CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #1

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Hi all, this is my first post here. I have been following M's blog for a couple of weeks and have been reading all your posts here and WOW you guys are amazing.

Wanted to mention that has anyone looked into K's dad? He did (not sure if he still does) work at the same place mom said they got their prescriptions filled. He was in a management role also, which may explain how K came to be working there.

He also has an extensive history of hunting (not sure if anyone has bought that up before) and there are some pics of K and his dad hunting, some similar to the quiet times in the blog. He has a lot of posts on a hunting website, ALOT.

Also someone mentioned finding E's name and FB. Any clues on where to go for this? Also curious about B's baby daddy, someone mentioned they figured out the father. Would like to know where to look for this too.

Tragic story, thanks to everyone for their input and hard work. It is only a matter of time before this culprit prays on another target as about 95% of stalkers are serial in nature and will not stop. I feel pretty confidant that (K) is the perp in question here and it is only a matter of time before he crawls out of his little mole hole and messes up. IT appears that this suspents father is possibly a manager at a grocery store of some type, so maybe he had access to medication. I will not say I am 100% sold that this was a murder, but clearly the result of months of mental abuse.

Stalking is a terrible crime because it is tough to find something to arrest these guys(girls) for. I had a friend who was a stalking victim and the police couldn't do much to help, eventually the guy moved on to new victims, he is now on his 5th or 6th victim (all have had restraining orders against him) but the guy has only had minor charges against him in the past 6 years.

Let's work together to get some justice for this family.

Above in both posts is BBM(Wish there was a double duty bold so as to ensure drawing attention.. lol)

The reason I am so adamant having both posts bolded which states the same basic information is that I find this more than chilling... and more than coincidental due to the fact that we are talking about a suspicious death with massive, lethal amounts of the prescription med amitryptiline(that she'd last taken 2yrs prior).. As well as the prescriprion med flexeril(which she, nor anyone in the entire home had ever been prescribed).. Along with other medications that are unknown to us at this time...

And well call me the crazy one for being chilled to learn that neighbor/father J is none other than the damn manager at none other than the very store for which the entire family purchased as well as had all their prescriptions filled at.. Add to that he then employs son K to work in the very same store as well..

And well.. For me it definitely throws up a few more reddish hued flags... Just sayin'..
Oh, here's something I was holding off on mentioning until I found the post that addresses it.
This post specifically says that M called her mom to confirm that she was spending the night at a friend's house, and that as soon as her mom told her to sleep tight and she'd see her in the morning, a large rock or something struck the window and she expected shattered glass.

This makes me think that the stalker was angry to learn that M wouldn't be there to harass that night and possibly that M was the target instead of the parents?So much seems to have been aimed/revolving around M though that I don't really see it being the parents who were the targets, at least not initially.

Also, M's mom didn't know until a recent blog comment that the stables where their horses were boarded did the volunteer thing. She sounded pretty shocked to learn this, and shocked that the manager and her daughter never said anything to her despite knowing what was going on. Am I the only one who thinks this could possibly indicate that the manager knew or suspected that their stable/someone who worked there may have been involved somehow?
Oh, here's something I was holding off on mentioning until I found the post that addresses it.
This post specifically says that M called her mom to confirm that she was spending the night at a friend's house, and that as soon as her mom told her to sleep tight and she'd see her in the morning, a large rock or something struck the window and she expected shattered glass.

This makes me think that the stalker was angry to learn that M wouldn't be there to harass that night and possibly that M was the target instead of the parents?So much seems to have been aimed/revolving around M though that I don't really see it being the parents who were the targets, at least not initially.

Also, M's mom didn't know until a recent blog comment that the stables where their horses were boarded did the volunteer thing. She sounded pretty shocked to learn this, and shocked that the manager and her daughter never said anything to her despite knowing what was going on. Am I the only one who thinks this could possibly indicate that the manager knew or suspected that their stable/someone who worked there may have been involved somehow?

I think the stables is the next logical place to look, too, as far as the medication. If they had some for the horses, it could have been in a refrigerator somewhere, not locked up like it would be in a hospital, easy access.
There is only one comment from someone written below the denverpost link and it is worth reading!

I for one (and out of respect to M's family and to abide by our Mod's rules) will refrain from asking more questions......but my "spidey senses" are tingling knowing there is much more to this story. We are only getting one side and yes, I am sympathetic to that side for the most part.

Too bad they got several of their points flat out wrong. She was not the only one to hear tapping, several times it was her parents who saw/heard something (including a PERSON staring in their door in the middle of the night) and called the police and intentionally tried not to let her know what was going on. Also, the medication was not her mom's old medication. Nobody in the house had flexiril at all and her mom hadn't been prescribed the ami. On top of that, the picture showed the stalker. I'd also like to know where they are getting the info that M thought the stalker controlled her computer, did I miss that somewhere? Plus, there were incidents elsewhere, such as the keying of her car.

I think it's worth noting that the events recounted only go up to a little past the first month and events continued on such a scale as to escalate LE's classification/responses ("upgrading" it to a felony and assigning a detective).
Hi, Cornbread - welcome to the crazy world of WS.

Also, M's mom didn't know until a recent blog comment that the stables where their horses were boarded did the volunteer thing. She sounded pretty shocked to learn this, and shocked that the manager and her daughter never said anything to her despite knowing what was going on. Am I the only one who thinks this could possibly indicate that the manager knew or suspected that their stable/someone who worked there may have been involved somehow?
I wonder if you could link the post/blog where this is? I've been pretty solid in my reading, but don't remember reading this one.

I also have been reluctant to consider folks at the ranch...either because I'm a horse person and while I was followed home from my barn, it still is hard for me to believe that other horse-people would do this (and I know better...I do know better), or because I don't think that the ranch is the place the trails on the berm lead to.

I have to consider this, though.

Can you, pretty please, link the page where this comment is?


Herding Cats

PS: Gitana, it would be advisable to read through the comments/replies. There is a lot of info that Mom puts there that isn't found elsewhere, and it might help your questions.

And know that we don't have the full story - doesn't even look like we have half of it yet. My patience is being held with both hands, you know? LOL.
Hi, Cornbread - welcome to the crazy world of WS.

I wonder if you could link the post/blog where this is? I've been pretty solid in my reading, but don't remember reading this one.

I also have been reluctant to consider folks at the ranch...either because I'm a horse person and while I was followed home from my barn, it still is hard for me to believe that other horse-people would do this (and I know better...I do know better), or because I don't think that the ranch is the place the trails on the berm lead to.

I have to consider this, though.

Can you, pretty please, link the page where this comment is?


Herding Cats

PS: Gitana, it would be advisable to read through the comments/replies. There is a lot of info that Mom puts there that isn't found elsewhere, and it might help your questions.

And know that we don't have the full story - doesn't even look like we have half of it yet. My patience is being held with both hands, you know? LOL.

Yup, sorry! I was due with baby #3 on 9/5 and am still pregnant and waiting so I apologize for any space cadet-ness, like forgetting a link.

This comment:

On this entry:
Too bad they got several of their points flat out wrong. She was not the only one to hear tapping, several times it was her parents who saw/heard something (including a PERSON staring in their door in the middle of the night) and called the police and intentionally tried not to let her know what was going on. Also, the medication was not her mom's old medication. Nobody in the house had flexiril at all and her mom hadn't been prescribed the ami. On top of that, the picture showed the stalker. I'd also like to know where they are getting the info that M thought the stalker controlled her computer, did I miss that somewhere? Plus, there were incidents elsewhere, such as the keying of her car.

I think it's worth noting that the events recounted only go up to a little past the first month and events continued on such a scale as to escalate LE's classification/responses ("upgrading" it to a felony and assigning a detective).

Welcome Cornbread! Please remember that the "facts" you think the poster wrote below the Denver Post article got wrong may or may not be wrong at all because we are only hearing one side right now and that is from M's mother and as M's mother sees it! There's always two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle....I'm saying the "jury's still out"...and respectfully await reading and learning new facts.
Wow. Don't worry about the link, darlin...just trying to get things sorted through in my head.

Go take a very long, strenuous walk...may bring baby out. Or you could do like a friend of mine's husband did: shine a flashlight up there and scream "go towards the light!" (Yes, it was on video, and yes, we all laughed hysterically about that...especially since the baby came about 14 hours after that...)

Herding Cats
Wow. Don't worry about the link, darlin...just trying to get things sorted through in my head.

Go take a very long, strenuous walk...may bring baby out. Or you could do like a friend of mine's husband did: shine a flashlight up there and scream "go towards the light!" (Yes, it was on video, and yes, we all laughed hysterically about that...especially since the baby came about 14 hours after that...)

Herding Cats

LMAO! Never thought of that! I think the best way to get a baby out is the way you got it in; more fun too, and if it doesn't work . . . oh well!
Welcome Cornbread! Please remember that the "facts" you think the poster wrote below the Denver Post article got wrong may or may not be wrong at all because we are only hearing one side right now and that is from M's mother and as M's mother sees it! There's always two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle....I'm saying the "jury's still out"...and respectfully await reading and learning new facts.

But, there are a few "facts" the post states that *are* wrong:

Other people heard the stalker.
No amitriptyline was rx'd for the mother
There was no flexeril in the house at all
There is independent evidence that there was a stalker (photo, footprint)

And I suspect there will be more revelations in days to come...

And I personally took offense at the poster when they linked what they did. Because of that and the facts they got wrong, I'm (perhaps wrongly) dismissive of the entire response.

Herding Cats
Wow. Don't worry about the link, darlin...just trying to get things sorted through in my head.

Go take a very long, strenuous walk...may bring baby out. Or you could do like a friend of mine's husband did: shine a flashlight up there and scream "go towards the light!" (Yes, it was on video, and yes, we all laughed hysterically about that...especially since the baby came about 14 hours after that...)

Herding Cats

I posted it, it was easy to find again. I <3 Google Chrome so much.

I've been trying pretty much everything, nothing's working so far, he's a stubborn little snot. LOL

I just don't understand why the stable manager would have not said something. I don't necessarily think the stable manager was involved (not ruling it out though) but wonder if, perhaps, the stable manager suspected that either someone who was connected to her stable was involved or that someone was using the stable/property to get access to the house and/or the drugs. I would be very interested to know if anyone who worked/volunteered at the stable was connected to any of the more commonly discussed suspects.
LMAO! Never thought of that! I think the best way to get a baby out is the way you got it in; more fun too, and if it doesn't work . . . oh well!

I have a friend who yelled at her husband "You get this thing out the way you got it in there!!!". LOL

But, there are a few "facts" the post states that *are* wrong:

Other people heard the stalker.
No amitriptyline was rx'd for the mother
There was no flexeril in the house at all
There is independent evidence that there was a stalker (photo, footprint)

And I suspect there will be more revelations in days to come...

And I personally took offense at the poster when they linked what they did. Because of that and the facts they got wrong, I'm (perhaps wrongly) dismissive of the entire response.

Herding Cats

This is what I was getting at.
But, there are a few "facts" the post states that *are* wrong:

Other people heard the stalker.
No amitriptyline was rx'd for the mother
There was no flexeril in the house at all
There is independent evidence that there was a stalker (photo, footprint)

And I suspect there will be more revelations in days to come...

And I personally took offense at the poster when they linked what they did. Because of that and the facts they got wrong, I'm (perhaps wrongly) dismissive of the entire response.

Herding Cats

Sorry Herding Cats....I guess you missed my point. Who is the source of the facts that you stated above?
No, TasteofHoney, I got your point. I don't agree with it. And I can't call that post (*which we're discussing) valid or accurate, especially if it's anonymous.

And in case you weren't aware, there are some guidelines that we're following on this case, due to some previous postings. I can't find it right now, but I'm sure Nursie, who is moderating this thread, will post them up again shortly.

On that note, I'm going to take my poor not-well self to bed...I'm tired. I hope everyone has a great night!

Herding Cats
Well, read the whole blog. I read lots of the comments too, though not most.

This is a confounding case. I guess I will have to wait to hear more.

At this point, K seems like a very creepy person (I found his Myspace and FB and did not care for the photos (on myspace) in light of the detailed stalking allegations). He's a hunter, enjoys killing, must know how to move quietly, has camo clothes that would make it easy to hide with, and likes to take creepy photos of himself with his face in a mask.

His deer skull tattoo was bizarre as well.

E also seemed a bit overeager and into things, but then again, he has young girls and could be very protective and projecting. I can't say there is really anything that points to him.

I also feel this case has many inconsistencies and there are things about the parents' story that make little sense to me and others that just give me a strange, "something is off" feeling.

Their blog does not bother me at all. Maybe it is unlike most blogs or sites of the family of a murdered person or crime victim, but these people seem intelligent and outside the box a bit. I'm betting there are a lot of people in Colorado like that! I can imagine them, each day, adding to that blog and having a sense of purpose, instead of facing the eternal void that their daughter's death has created.

Thus far, however, with admittedly little facts to go on, the possibility that their daughter was murdered by a stalker who somehow broke in and drugged her with precise medication that she was once prescribed, seems quite, quite remote.

It does not fit what any known type of stalker does. Yes, I know they said he wasn't like many stalkers, but by that I took it to mean that he was more dangerous and cunning then most. That, however, does not change the reason the different types of stalkers kill and those reasons are related to how they kill. Murder via intentional and covert drugging would not fit and when you add that this guy would have had to break in to drug her, and either coincidentally picked a drug she was once prescribed or picked that precise drug, after breaking in and searching her home, in order to frame her for a suicide, starts to border on the ridiculous to me.

Yes, anything is possible but I deal in probabilities, not farfetched, miraculous possibilities.

Nevertheless, I will remain open to anything. I think all anyone wants to know is the truth regarding this beautiful girl.

Finally, why don't the police admit that shoeprints were found? Are they trying to hide evidence because they never caught the guy and don;t want to be embarrassed, so they'd rather make it seem there was no stalker at all? Or is it because there were no shoeprints they felt had evidentiary value (i.e. prints that could not be linked to what would have been created by the Ingram's own movements all around the house and the windows).

Hopefully, time will answer all our questions.
Above in both posts is BBM(Wish there was a double duty bold so as to ensure drawing attention.. lol)

The reason I am so adamant having both posts bolded which states the same basic information is that I find this more than chilling... and more than coincidental due to the fact that we are talking about a suspicious death with massive, lethal amounts of the prescription med amitryptiline(that she'd last taken 2yrs prior).. As well as the prescriprion med flexeril(which she, nor anyone in the entire home had ever been prescribed).. Along with other medications that are unknown to us at this time...

And well call me the crazy one for being chilled to learn that neighbor/father J is none other than the damn manager at none other than the very store for which the entire family purchased as well as had all their prescriptions filled at.. Add to that he then employs son K to work in the very same store as well..

And well.. For me it definitely throws up a few more reddish hued flags... Just sayin'..

Just to clarify it was K's father not J who worked at the store M frequented. Although what I found about this was quite old so I don't know if it's still true or was a year ago.
There is a case that has been in the news this year and last, the Michael Morton case. He was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and was finally exonerated after 25 years when DNA was finally tested that proved he wasn't the killer. This case happened in my home county and has been an embarrassment. Given all the flubs and cover-ups that went into the Morton case, I don't find it at all difficult to believe that Morgan's case was mishandled and is now being covered up.
One question.

Is the thought that transdermal elavil/amitrip used on something the size of a horse was the murder weapon??
I am almost positive that moms posting of Morgan eating yogurt and especially the photos caption of..Morgan loved yogurt..AND ALWAYS STUCK TO HER absolutelt setting the stage for the yogurt as a means of poisoning via K, who as we all know was employed at the grocery store where they bought theur groceries..

Could it really be that meds were possibly injected thru the protective film?.. Cazzie response about it upthread was chilling realization as well as in whats the first thing most do when opening and inserting spoon into yogurt? Stir it and get it all mixed together well..

Ill be shocked if later down the line we dont hear about the yogurt again as a means of getting hrer to ingest meds..moo is that irregardless of who is involved Im almost convinced at this point that Morgan without a doubt was being slowly poisoned over can see the actual decline of health including pekid eyes and skin..

Im now thinking on other medications as well as substances(as in non meds being used strictly for poisoning) the antifreeze,ethelene glycol type substances that some are even basically untraceable...especially if certain substances were stopped a good bit prior to death..thereby having long since been through their shelf and half life through her system/body..

I just dont not one at all for the conspiracy theory type crap..but I do believe there was a enforcement does not up the status of a case to felony stalking when le is leery of there even being a stalker.. I believe that we will definitely see in the end plenty of proof that the stalker exists..

And hello what else imo lends even more credence to these allegations is that my dear God if this were hogwash first and foremost Mrs.Toni Mangrum would not just be sued..she'd be absolutely 100% SUCCESSFULLY SUED for every dime she even dreamed of ever making, along with having her blog roll story of her daughters death shut down completely and permanently!
Thats just absolute fact.. This woman hangs her hat, her name, and her entire ability to be able to continue making such statements and allegations is all hanging on it being true.. Thereby its literally the truth that protects her..

The woman has spoken at length with attorneys and many LE officials as well as federal officials about her coming forward and publicly laying it all out there.. Imo the absolute truth is about the only thing which would allow you to make such bold statemnts, allegations, and all out damning infomation period regarding some individuals..

If any of those individuals for one millesecond knew that which Toni Ingram is boldly laying it out on the table for the entire world to see..if any of them knew it was false..knew it was a lie..and knew it was a load of BS.. They not only wouldve been on her like white on rice, but theyd have had an immediate judges order to slam shut the slander/libelous statements that were being openly and publicly stated, shared, and spread virally across this entire world within literal mere seconds of her pressing the SUBMIT button on her latest blog post..seconds later people clear on the opposite side of this earth can have read and now know the allegations put before the universe..

If a single one of any of those people that have even so much as been mentioned once on that blog..if any single one of them could have shut her down immediately they damn well would have..

Everything is hung on, based upon, and literally dependant upon the truth..the truth is the key..the truth allows the story to continue to be told..for without the truth the story would have long since been permanently shut down..for good.

Imo its obvious this woman didnt wake up a few weeks ago and suddenly sit down at her laptop and stumpled upon and chose to begin this blog telling her daughters story.. This has been a lot of thought and preparation put into this and imo part of that prepping that was fact I'll go as far as to say that likely the most integral part of that prepping that imo was the deciding factor as to the yay or nay of this blog ever becoming a reality..that main part being her learning that in essence the truth would be what allowed her and gave her the freedom to be able to make these statements publicly..IMO I'd say its likely when she learned of this that it was the deciding factor in her finally bringing to fruition the publicly telling of and seeking justice for her daughter, Morgan...

Ok I'm forcing myself to cut off here before I go further into rambling and eventually coming full circle in talking myself into a 360*

My apologies for this being one of those rather lengthy, wordy posts:blushing:
Well, read the whole blog. I read lots of the comments too, though not most.

This is a confounding case. I guess I will have to wait to hear more.

At this point, K seems like a very creepy person (I found his Myspace and FB and did not care for the photos (on myspace) in light of the detailed stalking allegations). He's a hunter, enjoys killing, must know how to move quietly, has camo clothes that would make it easy to hide with, and likes to take creepy photos of himself with his face in a mask.

His deer skull tattoo was bizarre as well.

E also seemed a bit overeager and into things, but then again, he has young girls and could be very protective and projecting. I can't say there is really anything that points to him.

I also feel this case has many inconsistencies and there are things about the parents' story that make little sense to me and others that just give me a strange, "something is off" feeling.

Their blog does not bother me at all. Maybe it is unlike most blogs or sites of the family of a murdered person or crime victim, but these people seem intelligent and outside the box a bit. I'm betting there are a lot of people in Colorado like that! I can imagine them, each day, adding to that blog and having a sense of purpose, instead of facing the eternal void that their daughter's death has created.

Thus far, however, with admittedly little facts to go on, the possibility that their daughter was murdered by a stalker who somehow broke in and drugged her with precise medication that she was once prescribed, seems quite, quite remote.

It does not fit what any known type of stalker does. Yes, I know they said he wasn't like many stalkers, but by that I took it to mean that he was more dangerous and cunning then most. That, however, does not change the reason the different types of stalkers kill and those reasons are related to how they kill. Murder via intentional and covert drugging would not fit and when you add that this guy would have had to break in to drug her, and either coincidentally picked a drug she was once prescribed or picked that precise drug, after breaking in and searching her home, in order to frame her for a suicide, starts to border on the ridiculous to me.

Yes, anything is possible but I deal in probabilities, not farfetched, miraculous possibilities.

Nevertheless, I will remain open to anything. I think all anyone wants to know is the truth regarding this beautiful girl.

Finally, why don't the police admit that shoeprints were found? Are they trying to hide evidence because they never caught the guy and don;t want to be embarrassed, so they'd rather make it seem there was no stalker at all? Or is it because there were no shoeprints they felt had evidentiary value (i.e. prints that could not be linked to what would have been created by the Ingram's own movements all around the house and the windows).

Hopefully, time will answer all our questions.

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