CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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Sorry, I'm not trying to cause trouble, I'd seriously like an answer to this. I usually post information I have from personal experiences, but I have no formal education in the area. Since my brain has no links I can post (sometimes I wonder if it has links to my mouth), does that mean I can't post anything I know about the drugs in question?

A bit of background I wasn't planning to share: I was once treated for an OD of a tricyclic antidepressent, but it was only about 25 pills. At the time, the doctor and later the staff in the crisis intervention center I was in for a month explained exactly what the pills do and how an OD can affect you even if they don't kill you.

Over the years, I have lost 2 friends to suicide using prescription drugs, and have dealt with several people I'm close to ODing, but not dying. This included my son who took over 60 diphenhydramine a couple different times and was totally messed up for a long time and used other meds at other times (luckily, he has been doing much better the past 5 years) and a friend who OD'd on amitriptyline and a few other meds (but only enough to need observation for a couple days).

Because of my health problems now, I have several medications I have to take every day, and a few years ago I was taking close to 20 prescriptions a day. With every medication I take, I ask my doctor and pharmacist what it does, what kind of side effects it might have, what drugs it might interact with and what happens in I accidentally take too much (I did once accidentally take all of my meds twice one day a few years back, and ended up manic enough to never make the mistake again). I also read all information I get with each prescription (usually about 6 printed pages) and research it online to find whatever information I can.

Too late to make a long story short, but I just want to know if I am allowed to post anything about the drugs or will I just be wasting my time if I do? Thanks.
Yes i think your life experience input is just as valuable, if not more..
Confusion, this is OT but I wanted to say I'm happy to hear that you and your son are doing better. Having dealt with those issues in my own family members, I know that a happy outcome is sometimes not always the case.

OT too
Thanks. I can honestly say today that something good has come from pretty much every bad experience I've had. It's sometimes not easy to see it at the time, but it is there. Sometimes it is nice, though, to occasionally get a few blessings that aren't in disguise! :giggle: Luckily, it does happen.
I'm wondering too why we haven't heard from her friends. I asked awhile back if she was complaining to her friends about the stalker to them or if she wasn't as concerned as her parents.

So far, imo, the stalker hasn't done all that much stalking. Maybe in the beginning but as she's telling it now, there hasn't been much of anything. But when the motion lights are tripped, how do they know it's not just animals?

I wonder about animals triggering the motion lights too. My neighbor has a motion light mounted to the front of his house and every time I turn into my driveway, or walk down my own driveway, it goes on.
I wonder about animals triggering the motion lights too. My neighbor has a motion light mounted to the front of his house and every time I turn into my driveway, or walk down my own driveway, it goes on.

I have a neighbor up the hill who has motion FLOOD lights, and they trigger at anything larger than a ground squirrel.
I've actually seen some places where the detectors weren't set up right and they went off every time a car drove by. I think that would drive me nuts pretty fast, but they left them that way for years. Of course, they also lived in a fairly isolated place.
Sorry, I'm not trying to cause trouble, I'd seriously like an answer to this. I usually post information I have from personal experiences, but I have no formal education in the area. Since my brain has no links I can post (sometimes I wonder if it has links to my mouth), does that mean I can't post anything I know about the drugs in question?

A bit of background I wasn't planning to share: I was once treated for an OD of a tricyclic antidepressent, but it was only about 25 pills. At the time, the doctor and later the staff in the crisis intervention center I was in for a month explained exactly what the pills do and how an OD can affect you even if they don't kill you.

Over the years, I have lost 2 friends to suicide using prescription drugs, and have dealt with several people I'm close to ODing, but not dying. This included my son who took over 60 diphenhydramine a couple different times and was totally messed up for a long time and used other meds at other times (luckily, he has been doing much better the past 5 years) and a friend who OD'd on amitriptyline and a few other meds (but only enough to need observation for a couple days).

Because of my health problems now, I have several medications I have to take every day, and a few years ago I was taking close to 20 prescriptions a day. With every medication I take, I ask my doctor and pharmacist what it does, what kind of side effects it might have, what drugs it might interact with and what happens in I accidentally take too much (I did once accidentally take all of my meds twice one day a few years back, and ended up manic enough to never make the mistake again). I also read all information I get with each prescription (usually about 6 printed pages) and research it online to find whatever information I can.

Too late to make a long story short, but I just want to know if I am allowed to post anything about the drugs or will I just be wasting my time if I do? Thanks.

Everyone is welcome to post about drugs! What we are having a problem with is members posting information that is interpreting data and rendering opinions based on their statements of fact. one must be qualified to make blanket statements about toxicology results.Those kinds of posts just need a link to the information for back up and so members can read it for themselves.

If you want to post about personal experience or link to information you have discovered then absolutely fine.
ok I have been reading so much my eyes are gets really difficult to keep things straight with all the blog comments - people are asking questions and they are being answered so updates could be posted on any day really??????

I went back to the beginning and back in June it was posted that they were planning on making life uneasy for those that didn't do their jobs, then in July the truth is coming out in a big, big way and in August the "others" that helped are being put on a list and will not be forgotten. I can't put my finger on it, but ?? I guess I just don't like the veiled threats, it may end up working against them.

Then in august the picture of the shoeprint....are there others or is that the only one? I don't see tread, looks like a kidney shape to me, there is no name brand etc that I can tell. If there are other pictures of it I haven't see it.

I also noticed a documentary and book deal are in the works and they have a fund where you can make donations. I either had not noticed that when I read the first time or it has been updated since then??? What do they need funding for? This was not for her scholarship to my understanding.

very early on they admit to being terrified yet windows were contantly left open. it's small details like this and the dog walking, the very clear pics of other things yet not the "stalker" etc that my analytical brain cannot reconcile. And I am not talking hindsight here....that would be an initial logical reaction to being stalked....lock every window and door....and close blinds etc.

In this lastest entry she says it is heartbreaking to watch the sheriff on tv say that they have been to the house 50 times and have no evidence of a stalker.....why would he lie on tv? what purpose would he have? I am sure having been dispatched to the same residence over 50 times and coming up empty handed on their part is frustrating.

and it seems now, going back over the comments and the latest post they are getting angrier. I don't know if that is a stage of grief or not, but it can't be good.

in some of her photos I see effects of stress. was it stated why she was only taking a couple classes, was that decided before the "stalking"? This was on their blog:
"This is a picture taken of Morgan 2 weeks before she died. Her mother took her to get her hair cut to try to cheer her up – Morgan was happy to have her make up on and her hair all done, but as you can see she looks gaunt, her eyes look sunken with dark circles under them, and she appears exhausted. Her hairdresser was very upset when she saw her and commented that she thought “this __ __ __ stalker is literally sucking the life out of her.”

Morgan started to lose her appetite and in what became her last week of life, she was so exhausted, and weak that she even missed a few of her ballet classes that she loved so much because she did not feel well enough to go."
which doesn't jive with the whole, perfectly healthy young woman that is stated elsewhere. kids don't tell their parents everything, who knows what was going on in her school life and with friends. Speaking of friends, as others have posted, where are they in all this? They knew of the "stalking" what are their thoughts and why with social media the way it is - we are hearing nothing.....

I also don't understand the comment about asking the powers that be if they could release more photos. They commented they are comitted to tell the entire truth no matter what and no matter what anyone tells them but ? I don't see mention of them filing a lawsuit or anything so I am not sure why pictures they have in their possession couldn't be posted.

Also, I am just not comfortable with the constant blatent accusations with names included...I get they are upset and grieving but this could well damage lives, some of the comments are people who are sleuthing all their social media pages etc....I hope someone contacts these kids and lets them know what is being said so they can take appropriate action.

so they keep alluding to more information coming out...but I am not sure what more evidence they can have, especially in light of the Sheriff saying there was no evidence of a "stalker". Also, some sick person could be reading the blog and think it is funny to mess with them now - ie their trash being taken....
sorry, that was all over the place topic wise - those are just the notes I had taken from reading the blog.....
Grief is a strange and sometimes very long (years) process. Here is a very brief overview:

ETA: I am not implying that this is a reason or an excuse for anyone's behavior, and we are not allowed to discuss any psychological observations, that is not the intention of this post. Just noticed lillygator did not know anger is a stage of grieving, thought I would post the stages. Valuable information for all of us at some point in our lives.
In today's post mom mentions tracks in the snow leading to a certain neighbors house. She said details were coming up, and she didn't give a date. So far, though, I can't find any snow days before December at

I, too, am hoping more information comes out rather than hints that something big is going to be revealed. Mom said she would move faster in her story-telling so people could work the case, but since saying that, she has not given up a single piece of evidence.

Unless some piece of evidence does come up, I don't see the case being reopened. What I do see is a possible lawsuit against the family for naming names without backing it up, which is the last thing they need. Good thing their friend is hooking them up with an attorney.

I suspect the attorney will recommend the family stop posting names and details of the case pending a proper investigation, so we may not have any resolution for a while, folks.
I'm afraid if an attorney gets all the documents, there will be no further investigation. They may speak for themselves. You can challenge the medical and legal (meaning LE's findings) info, but only so far. jmo
Didn't Mom already say that she would never be satisfied with anything less than murder? Maybe I read that wrong, but if so, then it makes me wonder if it is really about the truth at all.
First snow was the day or night after Morgan died. I believe you can find this on the website for Morgan.

I don't know how to link on my phone :-/

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Didn't Mom already say that she would never be satisfied with anything less than murder? Maybe I read that wrong, but if so, then it makes me wonder if it is really about the truth at all.

well if that is the case.....
In today's post mom mentions tracks in the snow leading to a certain neighbors house. She said details were coming up, and she didn't give a date. So far, though, I can't find any snow days before December at

I, too, am hoping more information comes out rather than hints that something big is going to be revealed. Mom said she would move faster in her story-telling so people could work the case, but since saying that, she has not given up a single piece of evidence.

Unless some piece of evidence does come up, I don't see the case being reopened. What I do see is a possible lawsuit against the family for naming names without backing it up, which is the last thing they need. Good thing their friend is hooking them up with an attorney.

I suspect the attorney will recommend the family stop posting names and details of the case pending a proper investigation, so we may not have any resolution for a while, folks.


I really wondered about that too. Isn't that slander?? I obviously don't know the laws AT ALL but that crosses my mind every time a specific name is mentioned.

I also don't understand why everything they know or have "can't" be revealed at this time. Who is stopping her? Is it just their own investigation they're conducting and they are holding things close to the vest for that purpose? Because I know it's not the police working on it and asking them to keep things quiet.

If the whole point of the blog is to get the facts out there so they can receive help, wouldn't it be most beneficial for all of us (meaning the public, because that is who they are reaching out to) to have ALL of the facts?

I'm so confused but I am in no way slamming the parents. I truly do feel for them and I have no idea how I would be handling this situation, so I'm not judging. These are just honest questions I have tumbling around in my puny little brain.
Didn't Mom already say that she would never be satisfied with anything less than murder? Maybe I read that wrong, but if so, then it makes me wonder if it is really about the truth at all.

IMO it should be about the truth no matter what that may be.
Just a FYI for those new to the M story.

Here's some of the friend's post

The blog was opened June 6, 2012. The stalking doesn't start until Aug 2, 2011, which would be Aug 2, 2012 when mom starts the process.

There are almost 3 months of information on the blog before the Aug 2, 2012 date. There is some details and information in those 3 mths. It tells you about M and her friends. Shows pictures of M with her family.

Thanks much for that. I've read everything from August till now but didn't realize there was more before that.
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