Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #6

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In my neck of the woods, most first responders have second jobs given the 24 hour on 48 off shifts. It provides extra income and keeps them busy and active on their off days.

If a first responder had a team of other first responders who were between them essentially available 7 days a week that would be a very profitable situation as a second job. Like a Landscaping team made up of firemen and women.
Also wondering if the we will do whatever it takes video was a call out to whoever unknowingly assisted in this situation because someone put things together and wasn’t likely to stay quiet. Whatever it takes he said. Imo
All the firemen except 4 are volunteers at this department. They’re not alternating 24 hour shifts. There are 4 paid fire department members according to county records.
I don't mean to be facetious, but the obvious reason for the tent would be to block the sun. IMO
No worries. I was making an assumption from your post that you didn't see any LE use for that rectangular hole because you believed it to be a design feature of the house (vs intentionally dug by LE)... and that as a result, LE would ignore it entirely, i.e., there would be no need for them to put up the navy tent. Sounds like from your comment I misunderstood you.
I have set up and run Gimmie Pages before....
It is highly customizable. You can change anything at any time. The person who started it has full rights to do that - and anyone else they give access to it.
Also, you can withdraw the donations IMMEDIATELY - as long as you set up a bank account. Those donating will never know if the funds are just sitting there or if they have been withdrawn.

You can shut down and delete a page at any time too. So technically, you could receive funds, withdraw into your bank account....and shut it down. And ride off into the sunset.

I have never run one, where funds had to be I don't know how that works, if the money is gone...and page shut down.
Thank you so much for the reply
I don't think anyone said HE was working the site on Sunday, Mother's Day.
Only that he was supposedly in Denver for a Firefighter training.
The working at the site was BEFORE he Supposedly went away Mother's Day weekend.
I have not seen anywhere posted that he worked at the homeowner's site that you have a link??
I may have missed it.
One of the MSM reporters yesterday found a man identified only as a neighbor, who said something like: "They were working all day Mother's Day. I could tell by the noise."
I tried to point out upthread that the plumber and the general contractor crew were obviously working on the insulation and in slab piping, because they called for a inspection the next day. In my opinion, a landscaper would not have been welcome on the site while they were trying to get that done. JMO
I don't mean to be facetious, but the obvious reason for the tent would be to block the sun. IMO
No worries. I was making an assumption from your post that you didn't see any LE use for that rectangular hole because you believed it to be a design feature of the house (vs intentionally dug by LE)... and that as a result, LE would ignore it entirely, i.e., there would be no need for them to put up the navy tent. Sounds like from your comment I misunderstood you.
Those look like the same thickness of the bigger hole.
Yes, that was my thought as well.
One thing I noted on the permit, the failed inspection of the sub-slab piers. Contractors dislike that. One failure cause could be a disturbed area. Someone knocking fill in to the trench, for instance, when crossing with an unwieldy object. Cement man is displeased, notes vapor barrier and/or insulating foam board is disturbed in an area, mentions it when quizzed by investigators. Says, "uh, right about there"
Height - nope
Weight - nope
Recent picture- nope
DL picture - nope
The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office never released *any* photo of her. Every pic we have seen has been pulled from her or her family’s SM accounts. Another VERY WEIRD thing about this case.

I am 100% certain of this: LE knew from the moment they responded to that call that it was way bigger than a lady coming home a little late from a bike ride.

From which I extrapolate there’s a likelihood that someone told LE “If she is not home, something very bad has happened.” And if someone said that, they had a good reason to.
No worries. I was making an assumption from your post that you didn't see any LE use for that rectangular hole because you believed it to be a design feature of the house (vs intentionally dug by LE)... and that as a result, LE would ignore it entirely, i.e., there would be no need for them to put up the navy tent. Sounds like from your comment I misunderstood you.
In a prior post, I explained that the navy tent requires being tied down at six points. If it is not "staked out and tied down" it will not stand up. The square hole, and the piles of fill dirt, were an ideal place to pitch the tent and pound tent stakes to anchor the ropes. IMO
I am seeing pics with a navy tent and a white tent. Are there 2 tents at the site or just different ones used today vs yesterday?
Yes, there were two tents yesterday, as today’s DM photos show. The white one (larger) is where LE was doing all the sifting. The smaller navy tent covered the rectangular whole cut out of the concrete slab. I haven’t seen any photos from today’s investigation so not sure if they replicated this or not. My thought has been that the navy tent was primarily erected to provide privacy while they were digging.
I don't think anyone said HE was working the site on Sunday, Mother's Day.
Only that he was supposedly in Denver for a Firefighter training.
The working at the site was BEFORE he Supposedly went away Mother's Day weekend.
I have not seen anywhere posted that he worked at the homeowner's site that you have a link??
I may have missed it.
IIRC the fire chief said no to a question about the firefighting training, but reported that he heard BM was doing a landscaping job in Denver. Note how second-hand-ish this is.
It takes a long, long time at extremely high heat to burn a body outside of a crematorium intended for that purpose. He didn’t burn her in their home fireplace, or anywhere else for that matter. It’s a simple thing to rule out because it doesn’t make logical sense.
Maybe he didn’t know that.
I found an even better view of what I think are more likely pieces of concrete slab that LE cut out to form that large rectangle. Hope its ok to do this ... it's a screen shot from a news video (found on DM; source is ...
Interesting...that’s all rocky under the square. It’s not just dirt. Those aren’t little stones, either. He’d have had to move rocks if he wanted to bury something there.
One thing I noted on the permit, the failed inspection of the sub-slab piers. Contractors dislike that. One failure cause could be a disturbed area. Someone knocking fill in to the trench, for instance, when crossing with an unwieldy object. Cement man is displeased, notes vapor barrier and/or insulating foam board is disturbed in an area, mentions it when quizzed by investigators. Says, "uh, right about there"
Keen eye, @Coffiecat! I noted, however, that the same inspector who passed the the Plumbing and Insulation on Monday failed that on Thursday (Aaron). Since there is no other formal inspection, I would guess he was back at the jobsite to see how the curing slab was looking. Caisson/Piers issue was remedied and re-inspected by inspector Chad the next day on Friday. Whatever the cause, it's likely that it happened after the Monday inspections. stretching the event further away from the disappearance of SM. IMO
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Interesting...that’s all rocky under the square. It’s not just dirt. Those aren’t little stones, either. He’d have had to move rocks if he wanted to bury something there.
Yes.............the property is on the extended bed of the Arkansas River. It is all those large rounded rocks. It can't be dug with only a shovel. A pick is needed to break it up. In the video of the search, I only saw LE scraping the surface with scoop shovels and loading what they gleaned into buckets to go to the sifting tables. It's puzzling to me, unless they were looking for widespread small particulate. JMO
To point out the obvious, the fact that law enforcement is/was digging at a worksite where Barry laid dirt tells you they think this is a homicide and that it's Barry. Why they think this, and what exactly they've found, would be interesting to know, but as of now, we can't say. Did they find something in the search of the Morphew house that implicated Barry? If so, what would that be? Have they looked at --- and seen something in --- Barry's cell phone location data? Have they looked at --- and seen something in --- his electronic communications? I don't know. But clearly they believe this is a homicide and that it's Barry.
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I don't think anyone said HE was working the site on Sunday, Mother's Day.
Only that he was supposedly in Denver for a Firefighter training.
The working at the site was BEFORE he Supposedly went away Mother's Day weekend.
I have not seen anywhere posted that he worked at the homeowner's site that you have a link??
I may have missed it.
His Fire Chief where he volunteers said he “heard” Barry was working a landscaping job in Denver on Mother’s Day. There has been talk here in this forum about how he “could have” been working there on Mother’s Day, finishing up his work before an inspection on Monday.

The truth is, we do not know as fact where Barry was on any of the days surrounding Mother’s Day. That’s why I commented on it, because it keeps getting discussed as fact and no big deal if he was working on Mother’s Day, and no one knows (no one in the general public, that is) WHERE he was on Mother’s Day.
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