CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #2

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I cannot believe you just said that. I have really long hair and over the past few days it has suddenly started to fall out by the handful. As I was reading your post I was -at that moment- pulling out a huge clump of hair.

As for the case- it is unique but the rules really apply very nicely and that application is not really different than any other case. This is not the first time that Tricia has discussed things that are off limits here. It is just the way it is. :) There used to be a chat room where you could chat it up all night about anything and everything. But now there is only a chat during the show-but you can say pretty much anything I think.
The only thing that is different at all is that we are using a blog piece as the foundation for the discussion. But without it- there is no discussion.

If you have hair coming out in clumps, dry skin, cold hands or feeling cold do get your thyroid checked. Just ask you PCM to do a thyroid panel.
I went online and got the measurement of the car and my estimation the perp in the first cam photo was 5'11 to 6' tall. I went off the 2008 model, I also looked at a 2010 model and the height was the same.
I want to know, who was she texting right before Dad came in. That my dear posters I think is where the lead should focus on.
That red light the I's saw. I think is a night scope from the end of a rifle. You can take that off. My husband has one, and he can sit on our couch and look out the window across the open field in front of us watching Deer. Night vision goggles are not cheap nor are the rifle scopes but you can buy a rifle night scope for just under $400.00 but if a family are hunters then they might have one already. Or one could have been stolen. If stolen then wouldn't there be a police report of this item being stolen from someone?
If she was murdered and Mr and Mrs I have potential evidence saved ie cell phone, bottles of medicine, bed sheets etc. Then they might want to consider putting that stuff in a very safe place, in an environmentally safe place too. I'm worried that if she was murdered and the killer learns they have this stuff and we post and he is reading and something hits close to home he might find out or learn where the I's are to try and destroy that evidence. KWIM
What was the reason for breaking up with her X? Which one broke it off? Did incidents happen after M went out on a date?
Night vison rifle scopes are illegal in Co.

Night Hunting: Allowed, artificial light may be used to hunt coyotes, all foxes, bobcats, skunk, and beaver on private land with permission of the landowner. A special permit is required to use artificial light on public land. Contact the Colorado Division of Wildlife for exact permit details. In all cases the hunter should contact the specific regional officer in charge to verify the presence of any additional restrictions that may be applicable to that region.
Night Vision: Not Allowed, use of any electronic device not specified in “legal methods of taking furbearers” is prohibited. Above verified with Colorado DNR.
That red light the I's saw. I think is a night scope from the end of a rifle. You can take that off. My husband has one, and he can sit on our couch and look out the window across the open field in front of us watching Deer. Night vision goggles are not cheap nor are the rifle scopes but you can buy a rifle night scope for just under $400.00 but if a family are hunters then they might have one already. Or one could have been stolen. If stolen then wouldn't there be a police report of this item being stolen from someone?

They are all pretty easy to buy online even though some are illegal for some states.

Now if they tried to purchase from a big chain store online, it would probably say at the bottom on the item...."sorry, we can't sell to these states" BUT, if you really wanted them, they would be easy to get.
They are all pretty easy to buy online even though some are illegal for some states.

Now if they tried to purchase from a big chain store online, it would probably say at the bottom on the item...."sorry, we can't sell to these states" BUT, if you really wanted them, they would be easy to get.

Or if the perp knew someone that was in the Military that had access to one.
I posted this before, but since we are on the subject of the pathologist's letter, I want to remind everyone that there had been reported cognitive impairment in M from the CO poisoning, and according to the same report, the hyperbaric treatment helped alleviate some of the symptoms (inferring that it did not help in all the symptoms, nor cure all of one symptom), so she could have had residual stomach pain, headache, and cognitive impairment.

An uncommon side effect of chronic CO poisoning is: "A more unusual carbon monoxide poisoning symptom is an unexplained sense of a presence or something is watching. Many ghost houses have been found to have carbon monoxide leaks - usually from cracks/partial blockages in old chimneys and faulty boilers."

Does anyone know if the rest of the family had suffered the CO poisoning, as well?
I would like to know that as come it was only her?

And we dont even know this was a stalker.This could have just been a nosy neighbor wondering what the cops were doing there all the time.Id be more convinced if TI ends up posting more pics of the stalker.
exactly. There has been zero evidence thus far.

Yep, curious to see where this leads. She said the entire perimeter is on camera now.

Six cameras around the house. Six.

But he broke in undetected and killed her.
that is what stumps me.

Our custom was to walk the officers to the porch and then turn off the light after they had left. Can't be sure exactly what the cast was that evening but probably that is what we did this time. Wild to think as we were walking back to bed, stalker was coming out to watch officers leaving. Enhancement of the face in the photo has never been very successful, but the toolbelt reflection in window was spotted early on.
why would you turn the lights off?

in case like this is it so important to get more than one view/source and we can't. I still see no murder and the stalking is pretty vague as well. Am I the only one, because I don't want to keep posting against the grain in this and there is no other forum/thread here for those of us who do not see any outside crimes commited.

if someone was outside when morgan took dog out why was it not on camera?
why in the world would someone who is being "stalked" be going outside alone? I just don't get it.....

these are some pretty serious accusations, the mother is making on WS radio, not just against the young man but also his ex-girlfriend and her family.
I agree.

I'll be honest. After listening to the radio show, I am less convinced about the evidence. I have a lot of sympathy for the Ingrams, and I think it's possible that there was some stalking or other problems... but T's theories seem to go a little far.

- She was stalked by an acquaintance, who belongs to a sketchy crowd. But he may also be a serial stalker?

- The stalker had a complex, and totally silent way of sneaking in and murdering Morgan - holding a date rape drug over her mouth while she slept (can this even happen? let alone that he would still have to get into the room and make contact with her without waking her up) -- and then somehow when she was unconscious making her ingest a drug that was already in the house, that he probably spotted earlier while snooping through their house (though he was never caught in the house). Or he may have injected her with the drug somewhere that is not obvious, like under her fingernails. He did this all silently, sneaking past cameras and in and out of the house, undetected.

- She claims to have video evidence, but the way she said it made me think that maybe LE didn't see anything on the video, but after getting a copy and watching it a bunch of times, she and Steve did. The other photo raised more questions than answers for me... and I wonder, if it was clear, why didn't she bring it right to LE, and why didn't they take it seriously.

On the other hand, the brief tidbits of new information, about the boyfriend for example and her behavior the day she died, make me wonder if Morgan was upset or had something else going on that may have been entirely unrelated to the stalking.

I am so confused. Have just spent a very long time reading this entire thread. Is it a FACT that Morgan had a stalker or stalkers? If so, how was it determined to be a fact?

Also I had no idea that flexeril was considered a date rape drug. I have taken that several times over the years, and it seems to be one would have to be slipped several in order to ensure they would pass out. I take narcotics for pain every day and sometimes muscle relaxers, I guess I would be full of "date rape" drugs if I am ever found "un-wake-up-able."

HAS this case been reopened? And was it stated why she was cremated with so much controversy over her death?

Those are just a few questions I have...that I believe I can ask.

as I've said all along: we are only getting one version of anything, the Mom's. We do not know what is true and what may be skewed. We do not really know Morgan's state of mind or how the LE is looking at this, we get inconsistancies and a biased point of view. This case is an oddity for WS, we have never been allowed to only see one side and to not discuss the entirity of a case before.

Good thing to keep in mind.
I cant get how little LE seems to have done with this case,even after the 4 months stalking and Ms death.
And yet we are only part way into the story and already people have decided she was murdered,who it was etc etc(as have i) and are baying for blood?!,doesnt make sense to me.

Also after 4 months of stalking,and with all the equipment and the measures the family have taken i cant believe the stalker wasnt caught even accidentaly...
They are cheap and plenty on e-bay.

How about something like this? It goes right on an I-phone.


Your post reminded me of a conversation with a friend. His son told him his i-phone had a flashlight on it, he didn't know, lol.

I was wondering about someone either just goofing off with their phone, or even signaling to someone to come over, or what have you, and found this:
Most stalkers cases, there is no hard core evidence. It really is a crime/case of he said, she said.

I know from reading some cases, some stalked victims get so sick of feeling afraid all the time....they sometimes start doing FU's (cuss word) to the stalker. I can really see myself getting so agitated that I would seriously want to tell him where to go. Maybe that's what happened to M. She was tired of being scared. Maybe that's why she took her dog out....sort of like a FU to the stalker and a come and get me.

Now I know why most stalking victims don't come forward. They think nobody will believe them. The he said-she said.

I cant get how little LE seems to have done with this case,even after the 4 months stalking and Ms death.
And yet we are only part way into the story and already people have decided she was murdered,who it was etc etc(as have i) and are baying for blood?!,doesnt make sense to me.

Also after 4 months of stalking,and with all the equipment and the measures the family have taken i cant believe the stalker wasnt caught even accidentaly...

I do wish mom and dad would get ALL of LE's records. They need those to see just what conclusions were formed and why. It might help them to post those, and any video and pics they have. If anyone that is a professional in the areas needed to look at a case as such is viewing, they could determine if they wanted to volunteer to help, or at a reduced charge, without having to be directly involved at first and charge a consultation fee.
Most stalkers cases, there is no hard core evidence. It really is a crime/case of he said, she said.

I know from reading some cases, some stalked victims get so sick of feeling afraid all the time....they sometimes start doing being FU's (cuss word) to the stalker. I can really see myself getting so agitated that I would seriously want to tell him where to go. Maybe that's what happened to M. She was tired of being scared. Maybe that's why she took her dog out....sort of like a FU to the stalker and a come and get me.

Now I know why most stalking victims don't come forward. They think nobody will believe them. The he said-she said.


You are correct it mostly is he said - she said. Even with photos or video of them following you, walking by, etc... there is always the easy excuse out of it. With the creepy gift giving, nothing you can do if there are no fingerprints. The phone calls and threats are usually disguised in some manner, and friends/clients/people you meet in bar/pay phones are used. The list is amazing at how tricky a person can be. It is very difficult to prove.

The FU feeling is there, but you learn to rein that in and make no contact at all. Just keep logging the info as best you can.
So why now a year later go after the stalker?. seems like when she first died, the family was grieving. Understandable. I'm sure they were living in a daze for several months.

I would suspect that they started seeing videos that were turned over and it had some questionable images on it, the LE probably quit looking for the stalker since M was gone, the family was asking questions and were ignored or brushed aside. Then in July of this year when the ME changed the cause of death to suicide.... that is what did it.

This is all JMO.
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