CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #1

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About the pic of the stalker: i think he's wearing a doo rag and that is hair at the bottom kind of turned under or even long and tucked towards the right down the back of the shirt. The hair even looks shiny.
So wait a minute help me out with this: If M went to stay over at C2's house along with C1 was over there then who at 2am was at the parents home? This tells me either two things:

1-Neither of them is the perp

2-C1 (the round face one stringy hair) didn't stay late, left and on his way home he went to the house.

I so wish I knew where they all lived at, how far away from the parents house and stuff.

Edit to add: Ok to differentiate the two the flat face one with blonde hair, I will call him CA and the other one will be called CO first two letters of each last name of theirs.
report says the flexeril was detected in the gastric contents but that doesn't mean much if it was mixed with food or water...

great find! :rocker:
she also added on to that original blog post fwiw... She states (paraphrased) that if she didn't drop her complaints about the cause of death they would classify it a suicide and she reported the verbal threat but it got her nowhere.

This right here is a huge wrong done to them. It shows LE or the Coroners office were not objective and impartial if they would change a cause of death out of frustration or anger at the mom.
Also there is a certain stigma that comes with suicide. Having lost a family member this way I have had to bite my tongue when I hear people say how selfish it is or bash the dead person as crazy. It hurts worse than losing someone to a natural death. People often project their negative opinions onto surviving family members as crazy too. So it not only hurts the parents but undermines their stance as having a valid complaint about the stalking and death.
In this situation I believe making the death a suicide was used to invalidate her mom's accusations.
He could be wearing one of those full face hunting hoods.

This is what I mean, on K's Myspace, he has one of these. But the bottom half of the hood sticks out, much like a paintball mask. It looks kind of similar in the stalker picture if he's looking left.

I'm sure there is a name for it, one where the bottom half sticks out (jaw etc) but I cant find any on google atm.

EDIT Unless it's my eyes deceiving me on K's picture. The one taken at an angle.
OK. So, I've derermined that stalker in photo is wearing a dark shirt.

The uniforms of the sherrif's deputies are dark in color: see photos on Sherrif's pages:

Or, dark pants and a bright blue polo type shirt w/ Deputy on the back (I think it says Deputy)
And a photo of the Sherrif, who wears the same uni as his deputies:

Because I'm now fairly sure that the photos from the camera that show the deputies are sort of like a negative (dark is light), I'm suggesting that the stalker photo, which has an apparently "light" shirt be considered in the same vein...that dark is light on the photo.

Therefore, the stalker is wearing a dark shirt, with a dark hat, and may have darkish hair (if that's what we're seeing).

And frankly, a dark shirt would be more appropriate if one is stalking at don't want people to see something light against a dark background (nighttime), so you'd dress in dark clothing to better blend in.

Herding Cats
Is this what you're speaking of dandan08?
the links with the 10mg to calm a horse are ads to sell the stuff over the internet without an RX. I am not finding anything legit on vet sites, etc ???

as for brand names: not sure but I am sure she would answer your question on her blog.

Oops, you're right! I didn't look thru all the pages. They are just trying to sell the drugs illegally.
report says the flexeril was detected in the gastric contents but that doesn't mean much if it was mixed with food or water...

great find! :rocker:

It could not have been a gel if it was found in the gastric contents. It would have been absorbed transdermally, which would have put it into the blood stream. Oral consumption is the only real way to get things into the gastric contents.

Which means, if Flexoril was used (and I think it was), it was administered orally. Either by a pill or by additives in a drink.

Problem with both Elavil and Flexoril, though, is that they're apparently very strong tasting.

And I've learned something- flexoril can be used on equines. I didn't know that. I honestly don't believe it was someone from the ranch, though. I could be wrong, though, and at this point, everything must be considered.

Herding Cats
This is what it looks like the stalker is wearing to me. That could be why I kept thinking his hair looked stiff. It looked stiff bc it wasn't hair, it was a hood.

Another thought, my hubby has a hat very similar. It's very easy to pull it up around your head to almost look like a beanie or pullover hat.

They also come in many colors.
What I find interesting is that there were no pill fragments from the amy in her stomach, but there was of the Flexeril. This tells me either the amy was in liquid form, or taken before the Flexeril. She died before the Flexeril was completely processed by the stomach. Let's say she gets some amy from the ranch and takes it. She doesn't feel anything half an hour later, so takes a Flexeril (gotten from a friend?). Then the amy kicks in, at very high dosage, and she dies before the Flexeril is processed thru the stomach.

If someone else gave her the meds, then they probably had to give them at different times, as well. There's also the possibility that a "friend" gave her the flex to help her sleep, knew she was going to take it, then came in after she was asleep from the flex and poured liquid amy into her. If she aspirated any of it, it might explain the pulmonary edema findings (which would mean she didn't die right away, but if that were the case, the flex would have been digested).

It would be interesting to note if there was any vomitus found in the lungs, since the body's reaction to overdose often times is to expel it, and if she was on her back, she would have aspirated it.
So wait a minute help me out with this: If M went to stay over at C2's house along with C1 was over there then who at 2am was at the parents home? This tells me either two things:

1-Neither of them is the perp

2-C1 (the round face one stringy hair) didn't stay late, left and on his way home he went to the house.

I so wish I knew where they all lived at, how far away from the parents house and stuff.

Edit to add: Ok to differentiate the two the flat face one with blonde hair, I will call him CA and the other one will be called CO first two letters of each last name of theirs.

C2 is the one mentioned in my post as being the one she visited on the dates I posted. According to the blog, C2 lived "about 10 minutes away" from Morgan.

Again, from what I understand, the situation could have gone like this:

Morgan goes to C2's house, about 10 minutes away. She receives a text from her Mom about when she'd be ready to come home or be picked up.

If she were coming home herself:
Morgan then says goodnight, and gets into her car and drives home. About 10 minutes transpires. She is met in the drive by Mom, goes inside, and shortly thereafter (maybe 10-15 minutes) a rock or a bang is heard.

Total time: 20-25 minutes from the time Morgan gets the text to "come home" to when the bang/rock/stalker hits.

If she were being picked up by Mom:
She'd tell C2 that she's getting ready to go, Mom was going to get her in a few minutes. It takes +/- 10 minutes for Mom to get to C2, and then another 2 minutes for Morgan to leave the house and get into the car, and then another 10 minutes to drive home. Once home, another 10-15 minutes before the rock/bang is heard.

Total time: 30-35 minutes from when Mom leaves to get Morgan, and the time the bang/rock/stalker hits.

Either way, if B and/or K are the ones doing the stalking, it's easy enough to send a text "she's leaving now", and then dress, run down three houses, and hide. Once home, they would watch which light was going on, in which bedroom/bathroom, and go around (maybe via the roof, to avoid the lights and motion detectors) to that particular window, and do the attack.

Furthermore, if it was C2 or C doing the stalking (although at this point, I think they were not active in the stalking part, just the info transmission), they could still do it...timing would be a bit tighter, but it could still be done...especially if one factors in the 10-15 minutes after Morgan comes home the "attacks" begin. (5 minute clothing change, 10 minute drive...).

I think, at least at this point, Morgan was betrayed by those she trusted, by a group of folks she thought were her friends, and attacked by someone who had been stalking her for months already...from at least February 2011.

I am going to have to get off line for a while, but I'll work on my theory more this afternoon, and put it up later on tonight.

Herding Cats
It could not have been a gel if it was found in the gastric contents. It would have been absorbed transdermally, which would have put it into the blood stream. Oral consumption is the only real way to get things into the gastric contents.

Which means, if Flexoril was used (and I think it was), it was administered orally. Either by a pill or by additives in a drink.

Problem with both Elavil and Flexoril, though, is that they're apparently very strong tasting.

And I've learned something- flexoril can be used on equines. I didn't know that. I honestly don't believe it was someone from the ranch, though. I could be wrong, though, and at this point, everything must be considered.

Herding Cats
it could still be mixed in something... gel or not I would think
What I find interesting is that there were no pill fragments from the amy in her stomach, but there was of the Flexeril. This tells me either the amy was in liquid form, or taken before the Flexeril. She died before the Flexeril was completely processed by the stomach. Let's say she gets some amy from the ranch and takes it. She doesn't feel anything half an hour later, so takes a Flexeril (gotten from a friend?). Then the amy kicks in, at very high dosage, and she dies before the Flexeril is processed thru the stomach.

If someone else gave her the meds, then they probably had to give them at different times, as well. There's also the possibility that a "friend" gave her the flex to help her sleep, knew she was going to take it, then came in after she was asleep from the flex and poured liquid amy into her. If she aspirated any of it, it might explain the pulmonary edema findings (which would mean she didn't die right away, but if that were the case, the flex would have been digested).

It would be interesting to note if there was any vomitus found in the lungs, since the body's reaction to overdose often times is to expel it, and if she was on her back, she would have aspirated it.
but it never said there were fragments of the flexeril only that it was there when re tested. There were never any fragments at all iirc?

I think it was all crushed or disolved in something. No way those concentrations were there but no pill fragments five hours later.

And I don't believe a person, if they are thinking of committing suicide, would crush up a bunch of pills (that they don't even have the quantity of in their own home let alone one of the drugs: flexeril) to kill themselves.

I can see why the fax that came in today said what it did.
and then there is this: LOL


If it was a little small and the perp had a big nose.
I'm confusing stalking with harrassing.. would a stalker let anyone know they are actually stalking someone? I always think of stalking as a private obsession. JMO
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