CocoaMom's Church Theory

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Good news again! Murt just talked about checking out the church again! He said he just needed to see what he needed to do about that. (Whatever that means...I think it's a good thing that he is not dismissing it like others.)

I hope he is talking about getting permission to search there first (after talking to Cocoa, of course).
so thats why you guys are exited about this location ? because of phycic stuff and dreams? is there anything a little more tangible?

Yes, cell pings, location, isolation, pond in back, lack of security, woods. Another place to search.
why would she dispose of her in a suit case or something where all the evidence would stay intact ? wouldnt she want her exposed to the elements and for bones to be scattered by animals?
THe drainage pond at the church would be dry part of the year woudnt it ? If so wouldnt that be a very poor place to put her ?
Do you kow why leonard is diving at the park ? is he not interested in this church area idea ?
I remember GA saying the stain in the trunk was about the size of a basketball. That isn't very big, but I'm thnking backpack? Sorry for the gross visual this brings. ugh.
I am a GREAT BAKER so name your kind, and I will have it made for you!

In all seriousness, I understand where you are coming from as I feel the same way. I dont knock them for their gift but I am one to be openminded when it makes sense, and so far this theory and all the talk about this area and the descriptions shared all match up to me!

I will eat the pie with you!

I like coffee with my pie, how about you?
It could have been at Lauren's house, but it was during a party/BBQ with lots of other people, including kids.

I know there are other pics. from this day somewhere on WS, just don't know where:)

My point is, let's try not to harshly judge EVERY pic. that we see and instead look at them realistically.

I agree with you. I don't like how some people are judging these photos when they really don't know what the situation in the picture is.
Great Job CocoaMom. If LE won't help, get LP.
It all makes incredible sense.

I remember when I was MUCH younger my hubby and i would go to church parking lots in high school and "hang out" and drink. It was always quiet and nobody bothered us ever. I am probably going to he** for that. God forgive me, I was young!
You married the guy so He's probably ok with
Who took this photo ?

Seriously though..and please dont hate me and throw eggs at me for saying this ... but the way she is holding Caylees hand is not the way someone who hates their child holds their hand...well...not that I know that side of it but that is a loving hand hold...

And yes she is looking down...could have been thinking anything really....

I don't know...

Dont get me wrong I still think she did (accidentally) kill Caylee and then cover it up instead of owing up and telling the truth - which that is horrible in itself - because even if you accidentally killed your child surely you would want that child to be properly laid to rest..

But I just dont see her actions as in like that pic those of someone who hates their child enough to kill them..

Ok I have my riot gear on now - fire away :eek:

Not firing. Sometimes, I see it too. She didn't have to hold her hand at all. She could have grabbed her by the wrist. It is a loving hand hold. That is why this case has me so dumbfounded, for me anyway. I will never understand, no matter what Baez says.
I agree with LI MOM.. I just wanted to help the other poster who was looking for KC in pictures with flip-flops..

To answer your question, IIRC I believe that was taken at the Ovieda house? Someone virtually kick and correct me if I am wrong.. :crazy:
IIRC, JG said on July 16th that he discovered KC had deleted 300 plus pics of her and Caylee. I've always wondered if some of those pics were of the future crime scene. I have not seen those pics. Were they ever released?
Also, this is a good place because it's between home and tonE's place, and she had a continual gas shortage problem.
IIRC, JG said on July 16th that he discovered KC had deleted 300 plus pics of her and Caylee. I've always wondered if some of those pics were of the future crime scene. I have not seen those pics. Were they ever released?
Also, this is a good place because it's between home and tonE's place, and she had a continual gas shortage problem.

she should have had lots of gas money with all she stole from amy. What did she do with all that money?
So was Kc a regular church goer before all this happened?

This theory makes sense if the church was something close to her heart...kc's not your average young christian woman though, KWIM? My guess is that entering a church would make her go into panic mode.
And would she really dispose of a body with God watching? I dunno. I kinda figure that KC knew she had pulled the wool over so many peoples eyes, but she couldnt expect to do the same with God. To do it in his house?....I'm just not sure about this.
Sociopaths seem to have no concern about being judged by people, but they do fear death and the judgement of God.
The other thing is that there is a school on the property, (if i'm looking at the right map). With all those young kids playing, and exploring they could be the ones to discover the skeletal remains....its pretty risky. Kids are always digging things up .
If this is the spot she left caylee, its more reason to loathe her.

Is it an 'always open' church? Does the head of the church reside on the property?
Anyone local want to go hang out in the church carpark overnight, to see if she could have pulled this off? I bet someone will, too, lol.
Kc likes the thrill of pushing it to the limit and then pile on some more, so says her dad, GA.
This makes sense that she would start wearing a cross, I thought it was to say, "I'm as popular as Madonna." but it could easily be pile on some more, slap in the face, hidden in plain sight, you people are so stupid, kinda thing. She likes that little bit of truth mixed in with all the lies. I really think this is a good idea. Kudos to you cocoa.
The picture of Casey walking with Caylee was taken at a house that Amy lived in on Oviedo, Lake Jessup Road in Seminole County. It is a rental and is owned by Troy B. grandparents, Amy’s old roommate. As best as we were able to tell the picture was taken during a gathering of a group of friends and we think it may have been around super bowl Saturday. There was nothing to date the photos but on one there was a plate of cookies or some type of desert and they appeared to be shaped like footballs. We also took into consideration the age of what we think Caylee was at the time and Casey’s hairstyle. There are other pictures that were taken at the same time. The home was put on the market and we looked at pictures that the realtor had on his website and were able to match the wallpaper in the kitchen to another photo that was taken during the same gathering.
The house is nowhere near the location of the church that is being discussed on this thread.
There are two threads that I know of that discussed the Lake Jessup location in great detail. Just do a search for Lake Jessup, Oviedo House or go page by page backwards until you find it if you are interested in more of that discussion

Maybe that's why Caylee has a nerf football. I thought it was a nice
pix, kind of like mom and kiddo walking along feeling a little tired but
happy. I know, only mo. Nite all
she should have had lots of gas money with all she stole from amy. What did she do with all that money?

I am also curious where the $4,000 she ripped off from George on the bank deposit.
Most people think she wasn't into drugs, but I have always believed she was.
I am also curious where the $4,000 she ripped off from George on the bank deposit.
Most people think she wasn't into drugs, but I have always believed she was.

I agree. I believe she was involved in drugs as well. She probably lived off the $4,000 for several months, you know, for her pocket money. If she stole as much as $500 at a time on a few other ocassions, such as from Lee and the time that Lee mentioned she stole from a friend, and the $400 she stole from Amy prior to stealing the checks, and the money she stole off her grandparents, that totals to a good sum of money for someone just to basically run around on. She had no responsibilties: George and Cindy took care of it ALL. That money would have lasted her, and was likely the cause of each subsequent robbery, as she saw the "kitty" growing empty.
Cocoamom, you're a Babe & a Bombshell...jus remember Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History..don't let anyone intimidate you if you have strong feelings about this. Go with your gut!!!!!

Strange you should use that saying. It is one of the ones that I chose for a webpage Just For Girls on my son's band website (which I am perpetually working on and never getting done) and the photo with the saying I took myself. That's cool that we have that in common.

Here is the pic with credit for the author.:)


  • women.jpg
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thanks cocoamom
cocoamom thank you from me too! often pictures are posted that I cant see with webtv,cant open them.The pictures are really something.I wish I lived there we could go together and check it out! I have often thought of a cemetery or a church yard to the extent one would never forget the exact spot that way.Sometimes as time goes by a person can lose track.It is also so overgrown unless a person were searching they'd never find it.

to the WS'ers who got the no entrance message keep trying. The board says that to me also if the server is too busy.Keep trying for the pictures..
Strange you should use that saying. It is one of the ones that I chose for a webpage Just For Girls on my son's band website (which I am perpetually working on and never getting done) and the photo with the saying I took myself. That's cool that we have that in common.

Here is the pic with credit for the author.:)

Well yes it is. It is kind of my friends and my motto for life...or our excuse for behaving badly.:crazy:
Strange you should use that saying. It is one of the ones that I chose for a webpage Just For Girls on my son's band website (which I am perpetually working on and never getting done) and the photo with the saying I took myself. That's cool that we have that in common.

Here is the pic with credit for the author.:)

Weird too. We are music promoters, funny huh?
All I can say about this idea and the pics is WOW. I am pretty freaked out now so time to go take my mind off of thise.I hope soemone can check this out. Id be all over it if i was close enough.:eek:
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