CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #1

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"Toni Ingram said her daughter had developed severe abdominal pains when she was about 12 years old, after being exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide due to faulty furnace flues in the family's home.

But after treatment in a hyperbaric chamber, Ingram said, Morgan's symptoms vanished."

From the article above. This is not quite what the fax said earlier today. Her symptoms did not vanish, according to that paper, but if this was caused by a faulty flue, and if it was high levels, then the rest of the family was probably sick, as well.
on another note a person who is the height of 5'11 usually wears a size 10 to 11 1/2 mostly 10 1/2. Average size shoe of 11 to 13 is 6'1 to 6'2

Here is the foot print with the ruler:

Now according to K myspace page he said he was 5' 11 that was when he created the account I think which would have been when he was 14 to 15. He could have grown an inch more.

Edit to add: Notice the small stones around the footprint
I am new to this case so forgive me for being ignorant. I just started reading this thread and the parent's blog. Being a lawyer, I operate on logic and look for evidence. Certain things are very apparent or follow patterns when it comes to crime. Others, not so much, so their needs to be some questioning.

Here are my questions, if anyone cares to ask:

1. If there was four months of constant stalking and footprints, why does the police say they found no evidence of stalking.

2. Was there ever any evidence that the motion detectors went off? (I;m only up to the 14th day on the blog).

3. If there was constant stalking, why only one possible photo of the stalker?

4. How do they believe the stalker killed Morgan? I'm getting the sense that they believe he snuck in and drugged something of hers, causing her to OD, after determining that she used to take the medication and thus framing her for suicide. Am I right?

If so, this would fit no known profile or MO of murdering stalkers that I have ever heard of. Stalkers kill in three ways - one, in a sudden rage after a first or final advance is declined; two, in a building rage after their multiple advances are rejected, or; three, in a thrill kill type scenario.

In virtually every case of stalking murders, the murder is up close and personal and involves bloody violence. These are not people who just want to see their victims quietly die. Instead, they want to possess the victim and/or cause them great fear and/or pain. Which brings me to question 5:

5. How does the family or others square Morgan's death with a stalker scenario?

I am very familiar with stalking. I was stalked myself for 8 years. Several of my clients are or have been talked including one I just got a restraining order for today. I feel like I am missing something here. Can anyone fill me in?

I read the last page I think. I agree this girl showed no evidence at all of being a drug user. But has anyone discussed possible hysteria? I don't want to downplay the seriousness of the allegations, especially since a beautiful girl with everything to live for, suddenly turned up dead, for no reason at all. But it is a question.

Or, is it possible that this girl became fed up with living in fear as a result of a real stalker?

6. If not the stalker, who is in the photo they believe is the stalker and where was it taken and why would a person be in that location at the time it was taken?

Again, my apologies for being so ill informed and hopefully my ignorance will not lead to anyone becoming offended. This young lady should not have died and what the police have to say about what happened hear seems lacking. There are holes either way.

I brought up all these possibilities within the first few pages of the blog, but I think they may have been taken down as inappropriate. There is another thread that has a timeline. You might find that interesting.
"Toni Ingram said her daughter had developed severe abdominal pains when she was about 12 years old, after being exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide due to faulty furnace flues in the family's home.

But after treatment in a hyperbaric chamber, Ingram said, Morgan's symptoms vanished."

From the article above. This is not quite what the fax said earlier today. Her symptoms did not vanish, according to that paper, but if this was caused by a faulty flue, and if it was high levels, then the rest of the family was probably sick, as well.

Children, the elderly and medically fragile individuals would beaffected more by CO poisoning than healthy adults.
Her room may have been closer to the furnace.
Almost pooped myself. g-d wind. The noise it caused could have been a stalker!

I have now read the blog. Now, I need to read the sleuthing.

If I actually poop myself I won't let ya'll know.
Gitana1, I think it would be best to read the blog and make sure you read the comments to for a lot of your questions will be answered but some will not. Until Dec 2nd, for the Mom is advancing what happens each day as it happened last year. She is going off a lot of detail notes she took.
Almost pooped myself. g-d wind. The noise it caused could have been a stalker!

I have now read the blog. Now, I need to read the sleuthing.

If I actually poop myself I won't let ya'll know.

I am with ya'! This story (and the blog) is giving me the willies (despite the logic problems I have encountered).

Actually, I had the willies last night as well. But I was watching a story about a young mother murdered by her stalker.

Seems to be a horrible theme right now for me.

Gitana1, I think it would be best to read the blog and make sure you read the comments to for a lot of your questions will be answered but some will not. Until Dec 2nd, for the Mom is advancing what happens each day as it happened last year. She is going off a lot of detail notes she took.

I'm reading the blog as we speak but I really don't have time to read each comment as well. I was hoping some of you may have ready answers to some of the questions I have.
Lets say it was an inner circle friend, they knew she was stressed out, couldn't think that they gave her a bottle of pills and told her to take two a night to help her sleep? Then she remembered the other drug she had or the friend told her to mix them both? *shrug* just a thought. I know most of our questions will probably be answered in the coming days. we all might try to be patient, and I'm pointing the finger at myself, Big time!
I am with ya'! This story (and the blog) is giving me the willies (despite the logic problems I have encountered).

Actually, I had the willies last night as well. But I was watching a story about a young mother murdered by her stalker.

Seems to be a horrible theme right now for me.

I'm reading the blog as we speak but I really don't have time to read each comment as well. I was hoping some of you may have ready answers to some of the questions I have.

Lazy...Teasing ya
Hi! This is my first time posting here. I actually just signed up today, I got the link to both the blog and this forum from someone else. I've been reading this thread all day to get through it all and finally have. I apologize in advance if I repeat something that's already been addressed, my reading was broken up. :D

A couple of things stand out to me.

The possibility that the stalker was listening in to the LE action via police scanner, whether an actual scanner, listening online (some 911 services have their scanners streaming to the internet), or via a walkie talkie that picks up the frequency. This could allow the stalker to stay up to date one what's going on with the case, to some extent.

The stalker would not at all need crazy military experience or to be very old to be able to pull off the tricks and escapes that it seems (s)he did. A background in hunting and woodsmanship, perhaps even scouting, could easily explain this. Many of the families I know who are avid hunters have their kids learning about stalking/tracking prey, avoiding detection, etc. from practically before they're even born. My family wasn't into hunting but I knew how to get around quietly and how to climb a tree to get onto the roof and cross the roof quickly and silently before I was even in high school. My dad was the one who taught me and he could also get around on the roof without making noise, and he wasn't exactly a little guy. A utility belt or vest of the type people have already posted about could easily have explained "all the gear" the stalker was carrying and allowed him to get up on the roof without leaving any gear on the ground but with both hands free.

As far as the fact that the windows were left open, my impression is that the windows were only being left open at first and that once they really realized they were dealing with Trouble/a stalker, they started securing the house better, to include putting coverings all the way up and down all windows/glass doors to the outside. If I had a family member who had previously had health problems due to carbon monoxide, I'd probably be pretty reluctant to shut up the house like that before I realized what exactly was going on.

I think it was on here that I've seen people saying "Why didn't they just get an alarm system" but it could have been elsewhere. My thought regarding that is, how do you go dashing out of the house in a hopeful attempt to catch the stalker when you have to stop and disarm the alarm?

On the topic of the stalker in the wildlife cam picture possibly looking feminine, if this is the case, that would definitely lend credence to there being two people doing the stalking at the house, as M's mom states specifically that the person she saw through the front door was definitely a male.(August 25th, Day 24, Also, on the same post, after M's dad goes outside looking for the stalker, he says that everything was quiet and dark except for one light being on in J's house... isn't that the house that B and K live in?

I've also had my wonderings about E. I can see his over-attentive concern and helpfulness being a suspicious thing, or being a natural desire to help as the father of young daughters who lives nearby and worries about being caught up and dragged into the mess. If it's the latter, it's entirely possible that he is socially awkward and just doesn't realize how he's coming across. If it's the former, the fact that he wasn't home when one or more of the incidents happened doesn't disprove him of guilt considering that a main theory across the blog and multiple forums/groups seems to be that there were multiple people working together.
Lets say it was an inner circle friend, they knew she was stressed out, couldn't think that they gave her a bottle of pills and told her to take two a night to help her sleep? Then she remembered the other drug she had or the friend told her to mix them both? *shrug* just a thought. I know most of our questions will probably be answered in the coming days. we all might try to be patient, and I'm pointing the finger at myself, Big time!

If that were the case though, where were the pill fragments that should have been in her stomach?

That's another thing I keep going back to. There were no pill fragments in her stomach. Wouldn't this indicate that someone, whether her or another person, took great pains to cover up what was taken/how? If it were her, this points to me towards suicide, except that that doesn't really fit (IMHO) everything that is known about her. If it were someone else... well... why would anyone else be administering the drugs and going to the lengths of making sure there were no pill fragments left?
If that were the case though, where were the pill fragments that should have been in her stomach?

That's another thing I keep going back to. There were no pill fragments in her stomach. Wouldn't this indicate that someone, whether her or another person, took great pains to cover up what was taken/how? If it were her, this points to me towards suicide, except that that doesn't really fit (IMHO) everything that is known about her. If it were someone else... well... why would anyone else be administering the drugs and going to the lengths of making sure there were no pill fragments left?

Yes just throwing stuff out there. It sometimes helps to get other's idea's flowing.
Um there is one picture that shows CA's arm, and it isn't big like you would think.
Um there is one picture that shows CA's arm, and it isn't big like you would think.

Shoot, I even know guys in the military who, while perfectly capable of meeting the PT requirements and lugging around all the necessary gear, don't have big arms.

I'm not at all convinced that the person in the cam photo is a female but *if* it is, it's pretty telling when taken in context of the mom specifically seeing a male outside the front door.
Well, I've read further on in the blog. The parents do mention other, loud knocks, pebbles thrown and motion detectors going off.

I can't see why they would have any reason to make any of that up and clearly they called the police on the days in question, so thus far, it seems likely there was a stalker.

Whether or not he killed Morgan, however, is another story. I will read on.
Shoot, I even know guys in the military who, while perfectly capable of meeting the PT requirements and lugging around all the necessary gear, don't have big arms.

I'm not at all convinced that the person in the cam photo is a female but *if* it is, it's pretty telling when taken in context of the mom specifically seeing a male outside the front door.

I think the person in the picture is either CA, CO, or K leaning on CA at the moment with K in second place.

The shoe print is about a size 12, and K isn't but maybe 5' 11" to 6'

CA and CO are taller.
Well, I've read further on in the blog. The parents do mention other, loud knocks, pebbles thrown and motion detectors going off.

I can't see why they would have any reason to make any of that up and clearly they called the police on the days in question, so thus far, it seems likely there was a stalker.

Whether or not he killed Morgan, however, is another story. I will read on.

The mom mentioned in I believe a comment that her and her husband finally realized that they were dealing with a totally different type of stalker then they read up on.

There is only one comment from someone written below the denverpost link and it is worth reading!

I for one (and out of respect to M's family and to abide by our Mod's rules) will refrain from asking more questions......but my "spidey senses" are tingling knowing there is much more to this story. We are only getting one side and yes, I am sympathetic to that side for the most part.
the fax was pretty big news imhoo...

there are however a few more answers from Morgan's mom in the comments section. In a nutshell:

**paraphrased from the best of my knowledge**

-the date rape drug was found on the second exam not the initial exam
-there was no flexeril in the house
-no one took flexeril
-mom had never even heard of flexeril
-mom was told it didn't "look" like Morgan had been sexually assaulted but she is not aware of any testing having been done for it
-they are at some sort of meeting today

Concerning the flexeril, I have taken this in the past for migraines. Could Morgan have been prescribed this for her migraines? Was she still having migraines from when she was treated for CO poisoning? And would she have told her parents of each different script she was on or at least prescribed?

I just would have never considered flexeril as a date rape drug simply from my own experience of taking it. It never knocked me out or made me unaware of my surroundings. It just helped to relax the tension in my neck and shoulders area. I learn something new everyday.

Mel ~

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