been unrelenting in the search for their daughter. After all of these years, they are still distraught. All of their actions have lined up with what one would expect parents to do, who are frantic to find out what happened to their dearly beloved daughter.

I’ve followed Jennifer’s case since the beginning and after watching the latest special I thought the exact same thing. That’s exactly how you would expect a grieving family or husband of nearly 30 years to act. This family has been through so much but that’s never stopped them from shouting from the roof tops. They will never stop until the day she is found and will do whatever it takes to find her. You would think someone else would do the same for SM.
I’ve followed Jennifer’s case since the beginning and after watching the latest special I thought the exact same thing. That’s exactly how you would expect a grieving family or husband of nearly 30 years to act. This family has been through so much but that’s never stopped them from shouting from the roof tops. They will never stop until the day she is found and will do whatever it takes to find her. You would think someone else would do the same for SM.
THIS is what grief looks like.

Not a 26-second infomercial starting with "Oh, Suzanne...".
Like it was all her fault.
Never mind about how 'friendly' she was or that if even one person was saved by her death/murder ---she'd be fine with it.
I’ve followed Jennifer’s case since the beginning and after watching the latest special I thought the exact same thing. That’s exactly how you would expect a grieving family or husband of nearly 30 years to act. This family has been through so much but that’s never stopped them from shouting from the roof tops. They will never stop until the day she is found and will do whatever it takes to find her. You would think someone else would do the same for SM.

THIS is what grief looks like.

Not a 26-second infomercial starting with "Oh, Suzanne...".
Like it was all her fault.
Never mind about how 'friendly' she was or that if even one person was saved by her death/murder ---she'd be fine with it.
Amen, and amen!
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