Coaster kills boy at 6 Flags Over Georgia

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Teenagers are just idiots.. I am saying this having 4 of them all teens right now. (13, 14, 17,19)
teens are not the brightest bulbs in the light! I am sad for this family... BUT my guess is this teen was prone to acting like this.
I totally agree, Amra!! My teen girl wasn't that bad, but I remember her guy friends at that age. Scary.
This is absolutely so terrible. I love that ride.
I feel so sorry for this boy, his parents, and everyone who had to witness this.
I have a very sensible 14-year-old daughter but some of the guys she knows (but isn't allowed to hang around with)...I could totally see them doing something like this. :(
I in no way blame Six Flags, but this isn't the first time something like this happened...but maybe they should make it harder to get over this fence.
I hate to say it, but put some razor wire on the top or something. There's always gonna be someone who doesn't think the rules apply to them or doesn't see the harm this could do, or just think they can do it without getting hurt.
What an awful tragedy! And no telling how many people witnessed it. My grandchildren have gone there on band trips. I couldn't believe what was written in this report though. It says it wasn't clear whether he died at the scene or lived a while after. Does the person writing this know what decapitated means?,2933,373341,00.html
What an awful tragedy! And no telling how many people witnessed it. My grandchildren have gone there on band trips. I couldn't believe what was written in this report though. It says it wasn't clear whether he died at the scene or lived a while after. Does the person writing this know what decapitated means?,2933,373341,00.html

obviously not. how sad for his family.
What an awful tragedy! And no telling how many people witnessed it. My grandchildren have gone there on band trips. I couldn't believe what was written in this report though. It says it wasn't clear whether he died at the scene or lived a while after. Does the person writing this know what decapitated means?,2933,373341,00.html

I saw that and was appalled.
I don't care how old he was or that he made a foolish mistake. This boy has lost his life in one of the most horrific ways imaginable. My heart goes out to his family who now mourns his loss of life. He never meant for this to happen that is why accidents can happen in a blink of an eye. He just didn't think things through and the price he paid grips my heart with such sadness. We see adults do it to.....not thinking about the dangers of what they may do before they do it.

I pray that the people who witnessed this happen can overcome those indelible images and I pray that the family has a strong faith to hold up under this shattering loss.

Darwinism, at its...most Darwin.
The Darwin Awards will certainly reserve a seat of honor at the end-of-year banquet.

It is awful that he died, and I am saddened by the loss, but what on earth was he thinking would happen? That he'd get on the ride for free?

The park is not to blame. Who neglected to teach him about basic physics? His parents? His teachers? His church?
You the parents yes my heart felt condolensed. But to the 17 years a here is your signYou broke the rules an Barb wire would not help.Had something like this at Great America a few years ago. The Stupid jerk climbed the fences to TOP Gun to get a pair if sunglasses. Same thing and same thoughts.I will lay 100 to 1 odds if he would have aske the ride operator to hold the ride sec somthing fell off they would have.
I used to work for Six Flags -- not this park, though.

There will be a lot of employees who feel the intense pain of this kind of accident. As much I feel for the loss of this family, I also feel for my former fellow employees, who will have a notch of pain now to carry. They work there because they want to be a part of creating family fun, not be a part of family tragedy.

I pray that the people who witnessed this happen can overcome those indelible images and I pray that the family has a strong faith to hold up under this shattering loss.


I feel the same way.
I imagine that people who saw the accident were in shock.

Yes, employees too will feel the pain.
It's tragic all the way around.
I don't care how old he was or that he made a foolish mistake. This boy has lost his life in one of the most horrific ways imaginable. My heart goes out to his family who now mourns his loss of life. He never meant for this to happen that is why accidents can happen in a blink of an eye. He just didn't think things through and the price he paid grips my heart with such sadness. We see adults do it to.....not thinking about the dangers of what they may do before they do it.

I pray that the people who witnessed this happen can overcome those indelible images and I pray that the family has a strong faith to hold up under this shattering loss.


I agree completely.
I know two guys that work there, Im gonna call them right now.

This is terrible, the poor parents.
Im guessing there were witnesses, how horrible.

I know they shut the ride down but the rest of the park remained open for business, this is just my opinion but I think out of resepct for the family the should have closed down the park.
He was 17..I have a almost 17 yo and a 19 yo and I would not think to much about letting them go off in a park by themselves.

I agree, this is just a very tragic accident. Prayers to the family.
Just talked to a guy that works there.
He said he the word is the young man was going to get his hat, he also said he thinks it was a peice of the frame between the cars that hit him. But he said hes not sure but I just thought Id pass it along.

He said everyone is so upset
I know two guys that work there, Im gonna call them right now.

This is terrible, the poor parents.
Im guessing there were witnesses, how horrible.

I know they shut the ride down but the rest of the park remained open for business, this is just my opinion but I think out of resepct for the family the should have closed down the park.

I agree, should have been closed down, or at least that side of the park should have been totally closed and cordoned off.
Tragic. There are 'rules' for a reason. Preventable and very, very, sad. I have rode this very ride a hundred times.

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