Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #8

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I'm still going with my theory that when SM was not able to be contacted on Mother's Day, it raised an immediate alarm due to previous incidents or family history.

Also, although she may have gotten the all clear from her doctor, and was allegedly healthy enough to go for a bike ride,still the lady had just recovered from two bouts of cancer and combined with Covid, could also raise an alarm early.

I am also wondering- did they have a cat or a dog or any pets? If so, were they fed and watered? I know none of us know this information right now, but that, too could also be a small clue that something happened sooner than Mother's Day.

SM has a pic of their cat on her FB page, but it was from 2008 I believe. Otherwise, no pics or mentions of pets.
I am making no claim to knowing anything about what happened. I've taken all of the legitimate clues that have been dribbled out to us, and followed them to one scenario that COULD have happened. Nobody else in this forum has even come close to putting together another full scenario, that works. I would like to see as many scenarios as people's vivid imaginations can dream up. One of them might bring her home. IMO
Just thinking out loud here. We have not only LE working on this case, but several other agencies assisting. They've used drones, divers, search dogs.

Now, this kidnapping scenario doesn't fit for me because I truly believe that if this was the case, they would have more information available to the public about her bike, her helmet, any clothing she was thought to have on that day, etc. You can't tell me that the sheriff is alone in his thinking that something violent occurred with Suzanne. I highly doubt that the FBI would be wasting their time digging through cement and dirt because he was wrong in his assessment of this case. No, I think they are in agreement with him that something sinister happened to Suzanne, not far from home.

We've never heard of whether or not she had those sneakers for bike riding that many bike riders have.

As far as her cell phone- did we ever hear confirmation that her cell phone was at home, or was that a rumor?

I am also certain they have checked alibis and know where every person close to Suzanne was during the time period that the sheriff asked people to hold on to their videos from their cameras during those dates. So they know who was in the area during that time period and who wasn't.

We also don't know when she was last physically seen alive, or when someone heard her voice on the phone. Texting won't matter at that point, as anyone could send texts from Suzanne. However, maybe when she was still alive, there might be some texts they've gone through to see if she was communicating to anyone about anything going on during that time that may have been stressing her out.

Other things I have thought about- I am sure LE checked things say, in her kitchen to see when she may have last eaten- were there dishes in the sink, and if so, how long were they in there? Any mold growing on them, any odor from spoiled food or trash not being taken out? Was there any baked goods or bread on the counter getting moldy? Did she have something taken out for dinner that sat on the counter? Fruit spoiled? Any insects around food on the counter?

Any laundry left in the washer machine that may have that distinct smell of not being taken out to dry?

Footprints in the house- muddy or bloody? Any articles of clothing torn or with body fluids on them? Was the house spotless and floors bleached clean?

We don't know much of her usual habits- if she had a daily routine. What time did she normally get up? Did she eat breakfast first thing, or pray first thing in the morning? Or go out for a bike ride or even a walk? What time was her usual bed time?

Just things I am pondering while trying to sort something else out.
Why am I getting a pic. of cinnamon rolls in my head... ? :(

Bumping this great post.
Ha, in fiction Agatha Christie's Poirot had a take on it that it was too much over indulgence creating bad moods and irritation.

Maybe it's the intensity of the "we should all be having a lovely time, like the TV ad families are". Creates pressure. Or people spending more time together than normal, leading to tension and boiling over.

In some cases I think there is an intent to time it around a certain date though. It suits a purpose maybe.

I think it does in this case.
I agree, and then add in that they may have been sheltering in place together recently. That’s a lot of togetherness, especially if there was already tension in the home.
What?! Seriously?

This is blaming a victim.

No, it's an observation that all of these cases, at some point, imply how perfect and happy the situation looked and we know that's not the case. I know many people in miserable marriages and long term relationships that, for whatever reason, can't leave. Not to be glib, but it's like the Seinfeld bit where Costanza is dating a woman he can't stand but won't break up because "I'd rather be miserable for the rest of my life than go through that scene."

Not excusing murder, or blaming the victim - just saying that these types of cases (assuming this is what we think it is) come from someplace real. It's not like these guys spent 20 years of marriage planning to murder their wives, while going out on weekends playing Jack the Ripper.
Speaking of similarities...Laci was Christmas Eve, Kelsey Thanksgiving and Suzanne possibly Mothers Day.

and Jennifer memorial day weekend.....

What is it with holiday's that trigger these kinds of stuff.

IME there are more family disturbances over holidays. People are gathering together, stress and emotions are often high, there's often drinking.

I guess it's also easier to kill someone if you have a long weekend off.

Coincidentally, after reading these posts, I just clicked on a new thread re: a Memorial Day murder.

I’m linking this post over there as reference / possible insight.
I'm very outdoorsy and often go for solo hikes. I'm cautious and in the habit of always telling someone exactly where I'm going and when I expect to be back, but I admit I have occasionally failed to do so when I've been somewhere close to home that I'm super familiar with. I could see Suzanne doing the same, especially if she had a routine ride she took.
Agreed, this could be a very routine trail she biked and felt comfortable with. Maybe the concern came from the fact that the phone went straight to voicemail, indicating it was turned off.
If you are NOT allowed to link it here, you aren't allowed to discuss it here.

Acknowledging that a link is not allowed and then proceeding to discuss what is at the link is certainly not allowed.

No link, no post !!
No, it's an observation that all of these cases, at some point, imply how perfect and happy the situation looked and we know that's not the case. I know many people in miserable marriages and long term relationships that, for whatever reason, can't leave. Not to be glib, but it's like the Seinfeld bit where Costanza is dating a woman he can't stand but won't break up because "I'd rather be miserable for the rest of my life than go through that scene."

Not excusing murder, or blaming the victim - just saying that these types of cases (assuming this is what we think it is) come from someplace real. It's not like these guys spent 20 years of marriage planning to murder their wives, while going out on weekends playing Jack the Ripper.

Can’t Leave? I’m pretty sure leaving is always easier than planning, completing, covering up and then facing the possibility of life in prison for murder. The latter seems much harder. IMO
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Just thinking out loud here. We have not only LE working on this case, but several other agencies assisting. They've used drones, divers, search dogs.

Now, this kidnapping scenario doesn't fit for me because I truly believe that if this was the case, they would have more information available to the public about her bike, her helmet, any clothing she was thought to have on that day, etc. You can't tell me that the sheriff is alone in his thinking that something violent occurred with Suzanne. I highly doubt that the FBI would be wasting their time digging through cement and dirt because he was wrong in his assessment of this case. No, I think they are in agreement with him that something sinister happened to Suzanne, not far from home.

We've never heard of whether or not she had those sneakers for bike riding that many bike riders have.

As far as her cell phone- did we ever hear confirmation that her cell phone was at home, or was that a rumor?

I am also certain they have checked alibis and know where every person close to Suzanne was during the time period that the sheriff asked people to hold on to their videos from their cameras during those dates. So they know who was in the area during that time period and who wasn't.

We also don't know when she was last physically seen alive, or when someone heard her voice on the phone. Texting won't matter at that point, as anyone could send texts from Suzanne. However, maybe when she was still alive, there might be some texts they've gone through to see if she was communicating to anyone about anything going on during that time that may have been stressing her out.

Other things I have thought about- I am sure LE checked things say, in her kitchen to see when she may have last eaten- were there dishes in the sink, and if so, how long were they in there? Any mold growing on them, any odor from spoiled food or trash not being taken out? Was there any baked goods or bread on the counter getting moldy? Did she have something taken out for dinner that sat on the counter? Fruit spoiled? Any insects around food on the counter?

Any laundry left in the washer machine that may have that distinct smell of not being taken out to dry?

Footprints in the house- muddy or bloody? Any articles of clothing torn or with body fluids on them? Was the house spotless and floors bleached clean?

We don't know much of her usual habits- if she had a daily routine. What time did she normally get up? Did she eat breakfast first thing, or pray first thing in the morning? Or go out for a bike ride or even a walk? What time was her usual bed time?

Just things I am pondering while trying to sort something else out.
I think if there had been mold growing on food or insects or rotting garbage she would have been reported missing a lot sooner.

But yes, I'm sure LE checked for all these things and if there was no sign that a crime occurred there, they would likely check her phone and computer information to see when and who she had been communicating with.

Not only is it important to look into the events that may have occurred that weekend, but in the weeks or months before she disappeared.

While I believe that I know who the perp is, if there is in fact a perp (JMO based on what I have and haven’t seen to date), I’m not prepared to completely rule out suicide. I know that it has been ruled out according to LE, perhaps due to the fact that they had the “perfect life” and she had no reason to take her own life, but how do we actually know that?

Unless LE already know what happened and they are keeping tight lipped, how can they rule out suicide?

My reasoning here is that my uncle took his own life several years ago. He lived with his wife (my aunt) and two young children. He had a great job, a nice home and financially, they were comfortable. He always seemed so happy. Little did we as his family know that my aunt was cheating and they were, in fact, riddled with debt.

Why would a parent leave their children behind? No matter how unhappy they were in their life? It seems incomprehensible. Unfortunately, it does happen.

If there are things we aren’t aware of that we’re going on in the household (JMO) plus dealing with two cancer battles, I can see why it would put someone in a dark place mentally.


Did they find your uncle? Because that's the real problem with the suicide theory. How did she do it? How did the search not find her? Where would you look, in this case?

Of course she could be depressed, but how did she actually kill herself, outside the house, and why was her bike found where it was? Did she then hike steadily up into the mountains to the most remote area possible? Why not use the bike to get closer to a more remote place? Anything is possible, of course. But the fact that LE ruled it out makes me think they have some evidence we do not know about.

Suicide does happen, but typically, the bodies are found. Maybe she killed herself and then a cougar dragged her off? There's be plenty of evidence for dogs to track in that case. I am not saying it's completely impossible, but the fact that LE (including FBI) went to the trouble of breaking through concrete makes me think they have convinced a judge, with specific evidence, that this was necessary.
It was likely NOT at the bridge over the S. Arkansas, as drone-like helicopter footage from the end of the search showed the bridge clearly, and there no evidence tags anywhere near it. I'm locking in my final answer as "most likely Fooses Dam Bridge", @windrower IMO

Definitely could have been the bridge over the spillway at Fooses Dam.

But I think if SM was going to ride the Colorado Trail, she would have just turned left from Puma Path onto County Rd 225, which on the south side of Fooses Dam turns into a trail that becomes the Colorado Trail.

I'm not sure what you are calling the true Colorado Trail. Because it looks like riders coming from the parking lot trailhead where County Rd 225 and Hwy 50 meet would also ride up County Rd 225 and shortly be on the trail. Although at Fooses Dam, they could ride across the dam and then along the two power line right-of-ways to the summit and Monarch Pass Trailhead. One trail on the power line side appears to follow North Fooses Creek.

My map shows County Rd 225 becoming the Colorado Trail, which follows South Fooses Creek until it hits the Continental Divide Trail, the north turn of which takes the rider to the summit and Monarch Pass Trailhead.

Thank you t so much for tracking down the water search photos and confirming that they are in the area of Foose's Lake (at Foose's Dam) and along that waterway.

I think a couple of the water search photos show Foose's Dam, which appears to be an earthen dam, and a couple show the dam downstream on the S Arkansas River from the Monarch Spur RV Park and Campground. That dam looks like a hydro plant maybe, and appears to have a concrete rim atop an earthen dam.
Off topic, sort of... Why do some of us now have green corners on our avatars? Are we extra special?
That made me lol. :D
It looks like your question was answered.
I suppose in someone's alternate universe some are more special than others...... :rolleyes:

To explain lest my comment be misconstrued --- perps like Scott Peterson and Fotis Dulos had one thing in common : They seemed to think themselves not just 'special' but a cut above the common sort.
And were possibly enraged that their spouses didn't revere them enough ?
Just guessing.

Eta : Some perps will talk as if the victim 'made them do it'. Or, 'see what you made me do...'
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