CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #2

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No, this one was in a different format. Hyperlinked dates, and I believe it wasn't from that website. I'm going to go thru my browser history. It's probably faster than going thru posts. Thanks, tho!

You are talking about the official police reports on the official site? I think it's closer to the beginning of this thread but I don't know
So we can talk about what Tingram posts in comments but not what anyone else says, or nothing in comments and only talk about the blog itself?
Tired and confused today....
On the blog mom said "the pathologist that did the autopsy said between midnight and 5:30 am when I found her",but LE didnt get called until 12:13pm,thats seems a long time before LEs called to a dead body,even if an ambulance was called prior...
Hello Everybody - sorry for the interruption of the Morgan Ingram case, but it was necessary.

First, please realize this is a UNIQUE type of case at WS. There is little MSM or LE information to go on. This case is built entirely around a blog with information that cannot be confirmed at this point in time, and won't be confirmed unless/until LE reopens Morgan's case and takes a second look at it. That appears to be the PURPOSE of the blog. Please take the blog for what it is worth, believe it or not, but don't argue over it or bash it, please.

I have removed 95-99% of the posts talking about the "kids." Even if this information is coming from the blog - we must follow WS's rules about minors. At WS, minor's are not to be sleuthed, named, linked to, or pictured UNLESS the minor is the victim or LE has publicly announced the minor is the perp.

The ages of the kids being discussed on the blog are unknown at this point in time. In addition, accusations absolutely can't be brought here, not even initials unless LE weighs in on a possible POI. At this point, there is NO indication there are ANY suspects in the eyes of LE. If that changes - please link it up and alert a mod.

Because I have removed approximately 2 pages of posts, much information has been lost. I did not snip posts, because it is much easier to restore a post, then it is to restore a modsnip, if needed.

There is plenty to sleuth, discuss and speculate about, without questioning/bashing the parents, such as:

- How Morgan could have ingested the date rape drug? Had she been out that night? If so, doesn't it work faster than allowing her time to go home, go to bed and then later be found dead in the home?
- How a stalker (or perhaps a persistent peeping tom) broke into the house undetected and somehow slipped this drug into Morgan's system?
- Was there a stalker at all? If so, how did they obtain access to Morgan and somehow get her to ingest Flexiril.
- Was it suicide, an accidental overdose, or a homicide?
- What was Morgan's state of mind? Did the CO poisoning affect her ability to reason, etc.
- MSM articles that have been written and are linked right here: The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram: timeline, picture,media thread: - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

So there is still lots of work to be done, even though there are boundaries on the discussion.

- Mom's state of mind, reason for blogging, etc., etc.
- Possible suspects, POIs (without some kind of back up link).
- Any discussion involving minors.

The ground rules still apply. Please read them carefully and abide by them. If you have any questions, please pm a Mod and get clarification BEFORE posting.

Thanks for your patience!


Here are some ground rules for posting on this unique case:[/U][/COLOR]

1)no bashing of the family: THIS INCLUDES THE FORMAT OF THE BLOG
2)no sleuthing of the family
3)discuss the blog posts
4)do not copy and paste blog comments
5)no speculation on mental illness of the family or Morgan (there is nothing in the msm to back this up)
6)use the alert button to communicate any posts that you have a question with
7)leave the snark and personal attacks at the door


after reviewing the entire thread I will also add on sleuthing the parents' property.. :-(

bumping up the ground rules (as someone just asked about them)

hope that helps.. any questions you can contact a moderator at any time.
The pass few days, I thought the father had a talk with Morgan before bed and it was a sad talk and then I read this today in the comments over how Morgan was happy and herself and they had a nice chat that night.
So I guess I have no idea where the first part about dad going to bed crying came from. Anyways just wanted to point that out.
It is my understanding the we can talk about most comments under morgans blog..of course none regarding the alphabet kids in any way..but we cannot copy/paste direct comment and post here at WS, but rather we can paraphrase the comment we are talking about and then post a link to that page of morgan blog comments with directives of where others can find the comment you are speaking of(for instance "look at comment at 2:54pm")..

We cannot link to and discuss comments in other forums or blogs..ONLY FROM MORGANS BLOG AND PARAPHRASED WITH DIRECTIVES AND LINK TO COMMENT..

again thats my understanding but I could be if thats the case would someone be so kind to set us both straight on what we can and cannot post and discuss concerning
The pass few days, I thought the father had a talk with Morgan before bed and it was a sad talk and then I read this today in the comments over how Morgan was happy and herself and they had a nice chat that night.
So I guess I have no idea where the first part about dad going to bed crying came from. Anyways just wanted to point that out.

I thought the original report came from someone who came over from another board, and THAT story came from someone who had talk to TI????

Something along those lines . . .
The pass few days, I thought the father had a talk with Morgan before bed and it was a sad talk and then I read this today in the comments over how Morgan was happy and herself and they had a nice chat that night.
So I guess I have no idea where the first part about dad going to bed crying came from. Anyways just wanted to point that out.

lol that is exactly what i was just going to ask about.
The pass few days, I thought the father had a talk with Morgan before bed and it was a sad talk and then I read this today in the comments over how Morgan was happy and herself and they had a nice chat that night.
So I guess I have no idea where the first part about dad going to bed crying came from. Anyways just wanted to point that out.
this is absolutely a source of confusion and contradiction which imo is exactly why the mods are trying make sure we are not bri ging over comments and info from other forums or blogs(ONLY MORGANS BLOG NO THERS)...due to the fact that we know have these exact type statements out here floating around as fact to some people(ie. The entire last nights convo btwn Morgan and weeping..also statesment that there were multiple bottpes of amitryptiline in the home with well over a 100 pills)...yet to my knowledge i can find no confirming valid source for this info that has now been thrown into the mix, caused confusion, and even repeated as fact at times...

Nursee is that the source from which those 2 examples of pills and morgan/dad convo..came from?..from some other unverified forum..of which we are unable to even see these claims stated on that forum due to it being locked to the public?...or was there a verified source found for these statements?..its something ive been meaning to ask for clarification about..

Been going thru the sheriff call log day by day to see if there were any calls to that neighborhood on any day, not just the days listed in the blog, and so far nothing that matches up with the blog reports. On 09/24 there was a harassment call in the Carbondale area, not address given, and it's stated investigation still open, but we haven't gotten that far in the narrative yet to compare it to an event. None of the events so far, including the night the pictures were taken, have had a matching record on the call sheet. Again, I wonder if any other dept. had jurisdiction in that area and if those call sheets are accessible.
Maybe there are flaws in the reporting system (what a shock to consider, /sarcasm).

IINM, LE was quoted as saying they had made x number of calls.
Been going thru the sheriff call log day by day to see if there were any calls to that neighborhood on any day, not just the days listed in the blog, and so far nothing that matches up with the blog reports. On 09/24 there was a harassment call in the Carbondale area, not address given, and it's stated investigation still open, but we haven't gotten that far in the narrative yet to compare it to an event. None of the events so far, including the night the pictures were taken, have had a matching record on the call sheet. Again, I wonder if any other dept. had jurisdiction in that area and if those call sheets are accessible.

Somewhere mom list in her blog all the different LE agencies that responded. I think it was more than a couple.

Has anybody ever read that site "I am a stalker" WOW. It's where people that stalk others write their confessions. If they are true.....I really think experts should update their data on stalkers.
Somewhere mom list in her blog all the different LE agencies that responded. I think it was more than a couple.

Has anybody ever read that site "I am a stalker" WOW. It's where people that stalk others write their confessions. If they are true.....I really think experts should update their data on stalkers.

Huh, I thought she listed the different agencies as an example of how many departments were in the area and how none communicated with the other. I thought in one of the first few blogs she had called police and was told she needed to go thru the sheriff's department because of her location. I'll have to go back and check.
Was E the president of the association I wonder? He has a shirt like the photo of perp, he knew details in the neighborhood, as posted in the last comment on the blog.

gentle reminder:

1) do not discuss other comments on other forums or link to them
2) do not discuss pm(s) on the thread

(these are general terms of service rules)
BBM...Hi Nurse, I believe I posted the comment on the blog about E mentioned above. (I was the last one to comment last night at 1:00am PST. i haven't checked to see if there was another post after mine.) If it's not against TOS, I can edit my comment and post it here.
Huh, I thought she listed the different agencies as an example of how many departments were in the area and how none communicated with the other. I thought in one of the first few blogs she had called police and was told she needed to go thru the sheriff's department because of her location. I'll have to go back and check.

This is what I remember.
This is what I remember.

I could be wrong...wouldn't be the first time. I just remember the blog post where she list a lot of different LE

And when I was scanning in the newspaper for Garfield police and greenwood (I think) they both listed different times they respond to that town.

I don't know. I didn't compare dates. LE said in the msm reports they responsed over 50 times in 4 mths
BBM...Hi Nurse, I believe I posted the comment on the blog about E mentioned above. (I was the last one to comment last night at 1:00am PST. i haven't checked to see if there was another post after mine.) If it's not against TOS, I can edit my comment and post it here.

blog comments (from Morgan's blog) can be linked to, paraphrased, and discussed as long as they do not pertain to any innocent persons (no names have currently been associated in the msm or by LE to her case).

Comments or posts from other forums cannot be linked to or discussed.

I hope this helps.
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