Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #7

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Do you think enough time has passed that LE has completely reviewed those closest to Suzanne’s digital footprints? I feel like so much information can be obtained from that, and we would be completely unaware of exactly what they had found. We aren’t talking just about a bike ride or no bike ride. If someone’s phone was known to be in a certain location, perhaps near where a “personal item” was f0und, that would be something to question. Digital tracking can certainly help in a timeframe. I’m confident LE has at least a person of interest. And it would not shock me if it were someone other than BM. I am keeping an open mind until more information is known.

Agree. It's a small town probably most knew where his current work site was.
MOO there must be a security camera at the new forest service building on Vandarveer.
MOO, MOO they got a
something on that camera, maybe someone went there but then got cold feet .
It was mentioned Barry's mother is out there and then there is the friend who also put up 100K. If they suspected Barry in the least they would never do this. How many people have a friend that puts up 100K!
It will be interesting to see how and where LE will turn their efforts now that there huge effort under the cement slab did not pan out. It may give us more clues as to what scenario they are finding the most support for. Time will tell.
We don’t know that the efforts under the cement slab did not pan out. Just because LE told us nothing has changed doesn’t mean they didn’t find something. From the chatter among reporters that were live on the scene I will choose to agree to disagree. I don’t have any links to provide but I really believe they are building a solid case. They can’t afford to jeopardize this investigation. MOO
So you think it is his coworker or someone who works for him?
What leads you to think that? I guess it doesn’t matter yet since LE aren’t letting us know what evidence they do have but I’m just wondering what your thoughts are.
I think BM was doing some work in the landscaping business as evidenced by the hauling of fill dirt to the home site just searched. Jobs picked up by word or mouth, friend to friend.

The overhead shots showed a piece of equipment that most regular homeowners don't have on hand, equipment that could be used for landscaping. He has a three bay garage at his home that could hold more landscaping equipment. That type of landscaping work usually requires a crew of some number. I have found nothing that says that he has a business site where dirt hauling trucks and graders (please understand that I have no idea what the correct terminology for this equipment is) would be kept. Therefore, his workers or crews may come by the house to get their orders from him and to pick up the equipment etc. He has a large circle of firefighter friends and acquaintances and people he has met and knows from church and town.

I think the circle of who had been to the house, who knew he was not around that weekend, people who she would not find strange to be at the house or garage is a lot larger than just her husband. MOO MOO MOO MOO-Can't say enough MOO's these days.
It was mentioned Barry's mother is out there and then there is the friend who also put up 100K. If they suspected Barry in the least they would never do this. How many people have a friend that puts up 100K!
We all want to see and believe the best of our loved ones/friends. The donation of money means little IMO
But Dave, it says “reportedly” gone for a bike ride, not that the neighbor saw her riding her bike. There was a big discussion in early days about that word “reportedly” and personally I don’t think it refers to a fact. No offense intended.
Edit: After posting I see the article that her relatives are there and are talking as much as they feel that they are allowed.
‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

Response to Alethea:
“I agree. I still find it odd, even disturbing that no “friends” and members of her “family” are saying anything. It seems like to me that she was not very close to anyone - judging by the silence. I’m not saying lots of people didn’t love her and care about her, but that they weren’t close enough to her that they feel comfortable voicing opinions in the situation. I have close friends, whom I talk to often, that I’d be posting and doing everything I could to help find and others I just wouldn’t feel comfortable getting involved. It bothers me, especially with BM saying “We will do whatever it takes” but I haven’t heard about him DOING anything other than pacing and riding around. Why not hire an investigator, fund more search parties etc ... I would be less likely to believe he’s involved if I saw him actively involved trying to locate his wife. JMO and speculations.

If BM was as 'controlling' as her immediate family member hinted at he may have made it difficult to see her family. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. I was acquainted with a woman whose husband was fairly controlling. She got lots of stuff from him; jewelry, trips, etc, except for freedom to go where she wanted to. Every outing she wanted to go on was met with an inquisition and suspicion even to the point he once showed up in a restaurant where we were just to see if she was telling the truth.
You don’t know that anything wasn’t followed up on and what the results were. You don’t know that Barry was focused on. You only know that there was a very public search at a location where Barry happened to have done some work around the time of his wife’s disappearance. Many other people also worked on this location; any of whom may be suspect for one reason or another.
LE is not required to report to you any of the steps they are taking in an investigation.
It was mentioned Barry's mother is out there and then there is the friend who also put up 100K. If they suspected Barry in the least they would never do this. How many people have a friend that puts up 100K!
Really? That money is an empty promise. I could say right now I’d give anyone a million dollars if they bring my missing husband to me. Doesn’t mean I will. I know who the anonymous donor is and there could be another reason they did it.
It was mentioned Barry's mother is out there and then there is the friend who also put up 100K. If they suspected Barry in the least they would never do this. How many people have a friend that puts up 100K!

Regarding the friend who put up the money...could be to draw attention to the case (and not necessarily in the way you think) but in a way that hopefully with the exposure/press/pressure, it will resolve quickly. The old adage, keep your friends close and your enemies closer could apply.
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We are lucky if we ever actually know a person, most people I’ve seen put on a “face” for everyone outside their home and only occasionally “slip up” and reveal their inner demons to people outside their circle.
I think there are some that are very experienced at putting on the “show”of being a good, quiet, loving person.
There have been many cases where parents, children, spouses, siblings and friends are shocked by what a “good” person has done.
I see high stress, gritting teeth, intensity in many of his photos compared to SM’s ethereal beauty and peaceful expression.
I don’t trust any opinions from people outside the family members who lived with him, and sometimes even those opinions are manipulated.

Saving this post as I think it's important. :p
Your post got me thinking outside my box and my first instinct of "who-done-it" theory. (As we all tend to go with the spouse/ BF/GF as first suspects )**

So----Possible relationships with both BM and SM
Coworker of BM relationship
Coworker worked with BM at the site where LE /FBI were digging for 3 days.
Coworker knows that BM is out of town (let's pretend he actually did go out of town) AND that SM would be alone via casual conversation with BM or SM
Co-worker has crush on SM and attempted a meet-up or made an advance
OR Coworker had argument while working with BM or had grudge against BM, maybe work related, OR maybe just jealous of BM.

I am just trying to think of other possibilities of what may have happened to Suzanne PLUS why LE hasn't warned community of possible threat in the area, PLUS why they were digging at a previous worksite.

Only other thing would be a random person taking her possibly while out on a bike ride but that doesn't fit with the Search of the home and the Search of the worksite.
So if I want to get away from thinking BM did it, then this is my other possibility.

Another alternate theory "# who knows how many"... (and not necessarily my first choice)

BM owed someone $100,000 and he was hedging on paying it back... avoiding someone. Maybe the moment SM "disappeared" it was a message it was too late to pay it back but not to late for someone to set BM up to take the blame. That would explain a lot of BM's behavior as reported by the fire chief and could explain BM's demeanor during his public statement, too... while at the same time the behavior and demeanor can be explained by several other scenarios other than guilt and fear of being caught and arrested by LE. (To keep within TOS, some of the details of this speculative scenario can't be discussed here.) Jmo.

I think there are a lot of things that might have happened but we don't have enough information to fully prove any theory at this point, imo. Suspicions, for sure but no proof. I'm aware of statistics, probabilities and comparisons to previous cases but sometimes we get surprised when additional information becomes available... and sometimes not... sometimes it's just as we first suspected all along.
I posted this in the last thread but that business of "release her to us and that's it, no questions asked..." -- doesn't sit well with me, and probably very few others.
Another man said this and it sounded as creepy then as it does now.
Now that you've pointed it out, I agree! "Release her to us" sounds like she's a thing, a possession, not a person. Like releasing "evidence" or "information" or a hooked fish.... It's like "hand her over", not "set her free".
THIS is what I'm concerned about big time! It's Huge IMO. 2 weeks and we hear nothing about this or anyone else while Barry is IMO focused on. Frustrating.
We don't have any evidence that these items haven't been followed up by LE. Nor do those items exclude BM. We just don't know.
I'm genuinely curious as to why you seem to believe the CCSO is not following up on leads.
Are there leads that have no connection to BM that you think they should have followed up on?
I'm just a little confused as to what leads you seem to think are being neglected.
Maybe the rest of us are missing something??
I agree. This LE agency has been working non stop for two weeks in something. They aren’t just sitting in their thumbs. I would think they’d have to follow up on leads. They had close to 200 tips right? That takes time to sort out. I guarantee if we were able to see what they are doing we would be amazed.
"IF" that happened, there would be an easily found credible source.
I looked again but could find no MSM source about BM taking a lie detector test. I wouldn’t think his lawyer would advise it, would he? Could have just been another “bike ride” rumor started by someone to distract people from looking at BM? ....
This case is turning me into a gambler! I’m willing to bet there was NO bike ride. I’ll wager my mortgage. Oh, I don’t have one, so it’s kinda like offering a $100,000 reward for SM’s safe return when you know that isn’t going to happen! Hey BM, How about changing that to $100,000 for finding her, dead or alive, no questions asked. Maybe then someone would step forward? All JMT’s.

It's possible he never left at all. I believe switching SIM cards with another phone that travels can make it appear you went somewhere you didn't. Or vice versa. I remember reading about two teenage girls who did just. One girl told her parents she was sleeping at her friends house then they switched SIM cards so she could go out with a new boyfriend her parents disapproved of.
We don't hear anything about anyone else being investigated, except BARRY, his house, his work.

LE doesn't do anything willy nilly. This isn't a 3rd world country or the wild west where things like that were/are common.
They have to have evidence to secure warrants, and they have to present it before a judge who ultimately makes the final decision one way or another, if that evidence supports a probable cause action.
So if the leads we ARE hearing about, keep leading them straight to BM, his car, his phone, his job site, his house...
that doesn't tell me they're ignoring any other leads, it tells me they're doing due diligence and it's pointing them right at him.
Despite the lovely family they appear to be on social media.

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