CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #2

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Not open for further replies. seems like when she first died, the family was grieving. Understandable. I'm sure they were living in a daze for several months.

I would suspect that they started seeing videos that were turned over and it had some questionable images on it, the LE probably quit looking for the stalker since M was gone, the family was asking questions and were ignored or brushed aside. Then in July of this year when the ME changed the cause of death to suicide.... that is what did it.

This is all JMO.


Oh, I missed that somehow! I read that he told them he would, but not that he did. I'm guessing he thought he was being kind in not listing it that way to begin with.
I would like to know that as come it was only her?I believe she said that it was because the faulty flue was over M's room.

exactly. There has been zero evidence thus far.
I'm glad that LE and the courts don't require actual videos/photographs of a person in the process of stalking someone in order to action. Any stalker that has any idea what he'she is doing is not going to be caught on film often, if at all. They found footprints at the windows, broken locks (which COULD be coincidence), at least one picture, and I believe there are other things I'm forgetting. How much evidence does it take to show that the person is real?

that is what stumps me.

why would you turn the lights off?
Why would you leave them on when there's nobody out there? At least nobody was supposed to be.

why in the world would someone who is being "stalked" be going outside alone? I just don't get it.....

Sometimes you just have to do what needs to be done. I lived alone when someone was "stalking" me (the law just called it harrassment). Even though I knew he usually had a loaded gun and he was almost always in my parking lot, outside the store I was in, watching for me to get off work, etc., I still went outside when it was necessary. I think you have to take a lot of precautions, but you can't just stop living or he wins,

I agree.

Good thing to keep in mind.

Answers/comments bolded.

I don't think LE just calls something felony stalking on a whim. In my case, the guy had actually told me (in front of other people) that he could easily shoot me in my sleep and with my history, it would just be ruled as suidide. My case was never changed to felony stalking; it stayed at harrassment and violating ROs the entire time.
Leaving the light on would help the cam or cameras to get better photos. Also help you or your neighbors to see who it is if you hear them.

Most people leave their outdoor lights on at night now due to petty crime such as breaking into the car to steal gps, breaking into garage to steal lawn equipment, etc.

In fact, when I first moved into the place I am now, the first night I got a neighborhood watch flyer on the door asking to leave porch lights on because of such issues. It also listed the local numbers to call and where meetings were held.
turning off the light (outside light) baffles me....if you were scared or thought somone was out there, wouldn't you want to be able to see them? even a nosy neighbor to see them? to catch them on camera? along with taking the dog out alone and going places alone, add that to the last conversation with the dad and the mother's initial reaction.....leads me to my doubts.

also, what is the mother's focus-having the manner of death changed?
Leaving the light on would help the cam or cameras to get better photos. Also help you or your neighbors to see who it is if you hear them.

Most people leave their outdoor lights on at night now due to petty crime such as breaking into the car to steal gps, breaking into garage to steal lawn equipment, etc.

In fact, when I first moved into the place I am now, the first night I got a neighborhood watch flyer on the door asking to leave porch lights on because of such issues. It also listed the local numbers to call and where meetings were held.

I guess that depends on where you are. I knew a man (sort of related, through marriage) who was concerned about all of the expensive tools he had in his garage/workshop, so he put up a couple bright outdoor lights for those reasons. The very next night, someone broke in and emptied the place out. The police told him that having lights that stay on all night was the worst thing he could do. It didn't scare burglars off, it just made it easier for them to see to break in and avoid the alarm.

I guess there are advantages and disadvantages to most things.
I guess that depends on where you are. I knew a man (sort of related, through marriage) who was concerned about all of the expensive tools he had in his garage/workshop, so he put up a couple bright outdoor lights for those reasons. The very next night, someone broke in and emptied the place out. The police told him that having lights that stay on all night was the worst thing he could do. It didn't scare burglars off, it just made it easier for them to see to break in and avoid the alarm.

I guess there are advantages and disadvantages to most things.

Wow, they tell us the opposite here. That it is a slight deterrent, and request it. It also helps them see, but they do patrol the area regularly, as do the neighborhood watch volunteers. It is a large and crime ridden city though.

They do not prefer motion lights though, they prefer steady state. It is b/c of the eye adjustments to light/no light and better to see in steady state if someone takes off running once they arrive.
turning off the light (outside light) baffles me....if you were scared or thought somone was out there, wouldn't you want to be able to see them? even a nosy neighbor to see them? to catch them on camera? along with taking the dog out alone and going places alone, add that to the last conversation with the dad and the mother's initial reaction.....leads me to my doubts.

also, what is the mother's focus-having the manner of death changed?

Turing the light off could be habit.
The neighbor that "stormed up the driveway " that night when the wildlife camera captured a man's the blog it states that he actually stopped and talked to the officers. So,presumably they would have recognized him if it had been his image in
the photo ?

What is bizarre is that : the LEOS are seen leaving at 0:44.The image of a man is seen at 0:46...two seconds later And the wildlife camera is trashed at 0:48...another two seconds. So, it seems fairly certain that the guy at 0 :44 trashed the camera... This is did the guy know that Morgan's dad wasn't hiding off to the side with a loaded shotgun in his hands ?

A difficulty here is that the stalker seems to be all-knowing and all- seeing ? And surely only a neighbor could be so familiar with the family's routines ?

Also in the blog,it states that Morgan would go out alone in her car sometimes in the evenings. I don't understand why a stalker wouldn't have seized the opportunity of abducting her when she was alone driving. JMO
Hi all. New to this case so I have a LOT of catching up to do. I've just started reading the blog and some posts here. This is a very sad case yet incredibly fascinating.

I'm anxious to read all of your questions/opinions. WSers are the best!!
If M didn't keep a journal, I bet her text message history and phone records would basically serve as such.
The parents need a forensic accounting of her phone and text records. They will speak volumes of what was going on, imo.

And I would like to add that if you "follow the money" that can tell a story too so has the Mom and Dad taken a look at her bank account(s)???
You know, I'm thinking the camera is clicking in minutes, not seconds. It would make far more sense to have it be minutes rather than seconds, you know?

Herding Cats

And I would like to add that if you "follow the money" that can tell a story too so has the Mom and Dad taken a look at her bank account(s)???

I think there is so much we aren't privy to in this case that us websleuthers are used to getting!!
bank trail, text/phone calls, etc
I really hope mom goes and gets all the paperwork related to her daughter. The first autopsy report and all the LE's complaints and paperwork. (I assume you can get that stuff, right?)
That would be a big help.
I'm trying to find a post on the blog about the camera being destroyed, no luck yet.

I am looking at the gutter pic though. :( Well, I see water stains and peeling paint so I don't know, but I am not a gutter expert, lol! I also note in the next to last paragraph a sentence about "...the stalker would not have been caught on the video surveillance cameras installed later...." that I am trying to figure out what is meant. That the stalker was not on video, or just not when the stalker was on the roof and any suspected roof activity quit before the video cams?

Oh, I missed that somehow! I read that he told them he would, but not that he did. I'm guessing he thought he was being kind in not listing it that way to begin with.

Here's an article from MSM about the autopsy.
First one:
Her death initially was attributed to natural causes, according to an autopsy report dated Dec. 19

Specifically, Kurtzman's report cited “marked pulmonary edema,” or fluid buildup in the lungs, and “acute intermittent porphyria,” a metabolic disorder that causes severe stomach pains.

The second one
On July 28 however, Kurtzman's office issued a revised postmortem report that cites the cause of death as suicide resulting from a prescription-drug overdose.

Morgan Ingram died from “amitriptyline intoxication,” according to Kurtzman's report.

Amitriptyline, a prescription drug, is used to treat symptoms of depression, pain associated with the nerves and migraines, according to the online Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders.
I really hope mom goes and gets all the paperwork related to her daughter. The first autopsy report and all the LE's complaints and paperwork. (I assume you can get that stuff, right?)
That would be a big help.

Should be able to, for a fee for copies.
Here's a question that I should probably know the answer to, but I'm just starting, so I have a lot of questions.

Are these blog entries from a diary/journal Morgan's mom kept during this time? When I started reading, I assumed she was just going by memory, but they're too detailed for that. Also, how does she know the exact times and verbiage of their texts? Had she saved them?
turning off the light (outside light) baffles me....if you were scared or thought somone was out there, wouldn't you want to be able to see them? even a nosy neighbor to see them? to catch them on camera? along with taking the dog out alone and going places alone, add that to the last conversation with the dad and the mother's initial reaction.....leads me to my doubts.

also, what is the mother's focus-having the manner of death changed?

I live in the same valley as the Ingrams. No one leaves their lights on at night, and there are very few street lamps, if any. People who have lived in such an area for a long time like the Ingrams are accustomed to this. Few long-time residents here lock their doors. People poke fun at me here for always locking my car, both when I'm parked at a friend's house AND when I'm driving.

(I'm from a big city, so lights and locks are second nature to me, just as lack of locks and pure darkness in residential neighborhoods are second nature to long-time residents of this valley.)
Turing the light off could be habit.

Except that we were told by Mom that they had motion detector lights and motion alarm systems set up around the house. This was before they installed the 6 camera system.

So I wonder how this stalker was able to be standing right outside the backyard door when M let her dog out and he was right there?
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