Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #8

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I think if there had been mold growing on food or insects or rotting garbage she would have been reported missing a lot sooner.

But yes, I'm sure LE checked for all these things and if there was no sign that a crime occurred there, they would likely check her phone and computer information to see when and who she had been communicating with.

Not only is it important to look into the events that may have occurred that weekend, but in the weeks or months before she disappeared.

How could she be reported missing sooner if they didn't know she was missing? We have no confirmation of when the last time it was that someone talked to her on the phone or saw her in person.
Why am I getting a pic. of cinnamon rolls in my head... ? :(

Bumping this great post.
Both me it is critically important
to nail down the exact time she went is we are sleuthing in the dark, while somewhat challenging, immensely frustrating!
JMO, if LE needed our help, they should give us a little more info. LOL (too early for humor, perhaps sarc better option)
Was there any evidence that Suzanne was completely alone that weekend until Sun. a.m. or the Sat. before ?
Since we don't know exactly when she vanished.
It could have been Sat. night.
Or before that, considering that LE asked people to save their cam. footage from the 8th.

IF LE have evidence that she was not alone that weekend, would that by itself be enough reason to dig up concrete and to not warn the public about an abductor nor give any description of what she was last wearing ?

We don't know what time the husband left, although the family friend or relative (?) said he was away for a work reason in Denver.

So, were there any things around the house that pointed to someone else being there ?
For instance, like a coffee cup in the sink and Suzanne didn't drink coffee ?
Did LE look into the washer or dryer to see what was recently washed, if anything ?

Just saying that if I searched a house like LE have done -- I'd be looking into anomalies that did not fit with a lady staying alone for 3 or more days.

And lastly, although we have no idea so this is IMO and speculation --- did the Morphew's have any in-home security cams or outdoor surveillance ?
A home of 1,575,000 would probably have extensive security.
If for no other reason than to watch it from their phones while away on vacay.
So, LE would be looking into that as well.

The homes outfitted with:

"Security Features: Smart Cameras, Smart Security System, Security System"

This should show when she left the house.
That idea is not at all crazy Steelslady. Suzanne could have walked or ran away from the bike, then later been caught.

Thinking (as an example) of the Abby and Libby case, where their photo of the suspect was taken on the Monon bridge, but their bodies were recovered closer to the creek’s edge on land.

And how Lizzie and Lyric’s bodies were found some distance apart. There was some speculation that perhaps one of them ran.

Sigh. :(
Did they find your uncle? Because that's the real problem with the suicide theory. How did she do it? How did the search not find her? Where would you look, in this case?

Of course she could be depressed, but how did she actually kill herself, outside the house, and why was her bike found where it was? Did she then hike steadily up into the mountains to the most remote area possible? Why not use the bike to get closer to a more remote place? Anything is possible, of course. But the fact that LE ruled it out makes me think they have some evidence we do not know about.

Suicide does happen, but typically, the bodies are found. Maybe she killed herself and then a cougar dragged her off? There's be plenty of evidence for dogs to track in that case. I am not saying it's completely impossible, but the fact that LE (including FBI) went to the trouble of breaking through concrete makes me think they have convinced a judge, with specific evidence, that this was necessary.

They had 8 dogs on the search.
If she walked away from the bike or even was carried away from the bike they should have got a trail, at least a direction.
This has something that has bothered me since Scott Peterson, and continues through Ross Harris and beyond. Regardless of how wonderful the women were, the men were all crushingly unhappy and the women either didn't notice or didn't care. Not to excuse the actions of these guys, but the dynamic seems to be the same. I don't believe any of this happens in a vacuum - if Scott could be honest for two minutes I suspect he would say "I told Laci every way I knew how that this isn't the life I wanted, and just felt steamrolled."

I'm not blaming the victim, merely pointing out there seems to a pattern with these guys that gets glossed over once they get characterized as inhuman monsters.

Riiiight. Because the women are responsible for their man's happiness.(Nevermind that Ross Harris left his child strapped to his car seat to roast to death in the vehicle.)

Those poor men. It's such a shame there are no other options available to them, if they suddenly become capable of determining their own destiny. Maybe one day, in the not too distant future, they'll be able to separate from and leave and maybe even eventually divorce their spouse/partner instead of being forced to kill their uncaring, clueless wives/girlfriends/partners, bless their hearts. Then they won't be called "inhuman monsters".

(All IMO)

I've tried to stay up with most posts on our threads but this has occurred to me and perhaps I just missed this particular discussion - the age gap between the two (52,49) may not seem significant now to some but back in the day - a 3 year gap at college ? Lots of years to be in charge possibly ? I'm just trying to figure out why now? nothing fits for me except the usual..
Did they find your uncle? Because that's the real problem with the suicide theory. How did she do it? How did the search not find her? Where would you look, in this case?

Of course she could be depressed, but how did she actually kill herself, outside the house, and why was her bike found where it was? Did she then hike steadily up into the mountains to the most remote area possible? Why not use the bike to get closer to a more remote place? Anything is possible, of course. But the fact that LE ruled it out makes me think they have some evidence we do not know about.

Suicide does happen, but typically, the bodies are found. Maybe she killed herself and then a cougar dragged her off? There's be plenty of evidence for dogs to track in that case. I am not saying it's completely impossible, but the fact that LE (including FBI) went to the trouble of breaking through concrete makes me think they have convinced a judge, with specific evidence, that this was necessary.

JMO, I too shared that option, but in a moment of clarity...Based on the evidence we have of SM, I believe she would not have wanted her family to endure the anguish of her suicide. At the very least, I think she would have left a letter...
I suppose in a moment of despair she could have taken her own life, but that does not explain the little bits of evidence info we do have...MOO
It is a good possibility. I once participated in a one-time interview with a woman who had survived being attacked on a Denver sidewalk by a serial killer, early in his career. I was astounded at how, even though she had been hit on the head hard enough to still have noticeable brain injuries forty years later, she was able to move the scene of the crime twice, in attempts to escape.
Frankly, in developing my theory, that possibility didn't occur to me. Sometimes we all just don't see. Thanks for some excellent insight! IMO
Harvey Glatman ???.......moo
There is research in the psychiatric (and sociological) literature about anniversary/holiday reactions. This is not just about murder, but about how some people with psychiatric or psychological symptoms experience a worsening near certain holidays. Depression near the anniversary of a loved one's death. Depression at Christmas if no longer around family, etc. Anxiety near the anniversary of a bad event (even though no conscious thoughts about the event in some cases).

It's strange to think about women disappearing on Thanksgiving or Christmas or Mother's Day (the three most mom/family-oriented holidays). If this is a crime committed by a stranger or casual acquaintance of the Morphew's, one has to wonder why they were out and about seeking opportunistic victims (or revenge) on or about Mother's Day.

If it's someone more closely associated or inside the family, then it's a vicious attack both on a mother and on her children, ruining forever this holiday. On Mother's Day, I often post pictures of my late mother on FB, my daughters post about their grandmother, most of my friends do the same. One friend does not do this, posts beautiful pictures of her flower garden - and I know why she doesn't post pictures of her mom and I know how terribly sad she still is about her mother's passing (of old age), while she was far far away.

So. Regardless of how this happened, my heart goes out to those two happy, adorable young women who forever have to live with awful memories of Mother's Day, may feel cynical and jaded, may forever have relationship issues because of this. I hope they get all the support and help that they need, but as far as we know, their father is living apart from them in a friend's house and, last we heard in MSM, was inviting contact only via a friend's phone. Hopefully that has changed.

One other strange thing: LE has apparently told the family not to make public statements (see the CrimeOnline articles) although one unnamed relative still made a few helpful but vague comments. Presumably, the daughters have also been told not to speak to media? Because if my mom were missing and I did not suspect my dad one little bit, I would be out in public saying exactly that. I also would do this regardless of what LE told me to do, but that's just my personality. Also, I'm not 20 or 17. At 20, I would have been at my dad's side in the event of anything happening to my mom. I would have spoken to media if she was missing. I realize everyone is different, but those of us following since Day 1 are still perplexed by the total radio silence in this case.

Also, can anyone find Suzanne's name in NAMUS? I thought Colorado Missing Person's procedures call for local LE to make that entry into NAMUS. Maybe I'm just not finding it - so if anyone with more experience or an account at NAMUS can check, please post. I don't think she's there. This is, IMO, a criminal investigation and not a missing person's case.
Let’s say hypothetically the perp wanted to burn her body (sorry :( )—-well, one might not do so due to fire bans, wildfire potential and smoke.

So I was thinking about if someone could build a smokeless fire, and you can, it’s a stealth fire; however I don’t think this would work as it takes A LOT to burn a body.

So, I was thinking, what about IF they were burned in an area that was already cleared due to previous wildfires. No fuel for a forest fire, and a fire could be hidden in a remote area as well as easily put out, especially if one had experience, and there would be nothing around it to catch on fire.

I wonder where the closest CO wildfire occurred / going through the CO Wildfires thread I created and archived here.
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Did they find your uncle? Because that's the real problem with the suicide theory. How did she do it? How did the search not find her? Where would you look, in this case?

Yes, my uncle was found due to other people being on scene at the time of his passing.

I’m not familiar with the area and it appears to be both vast and remote, so I can’t help feeling that unless they have searched every square meter for miles on end, there’s a good chance that there is a fully in tact, discoverable body out there somewhere. Sorry, I know how cold that sounds.

This being said, suicide wouldn’t be my first theory, I’m just trying to keep an open mind due to the lack of information available in this case and as a result, I’m not sure I can confidently rule anything out. I’m also very aware that I’m leaning a certain way due to how previous cases have ended. Just because it’s “usually” the partner, it doesn’t always end up this way.

I do have my own personal theory, LE know far more than they are divulging, the “who” and the “how”, just not the “where”. They are getting all of their ducks in a row, IMO and as you say, they didn’t dig up someone's work site without enough concrete evidence (excuse the pun) to secure the permission to do so.
I wonder how long it takes to process evidence. Really curious if they ever did get some evidence from the house or the salida property. Imo

Could be a long time imo. I have a long forensic files example but dozing off for nap with doggie, (see my new signature). Making note to pick up here with the “skull found in the lake with every tooth pulled out with pliers” example.
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